Fan Fiction ❯ Wings ❯ Exploration ( Chapter 6 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Standard Disclaimer: I own nothing referenced in this fic except the ideas for magical tech. And I'm sure that other authors have come up with them as well.
Chapter 6
Riku woke with the sun pooling on the bed. He stretched in the growing warmth, feeling knots slide out of his shoulder muscles. The stone floor was cold against his bare feet as he stood up and walked into the bathroom. He brushed the loose braid out of his hair, feeling the cool touch of lingering damp against his neck. For the first time in ages he felt - relaxed.
He still didn't have any answers though, and it didn't look like he was going to get them directly. Riku wasn't too sure that he liked the other options, but the library seemed to be the safest route. He pulled on a fresh pair of pants and a shirt and headed for the kitchen.
It was apparently earlier than he thought. The castle hallways were dark and the magic-fueled lighting had not kicked in. So much the better. Riku really didn't feel like explaining his “research” to anyone.
After snagging a quick sandwich, he stole down the hallway to the library. The room was dark, but there was a good-sized supply of candle-lanterns near the door. Riku lit one and started edging his way through the stacks. He peered at the spines of the massed volumes in front of him - and realized that not one of them had any meaning to him.
Riku smacked his forehead with his free hand. He should have anticipated that. This wasn't his world. The history here wasn't his. Hell, he wasn't even sure what the current year was, much less how historical dates were reckoned. He grabbed a volume at random and opened it somewhere in the middle.
Not long after the Warriors of Light defeated the pirates in Pravochia, there were reports of them confronting the Dark Elf Astos, who had usurped power by placing the Prince of the Elves into a magic sleep.
As expected, not one of the names was recognizable. He snapped the book shut and stood there for a moment, shoulders shaking with silent laughter.
Riku froze. He lowered the lantern, letting his eyes adjust to the still-dark room. Ocean-blue deepened to midnight as he strained to find the source of the sound.
Much closer now. His dark-adapted eyes caught the faint glow of another candle-lantern. He reshelved the book and set the lantern on a nearby table. He considered calling the Keyblade, but decided to give the other “patron” the benefit of the doubt.
The blonde warrior came around the corner and dropped instantly into a defensive posture. He didn't draw the massive blade on his back, but it was clearly not far from his mind. Riku spread his hands and stepped back, inadvertently coming into the small circle of light shed by the candle-lantern. The blonde relaxed, an expression of dismissive contempt settling over his features.
“Oh, it's just you.”
Riku moved to retrieve his lantern. “Yeah - I was just -“
“Don't care. You give me any other reason to think you're him, and you're gone.” He jerked his thumb over his shoulder, directly at the hilt that spoke louder than his words. He pushed by Riku and strode out of the library.
Riku stared after him. Would he never be able to live down his past? He waited in the flickering dark, giving the blonde a good, long lead on him. While he was pretty sure the Keyblade would give him an edge, Riku certainly didn't want to give him any excuses to start a fight. By the time he decided to leave, the magic-fueled lighting had begun to glow. He glanced back at the shelf and shrugged. He picked up the book he had discarded and headed back to his room.
* * * * * * *
Riku spent most of the day paging through the thick history. He made a brief foray to the kitchen around mid-afternoon and managed to avoid any more confrontations with the other residents of the castle. If his encounter in the library was any indication, staying here could be as bad if not worse than going back to the islands. But still - with that one exception, this was the closest he had come to feeling “accepted.” His eyes drifted towards the closed desk drawer. Maybe sometimes more than acceptance?
A breeze whispered through the room, stirring his hair against his shoulders and riffling the pages of the book. He flipped the pages back to where he had stopped reading, and tried to focus on the words. The third time through, he was able to recall that it was something about a floating tower in the desert. He marked his page and closed the book.
Riku walked out onto the balcony to clear his head. The breeze was still light, merely stirring the air, but it still seemed fresher than the air just inside the archway. He walked to the edge of the lower balcony. From here, he could almost forget the looming, oppressive building behind him. He stared out at the shadow cast on the landscape far below. Soon, even that reminder would be hidden by the blanket of night.
The breeze picked up. Riku shivered, even though the air was still warm from the afternoon sun. He would be here soon. Once the sun was down, and the wind was stronger. To his surprise, Riku felt a certain anticipation as he thought about Sephiroth's impending arrival. He felt a sudden warmth cross his face.
“Right, like he ever does anything like I expect.” He turned and walked back into the room.
Riku glanced at the abandoned book as he walked past the bed and into the bathroom. He wasn't going to get anything else out of it tonight. It wasn't even worth lighting the candle-lantern.
Riku stripped off his clothes and stepped into the shower. He twisted the valve open, relaxing under the spray. It had been a warm day, and he wasn't at all surprised by the comfortable water temperature, but it did leave him wondering what would happen in winter. Assuming he was still here come winter. He pushed that thought away. Winter would take care of itself.
The shower pounded away on Riku's shoulders, gradually loosening some of the tension of the day. After a while, though, he was feeling more waterlogged than relaxed. He shut the valve, and toweled off as he walked back into the main room. He pulled on a pair of gem-bright aqua boxers and wove a quick braid into his hair, still undecided about what to do with the rest of the evening.
He was still wide awake, but the morning's confrontation still nagged at the back of his mind, destroying his focus. Riku found himself wandering between distractions - or rather, potential distractions. The book was reopened and he discarded it within minutes. The drawer with the feather was opened, but he only stared into it. The Keyblade was summoned and dismissed almost as quickly.
Riku wandered back out to the balcony. Only half thinking, he walked up the stairs to the terrace and crossed to the far end. He leaned against the balustrade, staring out at the dark curtain of night. A warm wind curled around him, fanning a few loose strands across his skin. He closed his eyes, forcing the looming castle from his mind. For a long moment, he was floating - completely separated from the echoes of his time with Ansem.
The sound of boot-leather meeting stone intruded on his solitude.
“Still not running?” purred the familiar voice.
Riku's lips twisted at the words that fit the situation so many different ways. “Not even at sword-point,” he replied, opening his eyes to stare out at the night again. He was keenly aware that the winged soldier was at most an arm's length behind him.
“I might remind you that the only blade drawn has been yours.” There was a hint of amusement in Sephiroth's voice.
Riku didn't take the challenge. He sighed, and the wind echoed him. He gripped the balustrade and felt the solidity of the smooth stone seem to spread through his shoulders. The night sky faded from his awareness.
He ran his fingers over the masonry, tracing the edges where brick met stone.
Feather met stone, and stone cracked. Riku drew a long breath as if he'd just discovered air. Long, slender fingers rested lightly on his right shoulder, denying the empty beach. The scent of leather swirled around him. Moonlight hair that was not his own drifted over his shoulder.
“Fledgling,” the silky voice came again, closer now, as Sephiroth's other arm curled around his waist. “We are different from them, you and I. They sense that. They - react to that.”
Riku straightened, releasing the smooth stone rail. His left hand reached up to lightly touch the fingers on his shoulder, confirming their presence. Ebon feathers flared in front of him and the dream-wall faded from sight.
“Can't go back. It's all gone,” Riku's voice was a plaintive whisper.
Sephiroth's fingers slid out from under Riku's, and cupped the younger man's chin, turning his eyes away from the terrace edge. As Riku's focus returned from the dream, he felt Sephiroth's other hand move back across his waist, brushing the front of his shorts and sending an almost electric shock through his spine. His vision blurred, and the warm night suddenly seemed nearly tropical.
Sephiroth's lips curved into a smile as he bent to capture Riku's mouth. Riku responded willingly to the contact, parting his lips to allow Sephiroth entry. As their tongues met, Sephiroth's right hand drifted down Riku's chest to his waistband. Ocean-blue eyes drifted shut as long, agile fingers slid effortlessly beneath the elastic.
Riku moaned softly as Sephiroth began to caress him. His own fingers had traced those same sensitive paths many times before, but this time he had no way of knowing where or when the next touch would fall. His breath caught as that touch sent another flash of heat coursing through him.
Soft feathers brushed his legs and ran gently up his back. Riku pressed closer to Sephiroth, his hands clutching at the reality of soft leather. He felt Sephiroth's fingers curl around him, and the friction changed as his body responded. Riku's hips rocked against the pressure, instinctively seeking release.
Sephiroth's lips left his, and cooler air flooded into his lungs. Riku forced his eyes open and half-focussed on bottomless eyes framed by moonlight hair before skilled fingers drew him closer to the edge of surrender. Silver lashes fluttered closed.
Riku's balance wavered as Sephiroth began to vary the rhythm. Unexpected caresses revealed sensitivities Riku hadn't even considered. Firm strokes brought him almost to the edge, where a lighter touch eased him into another level of arousal. His breathing was quick and ragged as Sephiroth recaptured his lips.
The fantasies from endless nights before formed and shattered on reality. An unrestrained cry escaped Riku's throat, muted only by Sephiroth's mouth on his own. His body stiffened and shuddered as control battled with surrender and lost. Riku's knees buckled, and only Sephiroth's arm around his waist kept him from collapsing on the terrace floor. He was dimly aware of the wetness spreading across the front of his shorts, aqua darkening to teal.
Cool air swept some of the haze from Riku's head. He opened his eyes and met Sephiroth's gaze, trying to decipher the taller man's expression. As he regained his footing, long fingers trailed across his back and Sephiroth stepped away and launched himself skyward.
“Never go back, fledgling. Not while you can still go forward.”
Really Random Author Notes: Yeah, I made Cloud a little un-hero-like here. Not sure if it's OOC, considering the way he huffed at Sora in KH1. Ah well. SephxCloud stuff is a different fandom anywise. ;) If I ever get around to playing FF7, maybe I'll even write some.
I know it seems counter-intuitive, but looking away from the light makes seeing someone in a dark room easier. The light washes out anything in shadow.
A big “Thank you” to my husband for giving me the inspiration for the library book text. Cyber-cookies to anyone who guesses what I'm referencing.
How crazy is this: I'm listening to a Kenny Loggins song on a movie soundtrack, and considering a songfic. I'm seeing pictures. (I'm dooooooomed.)