Fan Fiction ❯ Wishful Hallucinations ❯ Chap. 4 ( Chapter 4 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

`Wishful Hallucinations' Chapter 4

Shokin's POV

Insight into Shokin's asshole ways…hehe I love him

The moon shone through the half clouded sky, smiling down into an open window inside of Hyrule castle. A lone dim figure stood dressing, his fingers getting caught in the holes only twice. The rugged character made his way hastily around the large room, while a second, more slender figure slept in a canopied bed.

The first wandered to a box set upon a polished-cherry vanity. He slowly pulled a drawer and picked an item from it, promptly shoving it into his pocket. Then he bent over the peacefully sleeping princess and pecked her cheek.

To his surprise, the girl's eyes fluttered open. "Shokin, where are you going?"

"I need to leave for a bit, but I will be back, Lovely." He kissed Zelda again, climbed onto the windowsill, and leapt.

Although the window was at least three stories from the ground, Shokin landed gracefully on his bare feet and made his way to Hyrule Castle Town, then towards the Bazaar. He knocked softly on the darkened door. Two, three, one.

Unlocking, the door opened slowly, barely enough to let Shokin slip through.

A burly man stood before him. "Shokin!" The two embraced as old friends would upon seeing each other for the first time in years. "Did you do it?"

The half-breed plopped himself in an easy chair positioned on the right wall. He crossed his legs and started biting his nails.

"Do what?" He looked up at the man with a gaze of false innocence. "Screw her? Yes. Get the ring? Yes also." He reached into his pocket and pulled the object out. The flickerign candle light gleamed off of it as he held it up for the man, a sly smile playing on his lips.

The man chuckled, shaking his head. "I swear Shokin, you're going to get yourself executed."

"Hey! You're the one who wanted the damn thing." Shokin tossed him the ring.

"I meant you can't just go in there and fuck the princess, steal her jewelry and leave." The man clumsily caught the ring and began to examine it. It was pure gold, with a symbol of the Tri-force embedded in it. A tiny emerald played in the middle between the crystal triangles.

"I just did. Besides, Rin, she'd never tell it was I. She loves me, remember?" Shokin went back to his grubby nails.

Rin sighed and set the ring on the table next to him. "So, since you already did it, how was she?"

Shokin laughed. "Terrible, but it was to be expected. A sheltered little princess doesn't usually have much experience in that area." Rin also broke into laughter, his gut jerking up and down.

The younger wiped a tear from his eye, slowly regaining his composure. "So what'd you want with that ring anyway. Surely you can't tell people it's Zelda's?"

Rin also started to come back to normal. "Of course not! But Zelda's or not, emeralds are valuable. She was probably the only woman to own one. You simply can't find them in Hyrule."

Shokin chuckled softly. "No woman to give it to? Why, with your charm Rin, I cannot believe females are not crowding in your bed." The Sheikah burst out, and the shop owner gave a little chortle and shrugged.

"Women aren't a big concern in my life any more. Sure, a whore every now and then, but they're just a product of my main goal." Ran picked up the ring once more and examined the emerald.

"Money?" ventured Shokin, although he knew he had guessed correctly.

Rin smiled. "Do you actually think I'm that shallow?"

"Yes..yes I do." He answered without the slightest hesitation. Their relationship had lasted long enough for Shokin to know how deep this man really was; a puddle. His only loves were money and the whore down the street.

Rin smirked, opened a drawer in a bureau and laid the ring inside. Simple thieving experiences told him he'd have to wait at least a few months before he even attempted to sell the ring. Even his closest customers would turn him in for the reward that was bound to be offered as soon as the ring was discovered missing.

"Well," The boy clapped his hands and jumped to his feet. "if you would excuse me, my good sir, I must see a man about a man." He bowed and, with a sharp crack, disappeared.

* * *

Any moment now. The man looming in a tree peered out over Hyrule field. He had followed his soon-to-be- prize often enough to know he would sooner or later return to the river. Ever since the stalking began, Shokin noticed that he contained a passion for this stream, although Link, himself probably hadn't realized it yet. Shokin loved to watch Link ruefully gaze at the fish, all three of them, who made their home in the beloved river.

Oh yes, Link would surely be his before long. Perhaps not tonight, but very soon.

A distant sound caught the half-breed's ears and disrupted his thoughts. He glanced and saw an ambiguous, brown blemish moving towards him. And it wasn't long before the outlines of the two horses became clear. The larger and more majestic of the two beasts held Link, confident on the horse's back. A younger girl whom Shokin had seen Link talk to, but couldn't quite place her led the second.

OK. . definitely not tonight. What's she doing with him? The two figures were gaining speed, Link in front, laughing and Malon close behind, a look of determination gracing her face. They're racing? Shokin felt a tinge of jealousy. The boy was his, or going to be anyway.

The two came to a halt beneath Shokin's tree, neither of them expecting there were three humans near.

"I so kicked your ass!" Link began gloating, as most do under such circumstances.

"Ever so slightly, my friend, ever so slightly." Malon smiled, but she knew Epona could out run any other horse in her ranch by far and Link had taken it easy on her. It had just been a quick trot for the mare.

Link nodded in a somewhat sarcastic manner and slid off the horse, Malon doing the same. They cast away their shoes and waded into the refreshing river.

The boy in the tree tittered. How trivial his target's little joys in life, it made him all the more appealing. But not like Zelda, no. This one could be different…no of course he couldn't. Shokin would end up crushing the Hylian's heart, if not exterminating it beyond all recognition, just like the others.

He gave a silent laugh at the ridiculous thought that any human could ever harbor anything but lust for him and vice versa. Neither Malon nor Link heard him jump out of his post, land softly and dash away.

* * *

A low growl rumbled from inside of Shokin's stomach. Alright, alright. He meandered over to the General Store. "Grand Opening' said the sign in the window. Well if they're so grand, they won't mind feeding a poor homeless boy.

A petite woman stood behind the counter, her brown hair pulled into a tight bun with a few fly aways poking in all directions. She was busy with an ornery looking woman, but when she heard the tiny chime from the bell the door had hit, she looked up.

"Welcome. My name is Mina. Let me know if there's anything I can help you with." She smiled at the strangely attractive boy standing in the middle of her father's store perhaps a little longer then she should have.

"No. You will finish what you started with me. Now where is your sugar?"

Mina gave an exasperated sigh and went back to the woman. Shokin laughed. He knew that look Mina had given him. Identical to Zelda's and Link's when they had first laid eyes upon him. He turned and preoccupied himself by glancing at the labels of the various products.

After about ten minutes, the door slammed shut and the woman was gone. Shokin looked at Mina and gave his most childlike, or sultry, smile.

"Hello, Mina? Was it? I have a favor to ask." He walked up to the counter

"Sure. What can I help you with?" Mina turned a deep crimson but kept her eye contact. Eventhough she looked to be about eighteen and therefore two years older, she was obviously engrossed in his violet eyes and striking blonde hair.

"I have a few things here my mother asked me to pick up on my way home and I seem to be a few rupees short." He pulled out a coin purse, as if needing to convince the girl and showed her the empty inside. "So I was wondering if I could start a credit here. I promise I will return to pay."

Mina bit her lip. "Um.. It's not really my say, and my father's out. But, I can probably get you in good with him." She pulled out a pad of paper and a writing utensil. "I just need your name and you can leave with your food, but you need to promise to come back, k?" She winked at him and twirled the loose fly-aways in her index finger.

Shokin smiled, "Promise," he said, "Jeorge Vint." He placed his hands upon the counter and leaned and kissed Mina's lips. Then turned and walked out.

Just another promise to be broken. Shokin thought as he broke into his bread.