Fan Fiction ❯ Zodiac War ❯ The Coup ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Zodiac War

Chapter I: The Coup

Circa 3046 NSE (New Space Era). At planet Sagittarii, capital of the Archer Empire, unrest have occurred after the Emperor Remulla chose to turn over planet Scuti to the Eagle Empire to avoid an unnecessary war. Momentarily in a secret bunker over the Velasco Commission two figures discuss the recent events that have unfolded. "Those SAs did a fine job in stirring the people, sub-general!" "No, not exactly my lord. They only helped in bringing out what the people really felt inside. The Emperor has made a critical mistake in thinking that the masses would actually be in favor of giving Mapua without much of a struggle in exchange for peace. The people of our empire would rather fight and die than give in to our long time nemesis." "Yes. That is most certainly true. Now I think you should proceed to the next phase, Sub-General Maximillia." "Yes my lord. And soon…the true glory that was supposed to have been ours long ago, shall finally be realized." "Yes. It shall."

* * * *

Gokongwei Duchy, at the Commission Headquarters. Commissioner Jessica, presiding officer over the duchy, have called for an emergency meeting regarding the recent unrest that are occurring not just in their duchy but throughout the capital world. With her are: Patrick, deputy commissioner of the duchy. Kaye, chief intelligence officer. Zenith, chief of commission security force. Capt. Edgar and Capt. Neil of the local civil guard units. "Alright Kaye, give us a status report of the situation here in Gokongwei." "Yes ma'am, as you all know, mass rallies are taking place throughout the duchy. The people are dissatisfied with the Emperor's directive to give up Scuti without much of struggle. But, according to our SpRInt Runners, there seems to be several shadow figures working behind the scenes. Their purpose is as yet unknown." "What do you think Patrick?" "These shadow figures is most likely the cause why the people are taking to the streets. But it is, as Kaye said, to early to tell why they're doing this and for what purpose if any." "More likely, they're here to cause panic and confusion." "What do you mean Neil?" "There are people who make a living like that." "I think its much more than a labor union rallyist, Neil." "Hey who knows?" "Cut the crap Neil, Patrick. How's the security status Zenith?" "We can barely contain the unrest Jessica. As you can see, the rallyist have my security forces out-numbered 50 to 1. And not just that, we have too few men to be at many places at anytime. So we concentrated much of our forces in the more sensitive areas of Gokongwei." "Well, we have our work cut out for us." "Jessica?" "The Sovereign Congress has given an ultimatum to all Commissions to bring an end to all unrest one week before the Emperor's birthday. Otherwise, they will ask the military to take care of the matter." "WHAT!?! The military would be too brutal in enforcing order, it might cause even more unrest." "I know. That's why we must try at least, here in Gokongwei, to bring an end to the unrest. Kaye, I want you to further your investigation over these shadow figures. Pass any information to Zenith, Edgar or Neil that may help them bring down the unrest. Patrick, try allocate as much resource as we can to aide our security forces. Okay people we got our work cut out for us! Try your best to accomplish them!" "Yes ma'am!"

* * * *

Eagle NEST Military High Command, planet Aquilae capital of the Eagle Empire. "So Katasa, how goes the withdrawal of the Archer imperial forces from Scuti?" "Withdrawal has been significantly delayed general, mainly due to the recent civil unrest occurring within the Sagittarii Imperial Capital." "I half suspected that their people would be against the draft but never to the point of a mass civil unrest. Anyway, Katasa, have your forces on the ready, as soon as the Archer Sovereign Council passes jurisdiction to us of Scuti, we need to implement an immediate police protocol to prevent any mass rallies that may occur." "Yes, sir. By your leave then Gen. Shio." The young officer took her leave and left the general's office to prepare the occupation forces for the soon to be Eagle Empire Dominion world of Scuti. Gen. Shio, commander of the Eagle Empire Falcon Fleet, was left contemplating the situation on the Archer capital world. "It is a very volatile situation. I fear…no I mustn't be pessimistic. War should not be a solution…but still…."

* * * *

One week has pass since the Archer Sovereign Council passed the ultimatum for all the Commissions to bring down the unrest. Now under directive from the ASC, the military has began to mobilize to help end the two-week-old civil unrest. "Any news to report Zenith?" "Yes ma'am. Eight royal marine detachments are being sent to us here in Gokongwei to help handle the civil unrest. It's under the command of a Vice Colonel Olivia Anderson." "I see. Edgar how's the situation at Basilec?" "Our civil units have control of the situation. Much of the rallyists have been dispersed." "That leaves only Comorga Region, Neil once Col. Anderson arrives, I want you to coordinate with her and end this shenanigan at Comorga." "Yes ma'am." "Patrick, let's have a look at that repost on those shadow figures again…."

"Vice Col. Anderson reporting by directive of the ASC." "I am Capt. Neil Yu, welcome to the Gokongwei Duchy." "What's the hot spots here captain?" "All but one hotspot remains. It's at Comorga Region. Have your men rest first colonel, we'll leave for Comorga as soon as the preparations are complete." "Take your time captain. Take your time."

"Are everything in place Maximillia?" "Yes my lord. Our troops have been deployed to all key areas including ASC, Imperial LS Palace, and all Commission HQs." "Then, the time has come. Begin the operation."

"WHAT? Are you sure? These shadow figures are the Stealth Assassins, as in, the military's special ops unit…then all this trouble…quick call Neil and Edgar here." "That won't be necessary Commissioner Jessica." "You…you are that colonel the military sent here aren't you?" "Yes. That's who I am. I have placed your two captains under arrest." "Zenith call Gen. Reufer now." "I don't think he's much help to you commissioner! You see, most of the senior officers are now placed under arrest, even Supreme Commander Khalgere. Sub-general Maximillia is now the military's Supreme Commander." "My goodness…this is a coup."

"All seems well, Maximillia. How goes with the ASC and LS Palace?" "The majority of the council members were at the ASC and have been captured. We encountered several resistance at a few commissions but were immediately put down my lord." "Excuse me, ma'am." "Yes, what is it Alicia?" "We just got word that the emperor has eluded our troops and has escaped the planet." "WHAT?! Call the defense fleet search all sectors…." "Wait Maximillia! It is of no concern that the emperor has escaped so long as we have the majority of the council. Prepare the next phase." "Yes my lord, understood. Connect me to all airwaves." "Yes ma'am!" "This is Maximillia Howard, the new Supreme Commander of the Archer Imperial Forces…."