Fan Fiction ❯ Zodiac War ❯ Ashes ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter II: Ashes

"…And as ASC Speaker, by vote of an overwhelming majority of member delegates, we hereby acknowledge the fact that Emperor Remulla has acted not in the interest of the Archer Empire. We thereby enacted article 3-B7. Emperor Remulla is now deposed and no longer holds…." The screen goes black as Katasa looks anxiously at Gen. Shio. "What do we do now general?" "I always felt something dreadful might happen at Archer Empire…but never did I imagine this…the ASC is but a puppet now of the military, hiding behind an illusional legitimacy." "How far do you think will these people go general?" "How far do you think people with ambitions will go Katasa? You should know that there are people within our own ranks who would like to topple our government and impose a junta. I just hope…hope that these people behind this coup will stop at just this…nonetheless, Katasa!" "Yes general, what is it?" "Cancel the fleet's deployment at Scuti. With things going on like that at Sagittarii, it would be better to avoid any actions that may provoke the already volatile situation." "What about the House of Lords react to that?" "I'll deal with them myself. With things going on like that, they may concede to my point." Katasa, still glooming with anxiety, looks over to the general. "Understood, general."

* * * *

Soon after the Archerian military succeeded in its' coup, the mass unrest has been put down. The emperor has been dethroned and now lives exiled at planet Coronae, one of the three core-worlds of the United Principalities. A temporary, revolutionary government has taken the reigns of authority until a new government is established. The ASC is now dissolved, unknown to the public, its' member delegates were put into house arrest. All power now laid within the newly formed Military Sovereign Council, headed by now Supreme Commander Maximillia Howard, formerly a sub-general in the Imperial Army.

"All duchies now under control ma'am. All rebel factors are now eliminated. Though several loyalist troops, mostly of Commission origins, followed the emperor to UP." "I'll take that into consideration Fresca. Alicia how goes the R&D on those new space warships? "It has now reached third phase ma'am. All we need to do is build and test the prototype." "Olivia how's the situation over the annexed planets?" "I've doubled the current garrison force on Scuti, with the help from Adm. Alicia, the planet is very much under control. Besides the Mapua Principality gave an all out support, publicly to the MSC." "I see. So those bureaucrats are trying to get to our good side eh?" "Now, now Rebecca, you should know that the people of Scuti would rather side with us than with the Eagle." "Planet Scuti of the Mapua Principality…." "Ma'am?" "That planet is our only foothold at Caleon Sector. The Eagle wants that planet off our hands so they can remove our presence from the sector, but with these recent turn of events, even their House of Lords would try and keep their hands off the subject until things cool down here. Continue Olivia with the report." "Yes, ma'am. Planet Cassiopeiae of Scholastica Queendom and planet Mensae of the Benilde Federation remains loyal to the Dominion. Queen Genevieve XII has sent word she would be visiting here for formal talks. Federation President Walter will be arriving three days after Queen Genevieve."

Command of all the imperial fleet now fell to Adm. Alicia. Gen. Olivia now commands all the imperial ground forces. Gen. Fresca is the commanding officer of the Protocol Enforcement Police. And Adm. Rebecca is the commanding officer of all military special operation forces.

* * * *

"Commissioner Jessica! Welcome to Coronae!" "Thank you Consul Kyleen. How's Emperor Remulla?" "He's fine. Don't worry, president Llopord has assured his safety and has even assigned our best men to help protect the emperor." "That's good to hear!" "Please, you must be exhausted after all what has happened. Follow me to your rooms." "Yes, thank you very much. Zenith, Patrick, Kaye grab our gear." Jessica, along with the other commissioners, was placed under arrest by the military. On the way to the LS palace, several commission troops, who eluded capture, ambushed the shuttle transport and rescued Jessica and her staff. In the four space shuttles that tried to leave the planet, only two arrived at Coronae. The Imperial Defense Fleet shot down the other two shuttles; along with those casualties were Capt. Edgar and Capt. Neil.

"Damn that Maximillia!" Zenith shouted in anger, his fist clutched. "She planned all these. And we were fools not to realize it sooner. Neil and Edgar…they needn't die…." "Don't you think it's strange?" "What do you mean Kaye?" "Things went accordingly so well for Maximillia. To think of it, she was only a sub-general level3. She couldn't have pull that entire coup by herself with that limited influence." Jessica now ponders this new possible thought. "So, you're saying, Maximillia is just…." "A cover. By someone else pulling the strings. A certain someone who, cannot disclose him or her, self yet, who needs a solid figure to guide the empire to what that person is scheming for." "Hmmm… by the way, what's the status of the SprInt Runners?" "Not good, no, worse. All of our Runners within the military were caught and executed. I don't know how they knew were they were and who they were, it seems that their counter-intelligence is very keen." "Damn it. We're blind to what's going in within the Dominion." "I guess we'll just have to rely on UP intelligence for the time being."

* * * *

"So, has Maximillia moved to the next phase?" "Not yet my lord. She's still putting together the necessary infrastructure to support the new government. But do not fret sir, all will be in readiness soon."