Final Fantasy - All Series Fan Fiction / Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ A People's Sin in Her Story ❯ The Cell Games: Enter Sephiroth ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]


chapter 3

First off, sorry for taking such a long time with updating, I was really busy, still am, but oh wellz. Man, I had like the worst case of writer's block! I sat here for two days straight just to produce this, man I suck! I got stuck like with every few sentences. Ok, anywayz, thanks a bunch to those that reviewed my story, good or bad, idk, at least people read

The Cell Games: Enter Sephiroth

Disclaimer: Look, don't make me say it sooo many times. The poor girl can only take that much truth once in a while... And for the last time (at least until I post up the next chapter) ff7 and Sephy-sama does not, and will most likely never be mine!!!!! ~runs off to cry~

~comes back~ Did I mention that I don't own DBZ either? Well I don't! If you want it, then go buy it off of Bird Studio/Shueisha, Toei Animation. -.-

Fluttering leaves bound to the earth,

Whisked away by the wind from birth.

To you I shall come.

Let the wind be my guide,

Lead me to where my angel of Holy reside.

Through a bloodbath stirred by artificial green,

My merciless Masamune will retain it's sheen.

South this wind command,

To you I demand.

Let the wind be my guide,

Lead me to where my angel of Holy reside.

The swoosh of leather brushed against leather could be heard from a ways across the stretch of what seemed unlimited miles of desert land. Foot prints reaching nearly a foot in length were found marred into the dry and cracked dirt, but disappeared just as quickly with the onslaught of rebellious dust. Under the angered star of the solar system, a mirage like image of a lone figure could be spotted.

Snow that had once covered the lone warrior clad in black and silver traveling through a wasted land, had long since melted and made away with the heat of the sun. South he proceeded completely undisturbed by the blowing dust storms and extreme heat. Silver hair of a generous length led the way as the southward bound wind mingled the knotless strands.

With the wind pressing him forward, his task bore itself even deeper in his countless thoughts. Although the towering man of slender build and bulky shoulder pads was at lost himself of how to complete such a task, it was clear that he had better first to locate the one that his image or rather clone once wronged. Whatever came next will surely be anything but easy, however, failure was not option. One can only fail so many times... And this will prove to be the last chance of redemption for someone with hands soiled with blood and a blade bathed in the agony of others, yet remained unstained with flowing red from the quickness of the wielder, such as he.

Glancing down at his trembling hands concealed by black gloves, a recollection of a burning village flashed through his fragile mind. Thankfully, it was mended by the planet and the same one whom his clone ruthlessly plundered through with Masamune, his legendary weapon of choice, pursuing the ambitions of an ancient alien of a long time past. The body that he now possess is also a token from the planet granted that he fulfills his end of the bargain; protect the half ancient that he had kept company over the course of a millennia, sounds simple... But if it was, then why would the Planet go as far as resurrecting one of incredible destruction, Sephiroth?

Yes, the almighty General of Shinra, Sephiroth, The same name that had once brought armies down, conquered countries, sped the beating of females' heart, and struck fear in the hearts of many if not all. And to think... He was murdered by a low ranking teenage Soldier, a spiky blond for that matter, on that unfaithful day. It was, without a doubt, a stoke of luck that the young boy was able to ram his second-in-command's buster sword through his mid section and tossed him down the bridge.

Green eyes infused with Mako slanted a bit from the recollection. It was without a question that he was angered about his moment of insanity, which ultimately brought upon his end. But the boy, Cloud was it? He was merely a teenager that didn't even come close to the power that he possessed, and to have killed him with Zack's buster sword? Sephiroth shook his head in anger clenching his fists in a fit of outrage. It was preposterous! Absurd! Illogical! It was...

"Right..." Sephiroth whispered surprised at himself. Fists that were clenched a moment ago were now holding the sides of his head.

Slightly slanted green eyes wide open now, but without as much luminous as before, "How... How... could I have... think that?" He asked himself in an incredulous tone. "Cloud merely avenged his hometown, I... I...

"NO!" Sephiroth growled as he fell to his knees, hands still tightly clutched to his head entangling his wind blown silver mane. After all this time, why, he thought to himself, do I still feel this way? "Why? Why? WHY?" He demanded from no one in particular. Already his eyes glazed over with sadness and anger staring blankly at the ground.

A half sinister, half heartbreaking grin appeared over his handsome features, "Simple, you're a murderous bastard! You slaughtered his whole village and expected him to spare you?" Sephiroth accused himself in a maniacal manner. "I did, didn't I? Oh yes of course, silly me to have forgotten. It was with this," he unsheathed the legendary Masamune, a total of nine feet in length with a width barely exceeding two inches, while he kept his head bowed and hidden under his hair. "Wasn't it?" He asked Masamune with glazed over eyes and a lopsided grin.

As he turned Masamune over to examine it, the sun's rays reflected off of the sheen blade catching his preoccupied eyes. Suddenly muscles that were scrunched were relieved of the tension and his eyes regained what sanity that was left of the former General. Blinking several times, Sephiroth gasped as realization of his actions became clear to him.

"What is wrong with me?" He said in between gasps of air. It was like drowning, your sanity boarding on a thin line, just as your consciousness is when you run out of air. Struggling for air, Sephiroth dropped Masamune on the dust covered ground only to clutch his trench coat ever so tightly around his well sculpted bare chest. Under the throbbing sun, he remained doubled over in a fit of spasm for breath whilst dust collected around him and attempted to bury his Masamune.

Suddenly a thought occurred to him. How much time had he already wasted in his meaningless thoughts? She was still waiting for him and others will surely try to get to her first, but that didn't mean they harbored good intentions. Her, yes her, I must find her, he thought. Another recollection attacked him, however, this one was one of him with sanity comforting a tortured soul.

"Aeris," Sephiroth whispered the enchanting name to the wind. "Hold on, I will be with you shortly. In the mean time, please be fine," he pleaded to what he hope was the poor girl lost in the torturous sins of others. Reaching out to the hot air, he envisioned the pained face of his companion for the last decade of centuries.

With no warning, an explosion of great energy erupted nearby bringing the kneeling man out of his reverie. On instinct, Sephiroth picked up his Masamune and made a dash for the cause of the disruption without hesitant. The least he could do was try to save others, for she would want it that way. No matter how many lives that he should save, he would still be a sinned and much hated man for those that he had brought death upon.


Over a vast area of destroyed desert land, a crumpled white arena stood in the center of it all. Down below stood the horrific creation of Dr. Gero, the leader of the former Red Ribbon Army who had transformed himself into a life sucking android, but was betrayed by his own creations. A mixture of cells from different powerful beings comes the bio-android bent on destruction. From Piccolo's regenerating powers, to the super strength of the Saiyan-jins, Cell is by far Dr. Gero's most powerful creation.

Unknown to the Planet are the Z fighters, the last line of defense against evil on earth for the last twenty some years. Among them are a the bulky Saiyan-jins, the most powerful warriors in the universe, a Namekian, and other human fighters who have developed special abilities. At present, Cell has spawned eight blue miniature replicas of himself, and things aren't looking up for the Z fighters.

"Goku!" Kuririn, one of the shorter and bald Z fighters, cried. The super saiyan jin that had taken on Cell earlier was being pummeled by one of the blue dwarfed, but nonetheless giant looking insect. "Distructo Disk!" A disk of bright yellow flew across the wasted land to severe the creature's hold on the bloodied warrior. Kurinrin coming to the aid of his pal since child hood, was knocked down by another one of the horrific spawns of Cell leaving the spiky dark haired Saiyan-jin to fend for himself.

On the other side, over a demolished mesa, the three-eyed, bald Tenshinhan and his doll-like friend Chaozu were facing an aerial attack from two of the little monsters. Doing very poorly with merely defense, Tenshinhan decided to bring out his more powerful attacks. Positioning both hands in front of his face forming a triangle, "Tri Beam!" Tenshinhan screamed, releasing his most powerful energy strike. The miniature replica of the horrific green winged beast fell back, but recovered just as quickly.

"Oh no! Tenshinhan watch ou-" but before Chaozu could finish, the fist of his opponent collided with his pale face.

Having an even harder time was Yamcha, the weaker human with a X like scar across his cheek. Like his friends, he was getting just as bad a beating from one of the spawns, however, his defense was less impressive.

The Z warriors that had a chance against the creatures were the Saiyan-jins and Namekian. Vegeta, the prince of all Saiyan-jins, and his future son, Trunks, a half Saiyan-jin, were holding their own. Since the start of battle, both had transformed to Super Saiyans, changing their eyes to aqua blue and hair of a spikier blond genre, while amplifying their strength and speed. Piccolo, the tall green Super Namekian warrior wasn't doing as good, but faired better than the other Z fighters.

Meanwhile, a group of news reporters, camera man, and a bunch of martial artist "heroes", namely Mr. Satan, the champion of the World's Martial Arts Tournament looked on with drooping jaws. Had any of the Z fighters partook in the tournament, the huge jawed man with a big afro would of surely failed to become the champion. Through all of the flying, energy blasts, and blood being spilled, Mr. Satan claimed it all to be a trick. Surely the world didn't buy his phony lies. Wrong. Most of the population believed the fool and revered him as the biggest hero of all times. Correct me if I'm wrong, but do the term hero apply to that of a lying coward?

Warned more than once, the posse still did not leave the zone of danger. With a broken mic, the male news reporter still didn't give up on the story of the century. Along with the reporter, was his camera man whom was experiencing difficulties filming the fight. Cheering Mr. Satan on was a blond girl in a skimpy red outfit, a fat guy with a more than generous amount of fat showing, and a very conceited blond male. All were his students, and all didn't know better. To have been tossed around and injured from the energy waves sent out from the battles, they still remained in a trench watching.

Also created by Dr. Gero is the kind hearted android Sixteen. After having his body of green and black armor demolished by Cell, all that remained was his punk styled head. To think, the one who saved the group of foolish humans was in an even worst condition than the fools. Still the group looked on while Sixteen's head rolled their way.

Through all of this, a half Saiyan-jin, eleven years of age watched on with tear stained eyes in the grip of Cell. Echoing through his young mind was nothing but blames on himself. He felt at fault for the Z fighters' current state. Had he not reveal his secret to Cell, Cell wouldn't be trying to hurt his friends and family in order to provoke him and awaken his nearly uncontrollable powers. Growing frustrated, Cell's grip on him tightened.

"Listen kid, show me you powers now! Or do someone have to die first?" Cell mocked the boy in his grasp by the collar.

"No stop it! Stop it, leave them alone!" The eleven year old turned Super Saiyan cried. How could his father put so much faith in him, repeated through his mind. It was simply too much, and Cell too powerful.

The green bio android was rapidly losing his patience; taking more drastic measures, "Kill them!" he commanded his replicas. Sure enough the little beasts began an even harsher onslaught. At this point, Goku, the boy's father, was drenched in his own blood, bruises could be seen where his clothes were torn, and blood spewed from his opened mouth while the mini Cell slammed him into the ground. The other Z fighters were also being pummeled, but none nearly as bad as Goku.

"Father!!!" The young boy, who was mistaken to be a delivery boy earlier, cried out to his father in pain and anger.

"Gohan! You have to fight, just remember the training." Piccolo, his first master, shouted back at the crying Super Saiyin-jin.

The group comprised of foolish humans were terrified even more so now. Mr. Satan himself was shaking with fear. Not surprisingly, he blamed his absence from the action due to a stomach ache, so as to not get involved in the fight. By now, the head of the former android Sixteen was pleading to one of the members in the trench to toss him over to Gohan. Someone had to talk to him, Gohan was too afraid to unleash his power, but the Z fighters were about to meet their doom.

"Please, you have to take me to Gohan, toss me if you must." Android Sixteen continued to plead to Mr. Satan. Again, another act of cowardice was displayed from the big "Champ". Shaking his head rapidly from side to side, he denied the android's request. Meanwhile the group of people with Mr. Satan supported him for fear of his well being.

"So, Gohan, who shall we kill first?" Cell asked with a mocking grin. Pointing to the fighting Piccolo, "How about your master? Or maybe, short and baldy over there?". Fresh new tears of frustration and anger spilled from Gohan's eyes. "No????" Cell continue in his game. "Then how about your father over there, my replicas will make it as painful as possible for him." Cell motioned for his spawns to move in for the kill.

"NOOOOO!!! Leave my father alone!" Gohan struggled through Cell's powerful grip that was no doubt thanks to the Saiyin-jin cells from Goku and Vegeta, whom Dr. Gero had collected. "Stop it now!" Tears continued to stream down the angered boy's face as Cell laughed in his sinister yet mocking way.

"Let him go," a low, yet demanding voice hissed in a deadly manner.

Every head turned towards the owner of the voice, even the replicas stopped their brutal treatments to look the other way. Standing before the dust and fighters was a tall man of slender, yet muscular build, with unusually long silver hair, clad in black leather, wielding a blade even more impressing than Mirai Trunks' sword. His entrance gave a moment of silence in which only the wind could be heard. Dust blew across his well kept black knee length boots while his silver strands played with the wind, creating a image that looked almost surreal.

"Oh my! What a hunk!" The skimpy blond in red declared with dreamy eyes. Her companions, however, namely the conceited "pretty boy" didn't look too happy with the new development.

While attention was diverted to the stranger in black, Piccolo flew over to Goku, his once long time rival. Though that had been resolved with the arrival of Raditz, and truth about Goku's past revealed.

Raising a green brow, "Are you demanding, that I, the greatest warrior alive, let go of this boy?" Cell asked in mocking tone barely concealing his anger while the man remained silent, head somewhat bowed hiding his eyes.

After what seemed an eternity, the object of everyone's attention lifted his face revealing eyes of glowing jade.

"You heard me, I don't repeat myself, so if you know what's good for you, release the boy and leave those people be," he commanded in his calm leader-like voice, eyes boring into Cell.

His hauntingly glowing green eyes might of surprised Cell some, but he did well to conceal it. "Do you not know who you are speaking to, girly?" Cell asked laughing loudly in his unsurprisingly mocking way, "By the way, nice hair," Cell continued to kid the enigma before them.

"I am nobody's girl. I don't need to know your name, the only name you need to know is Sephiroth..." Sephiroth hissed with unconcealed anger in his eyes.


So what do you guys think? Well I know that part with the DBZ was sucky, but hey! I'm more of an essay writer, so don't blame me! Plus I don't have perfect memory of the Cell games, but at least I spelled their names correctly. But hey, the cell games don't have to be exactly accurate, cause it's my style so ha!!! Isn't it just great though? I mean Sephy sama has made it to the Cell games. ^_^ But what comes next, tune in for the next chapter! Pairings are still unclear, so cast your votes! But before I go, if you don't like Sephy, I don't care, I like writing about him, course Vinny too, and Cloud will be in this eventually. R&R please!