Final Fantasy - All Series Fan Fiction / Fan Fiction ❯ Memories Unseen ❯ where am i? ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: I do not own Final Fantasy or Kingdom hearts' characters I only own me and my characters!

Chapter 1

Darkness engulfed her body, her breathing quickened as she ran through the abyss… her memories began to fade… she was alone… the dam broke… she sat down wiping tears away from her tanned cheeks… her black and blue waist length hair was down and covered her face… Her silver-blue eyes shut tight… she pressed her forehead to her knees and wrapped her arms around her shaking legs… her necklace of the moon began to glow… she opened her eyes to find herself no longer in darkness and in a town instead…

She stood up dusting off her faded blue jeans and black off the shoulder top. She wiped the last of her tears away as she walked out of the alleyway she found herself in. `Where am I?' she thought as she looked at her surroundings and accidentally bumped into somebody.

"I'm so sorry!" She said as she turned around to meet a boy with big sapphire eyes.

"It's ok!" He said cheerfully, dusting him self off. He was a little taller than her and had cinnamon brown hair that spiked every which way. He wore black shorts, a red shirt, a chain went from his belt to his back pocket with a crown design, and he wore a necklace with a crown charm attached to it. "My name's Sora."

He extended his gloved hand to her. "My name is…" She said trying to remember. `What is my name?'


"Rynna run!" Her brother yelled unsheathing his sword as a black creature approached them. "Now!"

"I won't leave you!" She shouted trying to pull away from the grip around her wrist.

-End flashback-

"Rynna." She said taking his hand and shaking it. "My name's Rynna."

"Rynna, that's a nice name." Sora said as his eyes filled with joy from finding a new friend. "Hey come with me to meet the gang."

"The gang?" Rynna said as Sora pulled her to the second district of Traverse Town.


As Sora and Rynna entered a light blue house a very pretty girl with short black hair and beautiful lavender eyes ran towards them. She wore a tight green shirt, tan shorts and a belt that held what looked like shurikens.

"Hey Sora!" She said cheerfully. "Who's your friend?"

"Oh this is Rynna!" Sora said putting his hand on Rynna's shoulder.

"Hi Rynna! I'm the-"

"Great Ninja Yuffie." Another girl said cutting off her friend. "And I'm Kairi."

Kairi had misty blue eyes and short magenta colored hair; she wore a white tank top and a purple skirt with black shorts under. Her smile was so warm and comforting you could immediately tell she was a nice person.

"Hey!" Yuffie whined. "I was supposed to say that Kairi!"

Everyone laughed and walked into the front room where Rynna saw two more people sitting on the couches watching the tube. (The tube is a television if you didn't know) One was a spiky blonde who's hair was almost as messy as Sora's, he had mako blue eyes that had a strange glow and tan skin, he wore a purple sleeveless turtleneck shirt that clung to his chest and loose black pants. He also had gold claws on one of his hands and a black wing coming out of the opposite shoulder. The other had brown hair that went down to his shoulders in layers; he had stormy blue eyes, very tan skin and a scar that went from above his right eye to under his left. He wore black leather pants, a leather jacket and a white shirt that clung to his chest.

"Hey Cloud, Squall!" Sora said jumping onto the couch and Kairi and Yuffie quickly following. "This is Rynna!"

"Hi" Rynna said shyly taking a seat on the floor.

"I'm Leon." The leather clad brunette said his stormy eyes searching Rynna. "What's wrong? We don't bite… hard."

"And I'm Cloud." The spiky blonde said. "Don't mind Leon. He's the asshole around here."

Rynna gave a faint smile taking a seat between Yuffie and Kairi as Cloud laughed at Leon.

"Oh I'm sorry Cloud!" Leon retorted. "I didn't mean to take your job!"

They both stood up, Cloud drawing his buster sword and Leon his gun blade. "You want to start something Leon?"

"Only if you want to Strife!" Leon said positioning himself as everyone sat still and watched them.

"It's on!" Cloud said lunging at Leon who was doing the same.

Leon and Cloud grew closer and closer but were stopped as two swords stopped each of their blades inches from each other. Everyone stared wide eyed as Rynna lowered her two blades from the buster sword and gun blade. Her swords were black but had their own glow, one silver and one blue. Her appearance changed as she sat down. She now had little black ears on her head and claws.

"What…" Cloud said lowering his buster sword.

"Happened?" Leon finished for him. "How did you do that?"

"I don't know." Rynna said as her swords disappeared and her claws faded away. "I don't really know how I did that."

"What are those?" Yuffie said as Rynna sat next to her. "They moved!"

"Huh?" Rynna said moving her hands up to her head.

Rynna placed her hands on two little fluffy ears that were now on her head and held her hands there.

"What is it?" Yuffie said pulling at her hands as everyone crowded around Rynna. "Let me see! Please?"

"If you promise not to laugh!" Rynna said dropping her hands.

"Oh their soo0o0o cute!" Yuffie squealed as she touched the soft fur that covered them making them twitch.

Seeing how uncomfortable Rynna was Leon quickly said, "Hey Sora! Go take Yuffie and Kairi to go get ice cream for all of us!"

Catching on quickly Sora agreed and grabbed Yuffie and Kairi's hands causing them both to blush and pulled them out of the room and out of the door. Leon put his gun blade away and sat down next to Rynna who grabbed her necklace causing the ears to disappear.

"Hey where did they go?" Cloud said moving towards Rynna.

Rynna lifted her hands again to touch her head to see that the fuzzy ears were gone and just a little lower were regular ears. "I don't know."

"Yeah it seems you don't know a lot of things." Leon mumbled. `This girl doesn't remember much'

"Hey it's not my fault I can't remember anything that happened before I fucking woke up in that fucking alley!" Rynna said glaring at Leon.

"Touchy!" Leon said sarcastically. "Well how did you pull out those swords and how did you get ears and claws?"

"I don't fucking know!" Rynna yelled standing up running her hands through her hair. "I don't know…" `I wish I could remember' `I'm… so… alone…'

Cloud glared at Leon and left the room to let them patch it up. `Stupid dumb ass is going to make that girl cry'

Leon caught Clouds glare and sighed. `I guess he wants me to apologize' "I'm s…"

"What?" Rynna said looking at Leon.

"I'm sorry." Leon said a little louder so she could hear. "I'm sorry I didn't mean to be such an ass."

"It's not your fault…" Rynna said sitting back down and pulling her knees up to her chin. "It wasn't your fault… its mine."


A/N: I hope you like my first chappie! Please Review and tell me if you liked it or not!