Final Fantasy - All Series Fan Fiction / Weiss Kreuz Fan Fiction ❯ Mercenaries and Assassins ❯ Paths Cross ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimers: I do not own the Final Fantasy VIII (Squaresoft) or Weiss Kreuz characters though I wished I did especially the blondes

Pairings eventually: Squall x Zell, Aya x Youji, Quistis x Rinoa

Warnings: Mild language

Rating: R

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In the darkness a slim form was stretched out on a solid iron slab, her wrists and ankles handcuffed to each end. Her thin lingerie no barrier against the cold that was seeping through the brick walls of her dark cell. She had lost track of time, her mind wandering now and then. She had to keep her sanity. Keep her faith. They will come. Her friends, her team mates.

Rinoa eyes opened slowly, her mind so exhausted from fighting the darkness that kept creeping through her soul and spirit. She shivered as the coldness from her dark cell clung to her body like second skin. She had no idea where she was, only that it was another world. She clung to the images of the two blonde men, her only link to her friends. She hoped and prayed that there paths would cross soon. They were her only salvation from this nightmare she found herself in.

Her head twisted sharply as she heard a scraping noise go up and down the solid steel door. She winced with fear, her bottom lip trembling. The door began to breathe in and out as it glowed with an eerie red colouring, the breathing sounds getting louder and louder, taking control of her mind. If she wanted to scream, there was no escape for the sound, as her throat was paralysed. Rinoa started to cry, her heart thumping hard against her chest, the door slowly opening.

~Oh God please someone help me…please…please…someone…help me…HELP ME!!~ Her mind screaming the words her eyes widening as a black shadow walked towards her.

Paths cross

Youji kept moving his sunglasses up and down his head. He could not explain this feeling he felt. In fact he was getting annoyed with it. He had not dreamed of the female for two days. Two days! To say he was disappointed was the understatement of the year. To make matters worse, Aya was avoiding him. Like I did anything to the bloody swine! He banged his fist scowling. ~I'd like to shove this rose, thorns and all right up his ar…

"Youji. You feeling alright?"

…se! ~ "I am fine Omi-kun…just fine." He waved his hand settling his sunglasses back on his head.

Omi's big blue eyes watched Youji carefully, intently, unnerving the older team mate. "What?!" Geez Omi can be scary sometimes for a kid. It was like he could read your soul.

Youji then smiled lazily, putting his favourite mask on. "Attracted to me chibi?" He smirked as the younger team mate blushed a deep red, his face flashing exasperation now that will get him of his back.

"No of course not! I was just seeing if you were alright and stop calling me chibi!"

Bingo! Heh sometimes Omi you are too easy. His smile nearly faltered when Aya walked in. Ignoring him, Youji quickly took his apron of grabbing the keys. "I will do the deliveries." Before the others said anything he disappeared through the door, his long legs almost running.

Aya pretended not too notice, his eyes glittering dangerously. Aya was avoiding him he knew, even giving him the cold shoulder but it wasn't helping him at all. The only way Aya was not going to notice him was if Youji was dead. In the work they were in, it could be a possibility. He shuddered at this, no he did not wish him dead, not his team mate, not his Yo…

He banged his fist down on the counter. He needed a mission…anything to get his mind of Youji. It was pissing him off no end.

Omi moved towards Aya his big blue eyes full of concern, "Are you alright Aya?" He stepped back as Aya eyes flicked towards him coldly.

Ken walked in, and Omi was so happy to see him, "Hey Ken." Am I glad he is here. Between Aya and Youji pounding the counters, it was making him uncomfortable

Ken winked at the younger member smiling, "Anything happen today and where is Youji?" Ken's eyes widened as Aya snapped his head towards him, the ice from his eyes almost cutting through him, like an ice dagger. Shit! What's up with him?

"Youji is doing deliveries." Omi trying to tell Ken something with his eyes. Ken wasn't getting the message.

"Aya you alright?"

Omi closed his eyes, shaking his head. He tried to warn him, really he did.

"None of your damn business now get to work!"

"Geez I only asked!" Ken snapped his face scowling.

Omi's eyes looked at Aya quickly ready to intervene when someone walked through the door. With relief he rushed forward to the customer and stopped midway through his step his eyes widening.

The silence in the shop almost deafening as they all looked at the newcomer, his beautiful face frozen like ice, his eyes stormy grey/blue looking back at Omi with cold disdain, metal hitting metal as the stranger walked deeper into the shop. A scar etched from the right of his forehead, down towards his left eye. He was dressed in black leather pants, a long black leather coat with white fur around the collar, black boots and black leather gloves on his hands. He brushed his right gloved hand through his shiny hazelnut hair casually, his perfect slim eyebrow arching, his face like marble stone.

He reminds me of Aya. Omi swallowed. "Can I help you?"


Squall looked at each of them, not seeing anyone that fit the description Zell had given. He looked at Ken, no definitely not the one; his eyes rested for a brief moment on the male with unusual crimson hair then moved on towards the blonde. No he is too young; this was not the blonde they are looking for. He shook his head and turned to leave.

Aya tried not to stare but he was certain that this was the lion with stormy eyes. He was finding it hard to believe it. This is not real…but if it wasn't then why was the lion standing there looking at them with stormy eyes. If he is then where are the other three?

He looked sharply towards the door as another young male walked in. Aya could not help himself as he caught his breath. He was a petite young man with golden blonde spiked hair and the most startling blue eyes he had ever seen. But the black ink tattoo caught his interest. Where the hell was Youji? This had to be the blonde that Youji had seen, even if his words were disjointed, Aya remembered every word from the bathroom episode.

Zell smiled at Omi making his way towards Squall. They looked at each other not saying a word, a silent conversation going on between them.

Squall's upper lip twitched.

Zell shook his head and smiled. He had not found the blonde in the mirror but knew they were close. This flowershop looked very familiar too him though, his eyes sparkling as he nodded at the flowers to the left of Squall.

Ken by this time was very curious, "Is there something you want?"

Squall looked at him coldly, hating the interruption his frown making his scar stand out. His hand unconsciously rested on his gunblade handle on the outside of his coat. He hated this long coat, but he had to wear it because he needed to conceal his Gunblade, Lion Heart.

Ken stepped back, geez not another bloody Aya, one was enough.

Stepping forward throwing a stern look over his shoulder to Squall Zell turned to Ken, "No we're just looking around if that's okay."

"Sure, sure…" Ken was only glad that the smaller male came forward, the taller male unnerved him.

Squall frowned at Zell who just grinned at him mischievously. God he was beautiful, thought Squall his heart racing. With this emotion rushing through his body, his face still managed to remain unemotional and detached.

This was not the time or place he wanted to ask questions especially of the red head, he knew if there was someone in charge or the leader it would be the red head. Don't ask him how he knew, it was instinct. And Squall was rarely wrong.

Shrugging he abruptly said to Zell, "Let's go!"

Zell nodded, the blonde was not here, and they were getting desperate now, this was the last flowershop that they had to look at.

Shit! Youji is never around when you need him. Aya knew he had to keep them here until he returned. Why he had to he was not quite sure and he was not about to analyse his thoughts. There was something different about these guys, he had no idea in what way but they were different. He blurted out quickly, "Would you like a hot drink?" How lame is that Aya, but what else could he say to keep them here. For once in his life he wished that Youji was here, he was better at dealing with this sort of situation then he was.

All eyes were on him making him very uncomfortable. Omi and Ken were trying not to stare but that was definitely not Aya speaking. One icy stare from their team mate was enough to make them go back to work though, now that is the Aya they knew.

Squall looked at him intently about to refuse but changed his mind. He nodded once.


Squall shrugged, "Whatever."

Walking towards the redhead Zell offered his hand towards him, trying not to chuckle. "Names Zell…" He motioned his thumb pointing behind him, "He is Squall."

Aya resisted the urge to slap his hand away clenching his jaw tightly; he did not want to offend them. He grabbed Zell's hand roughly and bit back a gasp. He felt raw energy running up his arm and great strength. He stared at Zell, trying to control this strange feeling that was making him very uncomfortable, but he became mesmerised by the petite males blue eyes, they seemed to swirl like cerulean fiery energy, his tattoo and golden skin making them stand out more, his perfect lips turned up in a smile. He was simply beautiful.

Aya's face may have been carved of stone but his heart was beating strangely. A smile tried to tug at his lips making them twitch slightly against his will his voice low and soft, "I am Aya," he motioned his head towards the other two, "Omi and Ken." He looked back at Zell, "There is another worker but he is doing deliveries." He felt the blondes hand tighten around his, as he withdrew his hand.

"I will get the coffee." Omi was intrigued by what was happening, something was going on and his curiosity was nearly killing him.

Squall made his way towards Zell watching Aya with cold eyes. He was not amused with the way he was looking at Zell. Touching Zell. He knew he had no claim on him but neither did the red head. Irrational thought maybe but he was allowed to because he was Squall and Zell was his friend. He stepped in front of Zell with a territorial stance watching the red head.

Aya stared back at him without batting an eyelid. Were they lovers? He was not sure but there was no way he was going to back down first. He didn't give a shit who this Squall was; Aya backs down for no one.

Squall was of the same mind.


Youji slammed the car door shut. Big idiot! No Youji, you are a fucking big idiot and now they are all going to know just how much of an idiot you really are. He stomped his way towards the shop, frowning trying to think up a reasonable excuse on how and why he forgot to load the deliveries into the car before he took of and why it took him this long to figure this out. He chuckled to himself. Aya really had him rattled this time. He stopped. That's right it is Aya's fault. He nodded his head happy with that and walked into the shop.

Holding his hands up he shook his head, "Alright before you guys say anythi…" Youji froze, looking confused. Aya was having some kind of stand down with a stranger with stormy eyes, as they both turned to look at him. Slowly, very slowly his attention turned to the little blonde behind the stranger, his eyes widening.

Zell grinned his canine grin, his eyes sparkling with mischief, relief on his face. This was the blonde he had seen.

Youji looked at him his mouth opening and closing as he pointed his finger at Zell, "You're the one, the one in my m-mirror…" He felt dizzy the room swirling. He was going to black out and there was no way he could stop himself…