Final Fantasy - All Series Fan Fiction / Weiss Kreuz Fan Fiction ❯ Mercenaries and Assassins ❯ Guardian Forces and Dreams ( Chapter 5 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Disclaimer: I do not own any characters from Final Fantasy VIII (Squaresoft) or Weib Kreuz. *sniff*. This story is from my *um* head and there is no way they would think of doing this with their characters. *bugger*

Warning: Spoilers, shounen-ai, mild language

Rating: R

Eventual Pairing: Squall x Zell, Aya x Youji, Quistis x Rinoa, Maybe Irvine x Ken. (See how I feel)

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His eyes closed tightly, Zell was consumed with incredible heat his grip on Squall tightening. He began to breathe uneasily as his head fell forward to rest on Squall's chest. "I-I am s-sorry. Terrible h-headache."

Irvine shook his head. "The same thing happened when we set up the security Squall. If that's a headache then I am a pure bred virgin."

If Zell didn't feel so lousy he would have snorted at Irvine's words but he was too dizzy to do anything and could not stop himself from shaking, tiredness overtaking his senses as he slumped against Squall, sleep taking him over. //Ifrit.//

"Zell?" Squall wrapped his arms around the blond pulling him closer. He breathed in deeply trying to relax. //Shiva, what is happening?//

//Evolution Squall.//

//What?// Diamond thoughts of snowflakes gently caressed his mind, Shiva his Guardian Force trying to convey what was happening to his friend.

//Ifrit will evolve and nothing can stop the process.//

//How will this affect Zell?//

//I cannot answer that question Squall because it has never happened before.//

//I don't understand.//

//Neither do we.//

//What the hell is that supposed to mean? How can Ifrit evolve and not know what was going on?// Squall was losing what little patience he had, he could not stand to see Zell like this. Vulnerable and so damn still. The only thing holding Squall together was the slight tremors running through Zell's body.

//We your Guardian Forces are at the highest level possible. Now it seems Ifrit is going beyond that. We do not understand it.//

Squall bit his bottom lip, afraid of his own thoughts. What if Zell could not cope with the change? And Ifrit what about the fire Guardian?

//He is unable to communicate at the moment; he is trying to break the connection between himself and Zell but--//


//They are bound by an invisible link, force and it will not be severed.//

Irvine watched them nervously not sure what was happening. It looked like Squall was having a conversation with his GF. And not a good one.

//I don't like the sound of that. I will take him home.//

//No! you must not Squall. You could do great damage to your friend if you take him through the Gateway in his condition. He is fragile at the moment.//

//This just gets fucking worse.// Lifting Zell into his arms he walked towards his own tent saying over his shoulder to Irvine, "I will put him in my tent for now." He was going to keep an eye on him. He couldn't lose him, not now…not Zell! Squall was only glad that the tents were big enough to hold two people and that the silver air mattresses were double the size for comfort. He smirked at this, Garden thought of everything but the damn food.

Squall laid Zell down gently as if he was the most fragile thing in the world, his hand then caressed his face reverently, as he rubbed his cheek against Zell's tattoo. He loved the feeling of the soft smooth skin that was so warm, so heated so full of energy against his own cool skin. Squall would swear that Zell throbbed with fiery life force. He put his mouth close to Zell's ear whispering, "Zell, show Ifrit the way, you have to help him now. Ifrit needs you…your friends need you, Rinoa…I-I need you." He brushed Zell's lips softly with his own and smiled as Zell moaned with contentment. Sitting back on his heels he looked at him one more time then crawled out knowing that Irvine was waiting for some answers. It is strange that it should happen now with the disappearance of Rinoa. Was it a sign of things to come? Would the other Guardian's Forces evolve as well?

//It is a possibility Squall. A great possibility.//

//All of you?//

//I do not know but in the distance I see GF's with strangers.//

Squall frowned at this. //What do you mean?//

//I cannot answer that which I am not sure of. I only see things to a point as we all do but we cannot see beyond that point.//

//Riddles within riddles but I understand what you are saying.// Squall thought for a moment. //Can you help Ifrit Shiva?//

Silence for a moment and Squall was not sure if she would answer. //With your help yes. But understand this Squall it could change something inside of us.//

He did not like the sound of that at all but where Zell was concerned he did not care. //What would it change Shiva?//

//I do not know but the pattern is there and Zell is in the middle of the process now.//

Stiffening, Squall had to quell the urge to go back to his tent and wake Zell up forcibly. //I don't want him to change Shiva…I like him the way he is.// He shivered at the thought of Zell changing. His Zell. The fiery ball of energy, that reminded him of summer, blue skies and apple trees. His Angel of Summer. //I don't want him to change.// This thought repeating inside of his head.

A gentle fleeting breeze rushed through his body and if he could see Shiva right now, he knew he would see a smile on her diamond flawless face.

//It would not be that kind of change Squall. It will affect both Ifrit and Zell but magically.//

Shaking his head Squall could sense Irvine growing impatient. //We will talk more on this later.//

//As you wish dear friend.// He felt bereft as he could feel her presence leave him, the art of un-junctioning so quick and natural between the two of them. But he hated that feeling of not being linked with his favourite Guardian Force. Being separated.

Irvine was relieved when he saw Squall's eyes open to stare at him coolly. "Well partner what the hell is going on?"

Squall had to smile; Irvine has been around Zell too long he was starting to sound like him. "According to Shiva, Ifrit is evolving and Zell is right in the middle of it." He smirked as Irvine's eyes widened.

"You want to run that by me again partner. What do you mean Ifrit is evolving?"

Shrugging Squall sat down on the seat pulling a face as he began to eat dinner. What he would do for a decent meal. "I am not sure; the Guardian Forces are not sure either. It seems it could happen to other GF's."

Irvine's jaw dropped open, "You mean it could affect Bahamut too?"

"I don't know and what a fucking time for it too happen." Squall threw his bread back into his plate losing his appetite, his right hand slowly rubbing his scar. Rinoa I wish you were here, you would know what the hell was going on. I certainly don't. As for Aya and his team, what about them? How are they going to react if Zell suddenly does something in front of them, like summoning Ifrit? He was getting a headache right now thinking about that one.

"For fucks sake Squall don't keep it inside of you, if Zell was here he would be shaking you right now." Irvine could practically see Squall's thoughts running in his eyes like a movie.

Squall snapped, "Well he isn't…is he!" Calm down Squall, don't take it out on Irvine, he is trying to understand everything too. He sighed deeply, "What is pissing me off is we can't do anything to stop it." And I am worried about Zell.

Looking at the commander, Irvine smiled softly, "He will be alright Squall. Zell's a fighter and a very determined person when he puts his mind to it. As for the Guardian Forces, we have to trust them. God knows they have trusted us enough times, even when perhaps they shouldn't have."

Rubbing his forehead he nodded, "You're right Irvine. I am tired I think it is a good idea if we get some rest, tomorrow I want you to go the flower shop while I stay with Zell." He looked at the cowboy, "Do you think you can handle it on your own?"

The taller man stood up stretching with a grin, his blue violet eyes twinkling. "I can handle anything partner…anything."

Squall stood up moving towards his tent throwing over his shoulder, "Just don't cause any trouble Irvine we don't belong here. I will give you the directions in the morning." Squall knew he should have discussed it now but he wanted to make sure Zell was alright. Who was he kidding; he just wanted to be with Zell. "Night Irvine."

Irvine smirked. "Night Squall."

Ignoring Irvine Squall zipped the flap closed tightly. It was a cool night tonight but inside the tent was very warm. Turning to see if Zell was alright he saw his friend was the way he left him, his breathing soft and calm. Taking of his jacket and shirt he began to unbuckle his belts, all of them, undressing until he only had his grey boxers on. Sighing he got on his knees and began to undress Zell, his clothes coming of slowly, Squall admiring the petite mans well toned body. This is not the first time he has seen this body, oh no, he has watched Zell many times, especially when no one was looking. His fingers caressed Zell's abs gently watching as the muscle beneath that tight skin began to ripple from his touch.

Why was he teasing himself like this for? He had made the choice no one else did. He had turned him down thinking it was the right decision. The right thing to do. Now he was not so sure.

Placing Lionheart right next to him he laid down beside Zell facing him his eyes gazing at the only person who was able to get under his icy cool exterior, to the passionate side of him that he would never show to himself let alone anyone else. But Zell was like a Sun God, the heat from him so hard to resist until he created a crack in his ice. Not completely melting him but enough for him to take notice and want more. And yes he wanted so much more. But he was afraid of these feelings that consumed him like a fireball at times. Many a time he had to ask Shiva to blow her gentle magic through him to cool him down.

His right hand reached out to trace a finger across Zell's lips, the softness from them making him shiver. One day Zell I will give you what you want because more than anything I want to give it to you and only you. Pulling the soft blanket on top of them both he leaned forward giving Zell a quick kiss. "Night Zell." His eyes closed as he pushed all his worries to one side, the warmth of Zell's body seeping deeply into his own, entwining him like a silken tie to his friend.

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Youji could not sleep, tonight it seemed to elude him and it had to do with Zell. There was an invisible link with the other blonde and it was strengthened the moment they came into contact with one another. If only he knew where they stayed he would be there now to see if Zell was okay.

Opening his window he dragged deeply on his cigarette, watching the smoke swirl upwards. He had a strange dream on top of this feeling that something was wrong. He dreamed of a monster that reminded him of water, the face was his own face but in the body of a creature called Leviathan. It was this dream that woke him up in the first place.

It did not scare him in fact it felt right. The creature spoke to him, saying things to him that he could not understand. The voice in his head was gentle, soothing and cooing at him as the creature looked inside his mind deeper into his soul reaching that dark place where even Youji dared not go to now. His past. He wanted to scream for the creature to leave him alone then but a liquid sensation ran through his entire body, gentling him like a small wave of warm water. The sensation comforting as his past was revealed to him slowly, especially of Asuka. He trembled at her name even now but he felt strength in the fact that there was something close to him keeping him safe and warm.

It was when Aya's face bombarded his mind he panicked. He was not ready to face that one yet and he knew that it was an impossible dream. The creature backed off from that saying softly, //It is only impossible if you believe it.// Then the voice and creature was gone, Youji missing the liquid contact immediately.

"Fuck you are going crazy Youji. It was just a dream for shits sake!" But somehow he knew it wasn't, it had something to do with Zell and his friends.

"Where are you from Zell and what are you?" It was hard enough believing that they were going to help a sorceress from an unknown dark force. In this day and age it was unheard of. Not reality. Yet here they were about to help strangers to find Rinoa who was very much a sorceress. If he had not seen it with his very own eyes he would not have believed it for one moment. He was a realist after all, with all the shit that has happened in his life he did not wish to deal with fantasy…and yet, he smirked at this, they were going to help them and check out one of the castles tomorrow. Aya had decided that Youji was to go with him, why he had to go he had no idea but what the leader says bloody well goes.

And Aya. He did not believe them at first, and he would be the last person Youji would have chosen that would believe any of this and yet he did…to a point. He did not trust them but then he trusted no one. They were all like that. But Youji trusted Zell…completely and knew it was mutual on Zell's part.

Flicking the end of his cigarette out the window Youji closed his window blocking out the cool night air. Walking to his big bed, a luxury he could well afford he put his black t-shirt on, his black silk pyjama bottoms swimming on his slender figure. Slipping between the sheets he just laid there willing himself to go to sleep. It was going to be a long night and for once in his life Youji was looking forward to tomorrow.


Ken and Omi were doing the morning shift and maybe the afternoon shift today; the two older assassins were investigating a castle that Omi had discovered on the net. Strange things were said to be happening around this castle with sightings of strange creatures. Now it was played down with the people who sighted anything disappearing. To the guys of Weiss Kreuz this was very suspicious and worth looking into.

They were busy for most of the morning and were waiting for someone from Squall's team to arrive. Aya told them to tell them where they were and that they would fill them in when they arrived tonight. Simple enough to remember.

Omi was busy doing arrangements while Ken was moving pots around, turning around Ken walked straight into a tall body wearing a brown coat with fur. "I am so sorry s…" he looked up and saw a young man wearing a cowboys hat, he looked into the eyes of the stranger and saw violet blue depths on a handsome face, long auburn hair tied into a ponytail.

"That's okay partner. Names Irvine and Squall sent me."

Omi looked up immediately nodding at Ken.

Dragging his eyes away from the stranger named Irvine, Ken walked to the door shutting it and putting the gone for lunch sign up. He found his gaze kept on returning to Irvine's face and felt heat on his own face as he blushed hotly. Get a grip Ken he is only a guy for shits sake. Yes but a very good looking guy at that. His heart beating faster than normal.

"I am Omi and that is Ken."

Irvine tipped his hat, "Howdy partners." He looked at the pair calmly but thoroughly making them both uncomfortable. Irvine smiled at them his eyes finally resting on Ken. With a sweep of his eyes he took in the chocolate brown hair and eyes, the slender figure of the young man. He was gorgeous. Hell he was full of energy, a little like Zell. He smiled at this. He had work to do and looked at the blonde. "Any news that I can pass onto the Comm…I mean Squall?" Fuck Irvine Squall will have your blood if you slip like that again.

Staring at Ken, Omi realised he had suddenly lost the ability to speak and suppressed himself from giggling. His gaze shot back to Irvine when he almost slipped up on a word. He pretended not to notice. "Yes, Aya and Youji have gone to investigate an old castle on the other side of town. They will fill in the details when you all arrive back here tonight."

Irvine became serious. "Anything else?"

Omi nodded, "Yes there were sightings of strange creatures but it has been said that people were seeing things."

Paling, Irvine's hand clenched tightly. Holy shit from Alexander! This was not right. Strange creatures in this world. He knew he had to get back to Squall and tell him this. A line was being crossed and it was not right. "Alright, I will head on back to our base." He turned to leave saying over his shoulder, "See ya later partners." He winked at Ken with a big smile, "Bye Ken." Rolling the boys name on his tongue like a caress. He couldn't help himself the boy had something about him.

"B-bye I-Irvine." Shit, shit, shit Ken, is that the best you can do. He watched as Irvine walked out, his slender figure disappearing from sight, looking forward to seeing him again tonight.

Omi coughed, "Ken-kun you look a bit flush there." He laughed as Ken scowled at him.

"Bite me!" Omi only laughed harder at his friend's discomfiture. Ken giving him the fingers as he rushed to the back room.


Aya and Youji were glad to be heading back to their apartment. The castle was a no go. Nothing had happened, they saw nothing out of the ordinary and they covered every inch of the damn cold building.

Youji was very disappointed and looked out the car window of Aya's Porsche. Aya insisted they use his car today and could only guess because he hated his car…seven. He smiled at this; he loved his car but then each to his own.

"We will find her Youji."

Surprised Youji looked at Aya, keeping his mouth firmly shut so he could think before he shot his mouth open. "I hope so. You had to see her Aya to understand how frightened she was. She doesn't deserve that Aya…not her."

He only nodded. Youji had this thing about protecting the fairer sex, and it annoyed the hell out of him. He was not in the mood to get into this with Youji tonight. Slyly he looked at the older man, his golden hair loose around his head. He found himself watching him a lot now and though it annoyed him he could not stop looking. He was drawn to Youji like a magnet. The mission was easy enough for one person to do but he wanted Youji by his side where he could see him. Watch him.

Staring back at the road ahead, he stopped himself from sighing. That will not do Aya, he will know that something is up and you know how persistent Youji can be. He is like a dog with a bone, never give it up. Not until he had to hurt him and he did not want to do that to Youji.

Youji was only quiet because he was trying to decide whether he should tell Aya about his dream last night. Ah what the hell. "I had a strange dream last night Aya."

Aya stiffened and almost slammed the brakes on. Fuck get a grip Fujimiya! His Porsche lurching forward.


"Damn you Youji!"

Emerald depths looked at the pale face of his team mate for a moment, piercing and he knew, his eyes widening, "You had a strange dream as well didn't you?"

Shaking himself, Aya swore beneath his breath. If Youji had not have blurted it out he would still be calm and collected. Sometimes he could really kill Youji! Aya nodded abruptly.

"A strange creature like a water serpent?" Youji was finding it hard to breathe as excitement rushed through him.

"No, the creature in my dream was black and crimson with wings and he called himself Diablo's." To be honest Aya was in awe of the creature and felt its present so strongly last night. It spoke to him telling him about what it had seen and looked deep into Aya's soul, his past and it was comforting to share it with someone or something beside himself. It had dark energy that electrified every nerve end in his body bringing him life. Immense power. But he had thought it was only a dream. Now Youji says he had a dream as well. Coincidence? He doubted it.

"My creature was Leviathan. Water." Biting his bottom lip, Youji had a fair idea that Zell would know what they were talking about. "Do you think we should tell Squall about our dreams?"

"Maybe, we will wait and see."

"Yeah your right."

Smirking Aya realised it was the first time Youji had agreed with him without arguing. Now this was a first. The companionable silence was nice, Aya feeling for the first time comfortable in Youji's presence wishing it would last as he turned his car into the garage underneath there apartment.

Youji stepped out of the car, "Home sweet home."

Aya only shrugged making his way upstairs, a small smile on his face.

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Zell's eyes flickered open. Ifrit was close by there link still binding them together. Zell sat up and looked around him. This was not his tent, this was Squall's tent. Closing his eyes he took a deep breath the pain so real last night now completely gone. Why was he in Squall's tent? So he really was sleeping with his friend, there bodies entwined with one another last night. Smiling Zell rubbed his eyes and stretched his arms. //Ifrit what happens now?//

//I am not sure Zell. Time will tell.//

Zell hesitated. //Is it over?//

A longer pause from Ifrit. //No it is just the beginning Zell. If you wish you could send me away.//

Zell's cerulean depths shot open. //Ifrit, please don't leave me.//

//It is the only way you will stop hurting.//

//I don't care about the headaches Ifrit. We will face this together.// Zell waited for his answer, the seconds ticking away. He was too attached to Ifrit to let him go to be separate from him.

//Alright Zell. Just realise that what changes happen to me will affect you in a big way.//

//I am prepared for that Ifrit…just don't leave me.// Zell knew he sounded pathetic but Ifrit was there when they fought Ultimecia and destroyed her. He was with him all the way.

//Squall is coming.// Zell could sense Ifrit hesitate, the fiery energy bursting through him. //He cares for you Zell…a lot more than you realise.//

Blushing Zell's bright blue eyes stared straight into stormy grey depths both silent, both watching each other with longing.

Squall was so happy to see Zell was awake, that he struggled to keep his stoic mask in place but the way Zell was looking at him; he wanted to bend down and kiss him, and taste him with his tongue. Fuck Squall get a grip. Mission first, always first.

//Someone comes through the gateway!//

Both Squall and Zell jumped as their GF's spoke into there minds. Squall left the tent immediately Zell stumbled behind him, both ready just in case it was an enemy and not Quistis returning.

The Gateway opened the swirling darkness causing the room to electrify with sound.

Squall frowned what the hell? Where was Quistis and why was this person sent in her place.

Zell could only stare his eyes not believing who was standing there.


Authors note: Can you guess?