Final Fantasy - All Series Fan Fiction / Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Millennium Hearts ❯ Chapter 3 ( Chapter 3 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: We do not own Kingdom Hearts or Yuugiou. Kazuki-san and Square Enix won’t surrender them to us…but we will own them soon enough.

Yuugiou/ Kingdom Hearst crossover



(‘ “) emphasized words ( ” ’) [unless in a thought then its normal]

(‘ “) Sarcastic (” ’) [unless it’s in a thought then its bold and italic]


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Chapter 3

“There are no strangers in this world; just friends we've never met.”

After the Keyhole was sealed, Sora, Seto, and Yami no Yuugi all began to walk back to the “Safe House.”

“The Keyhole is sealed!” Sora announced as he pushed the door open to face the group of people inside.

“And the heartless are at an all time low.” Leon said as he looked over at the trio of teens. “Good work.”

“What’s that in your hand Kaiba?” Yuffie asked.

“This?” he said raising his weapon. “My Hilbert.” He said smugly.

“Ohh.” She sounded. “That’s so cool!!!” Yuffie ran over to see it. “So how are you going to haul it around?”

“Uuhhhh,” Seto said, “carry it?” he raised an eye brow.

“If its anything like the Keyblade then the card at the end will make the weapon smaller so then you can put the Keychain on your pocket. You can also equip accessories to them to increase strength and defense.” Sora said. “Also increase AP, known as Ability Points, HP, Hit Points, and MP, Magic Points or power.”

“Here we go into the magic thing again.” Seto said rolling his eyes.

“You healed the pharaoh during our fight with Opposite Armor.” Sora pointed out. “You used Cure, the other magic I know which should be a given for you to learn are, Fire, Blizzard, and Thunder. I also know how to summon.”

“What kind of monsters?” Yami no Yuugi asked.

“Not really monsters.” Sora said. “More like creatures that lived a world that was destroyed by Heartless. Their body was destroyed but their heart was strong enough to fight off the Darkness.”

“Show me some proof of me being able to use magic and I might believe you.” Seto said.

“Alright lets take a step outside.” Sora said. “Don’t want to burn anything down.” He smiled.

As soon as they were outside a minimal group of Heartless appeared,” Alright, now watch this, Thunder!” Sora cried and bolts of lighting came crashing down from the sky and destroyed the small group of Heartless. “See?”

“How’d you do that?” Seto asked staring at the fading singe marks of the thunder.

“Just believe you can do it and concentrate on where you want the blasts to go.” Sora said. “Or what you might want to heal.” He added.

“Alright.” Seto walked down the steps toward the middle of the third district and waited for a bit of a larger group of Heartless to crop up. Air and normal Soldiers were all over.

“Thunder!” Seto bellowed and torrents of thunder cracked down upon the ground and hit each of the Heartless in the occurring area.

“Wow.” Sora said. “That was powerful.” He stared around at the lot now littered with health balls and munny.

“Hey.” Seto asked as he walked around getting items the Heartless dropped and the health. “What are these bubble like things?”

“Magic Restoration Balls.” Sora said. “Their good to get when your low on magic.”

“Good.” Seto said stepping on a few, he then felt his weariness disappear and he felt ready to fight again.

“Come on let’s go back and talk with Leon and the others.” Sora said. “We’ve got to figure out of next plan of action.”

“Right.” Yami no Yuugi nodded and followed Sora back up the steps. Seto following behind him.

When they entered back in Sora walked over to Leon and opened his mouth to talk but the door blasted open and Donald came running in Goofy right behind him. “I don’t like this new plan!” Donald yelled. “Why should these two go with Sora when we need to find the king!?”

“Donald--!” Sora said but was cut off by Seto.

“Shut up.” Seto said nonchalantly.

“No, and since when was Sora the only one that made the decisions around here!?” Donald said. “I say you two stay here and Goofy and I go.”

“I don’t got no part in this Donald don’t pull me into it.” Goofy said and walked over to stand next to Yuffie.

“Resist…urge…to …roast.” Seto said between girded teeth.

“Fine then Sora, if you don’t want us around I understand why Riku ran off!” Donald said. “You’re a horrible friend!”

Seto then snapped picked up the duck by his tail feathers and pointed the blade end of his weapon at the mage’s neck. “Say that again and I swear you’ll be on my dinner plate, and if you mention one more thing about the pharaoh and I going with Sora you’ll be stuffed before you’re even dead.”

“Ha, ha,” Donald laughed nervously,” bring me back a postcard?” he smiled falsely.

“That’s better.” Seto said letting him fall to the floor.

“Jerk!” Donald said blasting fire at the CEO.

“Blizzard!” Seto said blasting the fire ball with cold ice causing it to extinguish in mid air.


“You see?” a dark female voice said. “He doesn’t keep the friends he makes. He obviously holds no value for companions.”

“But I--” Riku said as a hand appeared on his should.

“Come with me and leave that wrenched boy, he’ll only leave you in the end.” Maleficent said. “I’ll help you find what you’re looking for.”

“Alright.” Riku said, as we watched Seto yell at Donald and Sora standing in a dark daze. “Let’s go.”


“That’s enough!!” Yami no Yuugi yelled. “Kaiba and I are going with Sora because we need to find people we love! People with strong hearts that we know made it through the darkness! Please understand Donald, if it would help I will try and help find your king.”

Donald looked at Yami no Yuugi in an awe for a few seconds then mumbled,” Fine do what you want Sora, but I won’t take back what I said.” He then walked away.

Goofy looked from him to Sora then back again. Sora was distant looking and he looked like he was in pain from the words that Donald said. The black dog-like creature then decided to talk to Donald about what he said to Sora and try to get him to say sorry.

“Sora?” Yami no Yuugi said tapping the short brunette on the shoulder. “Hey never mind what Donald said, you’re a great friend.”

“That duck is dense.” Seto said turning to face Sora. “He just can’t stand the fact that he can’t go with to see other worlds. To meet new people, or look for his king, but if that king left on his own why do they need to look for him?” Seto asked looking out the window at Goofy who was now standing alone after Donald blew him off. “The Pharaoh and I are looking for the ones we care about, my brother, his hikari and friends. They’re looking for a person that doesn’t seem to want to be found if he left on his own. You’re not a horrible friend as that idiot put it. You just realized what I’m saying before you even noticed it.”

Sora looked up at Seto amazed that the CEO could actually give a prep speech. Yami no Yuugi was think the same thing then clapped,” Amazing!” he said. “You can actually give a better speech then I can!”

“Well I’m supposed to be better at talking the you and besides you go on about “the heart of the cards” and “friendship.” I was just pointing out why Sora wasn’t a horrible friend and that he’s perceptive without even noticing it.” Seto said turning and smirking.

“You know what Kaiba,” Sora said,” you’re right. Thanks for the pick-me-up.” He said and smiled childishly. “Lets get going.” He said pushing the door open. “Oh! One more thing.”


“No.” Seto said plainly as he Sora and Yami no Yuugi stood before the gummi ship. Sora had just told him and Yami no Yuugi that the only why to make it fly was to be happy.

“No way in hell am I going to be happy with what's been going on.”

“Come on Kaiba,” Yami no Yuugi said. “all you have to do is think about something happy.”

“Amuse me.” Seto said sarcastically.

“Finding Mokuba, old memories--something!” Yami no Yuugi said.

“Hmm…” he thought for a minute then chuckled causing the ship to light up.

“What did you think of?” Yami no Yuugi said.

“My thoughts are my business.” Seto said as he thought of finding Mokuba and beating the ex-pharaoh in a duel.

“Yuugi, Kaiba?” a strong feminine voice said behind them.

“It’s Mai!” Yami no Yuugi said turning to spot the blonde standing behind then wearing a black and violet leather outfit, with high heels. She began to walk toward them.

“You’re here too?” Seto said almost in a groan of annoyance. “Is anyone else here?” he asked quickly in a bit more hopeful voice.

“No, but that Leon guy said you would be here.” Mai said as she reached them. “So you’re going to be going to other worlds looking for the others right?”

“That’s right.” Yami no Yuugi said.

“This must be the kid Leon told me about.” Mai said looking at Sora.

“My name is Sora.” He said pointing at his chest with his thumb.

Mai smiled,” You remind me of Jonouchi…” she paused,” Yuugi please when you find Jonouchi tell him I’m waiting.”

“I’ll do better and bring him back.” Yami no Yuugi said giving her a small nod.

“Good luck boys.” She said and then walked away she turned and shouted before going through the doors,” I’ll stay here and help out these guys!” she then vanished behind the door as it closed.

“Alright,” Sora said stretching,” all aboard!”

“Do you have any idea how annoying you are right now?” Seto said.

“Sorry.” Sora smiled Yami no Yuugi got on but Sora held back as Seto made his way onto the ship.

“What’s up?” Seto asked looking back at the fifteen-year-old.

“I seem to keep reminding people of one’s they’ve lost because of the Heartless.” Sora said with a sigh.

“You know…” Seto said turning so his back faced Sora,” I think that may be a good thing.” Sora looked back at him with a confused look. “It gives some people hope that…even if the one they lost is even a bit like you then they made it through the Darkness.” He said then walked onto the ship leaving Sora to think about it for a minute.

Sora then smiled to himself and said,” If I can do that for people then I’ve got to keep going. I can’t let anything drag me down or destroy me.” he then followed the other two onto the ship.


After the Keyhole was sealed, Sora, Seto, and Yami no Yuugi all began to walk back to the “Safe House.”

“The Keyhole is sealed!” Sora announced as he pushed the door open to face the group of people inside.

“And the heartless are at an all time low.” Leon said as he looked over at the trio of teens. “Good work.”

“What’s that in your hand Kaiba?” Yuffie asked.

“This?” he said raising his weapon. “My Hilbert.” He said smugly.

“Ohh.” She sounded. “That’s so cool!!!” Yuffie ran over to see it. “So how are you going to haul it around?”

“Uuhhhh,” Seto said, “carry it?” he raised an eye brow.

“If its anything like the Keyblade then the card at the end will make the weapon smaller so then you can put the Keychain on your pocket. You can also equip accessories to them to increase strength and defense.” Sora said. “Also increase AP, known as Ability Points, HP, Hit Points, and MP, Magic Points or power.”

“Here we go into the magic thing again.” Seto said rolling his eyes.

“You healed the pharaoh during our fight with Opposite Armor.” Sora pointed out. “You used Cure, the other magic I know which should be a given for you to learn are, Fire, Blizzard, and Thunder. I also know how to summon.”

“What kind of monsters?” Yami no Yuugi asked.

“Not really monsters.” Sora said. “More like creatures that lived a world that was destroyed by Heartless. Their body was destroyed but their heart was strong enough to fight off the Darkness.”

“Show me some proof of me being able to use magic and I might believe you.” Seto said.

“Alright lets take a step outside.” Sora said. “Don’t want to burn anything down.” He smiled.

As soon as they were outside a minimal group of Heartless appeared,” Alright, now watch this, Thunder!” Sora cried and bolts of lighting came crashing down from the sky and destroyed the small group of Heartless. “See?”

“How’d you do that?” Seto asked staring at the fading singe marks of the thunder.

“Just believe you can do it and concentrate on where you want the blasts to go.” Sora said. “Or what you might want to heal.” He added.

“Alright.” Seto walked down the steps toward the middle of the third district and waited for a bit of a larger group of Heartless to crop up. Air and normal Soldiers were all over.

“Thunder!” Seto bellowed and torrents of thunder cracked down upon the ground and hit each of the Heartless in the occurring area.

“Wow.” Sora said. “That was powerful.” He stared around at the lot now littered with health balls and munny.

“Hey.” Seto asked as he walked around getting items the Heartless dropped and the health. “What are these bubble like things?”

“Magic Restoration Balls.” Sora said. “Their good to get when your low on magic.”

“Good.” Seto said stepping on a few, he then felt his weariness disappear and he felt ready to fight again.

“Come on let’s go back and talk with Leon and the others.” Sora said. “We’ve got to figure out of next plan of action.”

“Right.” Yami no Yuugi nodded and followed Sora back up the steps. Seto following behind him.

When they entered back in Sora walked over to Leon and opened his mouth to talk but the door blasted open and Donald came running in Goofy right behind him. “I don’t like this new plan!” Donald yelled. “Why should these two go with Sora when we need to find the king!?”

“Donald--!” Sora said but was cut off by Seto.

“Shut up.” Seto said nonchalantly.

“No, and since when was Sora the only one that made the decisions around here!?” Donald said. “I say you two stay here and Goofy and I go.”

“I don’t got no part in this Donald don’t pull me into it.” Goofy said and walked over to stand next to Yuffie.

“Resist…urge…to …roast.” Seto said between girded teeth.

“Fine then Sora, if you don’t want us around I understand why Riku ran off!” Donald said. “You’re a horrible friend!”

Seto then snapped picked up the duck by his tail feathers and pointed the blade end of his weapon at the mage’s neck. “Say that again and I swear you’ll be on my dinner plate, and if you mention one more thing about the pharaoh and I going with Sora you’ll be stuffed before you’re even dead.”

“Ha, ha,” Donald laughed nervously,” bring me back a postcard?” he smiled falsely.

“That’s better.” Seto said letting him fall to the floor.

“Jerk!” Donald said blasting fire at the CEO.

“Blizzard!” Seto said blasting the fire ball with cold ice causing it to extinguish in mid air.


“You see?” a dark female voice said. “He doesn’t keep the friends he makes. He obviously holds no value for companions.”

“But I--” Riku said as a hand appeared on his should.

“Come with me and leave that wrenched boy, he’ll only leave you in the end.” Maleficent said. “I’ll help you find what you’re looking for.”

“Alright.” Riku said, as we watched Seto yell at Donald and Sora standing in a dark daze. “Let’s go.”


“That’s enough!!” Yami no Yuugi yelled. “Kaiba and I are going with Sora because we need to find people we love! People with strong hearts that we know made it through the darkness! Please understand Donald, if it would help I will try and help find your king.”

Donald looked at Yami no Yuugi in an awe for a few seconds then mumbled,” Fine do what you want Sora, but I won’t take back what I said.” He then walked away.

Goofy looked from him to Sora then back again. Sora was distant looking and he looked like he was in pain from the words that Donald said. The black dog-like creature then decided to talk to Donald about what he said to Sora and try to get him to say sorry.

“Sora?” Yami no Yuugi said tapping the short brunette on the shoulder. “Hey never mind what Donald said, you’re a great friend.”

“That duck is dense.” Seto said turning to face Sora. “He just can’t stand the fact that he can’t go with to see other worlds. To meet new people, or look for his king, but if that king left on his own why do they need to look for him?” Seto asked looking out the window at Goofy who was now standing alone after Donald blew him off. “The Pharaoh and I are looking for the ones we care about, my brother, his hikari and friends. They’re looking for a person that doesn’t seem to want to be found if he left on his own. You’re not a horrible friend as that idiot put it. You just realized what I’m saying before you even noticed it.”

Sora looked up at Seto amazed that the CEO could actually give a prep speech. Yami no Yuugi was think the same thing then clapped,” Amazing!” he said. “You can actually give a better speech then I can!”

“Well I’m supposed to be better at talking the you and besides you go on about “the heart of the cards” and “friendship.” I was just pointing out why Sora wasn’t a horrible friend and that he’s perceptive without even noticing it.” Seto said turning and smirking.

“You know what Kaiba,” Sora said,” you’re right. Thanks for the pick-me-up.” He said and smiled childishly. “Lets get going.” He said pushing the door open. “Oh! One more thing.”


“No.” Seto said plainly as he Sora and Yami no Yuugi stood before the gummi ship. Sora had just told him and Yami no Yuugi that the only why to make it fly was to be happy.

“No way in hell am I going to be happy with what's been going on.”

“Come on Kaiba,” Yami no Yuugi said. “all you have to do is think about something happy.”

“Amuse me.” Seto said sarcastically.

“Finding Mokuba, old memories--something!” Yami no Yuugi said.

“Hmm…” he thought for a minute then chuckled causing the ship to light up.

“What did you think of?” Yami no Yuugi said.

“My thoughts are my business.” Seto said as he thought of finding Mokuba and beating the ex-pharaoh in a duel.

“Yuugi, Kaiba?” a strong feminine voice said behind them.

“It’s Mai!” Yami no Yuugi said turning to spot the blonde standing behind then wearing a black and violet leather outfit, with high heels. She began to walk toward them.

“You’re here too?” Seto said almost in a groan of annoyance. “Is anyone else here?” he asked quickly in a bit more hopeful voice.

“No, but that Leon guy said you would be here.” Mai said as she reached them. “So you’re going to be going to other worlds looking for the others right?”

“That’s right.” Yami no Yuugi said.

“This must be the kid Leon told me about.” Mai said looking at Sora.

“My name is Sora.” He said pointing at his chest with his thumb.

Mai smiled,” You remind me of Jonouchi…” she paused,” Yuugi please when you find Jonouchi tell him I’m waiting.”

“I’ll do better and bring him back.” Yami no Yuugi said giving her a small nod.

“Good luck boys.” She said and then walked away she turned and shouted before going through the doors,” I’ll stay here and help out these guys!” she then vanished behind the door as it closed.

“Alright,” Sora said stretching,” all aboard!”

“Do you have any idea how annoying you are right now?” Seto said.

“Sorry.” Sora smiled Yami no Yuugi got on but Sora held back as Seto made his way onto the ship.

“What’s up?” Seto asked looking back at the fifteen-year-old.

“I seem to keep reminding people of one’s they’ve lost because of the Heartless.” Sora said with a sigh.

“You know…” Seto said turning so his back faced Sora,” I think that may be a good thing.” Sora looked back at him with a confused look. “It gives some people hope that…even if the one they lost is even a bit like you then they made it through the Darkness.” He said then walked onto the ship leaving Sora to think about it for a minute.

Sora then smiled to himself and said,” If I can do that for people then I’ve got to keep going. I can’t let anything drag me down or destroy me.” he then followed the other two onto the ship.


Inside the gummi ship Sora was now explaining how the ship worked. “This is how you maneuver it.” he said pointing to the stirring wheel.

“First off Sora.” Seto interjected. “I think I can figure out how to fly this thing secondly where are we going?”

“As much as I know,” Sora said,” Were heading for a warp hole on the other side of world Olympia. Its new to me after that.”

“Great.” Seto said rolling his eyes, while slumping into the pilot’s chair. He started to flick switches on and off and if testing everything to see what it did. He finally pushed the button to turn the ship on and said. “Alright everyone should take a seat. This is so much easier to fly then my Blue-eyes plain.”

“Blue-eyes?” Sora repeated slowly. Yami no Yuugi nodded, since Seto was busy with the controls he explained.

“In our world, we have things called Duel Monsters. We duel with them, instead of using weapons., since weapons are il--gal--”

“Illegal.” Seto corrected. Yami no Yuugi was still getting used to the language.

“Right. Illegal. You can’t flash them around in public.” Yami no Yuugi explained.

“Ah.” Sora said. He then turned his head to look out the gummi ship window. Everything was strange looking ad he couldn’t help but wonder. “I hope…” Sora said causing Seto to raise an eyebrow and he and Yami no Yuugi looked at the fifteen-year-old.

“I hope…everything goes well. No failures.” Sora said. “No big risks to make.”

“Hmm…” Seto commented, “and yet the biggest risk is not taking one.”

Seto just kept surprising the Keyblade master with his comments that seemed to be timed perfectly. How the CEO did it was beyond Sora but he was grateful for it.

“You’re right. I shouldn’t worry.” Sora sat in one of the passenger seats, the ex-pharaoh doing the same.

“Exactly.” Yami no Yuugi agreed,” and always remember; everything is ok in the end. If its not ok then it isn’t the end.”

Sora felt relieved. They all felt the same about what was going on. They hadn’t known each other for to long, and they knew nothing about each other, but that didn’t matter.

“Heh…” Sora chuckled. “And here I thought my adventure had already started. Looks like it had just begun.”

“Sorry to interrupt, but there’s something shooting at us and I don’t know how to defend myself!!” Seto said loudly.

“Oh! The heartless!!” Sora exclaimed. “I forgot about them!!”

“How can you forget about something to annoying!?” Seto almost shout but kept his cool.

“There!” Sora pointed at a button, ignoring Seto’s comment. “That’s the attack button!”

Seto pushed the button continually but nothing happened. “It must be jammed!” Seto shouted.

“Our shield is going down!” Yami no Yuugi said. “What do we do?”

Before anyone could respond, the gummi ship made a nasty crash into one of the large asteroids passing by. Seto apparently had to turn to avoid more shoots fired by the Heartless, but the wheel stuck to the left, causing it to crash into oncoming ships.

Sora and Yami no Yuugi were thrown off their seats, Yami no Yuugi hit his shoulder hard on the control panel to his right, while Sora managed to grab hold of the headrest and hold on tightly.

Seto, however, had hit his head hard on the wheel, causing him to become slightly disorientated.

“Is everyone okay?” Sora asked over the crashing sound heard from outside.

“Ugh… I’ve had a wonderful time but this isn’t it.” Seto mumbled loudly.

“Watch out!!” Yami no Yuugi said as the ship’s current course had them fling into a large ring, but there was nothing that could be done to avoid hitting it other in bracing themselves for the impact.

The ship rocked back and fourth, everyone desperately holding on. However the steering had a mind of its own, and took a hard right causing everyone to be thrown from their seat, as it hit a wall that was aimlessly floating by.

Sora was thrown to the floor, Yami no Yuugi was leaning on the controls, which were now useless, while Seto leaned on the driver side window.

All were unconscious.


Sora woke first, and he had a huge back ache. He wondered how he could be hurting so much, and then he remembered. Now, as he stood and looked out the gummi ship window, he wondered where he was.

It was entirely sand, and yet there was a large gold city, a little way ahead of them, fading off into a small sand storm.

“We’re screwed.” Sora heard Seto said as the lanky teen became focused. The CEO slowly pried himself from the welcoming--yet uncomfortable-- pilots window.

“Heal!” Sora said, healing himself. However not healing the splitting headache that he had, because it had been pain not caused by the Heartless.

“What happened?” Yami no Yuugi asked finally becoming conscious.

Ignoring the ex-pharaoh’s question, Seto began to flip on and off all the switches trying to make something work, and figure out what was wrong with it. “All systems are locked. Anyone not thinking happy?”

“I know I am.” Sora said looking over to Yami no Yuugi. Who nodded telling the brunettes he was too. “Maybe when we were being attacked someone wasn’t happy.”

Seto didn’t want to admit aloud that he had been the cause. It was just hard for him to think happy when something was going wrong.

He began trying to think happy but the ship gave no movement.

“I think its broken.” Sora said. “And Donald and Goofy aren’t here to fix it.”

Seto kicked open the door, because that too was broken, without responding, and went out into the light sandstorm. Sora climbed out after him leaving Yami no Yuugi to try and read the controls.

“What's wrong?” Sora asked. Seto felt the ship until he finally pressed a piece and opened the bottom revealing many difficult buttons, and a whole different language it seemed. Sora, and even Seto, were amazed.

“Ok…” Sora mumbled, “we’re doomed.”

“C++.” Seto whispered. “This is all C++.”

“Huh?” Sora said. “What's C++?”

“In my world, C++ is a computer language. We use it to make special things on the websites we own.” Seto explained fiddling around with the systems.

“What's a website?” Sora asked, but Seto ignored him. It was pointless to explain it to him if he didn’t even know what a computer was in their world. They would show him one of these days. Well, Seto would. The CEO doubted that the ex-pharaoh knew what a website was.

“Ah…” Seto apparently found something of interest to their dilemma. “Apparently we need a pure gold substance…”

“Why don’t we see if there is any gold over there in that city?” Yami no Yuugi said finally coming out of the ship.

“Perhaps.” Seto replied. “Let’s go and check it out.”


They walk for what seemed for ever before they reached the walls protecting the city. The walls were bare of guards and something didn’t feel right to Sora.

“Stay on your guard.” Sora instructed. “Something doesn’t feel right.”

“I’d say!!” an evil voice replied mockingly. “The Pharaoh and his Priest have come to interrupt our fun.”

Yami no Yuugi gasped. “Tomb Robber Bakura!?”

Bakura nodded. “In the flesh.” He laughed. “Hikari is in the ring.” He added hastily, seeing Yami no Yuugi about to accuse. “He’s safe and sound. I won’t hurt him or his body. Not anymore that is.”

“Can’t say the same for me though.” Another voice commented. Malik walked up to them, a large bruise on his arm. “He’s making me do all the dangerous stuff!!” The tomb-keeper complained.

Seto rolled his eyes. “Meet tomb-robber Bakura, and his partner in crime Malik Ishtar.” He explained to Sora. “Bakura, Malik, this is Sora.”

Sora nodded.

“Bakura has a better half--nice, you could say--named Ryou, who is apparently in his soul room.” Seto continued.

Sora looked confused. “Soul room?” he asked.

Seto nodded. “It’s hard for me to explain because I don’t have a yami. But what I can tell you is that within the ring hanging around Bakura’s neck, there is another soul. Ryou is the hikari--the light and Bakura is the Yami no Yuugi--the dark. It’s like yin-and-yang. Ryou was fine on his own…but well, the pharaoh can explain it to you better.” The CEO looked at Yami no Yuugi, who finally gave them attention after engaging in an interrogation with the annoyed tomb-robber.

“I’ll explain. When Ryou wasn’t knowledgeable about the Millennium Items, he was an average person, like you or Kaiba. However, he felt like a part of him was missing, so once he came in contact with the Millennium Ring he gained a dark half--Yami no Bakura, you could say-- that made him feel complete. To any Hikari of a Millennium Item, if they were unwillingly separated from their Yami no Yuugi, they would most likely go mad because they would feel incomplete.” Yami no Yuugi fell silent after he pointed this out, think of how Yuugi would be doing right now.

Sora looked at him concerned. “Is the person the your looking for your light?” he asked the ex-pharaoh.

Yami no Yuugi nodded and said,” I just hope he’s okay.”

“So what are you doing here pharaoh?” Bakura asked breaking the mood.

“We’re looking for a pure gold substance to fix our ship.” Yami no Yuugi said looking at the tomb-robber.

“Oh really?” Bakura said rising an eyebrow. “I’m sorry that we can’t help.”

“Huh? We’ve got plenty of gold, so why don’t we help?” Malik asked.

Bakura closed his eyes and took a deep breath then hit Malik in the back of his head yelling, “Because we don’t have pure gold! We have diluted gold!”

Malik was crouching on the ground holding his head,” You could have said that without hitting or yelling at me.”

Bakura looked at him then said, “Sure I could have but where’s the fun in that?”

“Where can we find pure gold.” Seto cut in.

“Not sure…” Bakura said, “there is a street-rat by the name of Aladdin who might know where to find some.”

“Where can we find him?” Sora asked.

“Stop asking me so many damn questions!” Bakura said.

Malik rolled his eyes at Bakura, “If you go into the city and go to the second open area, you’ll see in a dead-end alley a wooden pole. Climb that and you’ll find his house.”

“He may or may not be there.” Bakura added, ignoring the look that Malik now gave him. He seemed extremely casual in this exchange.

“Thanks.” Sora said walking into the city in the direction that Malik had told them to go.

“What are you doing with that kid, priest?” Bakura asked as Yami no Yuugi followed Sora.

“Trying to find Mokuba.” Seto said and started to walk away.

“So, you’re trying to find your little brother, and the pharaoh’s looking for his hikari. You two are really predictable.”

“Say what you want.” Seto said.

“Kaiba!!!” Sora yelled. “Come on!”

“I’m coming.” Seto said. “Damn brat.” He added.

“I’m not a brat!” Sora snapped.


“This is all junk!” Seto said sitting down on the steps of a ruined house. Large amounts of rock laid scattered about, and ripped draped were pulled back exposing a huge hole, where maybe a window or wall should have been.

“He’s not here.” Yami no Yuugi said looking out the large hole.

“So… should we wit for him then?” Sora asked looking around at the other two.

“I don’t see why not.” Yami no Yuugi said.

“What the hell is that?” Seto asked looking past Sora.

“Wha?” Sora looked back to see what Seto was talking about when he spotted a moving carpet. “Whoa!” he said jumping back and tripping causing him to fall on Seto.

“Get off of me before I hurt you.” Seto said calmly.

“Sorry!” Sora said quickly getting up.

“What do you think it is?” Yami no Yuugi asked, looking at the brightly colored carpet that was trapped under a dresser. Trimmed with gold, and gold tassels it moved about frantically trying to get free.

“Maybe we should help it out.” Sora said.

“I think it was put under that thing for a reason so it should stay there.” Seto said not moving from were he was sitting.

“Come on!!” Sora said pulling on the taller brunettes arm, trying to make him move.

“I’m sure you can move it yourself, besides why should I help you when you landed on me because your so damn clumsy?” Seto said letting the small teen pull on his arm, and not budging an inch.

Sora let go of Seto’s arm and pouted. “Fine. Come on Pharaoh let’s move this thing.”

“Right.” Yami no Yuugi said., then he and Sora placed both hands on the dresser and pushed hard. They overestimated the weight of the dresser and were both sent crashing to the from as the carpet flew out from under them before they hit the ground.

“Ow…” Sora said a few seconds afterward.

“Lovely show, is there an encore?” Seto asked finally getting up and walking over to the two. Yami no Yuugi got up and was now looking at the carpet that was hopping up an down. “Need a hand?” Seto offered Sora.

“Thanks.” Sora said taking it and letting Seto haul him to his feet.

“I think…” Yami no Yuugi said getting the two brunettes attention,” it wants us to ride it.”

“Ride it?” Seto said not looking at Yami no Yuugi but out the hole. “Pharaoh I think all this sand is going to you head. He then looked back to see Sora jumping onto it. “What the hell?”

“Come on, Kaiba.” Sora said.

“Right.” Yami no Yuugi said getting on it too.

“Fine.” Seto said. “I’m losing my mind as it is anyway.” He said climbing onto it, then suddenly it took off.

All three teens had to grasp the edges of the carpet as it jetted off toward the setting sun, into the desert.


“There’s nothing here.” Seto said looking around at the empty lot the carpet had dumped them off at.

“You’ve got that right.” Bakura said appearing behind Sora, causing the boy to jump and fall to the sandy ground. “You scare easy don’t you.” Bakura smirked. “You’ll be fun to play with.” Sora blinked a few times and looked nervous.

“Tomb-robber leave him alone.” Yami no Yuugi said, crossing his arms. “and what are you doing here?”

“We’re here looking for the Cave of Wonders.” Malik said helping Sora to his feet, by picking him up from his armpits. “It’s supposed to be around here.” He nodded to Sora who gave him thanks.

Suddenly Heartless appeared from the sand, with long daggers, and their heads wrapped in cloth. “The Heartless.” Sora said quickly drawing his Keyblade and blocking the attack of one of the Heartless that had jumped at him.

“Annoying bastards.” Seto said killing one with a swing form his Hilbert.

“Kaiba behind you!” Yami no Yuugi said throwing one of his sais at the Heartless trying to attack Seto from behind. He then ran at another and killed it then picked up the sai he had thrown.

Malik hit one with a shovel causing it to stumble toward Bakura whom killed it with a slash of his gold dagger. “These damn things are every where.” Bakura said loudly, killing another Malik hit toward him.

“There not just on this world either.” Yami no Yuugi said killing another.

Only two remind and were closest to Seto and Sora, whom did a combo attack, by having Sora roll over Seto’s back and Seto blasting the other one with an ice attack that killed both of them at the same time.

“That takes care of them.” Seto said looking around at the people that were spread out over the lot.

“Hey over here!” Sora said from the middle of the vicinity.

Seto looked to his right were Sora had been standing seconds before. “How the hell did he do that?” he asked himself while he ran over to see what Sora found. “Who?”

Yami no Yuugi, Bakura, and Malik also ran over to see who it was that the short teen had found. “Aladdin!” Malik exclaimed as he looked down into a sand trap.

“That’s Aladdin?” Seto asked.

“Yah.” Bakura said. “Let’s get him out.”


“I think he’s dead.” Seto said poking him with the tip of his staff.

“Aladdin?” Malik said shaking the man with black hair, he wore a violet vest, and cream colored pants with a small red cap on his head.

“Raa!” A monkey said jumping up from the man, Malik moved to the side to avoid being the monkey’s target so it attacked the ex-pharaoh by jumping in his hair.

“Get it off!” Yami no Yuugi yelled falling over onto the soft sand ground.

Aladdin began to wake as, the four began to laugh at the pharaoh and his misfortune. “What…happened?”

“You’re awake!” Malik said looking to the black haired street rat.

“About time, amateur.” Bakura said.

“Malik…” Aladdin said,” Tomb-robber.” He looked at Bakura with a hit of disdain in his eyes.

“Look out!” Sora said firing a blast of fire at a Bandit Heartless who sprung up form the sand.

“When will they stop!?” Seto groaned as he used thunder to make three others explode into a blast of green health balls and munny. Only to have them replaced by three new ones.

“Genie!” Aladdin cried. “Get rid of these guys!”

“First wish coming up!” a blue man said mineralizing from the lamp that Aladdin held in his hand.

“What the hell?” Seto said watching the Heartless vanish and the blue man float around. “This little adventure is really screwing with my head.”

“Let’s get out of here for now.” Bakura said. “Before more of them decide to pop up.”

“Good idea.” Sora agreed and lead the way out of the lot to the open desert as the sun rose.


“What are you doing out in the desert Aladdin?” Bakura asked.

“Just paying a visit to the cave of Wonders. To pick him up.” Aladdin said pointing at the blue man floating behind him. “This is--”

“No, no, no!” the blue man said. “Allow me to do the introductions!” he popped out of sight then popped back in behind Sora, who jumped and fell. Causing Bakura to laugh and Seto to role his eyes. “Sorry about that.” The blue eyes man said.

“You go and introduce yourself.” Sora said. “I’ll just sit here so I don’t fall over again.”

“I’m going to start keeping count on how many more times you fall. So far, four.” Seto said before the blue man began his opening.

“I am, the great Genie of the lamp!” Genie said. “I cast three wishes to whoever finds me then, three two one, I make like a banana and split!” he said popping all over the place and splitting into three, then vanishing each time he counted down.

Good thing I decided to stay sitting down.’ Sora thought as he was positive he would have fallen over again if he were standing.

“I wanted to get Genie so I could wish to be a insanely rich prince.” Aladdin said.

“Why would you want to that Aladdin?” Sora asked turning to look at the street rat.

“Well you see there’s this girl back in Agrabah. Her name is Jasmine. Well she’s the princes and I’m a street rat.” Aladdin said.

“Wait.” Malik said. “That reminds me! Jasmine! She’s in danger!”

“That’s right.” Bakura said now remembering.

“We have to get back to Agrabah!” Aladdin said loudly. Jumping on the carpet that flew toward them. “Get on.”

“You expect all of us to fit on that?” Seto asked.

“There’s no time to worry about that!” Sora said. “Come on Kaiba!”

“Fine.” Seto said. ‘Why do I keep agreeing to help people out when this kid asks for me to do it?’ He thought to himself.

One everyone was one the carpet it took off back toward the gold city. “I hope she’s okay.” Aladdin said.


Once they reached the archway into the city the six got off the carpet and walked into the main street. Where a few heartless appeared but vanished just as quickly with the combined efforts of the six.

“Where is this Jasmine girl?” Seto asked as he looked around.

“Look out!” Sora said as a red pot flew at them from a high ledge. Bakura was hit to the ground with Malik hit it casing it to shatter leave a vast amount of munny behind. “Heal!” Sora said rising his Keyblade and curing Bakura.

“Thanks kid.” Bakura said standing up and dusting himself off.

“Okay…” Seto said. “A flying pot just attacked us now.” He looked around and saw the others nodding. “I’m going to stop trying to make anything logical at the time. I bet the next thing to attack us are going to be barrels.”

“Those are new.” Sora said.

“Come on!” Aladdin said. “We have to help Jasmine!” he then lead the way to the next allay.


Seto watched as Sora unlocked a keyhole on Aladdin’s house, he looked out the hole in the wall and wondered what Mokuba was doing right now, but was brought back to the attention of the others when Bakura said he knew where to find another keyhole like that one. It turns out whatever was now in control of Agrabah had sealed the actual passageways to the other sections of the city. The only way to get to these other sections is to unlock the doors and fight off the Heartless in these other places.

“Lets get going then.” Sora said following the tomb-robber.

“The faster we get this over with the better.” Seto said following the others in line.

However, unbeknownst to them, Mokuba was watching the group in pure curiosity. He had been told by Maleficent that his brother didn’t care for him anymore, time and time again. He didn’t believe it for a second.

He felt a cool hand on his sleeve, and his long black trench coat blew somewhat as the figure approached him.

“Maleficent…does he really see me?” Mokuba asked. The evil witched smiled slyly, but Mokuba wasn’t looking. “Of course he sees you. But…he choose not to see you at the same time.”

She let her free hand give a small wave under her black cloak and the images around them changed somewhat. Seto was now looking right at them from his spot behind Sora. Mokuba looked relieved, and he gave a shout to his brother.

“Seto! Niisama! It’s me!” the younger Kaiba yelled. However, he was greeted with the eyes narrowing and Seto’s head turning. It seemed a bit unnatural when Sora and Yami no Yuugi walked up to him, joking around, making Seto give a great laugh, very much unlike him.

Even though Mokuba was happy that his brother had made friends, he couldn’t help but feel jealous. His brother had reserved his laugh that he displayed right now in front of the key-bearer and ex-pharaoh for Mokuba, and only for Mokuba.

“Seto…?” Mokuba asked, cocking his head. Maleficent made a ‘tsk, tsk, tsk’ noise as she bent down to whisper coyly in Mokuba’s ear. “As I told you. I wouldn’t like to you.”

Mokuba gasped somewhat, his eyes filling with tears. It was just like when they had been with Noah…when his older brother--or really the virtual picture of his older brother--had slapped him across the face.

“Now…I’m all alone…” Mokuba whimpered quietly, a small sob escaping his throat. “There, there, my child.” the witch said, allowing the young Kaiba to turn to her anfd bury his head in his cloak, crying out. “You’re not alone. If you let the darkness take over you, you will grow stronger. Your brother will see you, and he will see you are strong enough for him to actually look at. Come back with me to the castle and help me. Gain the strength.”

Mokuba nodded, knowing he had nowhere else to go or to turn to.

The evil witch smiled again, placing her hand around the boy as they both disappeared, Mokuba’s cries still hanging in the air.

The illusion disappeared, and Seto was fighting against the Heartless, as he had been doing the entire time Mokuba had been with Maleficent.

He felt that something in him was dissolving, and he instantly stopped his fighting, grabbing his chest, going to his knees. He didn’t know where it came from, or why it was there. It hurt a lot, and he had only remembered this pain once before, when Mokuba had been taken to Noah. He had been able to do something about that before, since it had all been laid out for him…but now…

“Mokuba…” he whispered, his eyes widening and the wonder he had been in shattering instantly. He knew it was his brother.

He barely registered that his name was being called, or that Sora was doing double the work. The Heartless eventually passed, and Seto sat there, on his knees, holding his heart, praying in his deepest thoughts and soul that Mokuba was still safe and was still with him.

He felt the shatter.


End Chapter 3

Shinjuu’s notes: This chapter was…difficult, to say the least. This chapter I was stuck on for ALL of summer, getting Kaiyuku pissed…but then she wrote a lot of it and I found a way to insert my Seto angst without making a yaoi out of it! Praise me!

10/26: changed “Hilbert” to “Halberd”. Thanks to Matthias Waverunner for telling us.

Stay tuned for Chapter 4, which will feature the fight for Jasmine and probably will go till we end with the Agrabah world. Stay tuned!