Final Fantasy - All Series Fan Fiction / Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Millennium Hearts ❯ Chapter 2 ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: We do not own Kingdom Hearts or Yuugiou. Kazuki-san and Square Enix won’t surrender them to us…but we will own them soon enough.

Yuugiou/ Kingdom Hearst crossover



(‘ “) emphasized words ( ” ’) [unless in a thought then its normal]

(‘ “) Sarcastic (” ’) [unless it’s in a thought then its bold and italic]


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Chapter 2

“In the real world, as in dreams, nothing is quite what it seems.”

Sora, Donald, and Goofy walked into the Accessory shop to see an older man with brown hair, in place of the normal blonde.

“Hey.” Sora said getting the man attention, “Where’s Cid?”

“You means the man that ran this shop before?” the man asked.

“Yah.” Sora said, looking at the green Trinity mark in the floor.

“He left the shop to me and went to run a Gummi shop over by the doors to the Second District.’ He said, “Now how may I help you?”

“That’s all thanks.” Sora said pushing the door open and leaving, he remembered a short cut to the Second District doors and took a right while Donald and Goofy went left not even noticing that Sora wasn’t with them. He came to the side entrance of the weapons shop and took another right turn. He walked down the ally toward the box with a wagon wheel propped on it. Before he jumped onto the box he took a second to look down the ally he’d first shown up in when he came to this world.

His eyes met the most surprising thing, two people, one was leaning him back on the weapon’s shop wall while the other was face down on the ground,” What the hell?” Sora murmured as he ran over to them. One had spiky tri-colored hair while the other had slightly darker brown hair then Sora had. The two men looked like they were in their teens.

The tri-colored teen stirred then started to push himself up, he opened his eyes looking around, putting his hand in his face he mumbled, “Where…?”

“You’re in Traverse Town.” Sora said making his presence known.

“Where?” Yami no Yuugi asked looking at the brunette.

“Traverse Town.” Sora repeated, “Who are you and where are you from?”

“My name is Yami no Yuugi, people call me Pharaoh, and I come from Domino City.” Yami no Yuugi said looking at Sora, “and who are you?”

“My name’s Sora…is he with you?” Sora asked looking at the teen slumped on the wall.

“Yes,” Yami no Yuugi said, “Are those little black creatures here too?”

“You mean the Heartless?” Sora asked.

“Is that what they’re called?” Yami no Yuugi asked.

“Yes,” Sora said, “Those without hearts become Heartless.”

“Can you tell me what's going on?” Yami no Yuugi asked.

“Lets wait until your friend wakes up then I’ll tell you all you need to know.” Sora said.

“Then start talking kid.” Seto said as he looked up. Sora jumped back a bit clutching his chest. Seto had apparently scared the younger brunette.

“You’re awake!” Yami No Yuugi said looking at the CEO.

“Yeah,” Seto looked at Sora, “now start talking. I want to know how the hell I got here and where my little brother is.”

“Well.” Sora dragged out thinking of the best way to explain that he didn’t know how they got there or where this guys little brother was.

“Sora!!!” came the sound of Donald’s voice as he rounded the corner,” We found Cid he’s--who are they?” Donald pointed to Seto and Yami no Yuugi.

“Their world was attacked by Heartless.” Sora said looking around at the white duck.

“Well…make them go to Leon! We’ve got work to do!” Donald shouted.

“He’s right.” Sora said turning to Seto and Yami no Yuugi,” Come on I’ll take you to Leon.”

“Fine.” Seto said,” All I want is to find my little brother.”

“You might find him but I wouldn’t get your hopes up…the Heartless don’t spare anyone if the heart is weak.” Sora said emotionlessly, “he may be in another world or…he could have lost his heart.”

“We’ll see about that.” Seto said his tone threatening.

Sora stood up as did Yami no Yuugi and Seto,” I hope I can find Yuugi.” Yami no Yuugi said, clutching his puzzle subconsciously.

Sora looked at him sadly as he turned to Donald with a fake smile plastered all over his face, “Lets go.”


They arrived in the Third District quickly, Sora had given the mysterious Gummi to Donald and told him to give it to Cid.

Sora automatically pulled out his Keyblade as Heartless started to emerge from the floor.

“The Heartless, run!” Sora yelled at the teens while he killed three at one time.

“Where?” Seto asked sarcastically.

“Uhh…” Sora started then started to run to the stairs, “Follow me!” He could see the door to the “Safe House”. Seto and Yami no Yuugi were close behind Sora, as they got to the house Sora pushed open the door and allowed the two teens to run in. Sora then quickly shut the door behind him, all three of them were breathing heavily when Leon finally spoke up, “Sora?”

“These two are Off-Worlders.” Soar said pointing at Seto and the ex-pharaoh.

“And you’re going to be a pain in my ass and make me tell them about the Heartless and the world connection?” Leon asked pinching the bridge of his nose, Sora nodded and said, “Yah…I just love to piss you off.”

“Just stop passing me around, dammit!! I want some answers here!” Seto yelled, “I want to find my little brother!”

“Calm down, Kaiba.” Yami no Yuugi said.

“Shut up!” Seto snapped, “I’m sure you’re sick of it too.”

“Well...” Yami no Yuugi said.

“That’s what I thought.” Seto said.

“Alright,” Leon interjected, “Where to start?”

“You can start with what the hell those things outside are!” Seto said.

“Their called Heartless. They go from world to world destroying the inhabitants then the world itself. Sora uses the Keyblade to seal the key hole and stop the Heartless from the worlds core.” Leon took a second to let it soak in. then began again, “The core of the world is the glue that holds it together. If the core is consumed by darkness and twisted it will brake and then the whole planet will be covered in darkness. Most of the people living on that world are also consumed but if their hearts are strong they’ll get to another world…but if their hearts are weak the darkness will twist their form and they’ll become Heartless.”

“Why didn’t we know about other worlds before?” Seto asked.

“Because the worlds were disconnected and had barriers around them, but the Heartless completely shattered those barriers and connected the worlds.” Leon said.

“So these things, the Heartless, go around killing people and destroying worlds?” Yami no Yuugi asked trying to make sure he understood.

“That’s right.” Sora said.

“And I’m guessing you go to a lot of other worlds to seal theses Keyholes.” Seto asked, getting an idea.

“Yah.” Sora said.

“Sora!” Donald said running into the house Goofy close behind, “Cid got the Gummi installed but he said the Heartless are getting out of control. We should find the Keyhole and seal it!”

“Right,” Sora said, “but where is it?”

“The Gizmo bell has been ringing lately, maybe you can find something up there.” Yuffie said popping into the room.

“Okay I’ll go check it out.” Sora said as he turn toward the door Donald and goofy following him.

“I’m coming with you.” Seto said walking over to Sora, “I need to find my little brother whether he’s on this world or another.”

I don’t think so!!” Donald yelled,” It’s not gonna happen!!”

“God, I wish I could fry that duck.” Seto said rolling his eyes.

“It’s been awhile since I’ve even looked at a duck.” Yami no Yuugi added in, squatting down to pluck a feather off of Donald’s ass, not knowing that it would actually hurt him. He glared at the ex-pharaoh.

“What!? I’ll show you.” Donald said running at Seto but he stuck his foot on the duck’s head, his arms folded.

Donald started to get mad because everyone was laughing at him so he shot a fire ball at Seto, who raised his hand and extinguished it.

“Whoa!” Sora said, “How’d you do that?”

Seto shrugged and looked at Sora, “What's it matter?”

“Donald.” Goofy said.

Donald then let out a yell and jumped up causing Seto to lose his balance, he had to hop a bit to gain it again without falling on his tail.

“So you might have stronger magic then Donald.” Sora said almost to himself.

“You’re one of those people that believe magic is real?” Seto asked rolling his eyes.

“Magic is real to an extent.” Sora said, “Like element magic and summoning.”

“See?” Yami no Yuugi said, “I told you.”

“I think I’m still dreaming.” Seto said.

“If you’re dreaming then we all are.” Aerith said, walking into the room.

“I would gladly welcome this as a dream.” Leon said, “Then I would know that when I wake up we’d all be at home.”

“Maybe you should come with us.” Sora said, “You could look for the ones you lost.”

“NO!!!!” Donald yelled, “Goofy and I are not getting on the same ship as him!!” he pointed at Seto, “Right Goofy?”

“Uhh…maybe we should let them go with Sora and we stay behind and help Leon and the others.” Goofy said.

“Smart dog…” Seto said, “Sounds like a good plan, but can we leave the Pharaoh here?”

“No…”Yami no Yuugi said, “I need to find Yuugi…”

“Alright,” Sora said,” It sounds like a plan!”

Yami no Yuugi smiled in agreement, and Seto scoffed but still gave off a smirk showing he liked the plan.

“So me, the Pharaoh, and…uhh….” Sora looked at Seto, “What's your name?”

“Seto Kaiba,” Seto said.

“Okay,” Sora said, “Seto, Pharaoh, and I will go around looking for our friends and sealing the keyholes while Donald and goofy stay here!”

“I’m just trying to find my little brother I could care less about the other worlds.” Seto said nonchalantly. Then he glared at Sora. “And you are to call me Kaiba.”

“Kaiba!” Yami no Yuugi said in a warning tone, “Calm down. If you are patient, it will come to you.”

“Shut it, Pharaoh.” Seto argued, “I remember how you acted when you lost Yuugi to the Orichalcos. Don’t order me around without knowing your own faults.”

Yami no Yuugi remind silent for he had nothing to say.

“If you’re done arguing we can go now…” Sora said almost out the door.

The two teen followed him. They were instantly confronted by Heartless.

Sora went through them quickly. When he had a moment of no Heartless being present or appearing he looked at Yami no Yuugi and Seto.

“You guys have no weapons.” Sora said.

Seto and Yami no Yuugi looked at each other. Seto scoffed, “Who needs weapons?”

“This place, along with other worlds, are filled with Heartless. If I’m the only one with a weapon this will be a short trip. I can’t be the only one killing the Heartless.” Sora said, “Donald and Goofy helped me before.”

Yami no Yuugi nodded to Sora, understanding, “And besides, Kaiba, when we find you brother you’re going to need to protect him.” the ex-pharaoh added.

“Fine,” Seto replied, “It there a weapons shop around here?”

“Not really one where we’ll fine anything for you…but there is a Trinity mark in the Accessory Shop. Maybe we can see if there’s something up stairs for you.” Sora took off towards the First District, “Follow me!”

They reached the shop and entered it. The man at the counter eyed them but didn’t seem to care.

“Green Trinity.” Sora explained, “With the Green Trinity we can make a human ladder.”

“What!?” Seto almost shouted, “No way anyone is getting my shoulders!”


After a lot of persuasion from Yami no Yuugi and a few grumbled replies from Sora, Seto allowed them to do the Trinity.

Yami no Yuugi made a jump and landed on Seto’s shoulders, amazed. Sora jumped on all of the and let the ladder down just as they all fell to the wood floor the shop keeper a bit startled.

Seto was grumpy now, “Piece of shit…’ he thought, glaring at the ladder.

Sora didn’t wait for them as he jumped on the ladder and began to climb it. He reached the top and spoke to the Moogles.

“Ah! They’re like Kuribo’s!” a groan came form Seto when he stepped into the Synthesis shop. Yami no Yuugi was already up there, chuckling constantly.

“Ahhh…but Kaiba, they’re so cute!” Yami no Yuugi said through shaking shoulders.

The Moogles ignored their comments, but then the Moogle by the fire came running toward the two.

“Oh!! The legend is true!! The Pharaoh and the High Priest have returned!!” the Moogle said to his older brother. He bowed to the Off-Worlders.

Sora raised an eyebrow as the older brother ran to the two.

“Your items are just as you wanted, my Pharaoh!!” The older Moogle explained, “Hurry Moggie! Get the weapons!

“It took us many years to make these but we’ve waited for 3,000 years for your return, your name traveling down from our generation to generation ever since you asked our ancestors to make these for you.”

Yami no Yuugi looked confused, “Um…thank you…”

Moggie ran back in carrying three weapon in its small hands. Each item was coved in an old cloth.

He handed one of the items to Seto, which was long and somewhat heavy. Seto felt filled with power when he took the cloth off. It was a beautiful staff but with a blade attached to the end of it. The staff was a gorgeous pale blue color, with a metallic duel monsters card attached to the edge of right below where the blade started.

But Yami no Yuugi couldn’t be amazed by that weapon for he was intrigued at the two items given to him. They was two sais. They too had metallic card attached to the ends. They were deep red at the handles and silver at the blade.

He, too, felt filled with a new power.

“Okay.” Sora said, smiling, “You have weapons. Good.” He opened the door on the upper level, “Let’s go to the Gizmo Shop.”

Seto nodded, giving his weapon a swing. The duel monsters card clanged to the staff’s metallic skin. “A Hilbert (1). Did you have these in Egypt?”

“I don’t know. Whatever the case we have it now along with my sais.”

The three exited the shop from the upper level door that was now unlocked. Sora saw Cid standing not far from where that were now standing as the door closed behind Yami no Yuugi.

“Hey Cid!” Sora said walking over to him.

“Sora!” Cid said, “Well I got that new Gummi installed and I threw in a warp Gummi for ya too.”

“That’s great!” Sora said, “I’m heading to the Gizmo Shop right now. So I’ll check it out later okay?”

Cid nodded his head and eyed the two teens standing behind Sora, “Oh Yah!” Sora said, “Allow me to introduce Seto Kaiba and the Pharaoh.” Sora point to either of them as he said their names to the blonde man.

“Nice ta meet ya.” Cid said.

“We’d better get going.” Sora said and waved farewell to Cid as he pushed open the door to the Second District.

As soon as the tall double doors closed six shadow Heartless rose form the ground accompanied with three yellow Nocturnes.

Seto and Yami no Yuugi already had their weapons drawn, and were attacking the Heartless.

Sora was reaching into his pocket and quickly pulled out his Jungle King. By the time Sora was ready to attack most of the Heartless were killed. The only one left was a Nocturne. Sora quickly struck it down and it exploded into a flurry of green balls and munny.

Sora stepped on one of the green balls and knelt down to pick up the tri-colored ball of munny.

“Just so you know,” He said turning to Seto and Yami no Yuugi, “These little tri-colored balls are called munny. Their a type of currency you can use in any world.”

He quickly pocketed the munny and then continued, “Well lets get going!” he started to run to his left that led to a hotel. He kept going up the steps toward the large building. Heartless were popping up left and right each only to be knocked back into the shadows which they had appeared from.

When they reached the colorful doors of the Gizmo shop Sora kicked them open instantly attacked by Heartless.

“These things are a real pain in the ass.” Seto hissed killing off two of the Heartless, “They’re everywhere.”

“When we seal the keyhole the number of Heartless should tone down, so there won’t be so many of them running around.” Sora said.

“Sora,” Yami no Yuugi began, “What are these green balls?”

“Those are just health balls.” Sora explained, “You just step on them or just touch them and you’ll recover some strength.” As if to show an example, Sora stepped on two of them and some of the scratches on his face disappeared.

The two off-Worlders glanced at each other before they stepped over a few of the green orbs themselves. Hey felt their energy coming back to them, and they weren’t as tired as they had been.

“So…where do we go now?” Seto asked, looking around.

Sora looked around as well. “Uhh…” he looked off in one direction. “This way…I think…”

You think?” Seto sneered, “And what if you’re wrong?”

“Then we keep looking.” Sora replied. He scratched the back of his head, putting on a mask to hide how much annoyance he was gaining from Seto. He could have sworn that Donald was actually better…

“Idiot…” Seto said loudly. He walked over to Sora and dug his fist into Sora’s head. Sora looked up, “Hey!” he shouted, and was surprised to actually see a playful smirk on his abuser’s face. “You remind me of my little brother….just older, and with different colored hair.” he mused.

Sora remained silent, not knowing how to reply, the shook his head and started for the door at the other end of the Gizmo Shop. “Let’s go!”

Yami no Yuugi and Seto followed their short leader and soon all of them faced a ladder.

“That…was over there last time.” Sora said slowly, looking at the ladder to the other wall that was right across from them. He shrugged it off and started to climb the ladder.

“What the hell is up here?” Seto asked climbing up after Sora, Yami no Yuugi bringing up the rear.

“I dunno,” Sora admitted. “I’ve never been up here.”

“Great…” Seto rolled his eyes.

“Sorry.” Sora replied as they all reached the top.

Heartless appeared here as well, but with a few swift strikes the three took them all out. They ‘passed around’ the green balls, making sure everyone had at least the same amount of energy.

The Keyblade master walked over to the wood wall which had the Gizmo Bell behind it. “Cid did say it had been ringing lately.” he mumbled to himself.

He then noticed the red trinity mark on the wall. “Hey, Pharaoh, Kaiba,” he said gaining the attention of the two. “This,” he pointed to the floor at the red trinity. “Is a charge trinity. We each ram the door at the same time so we can knock the wood down.”

“Don’t tell me I have to work with you two, again.” Seto complained.

“That what you have to do with all the trinities. We have to work together.” Sora explained, a bit impatiently.

“Let’s just knock it down.” Yami no Yuugi said. He was getting kind of annoyed by Seto’s behavior as well.

Yami no Yuugi ran into the wall, but it didn’t budge. “My turn.” Sora said, slamming himself Yami no Yuugi. The ex-pharaoh could have sworn he heard something crack.

Seto smirked, ‘So that’s how it works.’ He then proceeded to run his shoulder right into Sora and Yami no Yuugi, which made the wood finally crumble. Sora and Yami no Yuugi feel to the floor as Seto steadied himself. “That was fun. Where’s the next one?”

“Ouch…” Yami no Yuugi replied, sitting up.

Sora stood and brushed himself off. He then looked at the bell and spotted the rope that dangled from it. “So, if I pull this rope, what’ll happen?” Sora asked himself. He walked over to the rope and pulled it, causing the bell to ring.

Seto heard something move and looked down. “Hey…that fountain changed. The picture is different, and there are lights.”

“Hmm…” Sora said, walking over to look at it. “Hey, there’s a picture of the bell on these pictures.” Yami no Yuugi said, pointing at the marble pillars.

“I think I saw the same mosaic pictures on the fountain.” Seto let in his two cents.

“So they each show the three bells.” Sora said. “Let’s pull the rope two more times.”

He walked back to the rope and pulled. Again, the fountain picture changed. “Again.” Seto commanded. “Patience.” Sora rolled his eyes and then pulled the rope once more. The noise was giving him a headache, since he stood next to it.

“Whoa!” Yami no Yuugi cried out as the fountain spurted water, changed the picture, and lit up. The picture then started to change as it formed a glowing keyhole.

“The Keyhole!” Sora shouted. “Come on!” he called as he ran and jumped off the roof in front of him. ‘If Riku’s in this world then I have to seal that keyhole!’ he thought as he stopped to look down. He then crouched so he slid off the roof of the building and landed on the cement floor below.

Seto and Yami no Yuugi stared for a minute, before Seto took a step forward. He looked at the ex-pharaoh then said, “We’ve jumped off higher buildings then this.” and then he did the same thing as Sora did, just more gracefully.

Yami no Yuugi no Yuugi looked annoyed, “That was the virtual world, Kaiba!” he shouted as he made a daring leap.

Soon all of them were in front of the fountain, each looking at the Keyhole in front of them.

Suddenly, the ground began to shake, “What the hell is that?” Seto asked as he got into a steady position.

Just then a large Heartless with purple armor fell from the sky.

“It’s Guard Armor.” Sora said, pulling out his Keyblade.

Seto and Yami no Yuugi also pulled out their weapons as the Heartless began to spin around.

“Look out!” Sora shouted at his partners. “He can disassemble himself!”

As Seto and Sora jumped back when Guard Armor split apart, Yami no Yuugi used his twin Sais and slashes at the arms attacking him. Seto spun his staff around as the spare blade at the tip hit the feet going after him. Sora went for the torso.

The three parts of the body fell in a heap in front of the keyhole. Then, the Heartless suddenly started to reassemble, his hands now his feet and his feet now his hands. It’s head then sat on the upturned torso.

“It’s…opposite.” Sora said.

“Any information on this new form?” Yami no Yuugi asked, looking ready to cautiously strike.

“Uhhh…” Sora gave a shake of his head, “No.”

“Great.” Seto replied, rolling his eyes. Sora glared at him. “You can’t expect me to know everything!” he shouted. Seto crossed his arms. “And what if I do?” he glared back.

“Look out!” Yami no Yuugi shouted as opposite armor shot a blue energy ball at the arguing teens. With no time to dodge the two stood there dumbstruck. Yami no Yuugi jumped in front of the energy ball and took the hit.

“DAMMIT, PHARAOH!” Seto yelled as Yami no Yuugi was blasted into a wall. Seto ran over to him while Sora distracted Opposite Armor.

“You idiot!” Seto said kneeling down next to the ex-pharaoh.

“I...had to do…something.” Yami no Yuugi said, trying to get up, but he fell against the wall he had crashed into. “Stupid…” Seto trailed. “The hell you think you’re doing? Only I am allowed to beat you.”

Just then, a pale green light came from Seto’s staff. Yami no Yuugi felt as if he had never been hit, and stood up quickly. “What the hell?” Seto asked, almost panicky, something unlike him. Yami no Yuugi was thinking the same thing, but gained control, “We have to help Sora.”

Seto was about to reply but saw Sora being forced into a wall so he and Yami no Yuugi had to chase it. “Dammit…” Sora said, stumbling back to his position.

“Since when do you curse?” Seto asked as he killed one of Opposite Armor’s arms.

“You’re too young to be saying things like that.” Yami no Yuugi agreed as he killed off the other arm.

“So what?” Sora pouted. “I’m 15, I can do whatever the hell I want.” he shouted loudly before killing off the other two legs.

The Heartless then began to retreat to the fountain. “It’s after the Keyhole!” Sora said loudly following it.

“Not if I can help it!” Seto roared running past Sora and jumping in front of the torso striking it with his blade.

“Let’s get it.” Yami no Yuugi said slashing at it with his sais.

“It’s finished now!” Sora said as he swung his Keyblade and left a visible glowing scar on the Opposite Armor. The Heartless began to shake badly when finally it exploded leaving a glowing blue heart rising from the blast, the three teens shielded themselves from the force of the explosion.

“Now to seal the Keyhole to this world.” Sora said walking over toward the glowing Keyhole. Seto and Yami no Yuugi stood behind him each on one side as Sora drew his Keyblade to his front. A warm blue and gold glow emitted from the tip and shot into the Keyhole. A soft click was hear before it began to fade and restore the mosaic of flowers it was before the Keyhole appeared on it. “Done.”

“Good.” Seto said.

--End Chapter 2--

(1) I don’t think they are actually called Hilberts, because my friend’s magazine (where I originally got the idea) was taken away from me before I could read the details. I’m usually far too busy with looking at the details then at the text next to the weapon. It is doubtful that this will ever be changed, but for your sake, I’ll try and say what I think a Hilbert is. I think it is a medieval weapon of sorts that is between a scythe and a staff. It has a large blade at the top, like the scythe, but another smaller blade at the bottom. Check out the website listed in either Kaiyuku or MyShinjuu’s user profile to see the weapon being described.

Wow long chapter, well hope you drop by for the next one.

Kaiyuku and Shinjuu