Final Fantasy - All Series Fan Fiction ❯ A New Threat To Spira ❯ A Long-Expected Union ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
[A/N: I will admit, the first chapter was a little short, but intentionally so. As usual, I don't own FFX-2 or the characters therein, I'm just borrowing them. Now, on with the show!]
2: A Long-Expected Union

The sun rose high over Besaid Island, sending myriad sparkles dancing across the surface of the water. Being Southernmost of the settled regions of Spira, with the possible exception of Bikanel, the villagers hardly if ever noticed the transition from summer to winter. Even if there was a noticeable change, though, it would have gone ignored by most of the populace this day. The entire town was abuzz with excitement.

In the village square, four tall poles had been erected, two at the gates and two just outside the ancient temple. From the tops of these poles, white and blue streamers fluttered in the breeze and colorful braids wound their way to each pole's base. Along the square, numerous benches had been set up in two rows, forming an aisle of sorts which terminated at the stairs to the temple. At the top of the stairs, a simple podium had been erected, carefully decorated with the revised holy symbols of New Yevon. Villagers were milling about, finding seats or just standing off on the sidelines and chatting amongst themselves. Just about everybody in Besaid was there, and for a good reason.


"Hey, you don't stop pacin' around, you're gonna wear a hole right through the rug, ya?"

Tidus looked up and stopped walking back and forth. He scratched absentmindedly at the white robes he had donned just a short while ago. They were bulkier than what he was used to wearing and kind of itchy, but they were a part of what would happen today and that made up for the discomfort and then some. Wakka sat across from him on his and Lulu's bed, a purple sleeved tunic over his normal clothes and an amused grin on his face.

"Sorry Wakka, I wasn't really paying attention," Tidus said as he sat down heavily in a chair across from his Blitzer friend.

"I'll say you weren't; you looked like you were walkin' in your sleep for a moment there." Wakka leaned back against the walls of his hut with his hands behind his head. "Lemme guess. You're nervous, ya?"

"I'm not really sure nervous is the right word," Tidus replied. "More like anxious, confused, and nervous all rolled into one." He chuckled and a smile crept across his face.

"Well, given what's goin' on today, that's no surprise, you know." Wakka laughed a bit himself, then his face took on a more serious note. "You're not havin' no second thoughts, are ya?"

"No, of course not," Tidus replied, straightening up in the chair a bit. "This is what I... No, what we want more than anything else. It's just... " A doubtful look crossed his face. "I'm just afraid that... I know this sounds stupid coming from someone who helped defeat Sin, but..."

"Geez, just go ahead and spit it out already, ya?!?"

Tidus sighed. "I'm afraid of accidentally doing something that might hurt her again. I promised her over two years ago we would always be together, and then when we defeated Sin... and it looked like I was going away for good..." He wrung his hands together as the memories of that day came back. "I never wanted to break Yuna's heart like that, and I never want to again. I just wish I knew what to expect... or what to do if something does happen."

Wakka was silent for a moment, then he got up and put a hand on Tidus' shoulder. "Sounds like you got a full-blown case of sensitivity, ya? An' between you and me, it's not that unusual. I'll bet you ten thousand gil there isn't a man alive who doesn't feel that way on a day like this."

Tidus looked up. "You think so?"

"Hell, I know so. I felt almost the exact same way when Lu an' me got hitched. I was scared outta my mind that I wasn't gonna be a good husband, you know? I kep' checkin' myself and generally drove myself up a wall, ya?" Wakka grinned as he stood up and walked around the hut. "Then it hit me. I was worryin' over nothing. You can't predict what's gonna happen years an' years down the line, an' worryin' about it doesn't do nothing but give you an ulcer, ya? And what's more, it turns you into a whole different person- a worry-wart person- and that's nothing but trouble. Not just for you, but for her as well."

Tidus smiled some, but only so much. "Still..."

"Look, the fact that you're worryin' about this is only natural. If you weren't worried about it, that'd be a big danger sign, you know?"

"Yeah, but still... two whole years is a lot of lost time to make up for. I just hope I can do it."

Wakka smiled. "I'd say, judging by the look on her face when you came back six months ago, that you were already halfway there. Plus the last few months of exploring together sure seemed to do you both a world of good."

Tidus looked up and this time his smile was genuine. It had been a wonderful time ever since his return, and once the initial surprise had died down, it was beyond anything he had hoped for. Yuna had certainly changed over those two years, but it was all for the better. All the fear and uncertainty in her eyes was gone, and she smiled so much more than in the days of the Pilgrimage. He still remembered walking through the Celsius for the first time, with Rikku bouncing all over the place showing off the Gullwings' pride and joy. The fact that shortly after his return he was able to join the Gullwings and become a sphere hunter himself, that was an unexpected bonus. Brother had been obstinate at first, but eventually gave in under pressure from both Yuna and Rikku. I have to admit, learning how to use a Garment Grid was a little weird at first, but they certainly are versatile devices, he thought. And all the while, the two of them had reminisced, caught up, and grew to love each other even more.

"Thanks, Wakka. I needed that little reminder." He stood up, smoothing out the white robes and tried to get his hair to stay down.

"Hey, that's what friends are for, ya?" Wakka replied with a big grin. "Now let's get out there before they get started without you."


"I hope we can get started soon; this dress is really starting to grate on my nerves," Paine groused as she paced around the hut in a simple pale green satin dress with frills across the bodice.

"Oh, c'mon Paine! Why you gotta be such a big spoilsport? I think that dress looks really cute on you!" Rikku was prancing around the same hut in a similar green dress which, unfortunately, was a little too long and thus she was constantly tripping over her own hem.

"I don't want to look cute."

"Geez, can't you be just a little cheery? Today's the big day!"

"I know, you've told me seventeen times already," the ruby-eyed warrior sighed. "Look, it's not that I'm not happy for Yuna, because I am. I just wish they could've picked a different color dress."

"But the green coordinates with your eyes sooooo well!" Rikku protested.

"Put a sock in it, will you? For crying out loud, the way you're jumping around today you'd think you were the one who was getting married."

Rikku stopped bouncing around for a moment and put her hands on her hips in mock-annoyance. "Well, at least I don't have to worry about shielding myself from everyone. I'm happy for Yunie, and I'm not embarrassed to show it either- unlike someone I might mention."

Paine felt her shoulders tense up at those words, and she looked across the room absently. Shielding myself from everyone? That's not true; I opened up to the two of you about the Crimson Squad... She crossed her arms and looked out the doorway of the hut. But then again, it did take a long time before I opened up...

"Um, Paine?" Rikku edged up to her, not sure if she was being ignored or if Paine thinking about something.

"Rikku... I'm sorry."


"You're right. I guess I have been a little harsh, and I didn't mean it to be taken the wrong way. It's just... There's something about a wedding that doesn't sit well with me." Paine sighed and let her arms fall to her side. "Not just the dress, which I still don't like... It just reminds me that I might never get the chance myself."

"Are you serious?" Rikku gasped. "I didn't know you felt that way about..."

"Well, what girl doesn't want to get married someday? My problem is, aside from what you already pointed out about me shutting myself away from others, I don't know if there is anyone out there meant for me." Paine put a hand against the doorway as if to steady herself.

"Don't say that, Paine. I'm sure there's someone out there for you; you just gotta take a chance."

"Easier said than done," quipped the warrior.

"Welllllll... what about Baralai?"

"I BEG your pardon?"

"Come on, you don't think I remember you chasing after him in Bevelle all those months ago, when he and the others had that face-off in the underground? Or the way you acted around him and the others afterward?" Rikku sidled up to the doorway right next to Paine. "I'm not saying I'm right, but I caught enough hints to make a decent guess. So... If you do like him, why not find out if he likes you back? You can ask him right after the ceremony!"

"Rikku, you know he has to get back to Bevelle once this is over."

"Just ask him if you two could talk or something. I'm not trying to joke around, I just want to be helpful!"

An odd smirk suddenly crossed Paine's face. "I'll tell you what. I'll talk to Baralai if- and only if- you agree to talk to Gippal."

That caused Rikku's eyes to bug out. "Wha... wha... WHAAAAT????"

Paine didn't reply, but gave Rikku a knowing look.

"Oh, gimme a break! Like I really have a 'thing' for that spiky-headed goofball! Where'd you get a crazy idea like that??"

"When I saw you two together for the first time at Djose. Not saying I'm right, but I caught enough hints to make a decent guess," Paine replied with a wink. Just then there was a knock on the hut from outside. "Come on, Rikku, it's time." With that, Paine swirled elegantly and stepped outside.

"Oooohhhhhh... Cdibet Paine, tuach'd ryja yho etay fryd cra'c dymgehk ypuid..." Rikku muttered angrily under her breath as she stomped out of the hut, tripped on her hem and promptly fell on her face.

[Translation: Stupid Paine, doesn't have any idea what she's talking about.]


"W ell, Lulu? How do I look?"

"You look wonderful. And nervous as hell, I might add," the older woman added with a smile.

Yuna blushed slightly and turned to look in the mirror once again. The dress she wore was very similar in design to her summoner's clothes, but all fashioned in white silk with delicate light blue brocades. The skirt was a little longer in the back, and in place of the long forearm wraps, she wore a pair of elbow-length white gloves. She had not bothered to put her hair up, leaving it the way it normally was, but for this occasion the long braid down her back had been tied with white fabric rather than the pink she normally wore. A fine veil over her head and a bouquet of white lilies completed the ensemble.

"I still can't believe this is really happening," she said at length. "It's like a dream... One I never want to wake up from."

Lulu smiled, cradling a sleeping Vidina in her arms as she did so. "You know, there are a lot of people who are going to be sorry they missed this."

"What makes you say that?"

"Well, you are practically the most famous person in all of Spira. When word gets out that the two of you pulled this off under everyone's noses, it might get a little hectic for you."

"That's precisely why we didn't make a big deal out of it," Yuna said, walking around the hut they were in. "I've spent so much time out in the public eye that it was making me uneasy. If we'd announced this publicly, it would've turned into a giant circus which neither of us really wants. And if it turns hectic later on, we'll worry about it then. All I want right now is a little time to relax with family and friends..." She looked up at Lulu, a bright smile on her face. "And with the man I love."

Lulu nodded. "Just call it sisterly concern if you want. I only want what's best for you both."

"Thanks, Lulu. That means a lot to me." Yuna paused and looked back in the mirror again.

"Something wrong?"

"No," Yuna replied, turning back towards Lulu with a big smile on her face. "I was just thinking... this time, it really is the real thing. It feels right."

Lulu smiled a bit and nodded, her mind turning back to the last time Yuna had been in this position. That was something she should never have had to go through. Agreeing to a sham union with Seymour when there were no true feelings shared, all for the purpose of exposing who he truly was. That was a day I'll never forget... Watching you go through the motions like a puppet, it just about made my heart break, though I couldn't show it. But now... Now you have a chance to truly be happy.

A knock from the outside was heard. Lulu shook herself out of her reverie and straightened out the deep blue gown she wore in place of her black mage's dress. "Yuna, it's time."

Yuna took a deep breath and straightened the veil over her face. "I'm ready."


Ba ralai stood at the podium in his robes of office and nodded as Tidus and Wakka took their places to his direct left. To his right stood Rikku, still dusting herself off and trying to look dignified at the same time. Next to her was Paine, looking slightly uncomfortable. Baralai bit back the urge to smile at her. We can talk once we've finished here. Maybe at least say hello; we haven't seen each other since the Vegnagun incident. I hope she's doing all right ... He shook his head and returned to the matter at hand. When he had been invited to perform the ceremony, he had been very flattered, and understood completely when told it was to be a private affair. The trick was getting him to Besaid without arousing suspicion; a member of the Council of Spira going on a trip was hard not to notice. Saying he was coming to inspect the ancient temple was plausible enough.

Everything seemed to be in place, and he gave a nod to the side. An elegant melody began to play, supplied by Bayra, the harpist of Macalania. Tidus took a deep breath and looked down to the far end of the aisle formed by the benches.

There she was, a goddess in white. There was little more that Tidus could do except watch in awe as Yuna walked down the aisle, escorted by Lulu. They reached the stairs of the temple, Lulu stepping to one side to join Rikku and Paine. Tidus stepped forward, and he and Yuna joined hands in front of the podium.

"You look so handsome," Yuna whispered, smiling up at her love.

"You're more beautiful than ever," Tidus whispered back, with an identical smile on his face.

They were so caught up in each other's eyes they barely heard Baralai commence the blessings and begin the ceremony. It seemed like only yesterday they had just met, in the inner chambers of the temple just before them. They had shared laughter and pain on the road to Zanarkand, comforted each other in times of need, and they both knew the anguish of separation all too well. Yet they were here now, together, and they knew they would never be apart again.

Wakka wiped his eyes absently as they exchanged vows. Paine seemed to forget the discomfort her bridesmaid's dress provoked. Rikku sniffled as happy tears started to well up in her eyes. Even Brother, sitting in the back row of benches, gave a small sign that he, too, was happy- he had finally accepted that Yuna cared for him only as a friend, and that was good enough for him. It would have been perfect, had he not expressed his happiness by retrieving a handkerchief and loudly blowing his nose.

A few giggles emerged from the crowd plus one dirty look from Cid, followed by Buddy elbowing Brother in the ribs. "Keep it down, moron," he whispered.

"E lyh'd ramb ed; fattehkc ymfyoc kad du sa mega drec..." Brother whispered back, wiping his eyes.

[Translation: I can't help it; weddings always get to me like this...]

The vows complete, Baralai took both of their hands and placed them together. Wrapping a gold embroidered cloth around their joined hands, he proclaimed, "What the two of you have wrought, let no man or beast put asunder. Let those around you and the spirits that watch over all rejoice in this blessed union." Stepping back, he nodded to Tidus. "You may kiss the bride."

Gingerly, Tidus raised Yuna's veil. Tears of joy were running down her face, and now down his face as well. They fell into each other's arms and kissed as those around began clapping and shouting with joy. The Aurochs were the first to jump up from their bench and cheer in unison, followed by Wakka, Lulu, and all the other Besaid villagers. Rikku was jumping up and down and whooping to beat the band, and even Paine seemed to get caught up in the moment, clapping and smiling a toothy grin that she had never shown before, not even to the Crimson Squad.

With a sudden burst of speed, the villagers began moving the benches aside and into a pattern around the village bonfire circle. It wasn't long before a great fire was roaring and all kinds of delicacies brought out from various huts. People were chatting, laughing, and congratulating the happy couple as the post-wedding celebration kicked into full swing.

"I will say one thing about Besaid," said Baralai as he moved through the crowd towards Wakka, "you sure do know how to throw a good party here."

Wakka laughed heartily as he cradled his son in his arms. "Hey, when it's something like this, you know there's just gotta be a huge celebration, ya?" Vidina looked up at Baralai and giggled. "Heh, looks like you just made yourself a new friend here."

Baralai smirked. "Good to know I can be counted on for comic relief as well."

"Hey, thanks again for comin' out to do this. It really meant a lot to Yuna, you know?"

"It was an honor. They really do make a great couple, don't they?" Baralai mused, glancing over as Cid caught Tidus in a bear hug and Rikku did the same to Yuna.

"Yeah, they're really something. Hey, 'scuse me, but I gotta go find Lu an' make sure she wasn't swallowed up by this crowd, ya?"

"Go right ahead," said Baralai as Wakka turned and started looking for Lulu. Baralai was just about to cut across the crowd and try to find Paine when he heard a frantic, low buzzing sound. He looked around for a moment until he realized he was standing next to the Besaid Commsphere, and it was the one doing the buzzing.

"Who could that be?" Figuring he couldn't ignore it, he kneeled down by the Commsphere and activated it, trying to avoid the villagers as they helped themselves to conversation and party foods. The Commsphere brought up a picture, and Baralai found himself looking at Nooj and Gippal.

"Hey, Baralai!! Sorry if we interrupted your 'temple mission', buddy," Gippal said in his usual relaxed drawl.

"Actually, things just got wrapped up here, Gipp," Baralai replied with a smirk on his face.

"That's good, because we've got a problem." All the humor had drained from Gippal's face. Baralai raised an eyebrow; Gippal never flip-flopped emotions like that unless something serious was up.

"What's going on?"

Nooj spoke up, slow and silent. "Something's happened in the Thunder Plains...