Final Fantasy - All Series Fan Fiction ❯ A New Threat To Spira ❯ Your Voice ( Chapter 11 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
[A/N: I own neither characters nor places, take that issue up with Square Enix. And now, on to:]
11: Your Voice

The winter clouds that gathered over the peak of Mt. Gagazet were nothing if not menacing. They clung together like great wads of wet laundry, blotting out much of the sunlight and spewing forth a horrific mix of snow and freezing rain. High winds battered the upper cliffs and forced many airborne fiends to seek shelter in the labyrinth of tunnels that permeated the mountain. The elegant ruins at the top of the peak were no longer visible, cloaked as they were in the dense layers of clouds. Occasionally a flicker of lightning would arc across the heavens, bringing some small illumination to the mountainside and an air of great concern to Brother's face as the Celsius crawled close to the side of the cliffs.

"E tuh'd mega drec uha ped. Drec faydran ec vyn duu necgo vun ic du kad eh lmuca du dra lmevvc!" he muttered, easing back on the throttle and turning to look at the others. "Shinra! How much do we risk using the teleport in this weather?"

[Translation: I don't like this one bit. This weather is far too risky for us to get in close to the cliffs!]

"That's a big risk given the weather," was Shinra's reply. "The wind doesn't pose that much threat, but the cloud-to-cloud lightning is messing up my readings. I've still only barely got a lock on the crystal waves."

"Can you get a bead on where the waves are coming from?" Tidus asked, fitting his Grid into place along the inside of his left forearm.

Shinra pointed to the display. "Looks like it's coming from within that cave on the side of the mountain," he said, "but the closest we can get to a reasonable landing site is below it. That's assuming we can actually land, of course."

"Doesn't look like that's gonna happen," Buddy piped up as several gauges started beeping in unison. "It's getting tricky enough to hold in this position; if we try and get in close with the access ramp we could crash."

"Then we'll have to go out on the anchor line," said Tidus firmly. "Brother, get in as close as you can and then fire the cable."

Paine stared. "Tidus, are you serious? You're planning to go cable-riding in weather like that?"

"It's nothing I haven't done before," he replied. "We've only got wind to worry about this time. Last time we had to worry about winds and Yevonite guards firing at us- remember, Rikku?"

Rikku nodded. "Yeah, that was way cool- but pretty scary, too!" Seeing Paine's bewildered expression, she turned and said, "It was back when Yunie was talked into getting married to that creepy Seymour guy. You should've seen it- all six of us shooting down from the Highwind, the wind in our faces, guns firing all around us, ready to storm the gates of Bevelle and crack Seymour's head wide open!!"

"Sounds... interesting," Paine replied in her usual monotone, but her eyes indicated she was mildly impressed.

"We can tell you all about it later," Tidus said. "Right now, we've got work to do. Brother, get that cable ready; we're going up on deck."

"Just a moment!!" Brother jumped out of his chair and faced the back of the cabin. Tidus turned to face him with fire in his eyes and simply asked, "What?"

Brother blinked twice. "I... Um... As I was saying, it'll take a moment to ready the anchors, so do not be too frantic to rush out! Give me just a moment," he finished as he hopped back into his control chair. Paine smirked. That's not what Brother was planning to say, she thought to herself.

"All right then, let's get going," Tidus said, opening the bridge door and striding briskly to the lift. Rikku sprinted down the hallway behind him, followed closely by Paine. Before they reached the lift, Paine nudged Rikku's shoulder and whispered, "Looks like Brother could be in danger of losing his Captaincy."

"Sssshhhh, don't let Brother hear you say that," Rikku giggled.

Once they had all assembled on the lift, Tidus punched the Deck button and the platform began the slow climb up to the upper hatch. He folded his arms and stared at the crystal on his right hand. I haven't heard anything for a while now, he thought. It could just be interference... then again, it could be... He lifted his head. "Rikku, you did say you heard it too, right?"

Rikku nodded. "Yep, in my mind."

"Have you heard anything else recently?" His spirits began to fall as she shook her head no; he stared down at the platform and absentmindedly punched the handrail. "Dammit, I don't like this."

"Me neither, but we can't just leap to conclusions yet," Rikku replied. "There could be a million reasons why we haven't heard anything."

"I know, I know... but that doesn't make it any easier." He paced to the front of the platform as the hatchway to the deck ground open, letting in a heady rush of cold air and light drizzle that caused all three of them to flinch. "Let's move out!!" he cried, striding towards the front of the ship.

"Yep, he definitely does have certain qualities our "Captain" is lacking," Paine mused.

"Of course he does," Rikku replied with a smirk. "Star player of the Zanarkand Abes; didn't Yunie tell you?"


< br> A muffled thump was all the cockpit occupants heard as the starboard bow anchor line fired, its drill-like head gouging into the side of Gagazet. Gippal was looking out the forward windows, watching as the three on deck dove recklessly onto the anchor cable and skated along its length towards the cliff face. "I didn't even get a chance to say good luck..." he sighed, then turned to Shinra. "Hey, I need you to patch me into the Commsphere network, big guy. I've got to get a call in to the Council."

Shinra nodded and pulled up the screen. A few quick keystrokes and the Council commsphere came up on the screen. Gippal could see Nooj and Baralai urgently discussing something when their attention suddenly shot to the sphere. "Gippal! Is that you?" Nooj exclaimed. "Thank the Fayth; last we'd heard from you, the camp was under a fiend assault! I'm guessing you made it out in one piece, right?"

"Well I did anyway, Noojster," Gippal replied. "Some of the diggers weren't so lucky. We lost five good men to those fiends; twelve others and Nhadala all got out on the Celsius but in pretty bad shape. Most of them have bedded down in the engine room for now. On top of that..." He drew in a long breath. "This Malar person we've been hearing about- well, it sounds like he's taken the High Summoner hostage." He nodded grimly as Nooj and Baralai stared at him, wide-eyed. "Right now our Friendly Neighborhood Gullwings are executing a rescue mission at the top of Mount Gagazet..."


Tidus leaped off the cable and landed in a crouch along the cliff ledge, drawing his sword in the process. Rikku landed next to him and promptly began shivering. "I'm thinking this wasn't the best outfit to wear in this climate," she whined through chattering teeth. "But then again, we never did come up this way this late in the year."

Paine touched down on the ledge and began rubbing her arms to warm up. "Tidus, aren't you cold?"

"I'll be fine," he muttered. "Looks like we're going to get some warm-up exercise anyway," he added, pointing further along the narrow pathway. Rikku and Paine looked up and nodded in agreement; a rather hungry-looking pack of White Fang lupines had begun to gather along the cliff. "I count at least a dozen, maybe more," Tidus muttered grimly.

"These aren't worth our time; let's deal with them and get to that cave!" said Paine as she activated her Grid and traded her lighter warrior garb for the insulation and protection afforded by Dark Knight armor. Rikku was pondering switching out her Thief clothes for something warmer when she noticed Tidus activating his own Grid, emerging in an amalgamation she hadn't seen him use much before. His Blitz trunks had been replaced with deerskin trousers and fur-lined boots, he wore elbow-length hide bracers with four blades protruding over the knuckles, and his shirt had been replaced by a silver wolfskin headdress that draped casually over his back. Black spiked shoulder guards completed the ensemble, and across his bare chest was war paint etched in the form of the Abes team logo. The only thing out of place was the emerald crystal protruding from his right bracer.

"You grabbed a Berserker sphere?" Rikku shouted over the howl of the wind. "Are you sure you know what you're doing?"

Tidus looked back with a smile. "I know exactly what I'm doing- whatever it takes!" he shouted, raking his blades against each other and diving headfirst into the pack of White Fangs. The lupines charged forward en masse, saliva dripping from their fangs. "You want some of this, you ugly bastards? Then come get it!!" he growled, springing forward and jamming the blades on his right hand into the pack leader's throat. Using his momentum, he grabbed the fiend by the neck as he rolled over its back, planted his feet on the ground and twisted its head sharply to the right. The pack leader crumpled and dissolved into a cloud of pyreflies, but no sooner had Tidus finished it off when several lupines charged him at once, tearing furrows into his chest and arms. Rikku yelped and leaped into the fray, jamming her daggers into the nearest White Fang and breaking its hold on Tidus' leg. It turned its attention to her and was about to sink its fangs into her arm when Paine's saw-toothed sword flashed through the air, severing its head.

More members of the pack charged forward as Tidus ripped his attackers off in a burst of strength, jammed his claw bracers into their haunches and spun in a circle, flinging both off the cliff and into the darkness below. He gasped in pain as fangs gouged his left arm, trying to dislocate his elbow, but the fiend's grip was broken as Paine jammed her sword into the beast's flank, twisted the blade and ripped it out again. The fiend shrieked, releasing its grip and enabling Tidus to spin around and drive his knee into its lower jaw. Several White Fangs began encircling Rikku, who simply glared at them and crossed her daggers in anticipation. Then something strange began to happen; the crystal on her right hand began to glow bright red. A minute sliver of flame ebbed from its convex surface, finding its way to her daggers' hilts. Rikku's eyes widened and a slow grin emerged as the flame grew brighter and the lupines before her stared in wonder. "Time for a Rikku-style fire dance!" she shouted, brandishing the fiery daggers before her and spinning them in wide arcs. Flame trails danced through the air and suddenly the Al Bhed sprang forward, tearing into the White Fangs with unrelenting determination.

The daggers found their marks with ease, carving through the lupines and setting their pelts ablaze- but not for very long as each successive lupine collapsed and vanished into whiffs of pyreflies. Tidus pressed the attack further on another section of the pack, tearing into the White Fangs' pelts with reckless abandon. Paine drew her sword across her forearm, gritting her teeth against the sensation, then slammed the bloodied blade to the ground, felling well over half a dozen lupines with a Darkness wave. Soon only three or four of the beasts remained, and of these, only one was strong enough- or stupid enough- to face the attackers. It charged Rikku directly, who promptly stepped to one side and raked her flaming daggers across its flank. The beast roared in agony and smashed its foreleg across her torso, knocking the wind out of her, then turned to face Paine who promptly channeled eldritch energies into her sword and bludgeoned the beast over the snout with the flat of the blade.

The fiend staggered back and she was hoping she had confused it, but it glared up at her and attacked with renewed zeal. She dropped to the ground as the lupine landed on top of her, trying to rip her throat out, when all at once Tidus grappled the fiend around the abdomen and yanked it away, flinging it against the side of the cliff face. It shook its head and struggled up, but Tidus was already on top of it, driving his blades into the beast and tearing wicked gouges into its flesh. The fiend took a desperate swipe at him, carving a gash over his forehead- and that was the last thing it ever did. Its eyes went wide as Rikku plunged her daggers, still aflame, into its back and slammed it to the ground. With a gurgle, it collapsed and met the same fate as its pack mates. The remaining lupines, having seen enough, turned tail and scattered, looking for prey that wasn't quite so lethal.

Tidus dropped to one knee and let out a heavy sigh. "That oughta teach them to mess with us," he muttered as he punched a sphere on his Grid and returned to his usual clothing. Blood trickled down from the gash on his forehead, which he wiped away brusquely before standing up again. The wind began to pick up, sending great howls echoing across the mountainside.

"Looks like they got you pretty bad; you need a potion?" Rikku asked, the fire still dancing along her blades.

"Not yet; save it for when we have to face off against something big." He grabbed his sword off his back and started for the cliff's makeshift steps when their headset radios began crackling.

"Hey guys, you doing alright out there?" Buddy's voice was cutting in and out and there was a lot of static coming through the earpiece. "We've got a situation here; some of that cloud-to-cloud lightning is playing havoc with the instrumentation, not to mention the wind is picking up something awful. This keeps up, we're not gonna be able to hang around much longer."

"How much longer do you think you have?" asked Paine. "I'd say a couple minutes, tops," was Buddy's furtive reply. The static was making it hard to hear, but it sounded like Brother was having a conniption in the background.

"Look, don't hang around if it's going to risk the ship," Tidus said into his headset. "If it's getting really bad, detach the anchor cable and get down to a lower altitude. Land near the base if you have to, we'll catch up later."

"Um... How are we gonna do that? Climb down through the storm?" Rikku asked.

"Those teleport pads down Gagazet should still be working, right?" Tidus replied. "We can take those down once we've taken care of business here."

"Oh, DUH! How could I forget something like that?" Paine smirked at the comment but said nothing.

"We'll worry about getting down the mountain later. Let's go find Yuna," said Tidus as he began hauling himself up the side of the cliff. Rikku followed suit, as did Paine.

It took them longer than they expected to scale the side of the cliff; not only were the winds picking up to the point where the rain and snow was falling sideways, they still had to deal with the occasional not-so-bright fiend along the way. Tidus didn't bother assuming Berserker form again; it was a form he had serious reservations against since he didn't always feel in control. Fortunately there was no real need, as Caladbolg made short work of most of the fiends they ran across. Rikku didn't seem to mind the freezing weather quite as much, as the power of Vora's crystal appeared to warm her body as well as her blades.

Gradually they made their way to the upper ridges and ducked into the cave Shinra had indicated, breathing collective sighs of relief and wiping themselves as dry as could be expected. Tidus grabbed a handful of slush and prodded at the gash on his temple; the bleeding had stopped but it was still tender. The flames on Rikku's daggers extinguished themselves as she resheathed them on her hips, then took a step or two to steady herself as the crystal's power faded. "Boy, you were right- these things are a bit of a drain on you!" she said, taking a deep breath. "Now what's our next step?" she asked as she looked up into the depths of the cave.

The cave extended several yards and ended. With the exception of themselves and a large boulder at the other end, there was nothing inside.

Tidus stared blankly ahead. "This is it?" he asked, stepping further into the cave. "This is the cave Shinra pointed out, right?" The others nodded. He glanced around the walls, the ceiling, the floor, but nothing was jumping out. He began to pace frantically, feeling the near wall with his hand gingerly, then tapping with his knuckles. "This isn't right..." he said in a low voice, crossing to the far wall and tapping again, hoping to locate a door or hidden passage. "If the waves came from here, then where is she??" His voice was rising and he began to punch the wall viciously with his right hand. Flecks of stone fell to the ground and his knuckles started to bleed, but no doors were revealed. "Damn you, Malar, is this some kind of a sick joke? Where is she?" he shouted. He dashed across to the opposing wall and slammed his shoulder against it, to no avail. Paine shook her head slowly and Rikku wrung her hands as Tidus paced to the back of the room and slammed both palms against the boulder resting on the back wall. "This isn't fair..." he said in a strangled voice. "I know what I heard; I know she's here somewhere!!"

So dark...

Tidus' eyes snapped open. There it was again, a sound in his mind. He glanced at the crystal on his hand; the sliver of aqua was there again, slowly dancing its way across the emerald surface. He glanced back and saw that Rikku was staring at the crystal on her own hand. She looked up with her eyes wide and nodded.

So cold, so dark... I can't move, I can't go anywhere. I can't do anything... Alone, I'm all alone, I don't know if anyone can even hear me... The voice was low and filled with sadness, but it was hers. Tidus stared at the boulder in front of him and wiped a stray tear away from his cheek. "Ferro, give me a hand with this!" he cried, placing his hands on the rock.

"It is yours, Master Tidus." The Earth Crystal's voice echoed in the small cave as the crystal glowed brilliant green. The boulder began to shudder, then crack, then finally split. A great emerald rift opened in the boulder, into which Tidus jammed his fingers and pulled in opposing directions. A massive cracking sound permeated the cave, causing Rikku to wince and Paine to stare in wonder. A quick motion, and the boulder broke apart in two halves, shooting across the floor and colliding with the side walls with unusual force. The green aura around each piece slowly faded, as did the light from the crystal. For a few moments, Tidus just stood there catching his breath, his arms thrust out to either side. Where the boulder had been, they could now see a tunnel leading further into Gagazet. A scintillating blue light ebbed from the far end of the passage.

"Just like that creep to play games with us like this," Paine muttered. Rikku nodded, but Tidus didn't seem to hear her. He took a deep breath and started to sprint down the tunnel. "Hey, wait for us!" Rikku called, stumbling a bit and then breaking into a run as well. Paine shouldered her sword and followed as fast as her Dark armor would permit.

The tunnel curved to the right abruptly, forcing them to slow down briefly before continuing towards the source of the blue light. The walls made a subtle transition from the rough, gray, dull stone of the outer chamber into smoother, white limestone. Faint clouds of dust arose as three sets of feet pounded the ground towards the far end. Gradually, the tunnel widened and the glow became brighter, spurring Tidus and the others to pick up the pace even more. Then all at once, the passageway terminated and they found themselves in a great circular limestone chamber. Elegant carved pillars encircled the room, and what wall space was available bore the faded reliefs of what were once depictions of heavenly beings, but which were now hardly recognizable as anything one might see in Spira. In the direct center of the room was a towering blue crystalline mass in the form of a teardrop or candle flame. Eldritch lights appeared to dance within it, illuminating the room in a cerulean glow and revealing a female form sealed within.

"Yuna!!" Tidus dashed forward and placed both hands on the monolith, staring into its depths. Her arms were relaxed, her eyes shut. The half-skirt she wore on her left hip appeared to be frozen in place, giving her a windblown appearance that never ceased. He could vaguely make out the Water Crystal still on her right hand, but its light was dim and sputtering. He stared at the great blue monstrosity and shook his head. "What in the name of the Fayth did he do to you?"

"Yunie's still alive in there, right?" Rikku asked in a trembling voice. "I mean, we heard her again and all, didn't we?"

"It could be that thing is keeping her in a form of magic sleep," said Paine as she stepped forward. "The only question is, how to get her out of it."

Tidus tapped the surface lightly. It was cool to the touch and felt as solid as quartz crystals. "It sure as hell feels like rock," he said in a low tone. "Let's see if Malar counted on his little prison standing up to THIS!" He jammed his right hand forward and a beam of green light burst forth from the crystal, barreling into the base of the monolith. Sweat began to trickle down his temples as he poured everything he had into the beam, which was blinding by now. Rikku shielded her eyes and tried to get an idea of what was happening, when suddenly the green light faded and Tidus fell to one knee, breathing hard. The blue quartz structure was unfazed.

"I don't get it... Why can't I mold its form? I did it before in Bikanel and again just outside, why isn't it working?" he gasped.

I cannot mold that which is not in my domain, Ferro's voice echoed in his mind. What you see before you is a perversion of Elemental Water, Master. Against that, I can do little.

Tidus stared. "Elemental... Water?" he sputtered. "It's not made up of rock, but ice??"

Rikku strode forward, setting her jaw and slapping her right knuckles against her left palm. "Let me give it a shot!" she said. "Rock or ice, let's see how well it stands up to fire!!!" She shot her right palm forward and a stream of flames issued forth, battering the crystal prison with unmitigated ferocity. Tidus backed away and watched as the monolith became engulfed in fire, hoping against hope that it would do the trick. Paine circled around, subtly activating her Grid and assuming the guise of a Gun Mage. Seconds seemed to turn into minutes as the gout of fire continued to surge forward, until eventually Rikku swayed and staggered, terminating the flames and dropping to one knee to catch her breath.

The monolith was still standing, unmarred and with no trace anything had tried to damage it.

"Damn it..." Tidus muttered in shock, then staggered forward, drawing Caladbolg back. "DAMN YOU!" he cried, driving his blade across the sloped side of the monolith desperately. Sparks flew from his sword, but the prison remained undamaged and silently taunting. With one final swing, Tidus collapsed next to the crystalline wall and dropped his sword to one side. "What am I supposed to do now?" His voice was raspy, trying desperately to hold back tears.

"No wonder we can't do anything to it; that bastard really thought this through."

Rikku and Tidus looked up at Paine, who was staring at the scanner readout of her gun. "That block of ice would ordinarily respond to fire, but according to this it's been warped by some form of black magic." She stared at the monolith with hardened eyes. "From what I understand, it responds only to two things. An 'unlisted' factor I can't identify with a scan, or its own elemental power. And not just a simple Water or Ice spell- something stronger than ordinary black magic would be needed." She lowered her eyes to the floor. "Which means the only way to get Yuna out is on her own hand."

Rikku stared at the monolith, tears starting to well up in her eyes. "You mean we can't get her out? There's nothing we can do but just stand here and let Malar get away with this?" she whimpered.

"No." Tidus dragged himself to his feet, wiping his own tears away. "I'm not going to accept that. There's always a way- we've just got to keep trying." He stepped slowly to the very front of the monolith and looked up at Yuna's sleeping form. "You and I both heard her call out, Rikku. She called us through the crystals." He dropped to one knee and held his right hand up beside his face. "I have to answer that call."

Rikku sniffled a bit. "Wha- what are you going to do?"

Tidus closed his eyes. "I'm going to try and reach her mind with my own." The crystal on his hand glowed bright green as he lapsed into a deep meditation. He took a deep breath and let his mind flow.

Yuna, can you hear me? He felt himself say the words, though his lips did not move. Yuna, you're not alone; I heard your whistle! I know you were calling to us, and we're here! His mind drifted further, blotting out the sights and sounds around him. He began to feel a great darkness enveloping him, but he ignored it and pressed on.

Yuna, don't give up, please! I swore we would be together always, and I won't stand by and let Malar destroy everything we are to each other! You have to wake up; your body's been imprisoned and your crystal is the only one that can break the seal! He felt the darkness waver slightly.

Yuna, please hear me! I'm not giving up on you now or ever! You have to wake up!

The silence continued. Seconds stretched into minutes. Tidus still held his hand aloft, the crystal's glow intensifying. Paine stood to one side, not knowing what to make of it. Rikku wrung her hands and bit her lip nervously. Neither of them were party to what Tidus was saying, but both knew he was trying with all his might.

A flicker of light caught Rikku's eye. She glanced at the monolith- and suddenly stared. The crystal on the back of Yuna's hand was beginning to glow, faintly at first, then brighter.

"Ur so funt... ed'c naymmo fungehk..." she whispered breathlessly.

[Translation: Oh my word... it's really working...]

A crack shot along the front of the monolith. Tidus' eyes snapped open and he stared up, watching as another crack emerged in the surface. A third appeared, then a fourth, until a rapid spider web of fissures was shooting across the face of the aqualine prison. The crystal on Yuna's hand grew brighter and suddenly the front face of the monolith shattered and a torrent of Arctic water surged forth from within. Rikku yelped and scrambled to one side, but Tidus stayed rooted to the spot, hardly fazed as the deluge washed over him. Yuna began to fall forward, carried by the force of the water, when Tidus stepped forward and caught her in a tight embrace. The waters washed across the surface of the room, gradually calming themselves and forming a shallow pool in the middle of the chamber. What was left of the monolith quickly dissipated, leaving behind a low pillar from which a white light was glowing.

Yuna drew in a long sobbing breath, coughing a few times. Her eyes fluttered open and she looked up, taking in the sight of Tidus' bloodstained forehead and his familiar sky-blue eyes. A swell of emotion surged through her and she flung her arms around his neck, burying her face in his shoulder as he held her close.

"You came for me... I was so afraid you wouldn't hear me," she cried into his chest. "It... It was horrible, the darkness everywhere, nowhere to go and nothing I could do... And then I heard your voice calling out to me. You brought me back."

"I would've moved heaven and earth to save you if I had to," he whispered to her, fresh tears streaking his face. Rikku sniffled and even Paine's eyes were damp.

"S-so cold..." Yuna began to shiver and her knees went weak. Rikku dashed over and put her hand on Yuna's arm. "Oh no, her skin's like ice!" she gasped. "We've gotta get outta here and get her warmed up fast!"

Tidus scooped her up in his arms, holding her close to his chest. "We're going to need blankets or a campfire, or both!"

"No luck on blankets, they're back on the Celsius!" said Rikku. "I could try and use Vora's fire power, but I don't want to risk burning Yunie and we don't really have any wood or tinder!"

"The hot spring," Paine piped up. "It's just a little way from the cave; we can have her there in no time."

"Huh? There's a hot spring up here?" Tidus asked with a confused look on his face.

"Guess we never told you about that," Rikku said. "Let's get over there!" Kicking up splashes of water, the Gullwings made their way out of the chamber- except for Paine, who lingered for a moment and then strode over to the pedestal in the middle of the room. Sitting on top was a perfectly round, convex crystal lens that shone brilliant white.

"Better safe than sorry," she muttered, grabbing the lens and dashing down the tunnel to join the others.

To Be Continued.

[A/N: I made a few changes here and there as I wrote this chapter, but all in all I'm satisfied with it. Hope it meets people's expectations. -Neon Ronin]