Final Fantasy - All Series Fan Fiction ❯ A Time Mixup! ❯ Blitzballs and Sinspawns: Trunks is a Super WHAT?! ( Chapter 7 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter 7

Blitzballs and Sinspawns:

Trunks is a Super what?!

Trunks yawned and leaned against the wall, his eyes heavy. What was taking her so long?! Yuna had been in the Chamber of the Fayth for what felt like a small eternity now, and Trunks was growing restless. He couldn't enter that chamber, and his curiosity was killing him. Sometime during their wait Tidus had stumbled in, much to the horror of everyone. Trunks hadn't cared much-he liked Tidus much better than the rest of them. He spent the rest of the time talking quietly with Tidus, trying to explain his powers to his air headed friend. Tidus was fairly clueless about a lot of things, especially magic.

Finally, Yuna stumbled out.

She was ashen faced, and at first Trunks was scared that she had been hurt. But she was happy-irrepressibly happy.

"Ifrit will assist us." She said softly. And that was that. The party packed up, and left Kilika temple. Trunks felt bored again, and they began their trek through the forest. He wanted to fly sooo bad… But he dared not to. He also dared not use a Capsule. Wakka seemed very paranoid of anything mechanical, and Trunks didn't want to provoke any fights. They came out of the forest a different way, and they passed very close to the smoking remains of the Time Machine. Trunks looked around the path for Goten, hoping that he may find his star-eyed friend now that he was uninjured. But there was no sign of him anywhere. Trunks swallowed his worry, and fell into step with the others, feeling doom creeping over him.

The Kilika Port was their destination, and after a short intermission, they were boarded on a ship to go to Luca-where Trunks was supposedly going to find his parents in the crowd. He knew better. He also had to swallow his frustration at the agonizingly slow progress of the ship as it plodded through the waters-waters that Trunks could sense were not peaceful. He gazed down into the dark blue-green water, watching the waves crest about the boat-making the water crest in a brilliant azure blue the same color as his eyes. It was beautiful-but dark. He shivered, pulling at his tattered shirt. It was ruined-his favorite shirt. He pulled it off, and looked sadly at the sky blue colors and his mother's company logo, which was now faded and bloodstained. A long rip was now spiking down through the double Cs of the logo, and Trunks closed his eyes. His jeans weren't in any better condition. Both pant legs had ripped off above the knee, and what was left was dirty and burned. He looked about him for the others, and saw them all off, doing their own things. He was alone. He quickly went below deck.

The Capsule would have to be opened in a well-hidden place. Trunks didn't dare risk being discovered by Wakka, who would certainly flip out and call him some kind of Sinspawn (though Trunks was positive that he couldn't convince Yuna of that. After all, cute little innocent Trunks a Sinspawn? Never.) Still, there was a risk involved. He wandered about for a while, and looking as though he was just innocently poking around the ship. Finally, he found the entrance to the cargo hold, which he was positive would be private-after all, who goes into a cargo hold?

The Hold was cold and damp, and the boards creaked with the strain of the sea. He could hear squeaking above him-the floorboards above were well traveled obviously. He was a little worried that the noise of the Capsule would draw attention, but he couldn't wait any longer. He flipped open the box, and looked at the three capsules within. One for the supplies from his mother's company. One for his knapsack. And one for…

He looked at the third capsule and felt a lump rise in his throat. Goten's Capsule. It held all of the possessions that Goten had brought from home (along with Vegeta's toothbrush). It was marked clearly in permanent marker with a "G", followed by a small drawing of Goten's face. Goten had drawn it when they had been sneaking around, obviously, and now it just lent to Trunks's hurt. He quickly withdrew his own Capsule, and snapped the box shut. He pushed on the button on the top, and silently dropped the Capsule to the ground. It erupted in a puff of smoke, revealing his knapsack. Seeing that was almost too much for the young Saiyan as well. He swallowed his pain and quickly opened the knapsack, shuffling through his belongings. He found the picture of his parents and put it aside, wishing to look at it later. He also found his drawing tablet and journal, both of which he had brought to record his adventure in. He was itching to

Write and draw about the things he'd seen-even though he wasn't all too good. His sketchbook had basic cartoonist drawings in it, they weren't bad, but he wouldn't have tried competing in any contests with them. Imagination ran in the Briefs family, and both Bulma and her father were excellent architects. Trunks could draw buildings and machines exceptionally well, like his mother and grandfather, but he also could draw people and plants to an extent. His writing was also rather ordinary, except that he tended to elaborate details, just like his mother. He placed the two books aside, and found his pajamas. It would be dark soon. He slipped out of his ruined clothes and set them aside. He fished out a change of underwear, and quickly got into his pajamas. As a finishing touch he put on his slippers. He retrieved the rest of his things, packing them into the knapsack, and he headed upstairs. When he reached the deck, he collided with Tidus. Tidus fell back, hitting the ground, but Trunks didn't seem phased at all. He blinked at his taller friend.

"Are you okay?"

Tidus got to his feet, and looked at Trunks with surprise.

"Yeah. That's some footing you've got, kid!" He shook his head, then looked Trunks over. "Where'd you get that stuff?"

Trunks smiled a bit.

"I had left it back in Kilika, but they must have put it on the boat. I found it, and boy!" The boy stretched gratefully, his blue eyes glittering. "Does it feel good to have clean clothes!"

Tidus laughed, ruffling Trunks's hair.

"You're something else." He said affectionately. "You're the first lively kid I've met in this place."

"You're the first lively adult…" Trunks started, grinning. "That I've seen in a long time."

Tidus smiled a bit.

"Hey Trunks." He said casually. "There's a Blitzball up on deck. How about I see your technique?"


"Yeah." Tidus grinned. "The way you wasted that Sin spawn, I'd have guessed that you'd be a great player. You've never played?"


"That's a shame."

"Is it like fighting?" Trunks looked at him, his eyes glittering again. "If it's like fighting, then it'll be easy."

"Well…" Tidus looked up thoughtfully. Then, he seemed to have a breakthrough. "You said that you were going to be in a fighting tournament, right?"

"The Budokai Tournament. I could win a million Zenny, IF I train hard enough."

"Well… In Luca, they're having a Blitzball Tournament. Teams from all over the world compete. I've been told that here on Spira, it's a big deal. But…" He grinned at Trunks. "You're not from Spira, are you?"

Trunks took a step back, feeling a little worried. Tidus laughed.

"Don't worry, kiddo! I won't rat you out!" Tidus smiled at him again, his energetic eyes glinting. "I'm in the same pot. I'm really confused about everything, so I just blame it on Sin's "toxin". I suggest you do the same. These guys are really nice, but they tend to fear what they don't understand. It's really obvious that you aren't from Spira though. You're too energetic, and arrogant. Most of the people here have had their spirits shattered by Sin. Obviously… You haven't. But you're strong too. Really strong. That's why I've gotta see if you can play Blitzball. It would be a waste for someone as strong as you not to be in the game!"

Trunks smiled.

"You don't have to beg… I'll play. Just show me how. It'll be easy. Everything is when you're a Saiyan…"

"A what?"

"Never mind."

The two headed up the steps to the deck above. Trunks blinked in the sudden bright light, and beamed as the salty sea air played with his hair. Tidus led him to the end of the deck, where a small blue ball lay, rocking a bit with the boat. Tidus picked it up, and turned to Trunks, his face shining with his laughing smile.

"Okay." Tidus said, azure eyes blazing in the sunlight. "First off, before we start-can you swim?"

Trunks almost laughed.

"Of course."

Tidus nodded.

"Okay. Then…" Without warning, he picked Trunks up and tossed him overboard. Trunks hit the water in a shock of cold surprise. Seconds later, Tidus was there, splashing next to him.

"Are you nuts?!" Trunks exclaimed. "We'll be left behind-and these waters aren't friendly!"

"You can fly." Tidus said with a grin. "And besides, these waters aren't that unfriendly. Aside from Sin, there's nothing to worry about…"

"Sin is what I'm worried about."

Tidus laughed, and Trunks groaned.

"Why did we have to get wet…?" He asked mournfully. "I had just changed into my pajamas… Now they're ruined…"

"Don't be so worried!" Tidus exclaimed. "Salt water doesn't mess up your clothes that much. Besides-how will I see if you're any good if we're not in water? Anyone can kick a Blitzball."

"I suppose you're right…" Trunks sighed, then put on a more serious face. He was a little curious. "Teach me. Let's see if this kinda thing is for me."

Tidus nodded.

"First, you've gotta be able to hold your breath for a looooong time. Say… At least seven minutes. The periods in the water are five minutes, but you've gotta factor that you're moving. My old man…" Here he scoffed, but he still continued. "…used to tell me that you always want to add on extra minutes to account for fatigue. How long can you hold your breath?"

Trunks grinned.

"Let's see. Start countin'." He took a deep breath and dove under. He began to paddle around, admiring the coral.

Obviously, they had been nearing land. The water was not very deep here, and it was speckled with tropical coral. He swam down to the coral, letting the water caress his hair. It was here that he noticed that it was longer than before… But he thought nothing of it. He also felt a little older, perhaps as a result of what had happened to him. He felt so tired… He looked up, and watched as a school small rainbow-colored fish swam over his head. He felt as though he were suspended in the air… He just wished that he could stay in that water forever… That warm, peaceful water… He swam down a bit, sticking his face into a small opening in the coral, spying an eel and her offspring-it was odd, that family of eels, he'd never known an eel to care for its offspring-but there it was, nonetheless. Everything here seemed happy, and Trunks smiled, feeling the bubbles from his mouth slip out the corners. He turned on his back, watching the bubbles explode towards the surface. But he wasn't scared. A Saiyan, properly trained, could stay underwater for hours… He grinned, letting a bit of ki surround him. It evaporated the water, creating a bubble of new oxygen for him to breathe. He had been trained to do this in case of a water battle, for his father had had a problem with this in his youth. It was a crafty trick. He stayed down for a while; using his bubble to support himself, until a very worried Tidus came down after him. Trunks's bubble was invisible, so Tidus had no idea that the boy had life-support. He gave Trunks a bewildered look, then gestured up towards the surface. Trunks followed him up, and took a deep breath of fresh sea air when he got there. Tidus blinked at him. Trunks grinned.

"Well… How did I do?"

"Thirteen minutes…" Tidus seemed flabbergasted. "Where you out of breath?"

"Nope." Trunks said, grinning his pearly smile. "What's next?"

Tidus smiled. He held up the blitz ball.

"It's time to Blitz!" He smiled, twirling the ball. "Go under and watch me. What I'm gonna do down there is dribble about for a while-that means I'll just hold onto the ball and swim-and then I'll pass it to you. Catching is really important in the game. Ready?"

Trunks nodded.


The two went down, and this time Trunks made the barrier early. He watched as Tidus paddled around with the ball, and suddenly focused hard on his friend. He sensed Tidus's intentions, and got ready to catch. His eyes narrowed, and he watched as Tidus threw the ball to him. Long before the ball got to its destination, Trunks was there, and he caught it leisurely in one hand. He casually chucked the ball back a Tidus, who had a very hard time catching it. The two surfaced, and then Trunks grinned.

"How was that?"

Again Tidus was speechless-but this time it was due to the wind being knocked out of him from the ball. He grinned despite this, and spoke quietly.

"You're a natural."

Trunks beamed, his eyes proud.

"I thought I might be. Anything else?"

"Well…" Tidus began. "The point of the game is to get the ball into the goal. You've gotta kick it in past their goalie. Different people have different shots-I have one I call the "Sphere Shot". My father… He had the Jecht Shot Mach 3. There never was a Mach one or two. He just called it that…"

Trunks laughed.

"That sounds like my dad. Big bang attack… Please. Naming your attack after the creation of the Universe is a tad bit arrogant." Trunks smiled. "Not that I wouldn't do the same. Having a God attack or something would be great. Do you think that I could make a special shot?"

Tidus looked at the Blitzball, his face doubtful.

"Even for someone powerful like you… I think it would take time to learn one. Just doing something fancy in the middle of a game isn't making a Special Shot. Special Shots take practice-sometimes years."

"Do you think… That I could compete in Luca?"

Tidus stopped for a moment.

"Well… We already have a team… I just wanted to teach you…"

"But I'm good! You saw me!"

"Yes but…"

Trunks scoffed, his eyes angry.

"You brought me out here and got me soaked. And now you're saying that I can't even play?! Why?! I should leave you out here!" He softened up a bit, but still kept the resentment in his voice. "But I won't. I'm gonna take you back to the boat. And, I'm gonna try to get into that tournament!" Trunks picked up Tidus and sped back to the boat before he could argue. When they landed, Trunks went below deck and changed out of his wet pajamas, tossing them scornfully aside. That night he slept in his weighted training clothes, dreaming of Blitzball.


Luca was a fabulous place. Full of life, and hustle and bustle-Trunks was enchanted at once. It was so much different than Kilika that he was surprised. They even had TV here! (Even if it was round, and they called it a "Sphere") But it was still TV, nonetheless. Trunks stood gaping at the huge ornate ships that were docked there, and watched as one especially beautiful one pulled up down the docks a bit. The crowd seemed to amass about the ship, calling out a name.

"Maester Mica! Maester Mica!"

Trunks blinked at Yuna, his eyes puzzled.

"Mmm… Miss Yuna?"

She looked at him, her blue and green eyes dazzling as always.


"Who's Maester Mica?" He felt embarrassed to ask, but he had to know. Wakka shook his head.

"Poor thing. Doesn't even remember the Maester…"

"Maester Mica," Yuna started, her voice clear. "Is the leader of the Church of Yevon, in Bevelle. He is like our… King. I suppose you could say it that way."

"Oh." Trunks said, as if it were nothing. His thoughts were a little more adult for a moment. Then we're standing in a theocracy… Great. Now I have to be careful double time.

Maester Mica was now in view to Trunks, but something caught the boy's attention other than the visible sight of the man, who was an unimpressive aged example of a man. Mica's ki felt off, as if it was being tampered with, held back. Another man joined Mica on the platform. This man even looked threatening.

He had wild eyes behind a sharp face, a face that looked as though it had been polished from stone. His blue hair stuck up around his face in three distinct bangs. His face was shadowed, as if there was something hidden behind it. His clothing was ornate, and he spoke in a very light tenor-a kind sounding voice, almost gentle. But it brought Goosebumps up on Trunks's arms, and the hairs on the back of his neck stood up on end. The man greeted the crowd, and they cheered. Suddenly Wakka commented.

"Wow. Maester Seymour's here too. Gonna be a big important crowd this year, ya." He sounded a bit worried. Lulu scoffed.

"You don't sound so confident."

"He doesn't need to be. There's no way we can lose." Trunks found, with great discomfort, that his statement sounded too much like something his father would have said. What is Papa doing anyway…? He wondered, silently. He looked back to the Maesters, and felt his blood freeze. Seymour was now suddenly looking right at him, those cold eyes studying his form. Trunks swallowed and backed off a bit. Seymour's ki was twisted, twisted in a way Trunks had never felt. It was like his ki was bending over onto itself, like it was even more bound down than Mica's but by a far more elaborate means. Seymour walked to the small group, smiling.

"Greetings Summoner Yuna, and Guardians." He looked deliberately at Trunks when he said it, and Trunks wondered why. The boy struggled to suppress his ki, worried more and more that Seymour would sense it, and try to start something. Every alarm in his mind was going off, and those alarms tripled in intensity when Seymour finished talking small talk to Yuna and the others. The man knelt directly in front of Trunks, his eyes on Trunks's eyes. A starry blue and an ice blue-two similar, yet different sets of eyes staring at one and other. Seymour spoke in that soft, calming voice again, this time to Trunks.

"My, my… Such a young Guardian." He patted Trunks on the head, a gesture that Trunks resented. "What is your name?"

"I'm Trunks." Trunks said it with an edge of challenge on his voice. "Why don't you move along, sir." Again, he spat the words, as he would have shot an attack beam. He wanted Seymour away from his small group as soon as possible-and even that wouldn't be fast enough. Seymour laughed at him, though, and turned to Yuna.

"This one has an acid tongue, young Yuna. I can feel his mistrust. You have chosen well-Guardians who trust few make few mistakes…" He grinned at Trunks, and even his grin seemed wild, unchecked. There was something seriously wrong with Seymour, and it was scaring Trunks badly.


Trunks sat unhappily in the Auroch's locker room, listening to their chants for victory. Trunks moaned to himself, longing to compete. Finally, he got his chance.

At one point, just before the game, Keppa came wandering in to get a towel. He was whistling, so Trunks had plenty of warning. Using super speed, he easily tripped Keppa, sending the large man crashing to the ground. Again, Trunks used super speed and he quickly and expertly twisted Keppa's leg, making it impossible for him to swim. Then he fled the scene, appearing near a refreshment stand to get a snack. With an alibi, he casually walked back to the locker room, sucking on a lollypop. He found the Aurochs huddled around their injured player. Keppa strangely seemed okay with it.

"It's okay, man. You've got the new boy-you'll do fine."

Wakka sighed, then looked to Tidus.

"Looks like we'll go in together, ya?"

Tidus nodded.

"I guess so."

Damn it! Trunks thought angrily. He'd gone through all of that trouble and he still wouldn't be able to play. He pouted and left, shoving his hands into his pockets. He walked briskly out of the arena, feeling annoyed, and upset. He'd busted Keppa up for nothing. He didn't particularly like hurting people, so this was a double insult. He sat down on a bench outside, and presently dozed off in the warm sunshine.

When he woke up, Trunks felt very odd. He felt bigger somehow, yet he wasn't bigger. It was strange, feeling something you were not. He looked up in his sleep-glazed state, to see a very worried Tidus over him.

"Trunks! We need you!"

Trunks mumbled something incoherently about wanting something to eat, but he managed to rouse himself.

"Why do you need me…?" Trunks asked. It was an odd question to be asking.

"Wakka-he overdid it. He's hurt. He can't play against the Goers! We need you to fill in! Can you?"

Trunks's heart skipped a beat.

"YES!" He exclaimed, hopping up. Tidus nodded.

"Okay then. Hurry up-we've gotta get inside!" He turned and ran, his shoes sloshing-still wet from the last match. Trunks followed him, feeling light in his clothes. He'd taken the liberty of changing into something lighter when he'd tripped Keppa-something that would be easy to swim in. He grinned as he went, entering the arena.

I'm gonna be famous.

The arena was huge-far huger than anything Trunks had seen on Spira yet. The actual game took place in a big glass dome in the center of the arena. Trunks and the other Aurochs were herded into an airlock, then they were sent to the dome. Trunks brought up his shield, and the others took deep breaths.

And it started. The ball was off almost immediately, and someone on the Goers side had it. Trunks watched in utter amazement as he saw for the first time the extent of the Aurochs weakness-no wonder they had been made fun of. The only decent player seemed to be Tidus, who was putting his heart and soul into winning. The Goers neared the goal, and the player with the ball prepared to shoot. He kicked the ball, and screamed towards the goal.

But Trunks couldn't have that.

With a blast of Super Speed he was there, right in front of the goal, and he easily brought his hands up, catching the ball. The Goers glared at him in annoyance, which made Trunks enjoy himself even more. He weaved around the players easily, and, without much effort at all, deposited the ball in their goal. The announcers seemed flabbergasted.

"That new kid-did they just recruit him?"

"Seems so… He was seen on their ship, however, when the blond man declared victory for the Aurochs…"

"Well, with a weapon like that… No wonder they were arrogant."

"Still, the Goers are just getting warmed up."

And that was actually the truth. The Goers began to dominate the Aurochs easily after Trunks's first goal. Tidus even seemed to be playing at his peak. But Trunks was just playing. He had realized already that he had several unfair advantages (but it wasn't his fault they weren't Saiyans), so he let them take a few goals. He would just float there, looking confused, until halftime. The Aurochs were down three points, and halftime was full of talk. Most of them were asking Trunks about his first goal, and telling him that he had probably used all of his strength on that first maneuver. Tidus took a step back to allow Wakka to play in his place, since the fans demanded it. And then halftime was over, in a flurry of trumpets and horns, and they were on the field again. This time, Trunks wasn't playing. He let Wakka get the first one, mostly by protecting the Auroch's goal to give the experienced player the time he needed to set up an attack. The second goal came from Trunks, who casually kicked it across the stadium into the goal, to the astonishment of the entire audience. The tied point was a group effort by the whole team-Blappa actually got it in while Trunks, Wakka and the others kept the Goers in check. Trunks frowned when he saw that only ten seconds remained on the clock-and still he had no signature move. He'd been hoping one would come to him, but it wouldn't, and he was going to have to score. He wasn't a fan of last second finishes-just too much could go wrong! Finally, he decided to use an attack pattern he'd practiced with Goten. It involved a lot of warping, and he was the only one in this place who could do that (except Goten, whom he still couldn't believe was dead) so it had to be a signature move. He powered up a bit, his aura becoming slightly visible, just for effect. The Goers were about to score a winning point themselves-and the Auroch's goalie had no chance against the might of the Goers scorer. But just as the scorer went to kick the ball, Trunks warped underneath him, kicking powerfully upwards. The ball spiked up, but Trunks beat it, warping above it. He struck it down, smacking the scorer in head. He stumbled back, and the ball bounced a bit to the side, spinning upwards. Trunks was there to meet it again, and he slammed it down, this time bringing it into the two defenders. It hit one in the side, knocking the air out of him. The other was hit in the neck, and sent flying. Trunks again caught the ball, flipping up easily for a finale. He had to make this cool. The ki that danced about his body touched the ball, wrapping it in his energy. The glowing ball sliced through the water towards the goalie, whom it hit out of the way of the goal. The ball bounced back to Trunks who somersaulted in the water, hitting the ball with all his might, and a small blast. The blast (with the ball inside of it) flew into the goal, getting the winning point (to Trunks's disdain) at the last possible second. The ball exploded through the water dome, streaking in a brilliant stream of light right towards the Maesters. Trunks was aware of several screams, but he calmly brought his hands up, and the ki followed his command. That was the point of sending it incased in a beam. That way he could control it. It shot vertically into the air, and exploded in a fury of light. A loud cheer went up from the crowd and Trunks smiled, floating there, feeling proud. He had a signature shot.

The Light Shot.

The Aurochs swarmed about him, and Wakka gave him a high five. Trunks smiled, feeling proud, feeling happy for one first times since he arrived on Spira.

Then he felt a sharp pain in his shoulder. He spun around to look, and he saw Tidus swimming towards him. A piranha had bitten him, and he was bleeding slightly. He turned and blasted the piranha into oblivion, feeling the hot feeling of anger creeping up on him. This was his day. Why were these weaklings bothering him?

Apparently, the piranha wasn't alone, in fact, there seemed to be dozens. Luca was under attack, and Trunks had to do something about it. He flew up out of the sphere, watching Tidus and Wakka fight back the piranhas. He knew they could handle at least that, and besides he had bigger fish to fry. He could feel it.

The creatures outside were much more powerful than those fish, and much more impressive. He looked about, watching the people run with a pang of pity. He couldn't let this happen to them… They were civilians… He'd never seen civilians in a battle. He quickly flew to help them, but then he caught a glimpse of Yuna. She was with Lulu and Kimhari, and they appeared to be holding back a monster. But it was slowly overtaking them. Trunks was suddenly filled with rage, rage he had never known. Seeing Yuna there, her face desperate, both her aeons banished, and her friends running out of energy… That was too much for the young Saiyan. He flew to their aide, glaring up at the creature with nothing but hate. The creature, faced with the much stronger Trunks, now seemed confused. It reared at him, but Trunks coolly dodged its attack, his eyes narrowed. As he did, he let the sleeping power inside of him lose. As the others watched in horror and shock as young Trunks suddenly changed before their eyes. His hair seemed to float suddenly, as if caught in a brisk wind. But it did not fall-it stayed aloft as though held up by invisible wire. It suddenly flashed with a golden radiance, and then the golden light spread to his body. His hair faded to a pale golden color, surrounded by a golden halo of power. He turned and looked back to his friends, and they saw his eyes then. They were no longer the bright, pale blue that they knew so well-they were instead a brilliant fierce deep green, shimmering with a power and purpose that none of his friends could understand. His clothing tugged upwards in the invisible wind, and light shot up around him from around his feet. His muscles bulged a bit, and Yuna and the others noticed for the first time the boy's strangely built form… With muscles that didn't seem to fit a boy his size…

And the new Trunks stared up at the creature, brought up a hand and very calmly hit it away. It was no more than that, a light punch perhaps, and the creature was scattered into a thousand pyre flies. Trunks then turned, smiling at his friends with those amazing green eyes, eyes so dense that no pupil could be seen. He winked then.

"Don't worry. I'll take care of everything."

And then Trunks was off, flying and striking at the creatures that had no chance against him. He sliced through the air like a brilliant eagle, wrapped in a golden sheen of light that made it difficult to see his movements. And many times, his movements were so quick and precise that they could not be followed. Suddenly, there was a great explosion of power behind the group that was not Trunks-Maester Seymour had summoned an Aeon to aide in the battle. The two forces easily vanquished the remainder of the aerial creatures, but Trunks knew that his battle was not done yet. It had felt him. He had felt it… Sin. Its power had brushed his mind, making him feel giddy. He had nearly fallen from the sky when it had happened. He knew that his battle with Sin would be soon, but not now. He spotted Tidus, Wakka, and an unknown figure fighting the ground creatures, so he quickly dropped from he sky like a bird of prey and took out a creature that was closing in on the party from behind. Trunks had no remorse for the monsters he killed. All he knew was the burning need to protect his friends, and the arrogance that all Super Saiyans felt. His blood boiled with the lust for battle, and he killed anything that dared fight him. Soon, the monsters were gone, however, and it was time to revert. He landed in front of his friends and returned to normal, his purple hair sweeping down over his eyebrows. It seemed longer somehow, just as it had when he was underwater. Yuna looked at him wide-eyed as Tidus and the others dashed up.

"Trunks…" She said softly. "What…What was that?!"

Trunks bowed his head, sighing.

"Yuna, everyone… What I was… It's called, a Super Saiyan." He looked at them and smiled. "Because I'm a Saiyan. That's why I'm different… And… I've got a lot more to tell you."