Final Fantasy - All Series Fan Fiction ❯ All That Matters ❯ Stupid Cupid ( Chapter 6 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
All That Matters

Written by: Cherry6124
Irvine x Selphie pairing

A/N: Hello! I hope you guys like this fanfic. It's gonna get more exciting later, trust me. Um, some people have asked me about the dream Selphie had, and what it had to do with the fanfic. Well, it has a lot to do with the story, but I don't want to ruin anything right now. Just wait till the later chapters, ok. Now, on to the fanfic!

Disclaimer: I don't own Final Fantasy VIII. I wish I did, but, too bad for me, right?


Chapter Six "Stupid Cupid."

Rinoa rolled her eyes, "Ok, listen up..."

"Uh huh, I'm listening." Zell scooted closer to Rinoa.

"You know that Selphie likes Irvine, so why don't we-"

"Selphie likes Irvine!!" Zell yelled out loud.

"Ugh! You already knew that, Zell," Rinoa pinched his ear, "now listen."

"Oh yeah..." Zell got quiet.

"Like I was saying, before I was so rudely interrupted-"

"Hey guys." A familiar voice said.

"Ugh!" Rinoa sighed out of frustration.

"Seifer! Rinoa's trying to tell me something, so go away!"

"Shut up, Chicken-wuss." Seifer didn't want to hang around Zell, so he went over to his posse at another table.

"Ok Rin, continue." Zell said waiting for her to go on.

"Why don't we hook them both up?" Rinoa said quickly before anyone else could interrupt her.

"Uh...." Zell sat there dumbfounded.

"Look, Selphie already likes him, so we can get Irvine to like her. It will be simple. We're just gonna act like two cupids," Rinoa grinned, "I am the goddess of love. I can hook anybody up."

Zell started cracking up laughing, ""

Rinoa glared at Zell, "If you remember correctly, I was the one who hooked Seifer and Quistis up!"

"Oh yeah..."

"Ok, so I was thinking that we should get them to go on a date, or maybe the festival that is coming up in a few weeks, you know the Autumn Ball." Rinoa stopped.

"Do we have to dress up as...cupids?" Zell asked.

"No!" Rinoa frowned.

"You know how Irvine is, he can never give himself to one woman, there's just too many out there." Zell added.

Rinoa sat there and pondered for a second, "But, he does show strong feelings towards Selphie..."

"Maybe cause they're best friends." Zell countered.

Rinoa shook her head in disagreement, "No, I think that it could work out."

Zell sighed, "Ok ok, so maybe it could."

"Yay! So, you'll help me Zell?" Rinoa asked to confirm.

"Yeah." Zell nodded his head.

"Thank you! Ok, Selphie went to go get Irvine, so when they get here we'll work our magic." Rinoa smiled.


Irvine sat in his seat impatiently, trying to think of the stupid answer to the question on his test. Sometimes, he regretted taking another course, but he wanted something to do in the day time. All of his other friends didn't take a second course, so he was the only one still in classes. Thankfully, this was his last class he had to take for the rest of the semester.

He pondered for a while, thinking of an answer to the test. It was the final exam for this class. He studied real hard for this exam. It was a very important one, but he just couldn't figure out the answer. So many things were on his mind, he just couldn't concentrate. He glanced up at the clock.

"I have thirty minutes to finish the test." He thought to himself.

He looked back down at his paper. He only had ten more questions to go, he had enough time. Some people thought of Irvine as a stupid, careless sniper, who only thought of himself. That wasn't true, he was the smartest one in his class, believe it or not. He always made A's in all of his classes, even in math, and that was his weakest subject. And he did care about people, it was just hard for him to show it sometimes.

He wrote down the final answers to the exam. He flipped his test over, and put his pencil down. Some other class mates noticed he was done before them, and they just stared at him for a second, and continued working. Irvine smirked and put his head down. He thought about the events that happened last night.

Pretty soon, the bell rung. The instructor waved good-bye to the students, and everyone left. Before Irvine walked out of the classroom, he stuck his head out the door, and looked left, then right.

"Ah, good, no girls waiting for me." Irvine walked out into the hallway.

"Hi Irvy!" Selphie smiled.

"Oh, hey Sefie, I didn't think any girls were waiting for me." Irvine said relieved that Selphie had waiting for him, and not any other girls.

"Oh, there were a lot of them, I chased them away." Selphie grinned.

"You're a good friend. So what do ya wanna do?" Irvine put his arm around Selphie's shoulder.

"Well, Rinoa wanted us to meet her in the cafeteria, so let's go."

"All righty then, let's go." They both started walking to the cafeteria.

"So, are you happy you don't have anymore classes for a while now?" Selphie asked.

"Hell yeah! I can sleep in now." Irvine smirked.

Selphie giggled, she really enjoyed being with Irvine. He made her feel safe, and he could always cheer her up.

Selphie noticed some girls were staring at her and Irvine. Those were some of the girls who usually hang on Irvine. They waved at Irvine, and he tipped his hat and smiled at all the girls. The girls giggled and ran off.

"Uh, Irvine..." Selphie stopped walking and looked down.

"Yeah, what's wrong?" Irvine turned around and walked up to her.

"Why do you always flirt with all the girls in the school?" Selphie asked.

She didn't want to ask him like that, she didn't want to ask him that at all, but it just kinda came out.

Irvine looked confused, then scratched the back of his neck, "I don't know, just living up to my reputation I guess."

Selphie looked up, "That's not really a good excuse."

Irvine frowned then grabbed her hand, "Come on, let's get to the cafeteria."

He lead Selphie to the cafeteria, passing up all the girls that wanted to talk to him.

Selphie smiled at the fact that he never let go of her hand and the fact that he didn't talk or look at any other girls. She didn't want him to, but when the got to the cafeteria, he let go, and they both found a seat next to Rinoa and Zell.

"Hey guys." Rinoa grinned.

Zell and Rinoa stood up, and pushed in their chairs.

"You guys stay here and talk. Rin and I will be right back." Zell and Rinoa rushed off.

"What was that all about?" Irvine said taking his hat off.

Selphie sensed that whatever they were gonna do, wasn't gonna be good.

"Let's not worry about them." Selphie smiled, trying to get her mind off of them.

"Yeah, Rin is probably lonely since Squall is gone." Irvine put his feet in the chair in front of him.

Selphie poked him in the side, "Are you still going to the Autumn Ball with me?"

"Of course! Why do you think I would change my mind?" Irvine asked.

"I don't know, you just haven't talked about it much."

"Well, I haven't forgot. I'll save you a dance."

"Dance?! I thought you said you were going with me." Selphie said kinda disappointed.

"All these girls have been bothering me to go with them, and I promised them all a dance. I'm still going with you though." Irvine responded.

"Oh..." Selphie looked down.

"Move out of the way! Coming through!" Zell's voice could be heard in the distance.

Everyone in the cafeteria looked at Zell like he lost his mind. He was wearing his bed sheets on him. To keep them up, he had them pinned together with a safety pin.

"Rin, I thought you said I didn't have to dress up?" Zell whispered to Rinoa.

"Well, I thought about it, then changed my mind. Now come on, just do what I tell you to, and everything will work out." Rinoa gave him a shove.

"Hey look, it's Zell, ya know?" Rajin pointed at Zell.

"Shut up! I'm not Zell, I'm, um, I'm, er..." Zell pondered for a second to think of a name.

"Chicken-wuss." Seifer finished his sentence for him.

"STOP CALLING ME THAT!" Zell screamed out loud.

"See, I told you it was Zell, ya know?" Rajin turned to face Fujin.

"IGNORE" Fujin ignored Rajin's last comment; she knew it was Zell.

Rinoa walked up to Zell and whispered in his ear, "Don't worry about them, just go do what we planned."

"You mean what you planned." Zell corrected the sorceress.

Rinoa rolled her eyes, and gave him another shove.

"Ok ok, I'm going." Zell walked up to Irvine and Selphie's table.

"Zell, what's wrong with you?" Irvine asked.

"I'm not Zell, I'm a cupid..." Zell felt embarrassed.

"Aww, how cute, a cupid." Selphie giggled.

"It's not funny." Zell said with almost no emotion.

"Zell, you need to go see Doctor Kadowaki." Irvine commented.

"I'm not Zell, and it wasn't my idea!" Zell screamed out.

"Uh...." Irvine and Selphie said in unison.

"Never mind." Zell stood up on the table.

"EWWW! Zell I can see under your bed sheets." Selphie covered her eyes.

"ACK!" Zell cover that part up.

"Zell, now look what you did, you blinded Selphie for life." Irvine teased.

"Shut up!" Zell pulled out a bow and arrow.

"Zell what are you gonna do with that?" Selphie peaked out from her hands.

"You'll see." Zell pointed it straight at Irvine.

"What the hell, get that away from--OW! SHIT!" Irvine screamed out.

"Ok, now you will fall in lov--" Irvine jumped up and punched Zell.

Zell fell on the cafeteria floor, "Oh you are so gonna pay for that!"

Rinoa ran up and grabbed Zell before he could fight back.

"I told you not to do that!" Rinoa dragged Zell out of the cafeteria.

"Why didn't you handle it!? You said you were the goddess of love!" You could here Zell scream in the distance.

Everyone looked clueless to everything at the exit. Some people got up and left, others just stood there staring at each other then asking 'what just happened?'.

Irvine pulled the arrow out of his arm, "That's great, I think I need to see the doc now."

Selphie ran up to him, "Come on, let's go to the infirmary."

"What was up with Zell?" Irvine said rubbing his arm.

Selphie grabbed his hat and placed it on his head, "I don't know, but I'll ask Rinoa."

"Damn, that hurt." Irvine had a pretty deep cut from the arrow.

"I don't understand why he would shoot an arrow at someone." Selphie and Irvine walked into the infirmary.

Selphie noticed Zell was already in there, getting treated from when Irvine punched him.

Rinoa stood by the bed, shaking her head in disappointment.

Dr. Kadowaki turned around and saw Irvine.

"Now, what happened to you?" She asked, already knowing the answer.

"Zell shot me with an arrow!" Irvine raised his voice.

Zell held a tissue over his nose to stop the bleeding, "It wasn't my idea!"

Dr. Kadowaki sighed, and handed Zell some more tissues, "You're dripping blood everywhere, hold your head up."

Zell did as she said.

"Now, come here Irvine." Irvine walked up and sat in a chair.

Dr. Kadowaki took some medicine and cleaned out his wound.

"Ouch, that stings." Irvine whined.

"Don't be a baby now, hold still." Dr. Kadowaki wrapped some bandages around his arm, "Ok, you'll be fine now."

"Thanks Doc." Irvine stood up, and looked at Zell, "Ah, sorry bout that."

"It's ok." Zell said still holding his head up.

Selphie sat in the chair next to Rinoa, "Hey Rin, was that your idea?"

Rinoa nodded, "You know how I am with you and Irvine. I just wanted to get him to notice that you two are meant for each other. I didn't want Zell to really shoot the arrow."

Selphie giggled, "Thanks, but you shouldn't have done that."

"Hey, I'm only trying to help out a friend." Rinoa smiled.

"I'm gonna tell Quistis and Squall about it when they get back!" Selphie grinned.

"Oh no! He'll never stop making fun of me." Rinoa started to laugh.

"It was kinda funny, though." Selphie joined in.

Irvine walked up to the two laughing girls, "What's so funny?"

"Nothing, nothing at all." Rinoa said in-between her laughs.

Selphie wiped the tears from her eyes, "Are you ok Irvy?"

"Yeah, it still kinda hurts, but I've had worse." Irvine reassured her.

"Well, believe it are not, I'm kinda tired, so I'm gonna head off to my dorm." Selphie stood up and stretched.

"Sefie, it's only 6:00, it's not even dark outside." Irvine said with a hint of concern in his voice.

"I know, I just haven't been getting enough sleep lately," She yawned, "so, I'll see you two tomorrow. Bye."

Selphie waved to everyone, and exited the infirmary.

"Not enough sleep?" Rinoa repeated.

Irvine frowned, "Do you think she's ok?"

"Yeah, I'm sure she's fine." Rinoa replied.


Selphie jumped in her pajamas, and brushed her teeth. She grabbed her brush and started to brush her hair straight. She sighed and closed her eyes for a second and pictured Irvine in her head. She started to hum a song that she was quite fond of.

She walked out of the bathroom and looked out the window. The sky looked a pinkish, orange color. The sun was setting and the wind was breezy. She opened her window, and thought her lack of sleep was because it was hot in her room.

"There, if I have some air in here at night, maybe I won't have those horrible nightmares." She began to sing some of the song.

"Late at night when all the world is sleeping, I stay up and think of you. And I wish on a star, that somewhere you are thinking of me too...." Selphie climbed in bed.

"That gives me an idea," She grabbed a note book and wrote down her idea on a piece of paper, "I'll remember to tell them tomorrow."

Selphie put the notebook down, and turned off her lamp. She could feel the breezy air on her, and it slowly drifted her off to sleep.

To be Continued...


A/N: ^_^ Hehe, did you like that chapter? I know it's kinda bad writing to put a real song in a fanfic, but that song was by Selena, it's called 'Dreaming of You.' You'll see more of it later in my fanfic. Oh yeah, I written a songfic, it's called 'Words We Couldn't Say.' People E-mailed me and wanted me to use that song. So, if you wanna check it out, please do so. It's a Selvine songfic, and my first songfic ever. Anyway, I'll write more soon, but I'm gonna be so busy with school now. Ok, bye.

Note: Oh, I kinda read all of my chapters for 'All That Matters' and I found a lot of mistakes. Ack! I should have proofread. Well, I don't know why I brought this to everyone's attention, I'm kinda a perfectionist. Anyway... I just thought I should tell everyone.
