Final Fantasy - All Series Fan Fiction ❯ Alliance ❯ Chapter 29

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Chapter 29
(Warning: Possible spoilers for all FF7 game/movie titles)
*Disclaimer: Final Fantasy and all related characters belong to Square-Enix. This fiction piece is strictly a non-profit exercise of creativity and entertainment for people (like me) who can't get enough of this world and the characters.*
The allied forces worked swiftly. The equipment and vehicles were loaded onto the carrier ships first and then the refugees that chose to go with them for medical treatment boarded. Within three hours, they cleared Icicle and left. Many of the people who had participated in the strike to capture Weiss went straight to the cabins to sleep. Rufus also went to his private cabin, taking Tseng with him. Reno and the others guessed that the president was avoiding them because his pride was still wounded, and they each wondered what was being done to poor Tseng.
“I dunno, the boss might be lenient on him,” Reno said to Rude, Zack and Cloud. “Hell, this is the first time Tseng ever pulled anything like this. I've done a lot more in my time as a Turk than he has.”
They were standing on the upper deck, watching the cold coastline fall away as their ship began the journey home. Tifa and Barret were downstairs playing cards, Cid and Yuffie were both sleeping and Vincent and Reeve were at the other end of the deck, discussing whatever it was the two of them liked to talk about.
“He'll be fine,” Rude said with a shrug.
“Man, I hope so,” Zack grimaced. “I saw that cold look on the president's face when they boarded. I wouldn't want to be Tseng right now. I like the guy and I'd hate to see him get maimed.”
Cloud crossed his arms over the rail and shook his head as he watched the ocean absently. “He won't get maimed. Maybe whipped, but not maimed.” He flushed as soon as the words left his mouth and the others looked at him with interest.
“Saw Rufus's goody drawer, did ya?” Reno guessed with a teasing smirk.
“Look, there's a school of dolphins,” Cloud said with a pointing gesture.
Zack chuckled and ruffled the blonde's hair. “Nice diversion, kiddo.”
“There is, though,” Cloud insisted, pointing again.
Zack looked out over the water and saw the frolicking group of sea mammals following the ship. “Huh, so there are. They're kind of cute, aren't they?”
“Yeah, adorable,” Reno said. He wasn't looking at the dolphins. He was looking at his partner with curious, blue-green eyes. “So Rude, where's your phoenix at? I saw you leave your room with him when we left the Inn. Fill me in, man.”
“Nothing happened,” Rude said in a low voice. “I think he's up here on the deck somewhere. He said the ocean inspires him.”
“Shit, you're telling me you had that guy in your room all night long and nothing happened?” Reno looked doubtful.
“Unless you think sleep is juicy, yeah.”
“Hmm, that's kind of disappointing.” Reno sighed. “Well, I feel like taking a walk. How about you guys?”
“I'm game,” Zack agreed.
“I'm going to stay here and watch the dolphins,” Cloud said. A passing WRO operative saluted him respectfully and Cloud gave her a nod. He frowned once she was out of earshot. “Okay, that keeps happening and people keep calling me `General'. Do you guys know what's going on?” His tone said that he thought he was the butt of some huge, elaborate prank.
Reno and Zack exchanged a look.
“Ain't it obvious, Blondie?” Reno queried. “They've made you their honorary general. Ya did good out there, yo.”
Cloud frowned at him. “Be serious.”
“He is,” Zack inserted, his expression sobering. His blue-violet eyes were warm on the blonde as he spoke. “You held the lines and kept people's morale up, Cloud. You charged in alone a few times and came out without a scratch. They look up to you.”
Reno and Rude nodded at one another and started walking away, to let Zack finish speaking with Cloud in private. Some things were sacred and they both sensed that this was a conversation reserved between old, dear friends who just happened to become lovers.
Zack watched them go and he leaned in and put a hand on Cloud's shoulder, squeezing it lightly. The blonde looked a bit stunned, his youthful features humble and amazed.
“You always admired Sephiroth,” Zack murmured, “at least, before he went bonkers. You told me you wanted to be just like him, remember?”
Cloud nodded silently and looked at him with soft blue eyes.
“Well guess what?” Zack continued. “You're there. The difference is, you're not hardened like Sephiroth was. You inspire people, Cloud. They follow you because they love you. So do I.” Zack cupped the blonde's chin and gazed into his eyes for a moment before giving him a brief, tender kiss on the mouth. He smiled at him when he pulled away and he gave his shoulder one more squeeze before following after Reno and Rude to leave Cloud alone with his thoughts.
Cloud watched them go and his stunned expression slowly melted away to be replaced by a tentative little smile.
“Cloud can be pretty clueless sometimes, yo,” remarked Reno as the three of them walked along the deck together. “It's kind of cute.”
“He's just humble,” Zack said with a smile. “He doesn't put on airs. That's why people like him so much, even if he sucks at communicating off the field. You should have seen him shouting orders, man. It gave me tingles.”
“Saw some of it from the chopper,” Reno said with a nod. “The lines would waver and then Blondie would ride up on his bike. Next thing you know, they'd be pressing forward again. I couldn't hear what he was saying but it worked like a charm.” The redhead sighed and grinned. “Is it weird that I'm proud of him?”
Rude shook his head and so did Zack.
“Totally natural,” Zack said. “Shit, I'm so proud I'm surprised I'm not glowing.”
Rude suddenly stopped and both of the other men looked at him curiously. He was staring at something up ahead to the right, near the railing. Zack and Reno followed his gaze and they spotted Genesis. The leather-clad fighter stood alone, watching the ocean. People gave him a wide birth as they passed, curious yet wary of him. Reno could hear the swordsman's faint voice, murmuring to nobody. The redheaded Turk quirked a brow and wondered if the guy was schitzo. He looked at his partner and rolled his eyes. To anyone else, Rude's face might have appeared impassive but Reno knew him so well he could detect the smitten expression.
“Go talk to him, man.” Reno encouraged, giving Rude a little push.
“Yeah,” Zack agreed. “That way he won't just be mumbling to himself. He's scaring people.”
“He's making up poetry,” the bald man muttered, resisting Reno's pushes stubbornly. “I don't wanna bother him.”
“You ain't going to bother him,” insisted Reno. “The guy likes you and hell, could you want him more? You used to look at me that way, back before we started fucking. That's some major sexual frustration I'm reading on ya, partner.”
Rude's eyes widened behind his shades and he frowned severely at the redhead, jerking his chin meaningfully at Zack as he cleared his throat.
“Don't mind me,” Zack said cheerfully.
The bald man heaved a sigh. Reno and Zack were both going to keep needling him until he either spoke to Genesis or lost his cool and socked one of them. “I'm going,” he grumbled, “stop pushing me, Red.”
Zack and Reno watched with matching grins as Rude walked across the deck to Genesis. He did it like he was marching to his own execution and the two of them rolled their eyes at each other.
“Was he this clueless when you two started off?” Zack mumbled out the corner of his mouth.
“Yeah, I had to prod him a little,” sighed the redhead. “The big guy's kind of like Cloud when it comes to intimacy. He's not real good at making the first moves but once ya get him started, he's a machine, yo.”
Genesis sensed Rude's approach and he quieted and turned to face him. The Turk looked uncomfortable and Genesis could guess why; his partner and Zack Fair stood a few feet away, watching. Genesis was reminded of a group of teenagers daring one of their friends to poke a sleeping bear with a stick.
“I don't bite, you know,” Genesis remarked with a smirk. “Well, at least I won't bite you.” He nearly added: “Unless you want me to” but unlike another redhead, Genesis paced his wit and flirtations.
“You looked like you wanted to be alone, is all,” Rude grunted. He came up beside the swordsman and looked out at the blue water.
Genesis examined the Turk's chiseled profile for a moment before answering. “I'm alone often enough,” he murmured. “I don't mind congenial company.” The last was said with faint hesitation. He was awkward with his courtship skills and while he was almost certain that Rude was attracted to him, he'd come to know enough about his personality to realize he'd either have to find buttons to push for encouragement or make the first move himself.
~Wonderful. Me out of practice and bumbling while he isn't flirtatious by nature. Well, I do enjoy a challenge.~
The audience certainly wasn't helping. Genesis understood that while Rude wasn't a particularly bashful individual, he wasn't an extrovert and he valued his privacy. His scheming partner and Zack Fair were making the encounter more awkward than it had to be and Genesis narrowed his eyes at Zack meaningfully. The sable-haired fighter gave a little start as if suddenly realizing how rude he was being. He nudged his lithe partner-in-crime and murmured something to him. Reno seemed a bit reluctant, but he followed Zack in the opposite direction and soon, Genesis and Rude were relatively alone.
The privacy improved Rude's social skills. He glanced sidelong at his companion and muttered: “You write your own poems?”
“Well, memorize them would be more apt a description,” Genesis explained lightly. “I haven't owned a pen or touched a computer in years. Sadly, I think I'm more adept at recital than creation.”
Rude considered that. After a moment, he shrugged. “Everybody's got to start somewhere.”
Genesis looked at him and his sculpted features relaxed into a subtle smile. “You're right. It takes some…finesse.”
Rude met his eyes through the shades he was wearing and he felt that rush that he'd only felt for Reno before. “Until you get it on track, you could always work for our organization. The pay's good. You could probably get a place of your own within a week and the company would set you up with a suite in Headquarters until then.”
~Shit, I'm babbling almost as much as Red, here. Practically fucking begging him, in fact. It was easier with Reno `cause I knew he was already part of the organization. This bird could fly at any moment and there wouldn't be a damn thing I could do about it.~
Rude's private thoughts were—of course—not reflected on his expression. His trained facial features remained neutral and if his voice denoted a touch of encouragement, he didn't think it was such a bad thing. Genesis was alone in the world and the calculating Turk in him knew that could play an advantage in recruitment. The man in him was driving his actions on a more personal level.
Genesis's considering look didn't make Rude any more comfortable. The redhead held his gaze for a few moments before his lips parted and he spoke. “What precisely do you think I could do for your organization, now that you've defeated Deepground?”
Rude chose his words carefully, understanding that Genesis would be insulted if he suggested joining the Turks. While the swordsman seemed to have enough respect for him, Rude knew what his faction's reputation was and he'd helped get them there personally.
“You could be an instructor,” Rude said. “For the ShinRa militia. They could use someone with experience like you.” It was his turn to smirk slightly. “Can't tell me you didn't see how some of those guys handled themselves in combat.”
Genesis grimaced. Yes, he'd seen how the ShinRa troops fought and honestly if it weren't for Strife's guidance, he imagined Weiss's ground troops would have faired much better than they did. The ShinRa military clearly wasn't what it used to be. Truth be told, the WRO forces, Turks and volunteers had been more influential on the outcome of the conflict.
“That's an interesting proposition,” Genesis mused. “If you think it could be arranged, I suppose I'd be willing to try it out.”
“I'll speak to the president about it.” Rude was confident that the boss would agree to the idea. He knew Rufus wasn't happy about the way his militia's performance had been declining steadily over the past year and the Turk suspected that part of the reason he'd wanted to join the fight was to give his troops added incentive to do their best.
Silence returned, but this time it wasn't uncomfortable. Rude stood next to Genesis and the two mutually enjoyed one another's company as the crisp ocean air ruffled their clothes and hair. After a few moments, Genesis noticed the way the big man adjusted his blazer for warmth and he imagined Rude's head must have been getting cold, with no hair to insulate it from the chill in the air.
“Do you play mahjong?” The fighter queried softly.
Rude shrugged. “Sometimes.”
“I noticed there's a table for it below deck,” Genesis said. “Most of your people are sleeping, so it should be open.”
“Let's play, then.” Rude wasn't a huge fan of the game but it offered an escape from the chill air and more time with Genesis.
“They're going downstairs.”
Zack stood behind Reno and shook his head with amusement. The Turk had only allowed himself to be led around the corner of the top deck before stopping and peering around the wall of the Captain's cabin to see what his partner and Genesis were doing.
“Okay, mission accomplished,” Zack said. “We got them to talk to each other and they're hitting it off just peachy. Come on, meddler. Let's go find Cloud.”
“Wait,” Reno said with a shooing motion at the fighter as he tried to grab his arm. “I wanna follow `em and see if they go into a private cabin or something.”
“Why?” Zack's eyebrows furrowed suspiciously. “Thought you didn't mind Rude hooking up with the guy.”
“I don't,” Reno shrugged. “I just wanna see how it goes, is all. Ya might think it's weird but I like my guys to get what they want, yo.”
Zack hid a smile behind one hand. “Cloud told me about this. Damn, you really are nosey. I thought he was just exaggerating.”
Reno snorted. “Blondie doesn't exaggerate about anything, man. You know better than that.” He didn't seem to mind being called “nosey”. He started off to follow his quarry and Zack sighed and caught him around the waist, holding him back.
“Let go, Wolfy!”
Reno tried to twist out of the fighter's grip but Zack was getting accustomed to his agility and he quickly compensated by shifting his hold on him. “Don't you think with someone like Rude, it's better to let him move at his own pace?” muttered the fighter in a low voice as he pinned Reno against the wall.
“His own pace is too slow,” the redhead snapped. “Come on, just lemme see what they're up to and I'll quit.”
Zack shook his head and when Reno struggled again and nearly slipped free, inspiration struck him.
~I know ONE way to keep him distracted.~
Reno was contemplating playing dirty and kneeing his larger companion in the groin, but that hard body was suddenly pressed flush against his and Zack's grinning mouth descended and muffled his curses with a demanding kiss. Predictably, the action made lust shoot through Reno from head to toe and his swearing immediately turned into a low moan as Zack's tongue pushed past his lips and caressed inside of his mouth. The only emotion stronger than the rush of desire Reno felt was surprise. They were out in the open where anyone could walk by and see them lip-locked, at any moment. Even Reno had more restraint when it came to public displays…he had to in order to protect his organization's reputation. Zack, however, didn't seem to care if someone saw him sucking face with the second-in-command of the Turks.
“Msft,” Reno muttered, his words hopelessly distorted by the kiss, “Me camph oo ish fere!”
Zack broke away and smirked at him. “What was that?”
“I said,” Reno answered after catching a breath, “We can't do this here.”
Zack reached out and caught Reno's ponytail, letting the soft, vivid strands slide through his fingers. “Why not? I thought you were shameless, Red.”
“I am,” the Turk countered, “But I'm not stupid, yo. There's a few rules I've still gotta follow and keeping the fucking around out of public view is one of `em. Turks are professionals, man.”
“Ah, gotcha,” Zack said with a wink. “But spying on your coworkers is fine, eh?”
“It is if I'm doing it to help them,” Reno persisted stubbornly. He was distracted again when Zack pressed close once more. His eyes fluttered shut and he groaned when the taller man's pelvis brushed against his and he felt Zack's arousal push against his through their clothes. “Ya know, `Fair' isn't really a good surname for you,” the redhead muttered with frustration. “You don't play fair at all.”
Zack chuckled and leaned in for one more brief, sensual kiss before pulling away from him. “Come on…let your partner do things his own way and come with me to find Cloud. I'm afraid he'll think himself into a coma over this `General' mess and we might need to distract him from it.”
Reno gave a low whistle. “I didn't think of that. Blondie has a habit of dwelling too much and you're right…the silly dingbat's probably still standing there with those big, blue eyes of his all blank and stupefied. Let's go.”
As they suspected, they found Cloud exactly where they'd left him and he was still staring blankly out at the ocean.
“You'd think he just found out he got some girl pregnant,” remarked Reno casually to Zack as they came up on either side of the contemplating blonde.
Cloud glanced at him sidelong and grumbled something under his breath. Reno laughed and looked around for witnesses before giving him a little pinch on the bottom.
“Come on, Blondie,” Reno purred seductively into his lover's ear. “Go down below deck with us so we can find someplace private.”
“Good luck with that,” Cloud said, though his sapphire gaze was intrigued on the redhead.
“There's always some little niche somewhere,” Zack alluded. “It's just a matter of finding it.”
“Hell, if we get too desperate we could probably go to Rufus's private quarters,” smirked Reno. “I don't think he'd mind and we might get a little extra action out of it.”
Zack suddenly shifted uncomfortably and looked around. “Know what? I think I'm going to go get something to eat. You two have fun, okay?” He walked away before either of them could respond.
“What'd I say?” Reno muttered as he watched Zack go.
Cloud narrowed his eyes at his dark-haired lover's retreating form and he began to wonder if Zack's affair with director Lazard had been entirely consensual on his part. He'd heard the country drawl creep into Zack's voice before he left and he knew that Rufus made him nervous because he resembled Lazard so strongly. He didn't seem to dislike the president and he'd said he thought he was good-looking, but Cloud was getting the feeling that the thought of a sexual encounter with him made Zack's hackles rise.
“I think Zack just wants to keep to you and I for now,” Cloud said tactfully. It wasn't a lie but he couldn't tell Reno of his suspicions—not only because he hadn't confirmed them yet but because if he was right, it was up to Zack who to tell and how much.
“Well damn, he could have just said so,” Reno grumbled. “I wasn't really serious, anyhow. The boss-man's not a good mood right now and as much as I'd love to play with that new tail of his, I'm not about to push my luck.”
Cloud smiled softly at him. “It's okay. Maybe Zack was just really hungry. You know how he is when his mind's on food.”
Rude frowned at the mahjong board in concentration. Genesis won the first game but this time, the Turk was ahead. He matched a couple of tiles and sat back, covertly admiring his opponent as Genesis leaned forward to take his turn. The sweep of dark lashes concealed the fighter's aqua eyes as he contemplated his next move. The more Rude looked at him, the more his attraction grew.
Genesis shrugged and made his move—which Rude thought was unusually short-sighted given the skills the redhead had demonstrated in the last game.
“You did that on purpose,” Rude announced softly, sure of his observation.
Genesis glanced up from the board and the right corner of his mouth curved up slightly. “I can't very well sit here and do nothing, can I? Of course, I did that on purpose.”
“You made a bad move on purpose,” the Turk elaborated. “Are you trying to lose or something?”
Genesis covered his mouth and coughed, averting his eyes. “I don't know what you're talking about.”
Rude cracked a hint of a smile. “I can take it like a man if you win again.”
“How can you be sure I didn't simply get lucky, the last game?” Genesis kept a straight face but Rude could see the teasing light in his eyes. Elegant though he was, the fighter had a mischievous streak and Rude had seen that look from another, louder redhead before.
“You're too crafty for that.”
They stared at one another, flirting without flirting. Rude felt something brush against his leg under the table and he almost gave a start when he realized it was Genesis's booted foot.
“How crafty would you say I am?” Genesis murmured. The toe of his boot delicately slid up Rude's calf, lifting the hem of the tailored pant leg a little.
Rude shook his head and kept his eyes on the fighter's. “Don't know yet. I'm still trying to figure that out.”
“So you're testing me, then,” Genesis guessed. His smile grew until his teeth flashed a little. “I don't think I'm the only clever one at this table.” The boot caressing Rude's leg moved up and inward, sliding along the inside of the Turk's left knee and steadily moving up the thigh.
Rude felt his pulse pounding in his ears and he didn't move as the redhead's boot slowly made progress further up his thigh. His doubts concerning Genesis's interest in him were quickly being blown away.
~If this isn't flirtation I'll eat these fucking mahjong tiles. Want him…god I want him. Now's not the time or place, though. Oh shit…he's rubbing my crotch! Maybe this IS the time and place.~
Genesis examined Rude's face carefully as he gently kneaded between his legs with his boot. He'd surprised himself by making such a bold move and he wondered if it was a big mistake. Rude's Adam's apple moved as the bald man swallowed and Genesis was certain that he wasn't mistaking the lust he saw in those brown eyes behind the shades. He decided to add another temptation and he faked a yawn, curling his tongue and displaying it long enough for Rude to get a glance at what he wanted to show him. At the last minute, he covered his mouth as if remembering it was the polite thing to do.
The Turk's eyebrows shot up. He might have been imagining it, but he swore he saw a silver stud piercing Genesis's tongue. He hardened completely in his pants and he came close to knocking the table over and dragging the redhead off to a supply closet or something. Only years of discipline kept him in check and his breathing deepened with lust.
“My apologies,” Genesis murmured after he finished the fabricated yawn and took his hand away from his mouth. He removed his foot from between Rude's legs and gave him a rehearsed look of casual innocence. “I meant to rest my foot on the empty chair beside you. I must be more tired than I thought.”
“I guess so,” Rude agreed huskily.
By the expression on his face, he wasn't fooled by the act and that suited Genesis just fine. He wanted the Turk to know he was seducing him and he was curious to find out if he could push enough buttons to make that dominating side he'd seen hints of come out.
“Do you mind if we pick this up again later?” Genesis inquired politely. “I think I should get some rest. I suspect things will be busy once we arrive at Junon Harbor.”
Rude nodded and pointed toward the hallway behind Genesis, at the back of the social room. “The sleeping quarters are through there. I don't know if you'll find an empty cot but if you don't, you could sleep on one of the couches in here.”
“Thank you,” Genesis replied cordially. He stood up and gave Rude one last, long look before going.
The Turk stared after him, watching the way his long red coat shifted with his movements. He sighed and rubbed his forehead. He was going to need to find a free bathroom to take care of his stiffy. Rude stood up and went in the opposite direction from the object of his desire. He stepped aside to let a middle-aged WRO woman go past before walking down the narrow corridor in search of an unoccupied restroom. He lifted his hand to knock on the first door he came to and he heard Reno's unmistakable moan from another bathroom three doors down.
Rude frowned and almost called out to his partner. He hadn't seen him come down from the upper deck and he wondered if he was seasick. His inquiry died on his lips when he heard a rhythmic bumping noise and another low moan from Reno. Now he recognized it as a moan of pleasure and shortly after he heard it, the sound of another male's groan floated through the wall. Reno was in one of the bathrooms with Strife, obviously…and they were fucking.
Rude sighed and knocked on the door he was facing. Hearing them going at it wasn't helping his state of arousal to cool down. When nobody answered his knock, he pushed the door open and went inside, locking it securely behind him. The bald man smirked a little when he heard Cloud try to shush Reno.
~Best of luck getting him to be quiet, Strife.~
“Right there, Blondie,” Reno encouraged hotly as the blonde's next thrust stroked him inside just right. “Oh god, that's fucking good!”
“Shhh,” Cloud gasped. He had Reno pressed against the wall with his pants down around his ankles and he was taking him from behind. The redhead's hands were splayed over the surface of the thin wall and his cheek was resting against it. His pale features were flushed with pleasure and his sexy little moans were growing louder by the minute.
“Can't,” Reno whimpered as Cloud bucked firmly into him. “Oh fuck baby…don't ask me to be quiet! Feels so goddamned good…mph!”
Cloud put his hand over Reno's mouth and nuzzled his cheek from behind. His pumping didn't slow as he muffled the Turk's wanton exclamations of pleasure.
“You've got to be quiet,” Cloud whispered unsteadily into Reno's ear. “Anyone in the bathrooms on either side of us are getting a load of smut from you right now.”
Reno laughed behind Cloud's muffling hand at the blonde's choice of words. He couldn't give the cheeky response he wanted and Cloud's dick shoved in at an angle that made his eyes cross briefly. His snappy comeback became a ragged groan of ecstasy and he was suddenly appreciative of Cloud's foresight in covering his mouth.
Cloud felt like a hypocrite as his own cries of pleasure threatened to burst free from his mouth. Reno wriggled his ass after the next thrust and the action provoked Cloud's wilder instincts. He growled and nipped at Reno's neck as he fucked him harder. He thought he heard a cracking sound but he was so distracted by his carnal urges that he paid no attention to it. Reno's distorted cries became desperate under Cloud's hand, the vibrations humming against his skin. Cloud pounded into him even harder and reached around with his free hand to start jacking him off.
Just as his fingers curled around the Turk's stiff, swollen cock, Cloud discovered just how thin and fragile the walls around them were. With suddenness that didn't allow he or Reno to try and catch their balance, the wall that Cloud was fucking the Turk against gave and the two of them crashed right through it into the next bathroom.
Reno's breath expulsed with a surprised shout as he fell on his stomach and Cloud's weight landed on him. He winced as he felt the broken pieces of thin wood pressing against his ribs but he found it so hilarious that Cloud had literally fucked him through the wall that he ended up grinning instead of complaining. Both of them started to get up and they froze when they realized that the bathroom they had crashed into was occupied. Cloud and Reno both looked up with wide eyes to see Rude sitting on the closed lid of the toilet. He had a prominent erection and it was sticking out of his unzipped pants with his hand curled around it.
Rude stared down at the entangled couple, who were in turn staring up at him with equal expressions of surprise. Cloud's white, round-cheeked little ass was bare and conveniently visible from Rude's vantage point. If the situation were different, he might have taken a moment to admire the toned bottom. As it was, he was sitting there with his dick in his hand and that was more embarrassing to him than the sight of his partner and Strife crashing through the wall and landing at his feet. Never mind that they were both caught with their pants down…he was caught in a position that made it look like he'd been jerking off to the sound of them fucking.
“It's not what it looks like,” Rude mumbled, his face going ruddy and hot.
Cloud's face and ears blossomed with a delightful shade of pink, making his big blue eyes stand out more. Reno's tourmaline eyes were wider than Rude had ever seen them before, but the redhead's mouth slowly curved into a grin and he began to chuckle breathlessly.
“Ya know,” Reno grunted between snickers, “some of the shit that happens to us, we couldn't make up if we tried!”
Cloud bowed his head and groaned softly, his humiliation unbearable. Rude hastily began to tuck his rapidly deflating erection back into his underwear and pants.
“Come on, partner,” Reno chuckled, “'fess up. You were getting off on it!”
“Just happened to be in the wrong place at the wrong time,” Rude insisted stubbornly. He shoved his embarrassment into the background and zipped his fly back up. Just as he was about to stand up and offer a hand to poor Cloud, someone knocked on his door.
“Is everything okay in there?” It was a male voice that none of them recognized.
“Yes,” all three of them announced in unison. Cloud and Rude both grimaced, wondering what the person on the other side of the door thought of three male voices responding to his call.
“Let's get tidied up and get the hell out of here,” Cloud mumbled as he struggled off of Reno. He cupped his hands over his privates shyly and Rude politely looked away while he stood up and pulled his pants back up—even though the bald Turk had already seen Cloud totally naked before.
Meanwhile, Reno was climbing to his feet and he was still snickering helplessly. “So let's see,” the redhead reflected. “So far it's been a bed with Rufus, more pairs of cuffs than I can count with Cloud and now a wall. Damn, I'm good. I make people break shit when they fuck me!”
“Glad you're so happy about it,” Cloud grumbled, his face still charmingly pink. “Maybe you can be the one to explain it when they ask questions.”
“Hey, you're the one that fucked me right through the wall, hot stuff,” Reno laughed. He finished doing up his pants and he clutched his sides as his laughter started to overwhelm him. “Aw shit…I'm gonna bust a nutt laughing! You two should see your faces!”
Rude and Cloud exchanged a grim look, both of them fighting unwilling grins from the contagious effect of Reno's mirth.
“Do you wanna pop him or should I?” Rude murmured.
Reno fought for breath, his hysterical laughter not dying in the least at the hollow threat. Cloud shook his head and a tiny smile began to curve his lips. He put his arm around Reno and guided him back through the broken part of the wall into the bathroom they'd crashed in from.
“Settle down,” Cloud said softly. “It's bad enough that we broke the wall but if people see you giggling like a hyena when we come out, they're going to think we were snorting drugs in here or something.”
Reno nodded and covered his mouth with one hand while holding his aching stomach with the other. Rude sighed and sat down on his toilet seat again, crossing his arms and waiting for his partner to regain control over himself. Like Cloud, he was smiling a little despite his annoyance. Reno's ability to laugh so readily at even the most humiliating experiences was part of what made him so irresistible.
-To be continued