Final Fantasy - All Series Fan Fiction ❯ Bloodshot ❯ Thoughts ( Chapter 6 )
[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
This was a difficult chapter … I knew what I wanted to say, but it wouldn't go right!
It took me a while to get right, a long while *frowns*
Never mind, let's get on with it.
Chapter 6 -thoughts
Vincent was sat in class. It was a few weeks since he had been ill and it was now the start of December.
He was quite annoyed because he could remember someone had helped him out, took him home and he was pretty sure they had sat with him for a while. But who had it been? They servants were no help because they just laughed and said a very handsome young man.
That was no help really. It could be anyone from Ansem to Squall! They refused to help him anymore.
` They are useless anyway!' Vincent thought sourly. ` I hope it was Ansem. He's really cute. Okay … I did not just think that. But I am really lucky; my class has loads of cute guys in it. I think I remember the guy having silver hair … but I could be wrong.'
He sighed and shifted. They were meant to be doing an essay plan, but his mind was not with it at all. Vincent stifled a yawn and began scribbling on his paper. It was a very basic plan `for, against, conclusion. Remember to include studies.' But it was better than nothing.
This was a boring lesson. Usually philosophy was a fascinating subject. He enjoyed hearing the opinions of different people on certain subjects, but writing about it was boring!
` I wish Beatrix was in this class. Then I could talk to someone. I don't think she has a lesson now. I have biology next, then lunch and chemistry with her!'
Vincent stretched, his back cracked loudly in a number of places and he received a few weird looks for some members of the class. He stretched his arms in front of him, clicked a few fingers then went back to daydreaming.
` I get a weird feeling when I think of biology now. I wonder why. Ansem isn't in it.' Vincent grinned to himself. ` He is in this class. And he is sat opposite me. Maybe in the next thing we do as a pair, I can work with him. Although I don't think my Dad will like him.'
He sighed and stared at his watch, just half an hour left.
At lunch, Vincent sat in the library with Beatrix. He had just come out of biology, which had been a strange lesson. Sephiroth had been talking endlessly to him again, then stopping half way through a conversation and turning away.
Beatrix had grinned like a maniac when he told her. She did worry him sometimes.
Vincent was worried.
`He had been very red. Was he ill? Maybe it was Sephiroth who had helped me. He has silver hair and is very handsome. It would explain the strange feeling I get in biology and then it would also explain why Sephiroth was so red. He had practically carried me home! Oh no, I made him ill!'
Vincent gasped. `It's my fault.'
“What's wrong?” Beatrix was staring at him.
“ You know I was ill, and someone helped me home. I think it was Sephiroth. It would mean I made him ill by being near him!”
Beatrix just stared at him. Her hand froze in the action of moving her sandwich to her mouth. After a few moments she blinked and shook her head.
“ If you say so.”
They went back to eating in silence.
Sorry it's so short; I'm exhausted and should be in bed. Please review; it would make my effort worth it.