Final Fantasy - All Series Fan Fiction ❯ Final Fantasy- Final Destination Part 1 ❯ A Friend's Care ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

The next day, Vincent was sitting in a chair next to Salira's bed, tending her wound. She was still unconscious. Her father was talking to Yuffie outside, occasionally looking at Salira's window. Lega, one of Salira's friends, skipped school so he can take care of her. -Lega is just a year older then Salira, and a little bit taller. He has semi-long dark green hair and aqua eyes. Salira and Lega have been friends for about three years, ever since Lega moved in. Lega is shy at times, but hostile when angered. -

Salira finally opens her eyes when Vincent was bandaging her arm. "Hey your up," said Lega, "For a second, I thought you were dead." Salira couldn't help but giggle. "Cloud you stop moving for a sec, Salira? I'm trying to do something," remarked Vincent, trying to bandage her wound. "Oh…sorry," Salira answered, "Who are you anywhom?" "The name's Vincent," Vincent replied. Salira looked at Lega, "Why are you here, Lega? Don't you have school?" "I do…but I skipped to help take care of you," Lega answered. Vincent just finished what he was doing, when Lega asked, "Hey…do you still have that ring I told you to hold, Salira?" "Yeah, I still do," Salira answered, taking her ring off and handed it to Lega. "No, you keep it," said Lega, putting the ring back on Salira' s finger, "It's a gift for you."


Outside, Cloud and Yuffie were talking about the letter. "I made up my mind," said Cloud, "We're going to send Salira to that academy. It will be for her own good." "Are you sure this is the right thing?" asked Yuffie. "As long as she doesn't find out about her past, it will be the right thing," answered Cloud.

"What do you mean?"

"When I adopted her, a woman at the orphanage told me something about Salira. She said the person who dropped Salira off told her about Salira, why she was being brought there and other things like that. The woman also said the person was no ordinary person, she said it had to be a spirit."

"But it couldn't have been a spirit…Spirits can not leave the Life Stream."

"We don't know that for sure, Yuffie. It hasn't been proven. Besides, if Sephiroth is back, then it's highly possible."

"What happened that made Salira end up in the orphanage?"

"Sephiroth attacked her home, and killed everyone. Salira was about two then. Her and her mother ran off and hid, but Sephiroth found them. He was after Salira for some reason. Her mother tried to protect her, but was murdered by Sephiroth. After killing Salira's mother, Sephiroth injected Salira with Jenova cells. He injected very little before he had to do something else. He left Salira in an ally, unprotected. A few moments later, a woman found her and she quickly took Salira to the orphanage. When I adopted Salira, the woman told me about this and the mysterious person. She said that when she was going to thank the lady for bringing the child to the orphanage, the lady disappeared with out a sound."

"Who was her mother?"

"Namta Rilik."

"And what about the spirit? What did it look like?"

"The woman said the spirit had long brown hair and soft blue-green eyes. It was female, and had a soft voice. The spirit wore a long white cloak."

"You don't think it was…"

"Aeris? I wasn't sure, and I'm still unsure…That's also another reason why I call Salira, Aeris."

"It's possible…. Isn't it?"

"Don't know…but there was something that the lady said to me that made me more convinced…There was a child, a year older then Salira, who was adopted a day or two before I came. She said Salira and the child were best friends. She told me, as well, that the child was the nephew of Aeris…Somehow I think there was a connection."

"Possibly…. By the way, why did you adopt Salira?"

"I found her in the ally near the orphanage when she was five. She was scared, helpless, and weak. I decided to talk with her when she decided to hide from me after I noticed her. I asked her where she was from, she answered truthfully but also told me she didn't want to return there. I didn't even have to ask why, and she told me that her only friend has been adopted and she couldn't stand being by herself. I told her I would adopt her, and she was quite happy. Up till she was about, I believe, seven or eight, she would sometimes tease me and call me the Chocobo-man."

"The Chocobo-man…That's cute…I betcha she called you that because of the hair."

"Most likely," Cloud remarked with a smile.

"Well…. Since Salira's going to the academy; what classes will she be taking?"

"Fighting, black magic, white magic, and items."


"Hey, Salira," Lega started talking after some silence. "What?" Salira looked at Lega. Lega, looking at the floor, softly said, "I've been invited to this academy, and this would probably be the last time we get to see each other." Salira didn't respond. "What academy?" asked Vincent. "Black Rose Academy," answered Lega. "It's nice; I've been there once," remarked Vincent. Salira looked around her room, and noticed the sword, that appeared in her hand yesterday, leaned against the wall. All she remembered yesterday was Sephiroth, that sword, a blue light, and the kiss Sephiroth had given her. She also remembered one other thing: the black wing on her left side.

Cloud came in and noticed that Salira and Lega both had a depressed look on their faces. He looked at Vincent and asked, "What's with the sad look?" "Lega has been invited to Black Rose Academy and will be leaving soon," answered Vincent. "Aeris's been invited as well," Cloud said with a warm smile. "That's great!" exclaimed Lega, "We can go together!" Salira smiled and asked, "And we're leaving when?" "Tomorrow," answered Cloud. "Kind of a short notice thing; don't you think?" remarked Vincent.

"Vincent…Lega," started Cloud, "Wait for me in the living room. I need to talk to Aeris alone. Yuffie can feed you, if you're hungry." Once Vincent and Lega left, Cloud sat in the chair were Vincent sat earlier. "Do you remember anything at all about yesterday?" Cloud asked. "I remember the blue light, that sword," Salira answered, pointing at the sword against the wall, "And that man who gave me that…" Cloud cutted in, "Don't say that one. But do you remember anything else?" "That wing on my left side," answered Salira, "And that's all." Cloud stood up. "I need you to stand, Aeris." Salira got up, still a little weak. "I'm going to teach you how to control that wing. Please promise me you'll use it only in an emergency." "I promise," said Salira.


While in the living room, Lega was trying to make Vincent tell him what happened the day before. "Oh, come on, Vincent! Tell me what happened. I really want to know," remarked Lega. Yuffie came in at the time Lega finished his sentence. "Include me in this too! I want to know as well!" Yuffie suggested, sitting next to Vincent. Both Lega and Yuffie said together, "Please!" "Okay! I'll tell part but not the whole," Vincent remarked. "Okay just tell us!" Yuffie said. Vincent told them about Sephiroth, the kiss, and the light. When Vincent finished, Lega sneered, "I'm gonna kill Sephiroth for kissing her! What else happened?" "Ask Salira for that matter," answered Vincent. Yuffie looked at the clock hanging above the fireplace, "Omigod! I got to run. Tell Cloud I'll see him some other time. I'm going to visit Leigh and head home. Bye!" Yuffie dashed out the front door.


Cloud and Salira stood side by side in her room. "Repeat after me," Cloud said, "Watashí no hané kúru soshĭté fuségu." After Cloud chanted, a black wing appeared on his left. Salira mimicked what her father had said, and the same thing appeared on her left. "Good," said Cloud, watching Salira, "Now repeat this: Hané no ténshi déru watashí ima, no tamé ni anáta íshi náru uchí hané no karetá." Once he finished, his wing disappears. Salira repeated the chant, and the same thing happens to her. Cloud and Salira continued to do this, until Salira was able to do this on her own. When they finished, Cloud told Salira, "Keep this wing a secret, Aeris. We don't want anyone to know. I believe, until the day Sephiroth dies, you will have this wing." Both Cloud and Salira left the room and headed into the living room.

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