Final Fantasy - All Series Fan Fiction ❯ Final Fantasy- Final Destination Part 1 ❯ Guardian or Embarrassment ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

As Cloud and Salira entered the living room, Salira noticed Yuffie was gone. Normally if Yuffie's there, you'll hear pots and pans banging together. "Where's Yuffie?" she asked sitting between Lega and Vincent. "She left," answered Vincent, "She said she was going to visit Leigh." "Your daughter?" asked Cloud. Vincent nodded. "Lega…Can I talk to you for a minute?" Cloud turned to Lega, gesturing him to go outside. "Sure," replied Lega as he followed Cloud. Once the two went outside, Vincent asked Salira, "Shouldn't you be packing, Salira? You're leaving first thing tomorrow." Salira got up, looked at the backdoor, and went to her room to begin packing.

After Cloud shut the door, he quickly asked Lega, "Lega, can I ask you something?" "Whatever…" Lega replied. "I need to you to do a huge favor for me." Lega looked at Cloud and replied, "Sure, name it."

"I need you to protect Aeris. Protect her by any means and keep her away from Sephiroth," Cloud remarked.

"You mean like a guardian?"


"Why do you want me to protect her?"

"You're the only person I can trust with her. Let alone you're going to the same academy as her."

"Why am I the only person you can trust? Why not Vincent or Yuffie?"

"Because…She doesn't really know them and they don't really know her as well as you do. You've known her longer. You two are great friends. The reason I trust you is because you're pretty much Aeris's only friend at the moment."

"Okay, I guess I'll be her guardian," answered Lega, who was quite happy inside his mind. Lega liked Salira ever since they first met. Now he gets to protect Salira to show how much he likes her.


The next morning, at about five, Lega came by with his suitcase and a small sword. The sword was about half his height, the hilt was gold plated with some silver designs on it, and the blade, itself, had a faint blue glow to it. Lega knocked on the door at least six times before Cloud decided to answer it. "What took ya so long? Salira won't get up or something?" asked Lega, picking up his suitcase with one hand and rested his blade over his shoulder before he came in. "No, she lost her lost her necklace and she's been up for hours trying to find it. Um…Place your stuff by Aeris's. She's up in her room if you want to talk to her," said Cloud as both he and Lega walked inside. Lega set his suitcase by Salira's next to the couch, and laid his sword next to two large blades on the floor. "Where's Vinc?" Lega asked after he put his stuff down. "Vincent, right? He left late last night," answered Cloud.

Lega walked to Salira's room and knocked on her door, which was opened. "You know, the bus will be here in thirty minutes," Lega said, watching Salira destroy her room. Salira stops what she was doing and looks at Lega, quite embarrassed. "Whatcha looking for?" Lega asked after a while, observing the messy room. "My necklace," Salira answered, "It's a gold crescent moon with a diamond in the center of it." She continued to trash her room, looking for the necklace. Lega looks at Salira's dresser, which was kept clean, and sees the necklace she described sitting right there in the open. He picks it up and holds it in front of him. "You mean this?" Salira stopped and looked up at Lega. "Hey you found it! Where?" Salira got up and went over to Lega. She tripped on the way, but Lega caught her, placing the necklace in her hand. "I found it on your dresser," Lega remarked, helping Salira up on her feet. Salira blushed with embarrassment as she took the necklace and put it on. She looked everywhere but the dresser to find it. Salira felt really stupid.

Cloud walked by Salira's room and stopped. He stood next to the doorway, noticing Lega and Salira standing in the center of the disastrous room. "All this just for a necklace. Well, what are you waiting for, Aeris? You have twenty-five minutes to clean up," Cloud said, shocked of what a lost necklace can do to a clean room. He stood there for a while, then left, mumbling to himself along the way, "Man I need to remember to get that kid some boxes for her stuff." Salira started to clean up the room, when Lega asked, "Need help?" "Please?" Salira answered. Lega helped Salira clean the room for the next twenty minutes, occasionally catching Salira's eye.