Final Fantasy - All Series Fan Fiction ❯ Final Fantasy- Final Destination Part 1 ❯ Protect Me ( Chapter 9 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Meanwhile, back in the city of Midgar, Cloud sat outside under a tree thinking about the day Sephiroth attacked Salira. I hope she stays safe over there. I asked Lega to watch her and make sure she doesn't get hurt. I hope he'll do that. I don't want Sephiroth knowing she's over there. He'll destroy the academy, or at least whatever is in his way, if he knows she's there. I can't see Salira's life in his hands. She'll be a puppet to him. He's been after he for the past twelve years it seems. But why? He killed Salira's own mother while she protected Salira. In front of Salira's eyes even. Salira watched her mother's death but I'm surprised she doesn't remember that. Salira has that weird glow in her eyes, as if she was infused with Mako, like I do. But not one drop was left once it was gone. She couldn't have been infused with it. Sephiroth somehow had some, I think. It could have been in the cells Sephiroth injected her with. It wasn't to much cause it would have almost killed her if she was infused with the actual amount at that age. But how could Sephiroth actually find Mako? Salira acts as if she's my actual daughter. She doesn't even bring up the fact that she's an orphan unless it's just me. People even say she looks like me; the hair color, the attitude, the stances, and other things. Was it fate that I adopted her? Could it had been Aeris's doing for me to adopt her? That Mako question still bothers me…could she have been infused with it? He knew Sephiroth was after her, but didn't know what for. He was glad that whoever saved Salira sent her to that orphanage and that he had adopted her. However, he began to wonder who Aeris's nephew was. That one lady said he was Salira's only friend, and that he was related to Aeris. I don't remember Aeris telling me about him, nor if she had a bother or sister. It makes me wonder about what she didn't tell me. Who could this kid possibly be? Salira did mention that they gave each other something before he left. He gave Salira that necklace she always wears and she gave him a locket similar to her necklace. Salira can't remember his name, but she remembers what he was like. She ran away from the orphanage because he was gone, did he mean that much to Salira?

"Excuse me, sir," said a tall woman with short white hair and emerald green eyes, "You don't happen to know where the park is, do you?" Cloud looked up to see who was talking to him. He glanced at her. She wore all black and a smile was on her face. "Who are you?" he wondered. "Oh, sorry for not introducing myself. My name's Sethrinn and I just moved in this sector," the woman answered. "That explains why you're asking me where the park is, right?" Cloud asked. Sethrinn nodded. "Keep walking east until you hit the first three way street. Turn left and you can't miss it," Cloud said as he pointed in the directions.

"Seems kinda far," Sethrinn remarked, "Would you mind walking with me?"

"Sure, whatever," Cloud answered. He stood up and stretched. Both he and Sethrinn began to walk to the park. "So where are you from?" Cloud asked after awhile.

"Well, I don't stay in one place. I travel around a lot," said Sethrinn, with a warm smile.

"I used to do that until I found my daughter and raised her," Cloud said.

"You're married?"

"No, I just found her on the streets, weak and helpless, and adopted her."

"What's her name"


"How did you find her?"

"I was walking down some allies and spotted her hiding in one of them."

"How old is she?"

"She's turning fourteen in a few months."

"I wonder what it will be like when she turns sixteen."

"I'll just have to find out."

"Was she in an orphanage at the time?"

"Yeah, but she ran off."

"How sad. Your daughter has a cute name, though I never did get yours."

"The name's Cloud."

"That's a cute name. It suits you," Sethrinn said as she moved closer to Cloud. In response to her actions, Cloud nervously steps away from her. Sethrinn looks at him, "What's wrong?"

"Oh…nothing," answered Cloud, sensing darkness once more. It was a familiar yet unknown presence to him. "Weird…"

"What's weird?" Sethrinn asked, moving a tad bit closer to Cloud.

"Nothing…nothing at all," Cloud answered, looking at Sethrinn. He had a weird feeling about her. "So why are you traveling?"

Sethrinn hesitated, "Well…you see…um…the reason is…um…I'm being hunted. I really didn't want anyone to know, so don't go spreading it."

"By whom?"

"Some organization called…um, what was it called…oh yeah. I think it was SOLDIER. Yeah I'm pretty sure that's what is was called."

"Did you say SOLDIER?" nervously Cloud asked. Sethrinn sadly nodded. A chill runs down Cloud's spine as he sees Sethrinn nod. "My daughter is being hunted by them as well."

"I was wondering…," Sethrinn started to ask, nervously, "…Well…could you be…I mean…would you…protect me…please?" Cloud looked over at her and saw tears leaving her eyes.