Final Fantasy - All Series Fan Fiction ❯ Final Fantasy- Final Destination Part 1 ❯ Ungrateful Encounter ( Chapter 12 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

"So you're saying that Rosalynn quitted four years ago?" Raven brought up the subject when returning to their seats on the bus after lunch.

"Correct," Salira answered.

"That's really odd. You say she quitted. I heard she's still in."

"I can't say much…I don't even know who you are talking about," Lega remarked, having no idea who this Rosalynn person is.

"Rosalynn Kitra is one of my dad's friends from SOLDIER. She was second in the First Class, right under Sephiroth. She quitted four years ago after hearing them say they were after me. She kept in touch with me and my father and always warned us whenever she found out SOLDIER groups were in our sectors or even in Midgar."

"I still have no idea who you are talking about," Lega replied.

"Oh, come on, Lega," Raven started, "Even you should know who she is. She was born in our hometown and even visited every now and then. She was big news…and still is I believe…She's the one who would always change her appearance with those spheres of hers."

"You mean the one with all the materia like spheres hanging off of her belt and use to be your neighbor?"

"Yeah, her…Rosalynn…Brown hair…Hazel eyes."

"I think I remember her," Lega said.

"It's still odd though," Salira remarked, getting the subject back on track, "I mean we have two different voices of facts. And they are totally opposite of each other."

"Who knows what's going on. All I know is that it's starting to make my head hurt," Lega replied. She yawned a few minutes after. "You tired?" Lega asked, surprised, while looking at Salira. She nodded.

"I sometimes get tired after eating a huge meal," Salira replied. She leaned back in her seat and closed her eyes. Not realizing on what she was doing, Salira laid her head on Lega's shoulder and fell into a light sleep. Lega was surprised from what Salira had done and slowly, so he wouldn't wake her, puts his arm around her to embrace her. "Ain't that cute," Raven teased.

"Shut it," Lega sneered.

"I'm just saying," Raven replied, "You really do like her, don't you?"

"Yeah…no duh! Where have you been? I don't know why but when I first saw her, I began to like her," Lega stated.

"She is cute."

"Back off."

"Hey, I was just saying. I don't mean it in a lovey, dovey way. Gees," Raven remarked. A student behind them looked over the seat. "Aww…How cute," the student teased Lega, "Boyfriend and Girlfriend." Lega glared at the kid. "We're not going out!" he remarked.

"You wish," the student continued. "You like her…you like her."

"So what if I do like her," Lega responded, waking Salira up.

"What's with the yelling?" She asks Lega, sitting up. Lega quickly took his arm off of Salira, and before he could answer her question, Raven turns around and smacks the kid behind them upside the face. "Shut up if you know what's best for you," he said before he turned back around. The student said nothing. Lega and Salira looked at the kid and then to Raven. "What?" Raven asked, seeming to catch the looks. "That kid wouldn't shut up," Lega answered after a brief moment of silence. Man, I hope she didn't hear what I just said as she woke up, he thought.

"What were you guys yelling about?" Salira asked.

"Oh…um…nothing…important…just something stupid," Lega answered, hesitating and trying not to tell Salira the actual reason.

"What do you mean `something stupid'?" She asked again, looking at Lega and noticed he was hesitating.

"Cards," Raven answered, though lying. He didn't want Salira to find out.

"Cards? Okay, well next time no yelling. I was trying to sleep," Salira said, slowly falling back asleep on Lega's shoulder once again.

"She must be tired," Lega said to himself, though anyone could hear, "I thought she was just doing this for the heck of it." He placed his arm back around Salira.

"You going to ask her?"

"About what, Raven?"

"To go out with you?" Raven said, continuing to read his book.

"I don't know. I haven't really thought about it."

"You should consider it, Lega. Because if you wait on it, someone else might take the spot. Just some advice."


Before the sun settled deeper into the horizon, the bus made a sudden stop. Raven looked out the window to see what was going on while Lega woke up Salira. "What's going on?" Salira asked, opening her eyes. Something rammed into the side of the bus, almost tipping it over. Lega held onto Salira, holding her close to him, till the bus slammed back on all four tires. "That's what's going on," Raven said, pointing out the window. "HOLY SHIT! WHAT THE HELL IS THAT!" someone yelled behind them. Lega and Salira looked out the window to see what everyone else was looking at. A huge scorpion like machine stood next to the bus. "Shinra," Salira mumbled. "Students remain calm. Everything is under control. Our professors are trained to do this…" Professor Drakman said, but he was cut off from another professor, "Uhh…sir…none of us brought our weapons." Salira stood up and moved her way to the center aisle. "What the hell are you doing?!" exclaimed Raven. "Are you crazy?!" Lega yelled at Salira. The machine rammed into the side of the bus again. Salira fell into the empty seat across from Lega and Raven. Lega caught her hand before she slammed into the window. Salira quickly stood up and yanked free. She ignored them while running out of the bus. Lega and Raven ran after her. The professors tried to stop them, but they couldn't.

Salira stopped in front of their encounter. Raven and Lega stopped right behind her. "You're going to get hurt! What's wrong with you?" Lega yelled at Salira, "Get back in the bus!"

"Salira, Lega's right," Raven tried as well to get Salira into safety.

"I'll distract it…you grab your swords if you wish to help," Salira replied, holding out her hand. The sword from the time Sephiroth attacked her appeared in her hand.

"What the…" Raven was shocked to see the sword, "that's a replica of Masamune, Sephiroth's sword."

"What? Salira, you're not going to fight this thing!" Lega remarked.

"Get your damn weapons! Don't worry about mine! You either help or I'll do this on my own!" Salira yelled, running to the right side of the machine to distract it. The scorpion like machine turned to Salira and raised the tip of it's tail, pointing at her. A blue laser beam shot out and headed straight for Salira. She barely dodged it by doing a backflip.

"You're not doing this alone!" Raven called back. He and Lega rushed to the side of the bus and each opened a compartment. "Shit Salira…Why did you want to do this? I'm supposed to take care of you!" Lega mumbled as he searched for his sword. Raven took out his sword, a medium sized blade, and slammed the compartment door shut. He remembered where the kid put his weapon, so it wasn't that hard to find it. "Hurry up, Lega!" Raven yelled, watching Lega search through another compartment for his blade. "Found it!" Lega remarked, pulling out his sword and shutting the door. "ABOUT TIME!" Salira yelled as she jumped to avoid another beam. Raven and Lega joined her. "I'm helping. You're not doing this alone. Can't let you," Lega said to her, "So how are we going to beat this thing?"

"Well first off…" Salira said, pushing Lega out of the way to avoid another beam. "We need to hit that tail. It only shots out lasers when it's up. And sends out powerful beams if you attack while it's tail is up. My father told me about this kind of machine. He fought one once."

"How are we going to hit it?" Lega sarcastically asked, "It's hundreds of feet in the air!"

"Magic, duh," Raven said, "I mainly know Red Magic. I also know Thunder and Fire. What about you?"

"I know Firga and some White Magic skills," Salira answered.

"Basic Black Magic for me," Lega replied.

"Okay know that we know what we have, cast your magic on the tail to lower it down; then attack it head on," Salira remarked.

"You mean the tail or the whole thing?!" Lega asked, pushing both Raven and Salira out of the way to avoid yet another beam.

"The whole machine, idiot!" Raven called to Lega, "Thunder!" With that, a large bolt of lightning crashed down hitting the tail on the machine. "Man you're slow."

"Firga," Salira mumbled to herself. A large fireball appeared out of nowhere and hit the tail as well. The tail of the machine lowered. Salira runs up to the machine and swings the long Masamune replica at it, barely cutting the metal. She quickly runs back to where Lega and Raven were standing. "Now you attack it head on, Lega, until the tail pops up," Salira explained, making sure Lega was on track. Lega ran up to the machine and hit it with his sword. The machine counters Lega's attack by swinging its arm at him. Lega barely misses the ungrateful attack lunging at him, and runs back. "Crap! I'm not doing that again!" Lega remarks. The machine crept up to the three fighters. It jabbed it's long, pointed tail at them, missing each time it striked them. The machine backed up, with it's tail risen. "How many times do we do this?" Lega asked, jumping to avoid a beam coming in his direction, "And why did it decide to attack this bus?"

"It's Shinra," Salira answered, "Remind me later on in life to kill Rufus for this. He somehow managed to survive and now is after my father, and I guess me now too."

"What! You mean he's still alive?" Raven asked as he dodged a beam. Unexpecting this, a beam shot out and hit Salira in the shoulder. "Damn it!" she yelled in pain, falling on her knees. God damn I hate Turks…Rufus you'll pay sometime in life. I swear. You ordered that thing to attack me, I know it! "Salira!" Lega and Raven yelled. They both ran over to her. The beam tore her shirt at the shoulder and went into her, blood everywhere. Without notice, the machine disappeared somehow, leaving no trace on how or why it disappeared. The Masamune replica, too, vanished. "Get her on the bus. I'll worry about the weapons," Raven remarked. Lega picked up Salira and got on the bus quickly. Raven took Lega's sword, along with his own, and put them back into the compartments under the bus. He then followed Lega onto the bus.