Final Fantasy - All Series Fan Fiction ❯ Final Fantasy Radio/T.V. Network ❯ The Law Strikes Back ( Chapter 3 )
Okay, this is the last of the older stories and I promise you that they will get even better than these rough drafts.
So Kefka has a sister, Irene. She is a pain in the you-know-what. She won't last long. Oh, and Locke has a mental breakdown and still does his job, ( What a trooper!)
Here we go!
FFIII Law: Special Edition
Judge- Geshtal
Reporter- Terra
Bailiff- Locke
Defendant- Gen. Leo
Defense- Edgar, Cyan
Prosecution- Kefka, Gogo
Witnesses- Celes, Mog, and Sabin
Terra: Good afternoon, I'm Terra Branford reporting live at the Figaro Castle's Royal Courtroom with my assistant, Bun Bun.
Camera Dude: It's a rabbit.
Terra: And?
Camera Dude: ……………
Terra: Right now we are about to embark upon a most extreme case of which the world renounced General Leo, who has been accused of both murder and treason. As you know, we can't get in, so we are sending a specialized camera in.
Camera Dude: The bunny?
Terra: Well, its specialized!
(murmurs in the courtroom)
Geshtal: I'm going to need some aspirin for this. Thanks!
Irene: God, it's so uncomfortable in here. I mean, we are going to put someone to death in here.
Geshtal: Alright, ladies and gentleman let's get situated. Edgar, what are you doing?
(looks up)
Edgar: They always do this before the case, Your Honor.
(Feeding prosecutions paperwork to Gau)
Leo: (To Cyan) I'm very worried about this. I've never been on trial before.
Cyan: Oh, worry not noble sir. His majesty and I will defend you with all our might.
Leo: wow.
Strago: What the heck happened to my teeth?
Locke: (Laughing giddily with fake teeth)
Celes: May we all be saved.
Geshtal: Bailiff, behave.
Locke: Yes, sir.
Gogo: (Stands up) Your Honor, ladies and gentleman if I may? I wrote a little speech.
Geshtal: What?
Gogo: To General Leo, I know his is a most unfortunate time for you. We've all known you as one of the greatest generals outlasting so many others. The Battle of Barldin was your first, and of course there is my favorite, the Conquer of Zozo's Side Trip Circus…
Geshtal: (?)
Gogo: You are an exceptional warrior- one of the Imperial army's best, and overall, a good man. We will deeply miss you. (Looks to the jury)
Edgar: Um, excuse me but that's not appropriate.
Gogo: (Remains standing, frowns)
Edgar: I don't think you understand. Leo's not going anywhere. You're only assuming that Leo did it. Leo is INNOCENT!!
Geshtal: Order (BAM!) We haven't started yet!
Edgar: Well I'll start. I think-
Locke: MOO! Geshtal has not officially opened the case!
Edgar: (In shock)
Geshtal: Thank you, bailiff. Now General Leo, you know- wait! Bailiff!
Locke: Hear Ye, Hear Ye, this court is now in session!
Geshtal: Right, as I was saying-
Irene: OH NO! (whines)
Geshtal: Ms?
Edgar: (mouths to Leo) If you could call her that.
Irene: I lost my contact lens.
Geshtal: Now is not the time…
Irene: But its important.
Geshtal: No, It's important compared to YOU! Let's proceed, I will not accept any more outbursts.
Irene: (Whining still in the background)
Geshtal: Prosecution? GET A MOVE ON!
Gogo: Oh yeah, (Whispers to Kefka) What do we do now?
Kefka: I don't know but Celes is coming.
(Celes stands up)
Kefka: We've gotta do something!
Edgar: Prosecution, it's like this. (Walks over to the stand with Leo and slams his hand down.) You have been accused of first degree murder and treason! HOW DO YOU PLEAD FOR YOUR PUNY AND INSIGNIFICANT LIFE!!!
Edgar: Oh, sorry Leo.
Relm: Um, what is first degree murder?
Edgar: Hmmm, It's like- wait. Gimme a minute to think about that.
Geshtal: Mr. Figaro, sit down!
(Quickly sits down)
Leo: I'm innocent! You've got to believe me!
Locke: He wouldn't kill a cow!
Geshtal: Quiet bailiff!
Edgar: If we win, do we get paid extra?
Kefka: (Sarcastically) No, we do for being the sore losers.
Edgar: Oh, is that so? Working the corner with your sister doesn't pay enough?
Cyan: Please, let us be honorable about this.
Edgar: There's nothing honorable about a lawyer.
(Jury looks to Edgar, then writes stuff down)
Geshtal: Let's Proceed, PLEASE!
Kefka: Edgar did that for us, Your Honor.
Edgar: (Gasp) I did.
Cyan: Sir?
(In the background, Strago laughs)
Edgar: (Recovers) My client has a steady record of always obeying his orders and watching out for his fellow comrades and men. A respectful reputation!
Gogo: Objection! He has been known to do otherwise!
(A murmur)
Locke: (darn, missed) I-I'm getting the hang of it though!
(A piece of ceiling falls on his head)
Relm: I guess that's using his DeVacca.
Cyan: Relm! Thou should apprehend otherwise!
Jury: HUH?!
Edgar: Your Honor, I bring a witness!!
Geshtal: (Mother of-)
Edgar: Your Honor?
Geshtal: Nothing, proceed.
(Sabin walks up)
Edgar: Please state your name.
Sabin: You know my name.
(Edgar writes that down)
Edgar: You were inside the officer's building the night before the body was found. Is that correct?
Sabin: Uh-huh.
Edgar: And you said that you had heard some suspicious voices, other voices, conspiring about something suspicious.
Sabin: I did!
Kefka: That's right Gogo, a little more to the left.
Geshtal: May we have silence please.
Kefka: Eat me.
Geshtal: (Sigh) Proceed, Edgar.
(Paperclip flies into his wig)
Edgar: I'm sorry Your Honor… (Starts cracking up)
Leo: Help.
Cyan: Sir, if I may? Where you able to understand what they were saying?
Sabin: Well, I thought I heard one of them say something about, "ending Commander Gildan's term" But the voices sounded really familiar.
Cyan: Oh? Can you think of that person?
Sabin: Uh… Gosh darn it, I just can't think them.
Geshtal: Thank you, Cyan. You may sit down.
Geshtal: Prosec- (SLAM!!!) AAAAHHHHGGGG!!
(Gets struck by a fish)
Kefka & Gogo: BULLSEYE!!
Locke: Bull? MOO COW!! (Does a happy dance)
(Irene still hunting on all fours for her contact. Edgar boots her out of the room)
Edgar: Don't worry Your Honor I took care of the problem.
Geshtal: I'm going to get you later for this.
Kefka: How?
(Celes stands up)
Prosecution: (Hides behind the desk)
Edgar: Ahem! It's your turn.
Kefka: (jumping up and down) I know! I know! Okay, bring Mog.
Mog: (Walks up but can't get up on the chair.)
Kefka: ( Kicks him up there) Alright, Mog at the evening of the incident, you were-
Locke: A Cow!!!
Geshtal: Bailiff, what is your problem?
Edgar: Your Honor, we were at the Café last night when he participated in the local hypnotist's show. He's never fully recovered.
Geshtal: Shouldn't we do something about that guy? Oh well, Bailiff this has nothing to do with a cow.
Locke: Sorry, sir.
Geshtal: Prosecution, proceed.
Kefka: Uh, Your Honor… There was a cow.
Geshtal: (Looks away)
Edgar: (Talking to Cyan)
Geshtal: Silence over there. Proceed
Mog: (Watches a thing fly into Geshtal's wig)
Kefka: Mog said he was working in the office when a large figure entered around 1:15 pm. He saw a similar figure around the building possibly exiting it some 15 minutes later. Is this true?
Mog: I never told you anything, but that's correct.
Kefka: (pauses for a moment)
Geshtal: Now Mr. Mog- (BEEP! BEEP! BEEP! KAPOW!!!) AAACCCKKK!!!
(Paint bomb went off)
Defense: (Defending)
Geshtal: OH! Order! What was that?
Geshtal: Stop that! Any more of this… Stuff, and I will personally see that you commit yourselves to the Magitek Science Labs! Is that clear?!!
Gogo: Your Honor, I-
Geshtal: What?!
Gogo: (sits down)
Geshtal: Now… Shall we continue?
Edgar: We would like to bring General Celes to the stand.
(Celes walks up slapping Kefka in the back of the head)
Edgar: Right, now Celes you said you have proof, PROOF, that Leo is innocent. How is that?
Celes: I was with him.
Edgar: Do you know what time and how long you were with him?
Celes: We were together for an hour-
Edgar: Ooh, what were you doing?
Celes: WHAT?
Edgar: I mean, was there any kind of specific activity you two were up to? (cracks up)
Celes: (fuming) Why you-! (gets up with her purse)
Edgar: (Runs back to his desk)
Cyan: Wait! Gen. Celes-
Celes: OH! Cyan I'm so sorry. I meant to get Edgar.
Geshtal: Order!
Kefka: Oh, you're still here?
(A murmur)
Locke: I got it! POP!
Voice: ugh!
Locke: Here it is! ( Holding Gogo by the collar)
Geshtal: YOU! It was you all this time? You are in big trouble.
Gogo: I'm innocent! Really!
Geshtal: I deem Leo innocent of all charges and is free to go.
Leo: Yes!! Alright!!
Geshtal: Case dismissed!
Edgar: I won? I WON!
Gogo: Hey, buddy. Heh, heh.
Edgar: Oh, Uh… Cyan will do a good job representing you. Or I just might get my apprentice Shadow. As for me, I'm out of here!!
Terra: And there you have it! This is Terra Branford and Bun Bun speaking for FNN live at Figaro Castle Courtroom saying, he's innocent!
Notes- Whew! That ends the first three episodes of FFIII Law! Now that everybody has a clear picture of how these shows work, I'm going to give you all the rest of the shows. Up next, Fabul's Self Defense Show!!!
You're tuned in to Vector Central!