Final Fantasy - All Series Fan Fiction ❯ Losses in Time ❯ Difficult Meeting ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Disclaimer: I do not own FFX or any of it Characters Squaresoft owns them.

Let's see if anything you can call this story an AU, I am going to try and keep with the basic concept of the actual story. But little things here and there maybe changed so I can fit in things for my story. AU We have all heard Auron's story. Now we hear the Story of Rana the High Maesters daughter. The one that caused the end of Auron's time in the Warrior Monks, and led to his journey with Jecht and Braska. This is her story.

Chapter 1- Difficult meeting

It began in Bevelle 3 years before Braska left with Jecht and Auron for his pilgrimage. In the training courtyard for the Warrior Monks, is a 19 year old girl. She wears her reddish brown hair with 5 tight braids on the back of her head with beads of blue and yellow at the ends, above that she wears a bun where 4 decorated hair sticks are placed, and at the front her chin long bangs hang to the side of her face (Think of Lulu in the game, her hair style similar if not exact, just different color hair). She wears a light purple garment that looks nice but is easy to fight in, and she holds what looks to be a shiny purple staff.

A group of men are surrounding the girl, she stands looking at them with a smirk on her face and laughter in her voice "So, would anyone like to help me practice today?"

"Look we have no time to play with a little girl today; there are more important things to do." One of the men states in annoyance "besides no one wants to get in trouble with the High Maester, Lady Rana." A scowl shows on Rana's face, her voice growling "Are you sure my father is the only reason you don't want to fight me, or could it be that you are afraid of getting beaten by a girl. What about that, Chocobo?"(Spira's insult for Chicken).

The man not looking to happy about this comment, proceeds to get into a fighting stance as someone pushes their way through the crowd. This person is dressed similar to the person in front of her, she watches as he lays a hand on the guys shoulder and speaks in an imposing voice "Hold, I will take care of this little girl. Did you not say that you had more important things to do? Now go." The guy startled, turns and rushes off.

Rana stands there, arms crossed studying this new person in front of her, as she studies him she guesses him to be a couple years older then herself. She also notes to herself that he is very tall, and muscular. And also that he is wearing clothing similar to the other me around her, and the distinct red coat of the warrior monks. Her thoughts stray a minute to his rugged but very handsome face, and his long black hair that is pulled back into a ponytail.

She snaps out of her thoughts and glairs at him as he walks closer to stand in front of her. "Who are you; I have never seen you here before?" Rana speaks haughtily. He smirks and replies in a mocking tone "That is very rude talk for a young lady like you, especially for the daughter of the High Maester. Isn't that right, Lady Rana?" Surprise shows in her eyes and anger leaks into her voice "How is it that you know who I am, and yet I still do not know who you are?"

He smiles mockingly to her and bows his head to while moving his hands to make the sign of Yevon "Very well my lady I shall tell you. My name is Auron; I have been a warrior monk here for many years now. I have just recently got back from a mission that I had been sent on. And perhaps the reason you do not know me, is because I am no different from the rest of these men. For I only make myself known when it is profitable to me. I have seen you many times though, you being the High Maesters only daughter and all."

He straightens back up, with his arms back at his side. All of a sudden he brings his face close and level to hers, to be able to look her in the eye. He then proceeds with calm but serious face; in a steady yet cynical voice "Now why do you not run along back to your pretty dresses and dolls, and leave the big boys to have there fun. We have no time for broken nails or crying little girls out here, let the men do their jobs while you sit in your room looking pretty." He then turns and starts walking away.

Rana stands there fuming, she watches Auron walk when he anger takes over. She then decides, even though it is against her best interest, to take up her staff and runs after Auron. She manages to catch up to him easily enough; she then takes a swipe at his head with her staff. It just about makes contact with head, when he ducks and turns. He grabs her staff and forcefully pulls it out of her hands. Subsequently giving her a look that would scare even the bravest man, he then speaks with irritation in his voice "THAT wasn't very nice, now turn around and go home. I don't want to hurt you, but if you keep it up I may not have a choice." He turns again and walks away.

She stands there in pure horror at what had happened, but not yet beaten down decides she is far from done with this man. Using the all the adrenalin she has left, she rushes after him jumping onto his back. Auron feeling this on instinct does the only thing his body would let him. He grabs her arms, flips her over his head, and slams her to the ground. Taking his foot he places it onto her throat applying enough pressure for her to have a bit of trouble breathing.

When she becomes conscious to what happened she struggles under his foot, but finding him not willing to give in. "I could have and most likely would have killed you if I hadn't known that it was you," He speaks ominously, as he watches the now growing fear in her eyes "I will take my foot off, if you swear to go home and not cause any trouble here again. Beware, because if you do not I will not hold back next time. Agreed." She strains out the word "agreed", and he lifts his foot off her throat.

She sits up and coughs, trying to regulate her breathing. She stands brushing herself off, and walks away only stopping to pick up her thrown staff. The crowd parts to let her through, leaving Auron alone in the center of the crowd. He notices the crowd around him, knowing they had all stayed watching the whole scene. Throwing an irritated look at all of them, he pushes his way through the crowd heading towards the destination he had been making his way to before.

Auron walk forward while thinking about the things he needs to tell his elders, almost not seeing his fellow Monk, Kinoc standing outside. Kinoc notices the faraway look in Auron's eyes, and decides to take advantage of the situation. Speaking up, he startles Auron out of his thoughts. "Were you not worried that you would get in trouble for what you did to Lady Rana?" Kinoc says in mocking amusement.

Auron stops in his tracks realizing Kinoc was there and replies in calm yet amused tone "Why should I be I just gave her what she had wanted. Besides she has too much pride to run to her father, she could not tell him that someone beat her at her at her own game. I am sure her father would not approve of the things she is doing, and would very much consider her actions shameful not only to herself, but also to her family." Auron speaks on with a sound of spitefulness in his voice "I will be going to speak with her father after I am done here, for I think he should know about her actions."

Shaking his head, Kinoc replies with a hint of certainness in his voice "Do not do anything foolish, she is to be some ones bride someday. You cannot afford to accuse her of bring shame on to her family. Do not let your pride get you into something that you may not be able to get out of. For if you ruin who she is and what she holds as a bride, she may not be the only one who will be vengeful to you."

Auron smiles and pats Kinoc on the shoulder "Do not worry yourself; my pride will not get in the way. And besides someone needs to let her father know of the trouble she is causing, so she doesn't bring the shame on herself." Kinoc just shakes his head and goes to follow Auron into the door, and just as they are about to enter Auron turns around. "Besides, who are we to care? It is not like any of us have plans of wedding her, Right?" Auron says with a laugh as he walks the rest of the way in, not noticing Kinoc stopping at the door way with a nervous expression written on his face.

Thank You for reading. Please review; let me know how I did. This is a first time for me. And if there is anyone out there willing to look over my story and perhaps edit it for me that would be wonderful, and please get a hold of me. If people actually enjoy reading this I will try and get another chapter up this week. Thank You, Prophacy