Final Fantasy - All Series Fan Fiction ❯ Losses in Time ❯ Big Sister ( Chapter 2 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Disclaimer: I do not own FFX or any of it Characters Squaresoft owns them.


Chapter 2 -Big Sister

Rana storms into her after the episode with Auron, calming herself a little. She eventually gets up and changes into some cleaner cloths and leaves her room deciding to take a walk before it gets late. As she walks down the hall she hears her fathers voice call from a halfway opened door "Rana, please come in here." Rana stops and sighs "Yes father." She opens the door and lets herself into bright and beautifully decorated room. The room is a brightly colored room with many religious symbols and rows upon rows of books and scrolls of every kind.

Her father motions for her to sit, she abides as he starts talking to her in a disappointed voice "Rana. What have I told you about going to the training grounds on your own? It is dangerous." Her face hardens thinking that this must have been Auron's doing. "No one will hurt me there father, and besides what other ways do I have to find someone that would be willing to teach me to defend myself." Rana states with determination.

Her father shakes his head at this, impatience gathering in his voice "You have had training, you need no more. What training would that be father, that person you hired couldn't even teach me to bring down a runaway Chocobo that is about to injure me." Sighs trying to control the impoliteness in her voice. "There are fiends everywhere in Spira father; it would be good to know how to protect myself from them." She states pleadingly.

Her father stands when she says those words his voice commanding "Rana you will never, have a reason to have anymore training then you done now. The only reason I got you the lessons in the first place were to shut you up, be happy you had gotten those. We have no fiends here, and if for any reason you leave Bevelle, you will be protected, especially by your husband. I do not want to hear anymore about this, from now on I will have people watching exactly what you do. Do not dishonor me daughter."

Rana sits holding her tongue, tears at the edge of her eyes. "May I go now father?" She asks quietly and emotionally. He nods, sits back down and gets back to what he was doing.

She leaves the building and walks a ways away through the park, to a small building with children playing in the grass out side. One of the little girls looks up, smiles, and rushes over to her. She is about 9 years old, with long black hair, and enchanting reddish-brown eyes. She takes Rana's hand in hers and pulls her someplace to sit in the grass. "Big Sister, did you bring anything for me today?" The little girl says excitedly.

Rana smiles at her forwardness "No Lulu I'm sorry, I didn't bring anything today. I though you liked me coming to see you just for the company." She states trying to act serious "I do enjoy your company, but when you bring sweets with you it helps to make the day so much better. Soooo how was your day today?" She says trying to change the subject.

Rana scrunches up her nose "I got in trouble, my father scolded me." Surprise flashes in Lulu's eyes "What happened, what did you do?" The older girl sighs "I got into a fight with a boy who was picking on me, he said mean things and I tried hitting him. Unfortunately he was better then me and I didn't get a chance to."

"That wasn't very nice, you should have talked thing through. That is what Mother Sala says." The little girl states smartly.

Rana's face gets red from embarrassment, as she realized that a 9 year old knows how to act better then she did in the situation. She nods her head, leaning in closer. "You are right Lulu, what do you think I should do?" She whispers.

She sits there a moment pretending to think hard and all of a sudden her eyes light up "I think that you should go and apologize to him, say you are sorry for the way you acted." Rana thinks this over and says "I don't know, maybe. I guess that I will have to think about it. Ok." Lulu shakes her head "Ok."

An older woman comes to the door of the building, calling the children in. Lulu and Rana get up, and she walks Lulu to the door. They hug Rana and Lulu runs inside; Rana turns to the woman at the door "Mother Sala, Lulu really seems to be doing well." She says softly. The older woman turns to her with a smile "She works well with the children, even though she acts like an older sister to them sometimes. But thankfully to you she enjoys being a kid again; you brighten her day when you come."

Rana smiles "I am happy I can do that for her, losing your parents can be hard for any child, I should know. But for her the effects were almost devastating, I can only hope that she will never have to go through anything involving SIN again." Mother Sala shakes her head in agreement, laying a hand on her shoulder "You should get home now, it is getting dark. Take care, and say hello to your father for me." Rana nods "I will."

She walks back, through the park heading to her home. Getting lost in her thoughts of what she should do, she didn't hear the sound of footsteps following behind her.

I am very much enjoying writing this story. I hope everyone is having a great time reading it. Thanks and please review.