Final Fantasy - All Series Fan Fiction ❯ Mark of the Phoenix ❯ Chapter 2

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

“Mark of the Phoenix”
Chapter 2
*Disclaimer: The world that this story is set in and all characters therein belong to Square-Enix. This fiction piece is strictly a non-profit exercise of creativity and entertainment for people (like me) who can't get enough of this world and the characters.*
Cissnei watched the morning news dully. She knew she should do something with her vacation time but she didn't have the energy or inclination to drag herself out of the house. Her normally spotless living room was a mess. Pizza and Wutaian takeout boxes were strewn about, along with soda cans, empty water bottles, plates, bowls and dining ware. Her white angora cat jumped into her lap and meowed at her and she scratched her head absently.
“Finish your breakfast, Shiva?” Cissnei looked at the blue-eyed cat and managed a little smile. The animal was one of the few things that could still cheer her up. The doorbell rang and she sighed, debating whether or not to answer it. She had a feeling it would be Reno. He'd stopped by every other day to check on her, like a damned babysitter. Knowing that he wouldn't go away, she groaned softly and lifted Shiva off of her lap. She got up and walked to the foyer, unmindful of her state of dress. “Coming,” she hollered when the bell rang again and persistent knocking followed.
Reno had his hand poised to knock again when the young woman opened the door. He stared down at her with raised eyebrows. The only thing she wore was an oversized t-shirt that apparently served as a nightgown. It was lavender in color, with a big pink cartoon puppy face on it. Her feet were covered with a pair of fluffy white slippers.
Ordinarily, someone in Cissnei's condition would look pathetic or sloppy to Reno but she pulled it off somehow, looking absurdly cute to his eyes. “Morning, doll. Mind if I come in?”
She blew her bangs out of her eyes and shuffled aside to make way for him. He was out of uniform and dressed in a burgundy button-up shirt, a pair of snug black jeans and black leather oxford shoes. A black blazer completed the tasteful ensemble and the top three buttons of his shirt were open to expose his neck and clavicle. A thin gold chain hung around his neck and dangling from it was a pendant shaped like a feather. Cissnei suddenly felt self-conscious. Reno looked gorgeous and she was standing there in oversized slippers and a wrinkled t-shirt, with mussed hair and no makeup.
“If you're going to ask how I'm doing, save your breath,” she said with annoyance as she crossed her arms over her chest. “I'm the same as I was yesterday and the day before.”
The cat had come to investigate and she began to rub against Reno's legs, purring loudly. Reno shut the door behind him and bent down to give Shiva a scratch on the head. “Yeah, I figured as much, yo.” He straightened up and peered into the living room, sighing and shaking his head when he saw the mess.
“What?” Cissnei demanded crankily, “I haven't had my mind on housekeeping lately and it isn't like you ever call before you stop by!”
Reno's sea green eyes met hers and held them. “Get cleaned up and dressed. I'm taking you out for the day.”
She scoffed. “I don't feel like it.”
“Baby, I don't give a damn whether you `feel like it' or not,” Reno said sternly, “you're suffocating in here and you need to get out. Now get your little ass in the shower and put on something nice. There's a festival going on in Kalm and they've got rides set up outside town. I've got a chopper fueled up to take you and you're going to go with me and like it, yo.”
She opened her mouth to argue and he put a finger over her lips and shook his head. “Nuh-uh. You're coming with me and that's final. I'm not gonna tell you again, Cissnei. Go get ready and I'll clean up the shit in your living room in the meantime. Oh, and you might want to give your kitty some extra food because when we finish at Kalm, we're going to Junon for some club-hopping and we ain't coming back until tomorrow.”
Cissnei grumbled and went to comply. Reno watched her disappear into the hallway leading to her bedroom and bathroom and he smirked. ~I'm dragging you outta this rut if it takes my whole damn paycheck to do it, girl.~
Reno handed the cotton candy to Cissnei and watched her pick at it without any real interest. She'd dressed in a cute little pale blue tank top and pale yellow jeans, with blue boots that matched the color of her top. She wore a white sweater over her top and she'd applied some makeup and brushed her hair. She looked natural and quite pretty, despite the pout on her lips and the sadness in her big brown eyes.
“I thought girls loved cotton candy,” Reno mused.
She shrugged. “It's okay. I'm just not very hungry.”
They walked slowly together, taking in the noise and the sounds. A dance troupe performed in the middle of the street and they stopped to watch. Reno noticed that Cissnei wasn't touching her cotton candy and he sighed and took it from her, dumping it in a nearby trash bin.
“I'm sorry,” she said softly.
He cupped her chin and forced her to look up at him. “Don't do that, yo. If you don't like cotton candy, you don't have to eat it. You need to eat something, though. What do you like?”
“I don't know,” Cissnei answered as she hugged herself. “Spicy food, I guess. You know, you don't have to treat me like a kid, Reno.”
“Wasn't trying to,” he answered as he released her chin. “I'm just trying to cheer you up, doll. So, something spicy, eh? There's a chilli stand the next block over…how about we grab a bowl, yo?”
“Sounds good,” she replied with as much enthusiasm as she could muster. He put an arm around her shoulders and she unconsciously leaned into the embrace as she walked with him. She noticed people looking their way and it occurred to her that she and Reno probably made a handsome couple.
~Why am I thinking about that? I gave up on him before I even met Zack. He's always seen me as a kid sister or something.~
Well, that's what she always thought, at least. Her mind cast back to that night at Corneo's and she remembered the way Reno had looked at her. Guys didn't look at women like that when they thought of them as sisters or kids. Maybe the outfit had just made him forget about the way he thought of her, temporarily.
They made it to the chilli stand and Reno ordered two bowls and a couple of daiquiris to go with it. Cissnei smirked as he handed hers to her. “Are you trying to get me drunk?”
Reno winked at her. “If it'll help, yeah. Let's find a table to sit down at, yo.”
They selected one of the few free tables and sat down to eat. Cissnei felt her sorrow lift a little for the first time in a week when Reno took a bite and suddenly grabbed his daiquiri with desperation that was comical. His eyes were watering as he sucked a fourth of the drink down and Cissnei giggled in spite of herself.
“Shit, that's hot!” Reno gasped after cooling his mouth off a little. He stared as Cissnei began to eat hers without reaching for her drink once. “How the hell can you eat that, doll?”
She grinned at him and shrugged as she swallowed the mouthful she'd been chewing on. “It's not that bad. I'm just used to it, I guess.”
“Well I'm not,” Reno muttered, taking another hearty sip of his frozen drink before standing up. “Yo, I'll be right back. I can't eat this stuff so I'm gonna grab a hotdog or something.”
“Lightweight,” Cissnei teased.
“Oh yeah?” Reno reached down and ruffled her hair playfully. “We'll see who's the lightweight at the end of the day, yo. A tiny thing like you probably can't hold her liquor.”
Cissnei gave him a challenging look. “Don't underestimate me because of my size, boss. A lot of men have made that mistake.” Her eyes were twinkling with mischief as she spoke and she looked more alive than Reno had seen her look in days.
“We'll see,” Reno said, then he picked up his styrefoam bowl of chilli and walked to a trash bin, looking around for a food booth that served something he could eat. He kept thinking about Cissnei and the way her cheeks dimpled when she smiled. His expression fell as the realization of what was really going on hit him. He'd always known it on some level but since he basically sucked at relationships, he'd been denying it. He looked over his shoulder at the petite brunette and sighed.
~She's in a bad place right now and I've never been able to make a commitment work. I've just got to keep it to myself and hope it goes away on its own.~
Fat chance of that happening, though. He admitted to himself that he'd had these feelings for a long time, so the chances of them going away at his say-so were nil. Reno shook his head and shoved his predicament to the back of his mind. He spotted a pizza stand and he went to it and ordered a big slice. When he returned to the table he found that Cissnei had already finished half of her bowl of chilli.
“Well, look at this,” Reno said smugly as he sat down across from her. “I thought you weren't hungry?”
“It's good chilli,” Cissnei said unapologetically, grinning at him as she dabbed her lips with a napkin.
“If you say so,” Reno chuckled. “Just be careful with that stuff, yo. I booked us a double hotel room and I'll be sleeping in the bed next to yours. If you start farting enough to achieve liftoff, I'm outta there.”
Cissnei giggled and reached across the table to slap him lightly on the arm. “And I thought you were being such a gentleman! Ladies don't fart, you know.”
“Riiight,” replied the redhead sagely, “ladies just poot out a cloud of rose-scented perfume, yo.”
Cissnei choked on her drink and he got up and patted her on the back until the coughing fit ended. “You okay doll?” Reno asked with a crooked smile.
“Fine,” she wheezed, fanning her face with her hand and sucking in a sharp breath. “Stop making me laugh so hard!”
Reno squeezed her shoulders and bent down to whisper in her ear. “Not a chance, sweetheart. You need to laugh.” His breath tickled her ear and suddenly she felt a familiar sort of tension in her belly, followed by a tingle in other parts of her body. She wasn't a virgin but the only other man that ever made her react that way was Zack. It was funny, now that she thought of it—she'd never slept with Zack or Reno but they were the only two men that ever made her body sing with this funny, delightful thrill.
Cissnei turned her head and looked into Reno's eyes, aware of how close his face was to hers. “It feels nice to laugh again,” she murmured. His expression sobered and his lips parted. For a minute she thought he was going to kiss her and her heart began to pound heavily in her chest. He pulled away at the last minute and ruffled her hair instead, leaving her strangely disappointed and annoyed. She sighed as he took his seat across from her again and started eating his pizza.
~Why am I doing this to myself again? I thought I got over that stupid crush I had on him! Besides that, it's not right for me to be thinking of him this way. He's my boss now and even though Zack and I were never really dating it feels wrong to start eyeballing another guy so soon.~
“There's that pouty look again,” Reno observed after swallowing the last bite. “Can't have you getting all angsty again. Come on, finish your drink and we'll take a ride on the ferris wheel.”
“I don't really feel like it,” Cissnei answered.
“Too bad,” Reno shrugged. “You might like it if you give it a try, doll.”
She huffed and sucked down the remainder of her drink, knowing it was pointless to argue with him. When she was finished he took her to the ferris wheel just outside of town and he paid for a ride on it. Cissnei dutifully climbed into the car with him and propped her arms on the lap bar as it was secured. She sulked childishly as the ride began to move and Reno looked at her and burst into laughter.
“What now?” Cissnei grumbled, looking at him with frustration. The wind stirred her hair and blew a curly strand across her eyes. She swatted it away with annoyance.
“I've just never seen anyone look so fucking cute when they sulk,” Reno answered with a grin. “What do you do, practice that look in the mirror every day?”
“Oh, quit it,” Cissnei shot back peevishly. Her lips twitched as a smile threatened. As confusing as Reno's flirtation was to her, it made her feel good despite her determination to be miserable.
“Careful toots, you almost cracked a smile there.” Reno winked at her.
“You wish,” she said stubbornly.
“Oh yeah? I'll bet I can make that smile come out.” A wicked glint shone in Reno's blue-green eyes and he put one arm around her while tickling her ribs with his free hand.
Cissnei screeched and struggled as his ministrations caused her to be overcome with helpless snickers. “Reno, stop!”
He didn't relent until their struggles made the ferris car they were in rock so alarmingly that Cissnei went pale and clutched at him desperately. “Okay, I'm stopping,” Reno assured her with a chuckle, putting both arms around her when he felt her trembling. “Hey, it's alright, yo. We're not gonna fall or anything.”
Cissnei buried her face against his chest, practically crawling into his lap in her fear. “Don't let go of me!”
Reno was surprised, given that she'd never expressed a fear of heights before. He swallowed as her slender curves pressed against him and his face heated when he started getting a hard on. “Okay, relax,” he murmured against her hair. “The rocking's easing up. It's okay, Cissnei.”
Her tension eased slightly and she slowly pulled her face away from his chest and looked at him. “That was dirty,” she informed him, licking her dry lips.
Reno stared at the spectacle of her little pink tongue darting out to moisten her lips and his brain froze. “Uh,” he said stupidly. He shook himself out of it with effort and relaxed his hold on her. “Sorry, doll. I didn't mean to scare you like that, yo.”
~Shit…I've gotta calm down before the ride ends. I don't want everyone seeing my fucking crotch sticking out like this and if Cissnei notices I'll have to shoot myself, yo.~
He pulled his blazer closed over his shirt, thankful that it was long enough to cover his lap while sitting. “It's getting kind of chilly,” he said when his companion looked at him with questioning brown eyes.
~Smooth. I'm gonna have to be more careful. She doesn't need some horny guy drooling on her right now.~
Reno took her to the gaming booths after the ride and he won her a big pink teddy bear at the ball throw. She in turn won him a stuffed fox at the dart booth. By the time the sun went down they each had a small collection of prizes to load into the chopper waiting outside of town. Cissnei was smiling at him as Reno put the prizes in the cargo area and he bumped his head on the ceiling as a result of the distraction.
“Are you okay?” Cissnei reached up and rubbed the top of his head as he stepped out of the cargo hold with a wince.
“Yeah, it ain't like my brain is a vital part,” Reno said dryly, grimacing as she massaged the smarting spot. “You ready for some nightlife, toots?”
Cissnei bit her lip and shrugged. She hadn't gone dancing in ages, let alone in any of the high profile nightclubs of Junon harbor. “Just don't laugh at my dancing skills,” she said.
“It's a promise, yo.” Reno opened the passenger door of the helicopter for her and before she could start climbing in, he put his hands around her slim waist and lifted her. He enjoyed it too much and he was reluctant to let go of her once he helped her in. With effort, he released the brunette and closed the door before jogging around to the other side and boarding.
“Next stop, Junon,” he said as he buckled his safety belt and put his earphones over his head. Cissnei was looking at him thoughtfully and he silently swore at himself. She could have gotten into the chopper on her own. She wasn't some frail little flower that couldn't do anything for herself without a man's help. His efforts to be a gentleman were obviously tipping her off that he had the hotts for her and he was going to have to concentrate on toning it down some.
The first thing they did at Junon was check into their room at the hotel and bring their bags in. Cissnei changed clothes and when she came out of the bathroom, Reno nearly dropped his soda. She was wearing a pale lavender miniskirt, knee-high, flat-soled black boots and a long-sleeved, high-neck black stretch shirt that molded to her upper body but didn't show off her flesh. The outfit was demure and tantalizing at once, showing enough of her smooth legs to catch a man's attention, while the rest of it both hid and revealed her petite body. A belt composed of silver, interlinked hoops hung loosely about her waist, accenting the skirt. Her brown hair was freshly brushed and shiny in the lamplight.
“Is this okay?” she asked uncertainly, turning around once to give him a full view. “I don't know what the dress codes are in these places you want to take me to.”
“It's perfect, yo.” Reno was being truthful. Cissnei was dressed provocatively enough to turn heads, without looking like a slut. “I'm gonna have to beat the guys off of you tonight, doll.”
She lowered her eyes and smiled softly. “I doubt that. I don't have the kind of body most guys go for.”
“Bullshit,” Reno scoffed, “what the hell gave you that idea?”
She made a sweeping gesture with her hands over her petite form. “Don't you notice a lack of something most guys want the most in a girl?”
Reno stared her up and down and shook his head in bafflement. “Like what? The only thing you ain't got that some guys might go for is a dick, yo.”
Cissnei coughed a laugh and shook her head. “I mean the boobs, Reno. I'm not really gifted in that department.”
His eyes went to her firm little breasts of their own accord and he shrugged, tearing his gaze off of the tempting mounds with effort. “You think tits are every guy's favorite part of a woman? You don't know us that well, doll.”
“Oh? Enlighten me then.” She stepped closer and looked up at him with a little grin. “What are some of the other parts of a women men like, besides the obvious?”
He tried to be nonchalant when he answered. “Well, Rude's a boob man for sure, but some guys are ass men and some are thigh men.”
“So which one are you?” Cissnei wondered why he wasn't meeting her eyes but she didn't inquire about it.
“I'm a leg and lips man, myself. Tight little butts and nice eyes get my attention too, but a hot pair of legs and a pouty set of lips really turn me on.”
~And you've got those in spades, honey. Shit, why am I talking to her about this…it's just making it worse!~
“Hmm, lips and legs, huh?” Cissnei felt her cheeks warm when he looked at her. There it was again…that look he'd given her the night of that horrible assignment at Corneo's mansion. She sighed, feeling like she'd never understand Reno's behavior around her. “I guess we should go before it starts getting too late,” she said as she shoved her confusion to the back of her mind.
Reno went to the door and pulled it open, gesturing to her. “Ladies first.”
The first club they hit was the Flying Tiger in upper Junon. Cissnei was too shy to dance at first, but after a few drinks she loosened up and went out on the dance floor. Reno watched from the bar and admired the way she moved. He was tempted to join her but he didn't quite trust himself yet. After an hour or so there, he took her to a rave themed club called The Neon. It was much flashier than the previous club and it had a disco ball and flashing laser lights on the dance floor.
Cissnei was getting a little tipsy but she held her own and to be honest, she was having a great time. She danced and she forgot about all of her problems, inwardly bidding goodbye to the ghost of Zack. He wouldn't want her to wither away like she'd been doing, she knew. If he could, he'd probably tell her to get on with her life and have fun, so that's what she decided to do.
Reno took a drink of his Rum and soda and watched the Turk girl dancing. He smiled when he saw how upbeat she looked and he congratulated himself on a successful mission. Someone's hand fell on his right shoulder and he twisted in his bar seat, instinctively raising his fist defensively.
“You gonna hit me now, partner?” Rude's expression was neutral and his dark glasses reflected the flashing lights of the dance floor.
Reno smirked and patted the bald man on the arm. “Shouldn't sneak up on me like that, man. What are you doing here, anyhow?”
“I'm here on assignment,” the other man answered as he waved the bartender over. “Elena and I are just taking a break tonight. Didn't expect to run into you here.”
“I'm here with Cissnei, trying to drag her outta that dark hole she's been in since Fair died,” Reno explained with a nod to the dance floor.
Rude followed the gesture with his eyes and smiled a little. “Looks like you're doing a good job. I haven't seen her smile like that in months.”
Reno looked at the dancing brunette and grinned proudly. “Yeah, I'm a regular miracle worker, yo. Maybe psychiatrists should just send their patients to me. I can get rich doing this stuff.”
“Yeah? How much did it set you back to do this therapy session, man?” Rude looked at the redhead expectantly.
“A lot,” Reno admitted with a shrug. “But hey, it was worth it. Look at her, yo.”
“I'm looking,” Rude answered. “She looks like herself again. Congratulations, partner.”
“So where's Elena?” Reno peered around the club, searching for a familiar head of platinum blond hair.
“She went back to the hotel room we're staying in, to get some rest,” answered Rude. “Tomorrow we've got to track down some dude the President wants out of the way.”
Reno nodded. Assassination was an unfortunate part of the job, but the first duty of a Turk was to serve the company. “Good luck, man. Don't get yourself killed or maimed on me, yo.”
“I'll try not to,” Rude said dryly. He got his drink and started to bid his partner goodnight, but he paused when he noticed the way Reno was staring at Cissnei. “Hey, want some advice?”
“Not really,” Reno said evasively, guessing what his partner had picked up on and a little embarrassed that he'd given himself away.
“Tough shit, you're getting some,” Rude said unapologetically. “You should go for it while the stage is set, man. That's all I'm saying. See you later, partner.”
Reno closed his eyes and groaned. “Later, man.” Rude knew his luck with relationships and the bald man knew damn well why Reno avoided getting into new ones. Reno's ex girlfriends accused him of being distant and he always ended up getting bored and dumping them. He liked Cissnei too much to risk doing that to her, too. Rude might think he was giving good advice but as far as Reno was concerned, it was shitty.
Cissnei skipped over to the bar after the song ended and she grabbed Reno's hand. “Come on, dance with me for this one,” she insisted with a dimpled smile. “Or are you one of those guys that thinks he's too manly to dance?”
“You're gonna eat those words, sweetheart,” Reno promised with a grin. He knew he shouldn't, but he allowed his delicate companion to guide him onto the dance floor.
Cissnei actually would have eaten her words if it were at all possible. Reno was a great dancer and he partnered with her as easily as he breathed. She really shouldn't have been surprised, given his status as a social butterfly and his combat skills. At first their motions were casual, fun and innocent. Then a provocative pop song came on and Cissnei found herself pressed up against him and gyrating without even thinking about it. Reno's hands went around her waist and his hips pressed against her belly as he matched her moves.
~I'm really getting turned on and he's so sexy. What's he going to think of me if I overstep myself and make a pass at him?~
Cissnei's thoughts were abruptly and rudely interrupted when a male hand that didn't belong to Reno slipped up her skirt and grabbed her on the ass. She gasped a startled exclamation and turned around to face the culprit—who was a guy with light brown hair and hazel eyes. He didn't look apologetic at all, but smug and satisfied. He waggled his eyebrows and leered at her.
Reno saw the exchange and he stepped in front of Cissnei. “What the hell's going on here?”
“He groped me,” Cissnei answered furiously, her small hands clenching into fists.
“Hey, she was the one wiggling her ass,” the guy said defensively. “She shouldn't have—“
He didn't get the chance to finish. Reno decked him hard enough to send him sprawling to the floor and people hastily moved out of the way and watched as the Turk pounced on him. The groper didn't get a chance to fight back as Reno put one hand around his throat and started laying into him again and again with his other fist.
“Yo, you think the ladies are a fucking free-for-all?” He shouted as he beat the groper, “Think you can just grab a handful whenever the hell you feel like it, punk?” He grabbed the guy by the hair and dragged him toward Cissnei, depositing him at her feet. “Apologize to the lady, shitface.”
“I'm…I'm sorry,” the groper slurred in terror.
Cissnei felt the walls closing in on her as her near-rape in Don Corneo's mansion came rushing back to her. She looked down at the man that had taken liberties with her body without her consent and she saw the same disgusting sense of entitled privilege in him that Corneo had. Her response to his forced apology was to kick him abruptly in the head, leaving Reno to stare at her for a moment with raised eyebrows.
“You're sorry, all right,” Cissnei said to him, “but you won't change.”
The bouncers came and they started toward Reno, getting the impression by the scene that the redhead started it. He pulled his wallet out of his pocket and flashed his ID at them. When they realized who he was, they paled and backed off. The music died down and the club owner came, looking down at the cowering groper with a frown.
“What happened here?” The club owner asked.
“That guy's a Turk, sir,” one of the bouncers said as he pointed at Reno. “He beat this guy up but…well…”
“What started this, sir?” the club owner asked Reno in a nervously polite voice.
Reno kicked his victim once, making him groan. “The dude grabbed my date's ass while we were dancing. I just taught him some fucking manners, yo.”
The club owner looked to Cissnei. “Miss, is this true?”
“Yes,” Cissnei answered, giving the groper another kick of her own for good measure. “When my…date…confronted him he insulted me. Oh, and I'm a Turk too, by the way.” She reached into her skirt pocket and produced her ID.
The club owner went about three shades of white. “I apologize for this,” he said to Reno and Cissnei. He turned to his bouncers. “Escort this guy out of here and get his identification for me. He's perma-banned from this establishment, from now on.” He looked nervously at Reno, who's tourmaline eyes were still flashing with anger. “Sir, you and the lady drink free for the rest of the night. When you're ready to leave I'll pay for your cab, too. Please, forgive me for this insult.”
Reno reached out and patted the club owner lightly on the side of the face. “Call that cab now, yo. I think we've had enough for tonight.” Beside him, Cissnei nodded in agreement.
“Sorry about that, doll,” Reno said as they entered the hotel room and he went to the mini fridge to fix a couple of drinks. “I lost my head, I guess. I know you coulda' taken care of that punk yourself but…” He shook his head and sighed, realizing he was babbling.
Cissnei watched him curiously, chewing her bottom lip as she went over the encounter in her mind and tried to rationalize why Reno had reacted so impulsively and violently in her defense. Like he said, she could have handled it herself without him going caveman on the guy. The problem was it was damned chivalrous and no matter how much she told herself she should have been offended, she wasn't. She was so flattered when he beat the hell out of that man that it made her breathless and she normally got annoyed with men that tried to protect her.
~So why is it that when Zack did it or when Reno does it, I get so thrilled? Are women just hard-wired to get weak in the knees when men they like put on the white armor and come to their rescue?~
Reno handed Cissnei a mixed drink of club soda and gin, looking at her searchingly. “You mad at me?”
“No,” Cissnei answered with a little smile. She took the offered drink thankfully and winced at the sight of his swollen and discolored knuckles. “I'm not mad. When it comes to guys like that, I guess I don't mind. I never knew you could be so…chivalrous.”
Reno winked at her. “Only when it comes to the right ladies, yo.” He mixed his own drink and avoided her eyes.
“Reno, why did you get so mad when that guy groped me?” Cissnei persisted as an idea formulated in her head. It was time for her to find out if there was anything at all to his constant flirtations…she was tired of guessing.
He took a drink and shrugged, avoiding her eyes. “I don't like seeing ladies mistreated, yo. Especially when they're my associates.”
Cissnei smiled and took a drink as well. She rolled the mixture around in her mouth before swallowing and she tilted her head as she looked up at him. “I'd believe that, except I've never seen you get that irate over Elena or any of the other women in the Turks. Is it my size, Reno? Are you so protective of me because I'm a shrimp?”
Reno chuckled and shook his head. He reached up and took his shaded goggles off of his head, setting them on the dresser. “No, it's got nothing to do with your size.” His eyes met hers and his expression was sincere. “You're one of the best Turks under my command, yo. I mean that. I like the way you work and I like how light-hearted you are. Sure, you've hit a rut but it'll get better and I wanna make sure I've got the best damn female Turk back on my side again soon.”
Cissnei blushed furiously with pleasure, but Reno was just praising her work ethic. His answer didn't really address her original question. “I know you think highly of Rude too, but I don't see you babysitting him the way you do me. Tell me why, Reno? What really made you hit that guy?” She stepped closer and gazed up at him earnestly.
Reno swallowed and tried to calm his rising adrenaline. “I thought I just told you that, doll.”
She shook her head and pressed closer, grinning as he took a step back. “No, you gave my work skills some pretty glowing praise but you didn't explain why you're so protective of me. I mean, if I'm so good, shouldn't you be less protective?”
“I dunno,” Reno said evasively.
Cissnei put her drink on the dresser and took Reno's from him to set it down as well. He stared at her as she took his right hand in hers and lifted it to examine the bruised and swollen knuckles. She lifted the injured hand to her lips and started kissing it lightly. “Do you want to know what I think?” she murmured, her brown eyes staring into his.
Reno's breath quickened and he couldn't answer. He shifted and her eyes went to his crotch—which was beginning to bulge conspicuously.
“I think if I kiss you, you'll kiss me back. I think you like me. What do you think?” She kissed his knuckles again and waited for his answer.
Reno knew he had to put a stop to this now or it would escalate into something uncontrollable. “You don't want me,” he whispered, “I'm not the kind of guy a chick like you should be with.”
Cissnei released his hand and reached up to wrap her arms around his neck. “Maybe you should let me decide what I want, Reno.”
The redhead went perfectly still as Cissnei's soft lips met his. He fought his desire as hard as he could, to give her a chance to back down. When her tongue stroked his lips he shuddered and gave up the fight. Reno put his arms around her and held her tight against him as he returned the kiss with searing intensity. Cissnei gasped into his mouth as he lifted her and set her on the dresser next to the forgotten drinks. His tongue slid into her mouth to fence with hers and one of his hands eased up her right outer thigh, beneath her skirt.
“Fuck, baby,” Reno gasped against the brunette's mouth as he cupped her smooth ass and pressed his hips between her legs. “We've gotta stop this.”
Cissnei caught hold of his ponytail and kissed him deeply, her slender legs wrapping around his waist. He groaned and rubbed against her, letting her feel how hard he was. “Cissnei,” he moaned warningly. He was on the very edge of control and she was too special to him for him to treat her like a whore.
“It's okay,” Cissnei whispered, her own loins aching with need as she felt his erection rubbing against her between her panties and his jeans. “Reno, I want you.”
Reno slid both hands under her ass and lifted her off of the dresser, holding her against him as he picked her up. Cissnei clung to him and kissed him feverishly as he carried her to the bed closest to the door.
-To be continued