Final Fantasy - All Series Fan Fiction ❯ Mark of the Phoenix ❯ Chapter 3

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

“Mark of the Phoenix”
Chapter 3
*Disclaimer: The world that this story is set in and all characters therein belong to Square-Enix. This fiction piece is strictly a non-profit exercise of creativity and entertainment for people (like me) who can't get enough of this world and the characters.*
Reno's weight fell against her as the redhead lowered Cissnei to the bed and stretched out on top of her. His mouth was hungry and insistent against hers as they kissed and his hands began to explore her body. She lifted her hips with eager consent as he tugged at her underwear and soon, the lacy panties were tossed to the floor. She felt like she was burning up with desire as Reno ground his hips against hers, the bulge in his jeans rubbing against her naked clit.
“Reno,” she panted as his hands tugged her top up. “Oh god, I need you.” He undid the clasp at the front of her bra and freed her pert little breasts to his view.
“Shit,” he swore, right before capturing one of her pink, erect nipples between his lips. He suckled the taut bud and flicked his tongue against it, provoking a moaning gasp from the young woman beneath him. He paused for a moment and reared back to gaze down at her. “Cissnei, you've got no fucking idea how bad I want you.”
She reached up with one hand and combed her fingers through his hair, reaching around in the back for the tie that held his ponytail into place. “I want you too,” she sighed as she let her other hand slip down between his legs. She cupped the straining bulge she found there and massaged it.
Reno rubbed against her and clenched his jaw. “God, you're getting me too hot,” he panted. He lowered his mouth to her jaw and kissed it, nibbling the skin as his lips traveled to her ear. Her touch felt so good and he groaned softly and rubbed against her groping hand as he kissed her ear and neck.
He couldn't stand it anymore. He had to taste her. He reached down and captured her exploring hands with his, pushing them over her head. “I never told you about the other part I like in the female body, yo,” he panted, holding her wrists together over her head with one hand. His free hand slid down her stomach and to the bunched-up material of her skirt. He smiled at her questioning look, surprised that she didn't seem to comprehend what he was about to do. “You must have been with some pretty selfish guys, sweetheart,” he murmured. He slipped his hand between her spread thighs and sought out his goal with his fingertips.
Cissnei jumped a little when Reno's fingers located and stroked the tiny nub hidden in the folds of her feminine core. Now she understood what he meant with that statement and she flushed. Her exes had fooled around with that spot before; they just didn't do it the way he was doing it. She'd never thought of her former boyfriends as clumsy before but she quickly revised her opinion when Reno flicked his fingertip skillfully over her sensitive clit. She gasped and instinctively arched against him, silently begging for more. He obliged and began to rub the tender nub in tiny circles, sending little shocks of pleasure through her loins and pelvis.
“Like that, doll?” Reno purred as he nibbled her ear.
Cissnei nodded and moaned softly, making him grin with pride. He trailed his mouth down her neck and to her chest, letting go of her wrists so that he could support his weight with one arm. She gasped his name as he latched onto her right nipple and suckled it, flicking his tongue back and forth over the captured bud. He teased it for a bit before moving on to the other nipple to give it the same treatment and Cissnei wove her fingers into his hair and panted sweetly. She tugged the elastic band out of his hair to free it from the ponytail and the loosed masses of his vivid mane straggled over his shoulders and back.
Eager to reach his final goal, Reno forced himself to take it slowly. He took his time stimulating her tightened nipples before dragging his mouth down to her belly. He tongued her belly button, making her shiver with delight. She began to tense helplessly as his stroking finger continued to massage her clit and he bit back a groan of need. He moved his finger away from her clit as his lips reached the crisp little nest of hair surrounding her genitals. Cissnei obviously kept her bikini line waxed but she didn't take it to the point of baldness, which Reno appreciated. She was neatly trimmed and groomed and he nuzzled the hair gently while sliding his fingers to the folds of skin beneath her clit.
Cissnei tensed unconsciously when she felt his breath stirring her pubes. She'd never had a man go down on her and she was abysmally self-conscious, horrified by the thought of stinking down there. “Reno,” she started to say, ready to stop him from doing what she thought he was about to do.
“Shhh,” Reno shushed as he spread her flesh with his thumbs and brought his mouth to the exposed nub of sensitive flesh.
Cissnei jerked with shocked surprise and propped herself up on her elbows. “Ooh…oooh gods…R-Reno…that feels…” She tilted her head back and moaned shakenly. The redhead was sucking gently on her clit and swirling his tongue over the tip of it. She'd never felt anything so intense and her body shook helplessly. It was almost too much to bear and she distantly felt acute embarrassment at the sound of the whimpers and cries that continuously burst from her lips.
Reno's cock throbbed and ached with desperate need as he coaxed Cissnei's body to readiness. He felt along the folds of her flesh with his fingers and found it to be slippery with natural lube. Grinning against the swollen nub he was nursing, he slipped two long fingers into her and massaged inside. She was tight…so tight he knew he'd have to work her for a bit before she'd be loose enough to take him without pain. It didn't really surprise him, given how small Cissnei was. He could tell she'd never been with a considerate man in her life and it made him angry to think of how painful sex must have been for her with her former boyfriends.
Cissnei moaned and gasped as he thrust his fingers back and forth inside of her. The feel of penetration coupled with the hot, wet pleasure of his lips and tongue were quickly unraveling her self-control. She pushed her fingers through his hair and undulated against him, whimpering as his ministrations brought her closer and closer to orgasm. His fingers scissored inside of her and pumped against a spot that almost made her feel like she needed to pee. She examined the sensation, confused by it. He started thrusting harder and she groaned and licked her lips.
“Ah…Reno…I think I'm coming,” she panted as the tight heat in her pelvis reached a peak. He didn't slow or alter the motions of his mouth and tongue but he pushed his fingers into her passage deeply and curled them, pressing firmly against that one spot. Cissnei shuddered and clenched her jaw as she started to orgasm. Her body clenched tightly around his invading fingers and she cried out as the spasms began. “Oh gods….ohhh gods…RENO!” She'd never come so hard in her life and he was doing…something…that made it go on and on.
~Is this…a multiple orgasm?? I thought that was just…a myth!~
His fingers steadily massaged that spot inside while his mouth pleasured her throbbing clit and Cissnei broke into a sweat as her slender body shuddered helplessly. She wasn't even aware that she was shouting a stream of curses in her ecstasy. She couldn't fathom the amount of time that passed before her climax finally tapered off and slowed, but she was weak and trembling from it by then. She jumped and hissed as his tongue licked her overly sensitized clit and he seemed to sense that it was too much. His mouth stopped stimulating the nub and he stretched out on top of her and resumed thrusting with his fingers as he kissed her deeply. She tasted herself on his tongue and she moaned softly.
“Did my baby like that?” Reno murmured after kissing her for a moment.
“Maybe,” Cissnei answered breathlessly, her cheeks turning a charming shade of pink.
Reno chuckled and nuzzled her flushed cheek. He knew damn well she hadn't faked that long, strenuous orgasm. The confused, questioning tone of her voice when it started was proof of that. He was surprised and pleased that he'd succeeded in giving her a multiple. Such a thing was very rare to begin with, let alone on the first encounter. “I wanna make you do that a lot,” he purred as he kissed her again.
That seemed to be the right thing to say, because the next thing he knew she was tearing at his clothing with needy desperation. He had to temporarily stop fingering her to help her get his jacket and shirt off.
“Lose the pants,” Cissnei gasped as she unzipped his fly.
“Mmm, pushy,” Reno grinned. “I think I like that, yo.” He got off of her and stood up, turning around as he pulled off his shoes and socks and pulled his jeans down.
Cissnei finally figured out why Reno was so amused when she'd chosen the word “phoenix” as her safety trigger that night. His long, bright hair was pulled over his left shoulder, affording her a full view of the tattoo on the creamy pale skin of his back. It was a tattoo of a rising phoenix, the vivid wings spanning his shoulder blades. Normally she wasn't into tattoos but on Reno, the detailed body art was fitting and beautiful.
He turned around to face her and her eyes roved his slim-muscled body with appreciation. He had a swimmer's build and his toned chest and stomach were as sexy as she imagined they would be. His erection jutted proudly from between his long-muscled thighs, surrounded by a thatch of reddish-brown hair. The rigid cock was rather big and she was appreciative that he'd taken so much care to prepare her first. She'd always wondered if he was a natural redhead, even as she knew he dyed his hair to make it that bright. It turned her on even more to learn that he was.
“Damn, you're hot,” Cissnei murmured before she could stop herself. She slapped a hand over her mouth and looked up at him with wide, embarrassed eyes. “Uh, that just sort of came out,” she mumbled.
Reno laughed. She was so fucking adorable to him, while at the same time; more desirable than any woman he'd ever been with. His heart constricted oddly and he wondered if he was actually falling in love with her. He'd never felt so connected to a woman before, or so protective, for that matter. “Why don't you finish undressing while I get the protection, doll?” He picked up his discarded blazer and fished through the pockets for the condoms he always kept on his person for emergencies such as this.
She'd forgotten that she was lying there with her shirt pushed up to her neck and her skirt hiked up around her thighs. Blushing further at the thought of what she must look like, she quickly started to undress. “I'm on the pill, you know,” she said as she pulled her shirt over her head and tossed it to the floor, then added her bra to the pile.
Reno paused and admired the smooth skin of her back for a moment. He hadn't been with anyone since his last health screening, but he didn't want Cissnei to feel like she had to put herself at risk to please him. “The pill doesn't stop STD's, babe.”
She looked over her shoulder at him and smiled. “I think I can trust you, Reno. You get worried about me if I go by myself to the bathroom so I know you'd never expose me to anything yourself. You're clean, right?” She stood up and pushed her skirt off, then bent over to remove her boots and socks. He was momentarily unable to find the power of speech as her tight little ass was presented to him.
“Reno?” Cissnei asked with a frown, turning to look at him. He looked like someone had hit him over the head and she grinned bashfully as she realized why. “You act like you've never seen a naked girl before.”
“I've never seen a naked you before,” he corrected, his eyes hot with lust. He got onto the bed and stretched out on his side, patting the spot next to him invitingly. When she took the invitation, he put an arm around her and pulled her against him. His mouth was gentle against hers as he kissed her. “You sure about this, doll? I'm clean, but I don't mind wearing a rubber if it'll make you feel safer, yo.”
“I trust you,” she whispered. She placed a hand over his chest and let it slide down, kneading the hard muscles as she explored his body. He kissed her again and she sucked on his tongue when it slid into her mouth. His soft moan of arousal rewarded her and she stroked the taught muscles of his stomach while slowly dragging her hand lower. His breath quickened as her hand got closer and closer to the source of his tension and she bit back a smile as she traced the line of his pelvic bone with her fingertips. She would have liked to tease him for a bit, but she was eager to feel him throbbing in her hand, so she curled her fingers around the warm, stiff length and began to stroke it admiringly. Reno groaned against her lips and cupped one of her breasts, fondling it softly.
“Mmm, I love the way it feels in my hand,” Cissnei murmured against his mouth. “I'd like to pet it for a while.”
“Pet it for too long and it'll end up spitting at you, baby,” Reno gasped, his fair features flushing with pleasure and need. “God, that feels good.”
Cissnei giggled at his words. Reno always managed to come up with such clever and amusing anecdotes. She felt a surge of warmth and appreciation for him, so happy that this was happening that it surprised her a little. The feelings she'd thought she'd buried were coming back full-circle and she briefly wondered if she'd have felt like this if the same thing had happened between her and Zack. Honestly though, there really was no comparison between Reno and any other man she'd ever been involved with. He was a truly unique creature…to the point of being exotic to her.
“My phoenix,” she whispered with a smile as she circled the head of his arousal with her fingertips. He gasped softly and a slippery bead of precum emerged from the tiny hole in the tip of the organ. She slicked it over the glans and stroked the sensitive urethra in gentle circles, making his cock twitch and provoking another groan from him.
Reno wanted to let her keep stroking him off…he really, really did. However, she was way too good at it and he knew if he didn't stop her soon, he'd blow his load and they'd have to wait for him to recover to get to the grand finale. He put his hand over hers and gently pulled it away from his sex. “I'm not gonna last if you keep doing that to me, sweetheart.”
She pouted a little but she didn't argue with him because she wanted him to come inside of her. “Sorry,” she murmured with a little smile.
“Don't you apologize for that, yo,” Reno laughed. “Giving a good hand job ain't something you should be sorry for.” He eased her onto her back and stretched out on top of her, sliding one hand under her bottom to position her. She wrapped her legs around his waist invitingly and kissed his chest, making him swear with desperate need. “And here I've been thinking of you as such an innocent little thing,” Reno smirked against her neck between kisses. She stiffened and he pulled back to look at her. “Hey, that was a compliment, doll. Just because I think you've got skills doesn't mean I think you're a slut or anything, yo.”
She was pacified by his explanation and she relaxed. “Sorry. I guess I'm so used to double-standards about sex I just took it the wrong way.”
He traced her lips with his fingers and pressed his throbbing sex against her entrance, making her squirm restlessly. “I like my partners to know what they're doing,” he murmured. “I don't get off on causing pain when I'm with a lady, yo. I think guys that obsess over whether their girl still has a hymen when they sleep with her have issues and are probably selfish bastards anyhow. I should know; I used to be one of `em.”
Cissnei smiled at his candor. “So what changed you?”
“I grew up,” he answered with a shrug. He kissed her deeply and the conversation came to an end. He reached down and positioned himself carefully, breaking the kiss to murmur a soft warning to her before rocking forward.
Cissnei moaned throatily as Reno entered her. It wasn't as uncomfortable as she'd come to expect of the first thrust, simply because he'd taken such care earlier to get her loosened and wet for him. His rigid flesh slid easily into her tight sheath and kept going until it was fully impaling her.
“Is it okay, baby?” Reno asked breathlessly, fighting the urge to move as the exquisite feeling of her sheathing him so tightly made his senses reel.
“It's more than `okay',” Cissnei breathed, running her fingers through his hair. Her brown eyes were full of passion and wonder as they stared up at him. He was easily the most considerate, skilled lover she'd ever had. “Feels so good,” she sighed with a smile.
He withdrew to the tip and thrust back in slowly, his sea green eyes studying her carefully. She moaned and rubbed his back encouragingly, wanting more. Reno panted her name shakenly and started pumping gently, taking care to gradually build up his speed and force so as not to hurt her. Cissnei gasped sharply with each thrust and she began to move her hips in synch with his thrusts. She arched her throat as his lips nuzzled it and she cried his name as he gave a hard push and grunted.
“I've been thinking about this for a long time,” Reno admitted breathlessly as he cupped her ass and lifted it for a better angle of penetration. He moaned when he thrust again, murmuring a soft praise to her. “Damn, baby…I don't know how long I can keep this up. You're so fucking tight and hot around me.”
Cissnei panted with pleasure and squeezed his waist with her thighs, urging him to greater speed and force. “Harder,” she demanded raggedly, nibbling his neck with lusty vigor.
“Oh, Gaia,” Reno panted as he obliged. He'd again underestimated her, thinking that her delicate frame couldn't take a good, hard fuck. He slammed into her and buried his face in her hair, swearing raggedly as her nails dug into his back and she cried his name. After a few moments, he changed positions. He stopped pumping and raised his body, sliding his hands under her back to lift her with him. Soon he had her sitting on his lap and riding him. She began to bounce enthusiastically and his eyes went blank with ecstasy. Her fingers tangled into his hair and her panting mouth covered his in a kiss that was almost brutal. He thrust his tongue into the warm recesses of her mouth, exploring it sensually while cupping her firm little butt.
Cissnei bit her lip to stop herself from screaming as Reno lifted her and guided her back down hard, while thrusting his hips upwards. He did it for a few moments before releasing her bottom. She gasped in surprised pleasure when his hand slid over her hip to the front and between her legs. His fingers stroked her clit while he pumped into her and he took one of her nipples into his mouth and teased it.
“R-Reno…ah…it's happening again!” Cissnei tossed her head back and moaned long and loud as the pressure exploded.
Reno groaned and released her nipple as her body clenched rhythmically around his dick. He couldn't hold back any more and he was afraid he'd accidentally bite the tender bud when he came. He plunged into her one more time and bucked inside of her, panting against her neck as he filled her. “Sorry baby,” he gasped against her soft skin between kisses. “I wanted to last longer but it's been so long and you feel so damn good.”
“Are you kidding?” she panted as she stroked his long hair. “You lasted longer than…” She paused and revised the sentence, thinking he probably didn't want to hear about her previous lovers' skills—or lack, thereof. “You lasted long enough. Plus you gave me an orgasm.” She had an expression of awe on her face as she regarded him. “I've never had one during sex before.”
Reno's ego flared even as he felt sorry for her. Sure, a lot of women had a harder time getting off during sex than men, but with the right care a man could make sure his partner got fulfilled. “Sweetheart, your ex-boyfriends must have been real losers.”
She was a little relieved that he seemed comfortable talking about her previous relationships. Most men didn't like to be reminded that someone had been there before them. “Compared to you, they were,” she agreed with a shy grin.
They showered together after they recovered, and Reno gave her another screaming orgasm before they finished bathing. He seemed to get as much satisfaction out of making her moan as he got out of his own pleasure. When they laid down together, he spooned intimately against her back and nuzzled her neck affectionately. Cissnei cuddled against him and stroked his arm until she fell asleep. Unbeknownst to her, Reno stayed up for a long time, just looking at her while she slept.
“God I hope I don't fuck this up,” he finally whispered. He kissed her softly on the cheek and laid his head down, closing his eyes. He really couldn't imagine ever getting tired of Cissnei but he'd thought the same thing before with at least one ex lover. The thing was, most of those other women changed after he committed to them. It was like they put on a big act and then once he was theirs, they dropped the farce and showed him their real personalities…which were usually overbearing and naggy.
~But my ex girlfriends were specifically trying to catch my eye,~ He reasoned with himself, ~Cissnei wasn't out to get me until she figured out I had a thing for her. I'm sure she ain't gonna do a 180 on me now that we've slept together. She's too…real...for games like that.~
Feeling a little more confident about the new relationship he'd unexpectedly entered, Reno sighed and gently squeezed the woman sleeping in his arms.
“Mmm, you're making it hard for me to go to work,” Reno murmured against Cissnei's lips. He'd flown them back to Midgar that morning and he took her to her apartment and made love to her again. Unfortunately, the Vice President called his cellphone shortly after they finished and he ordered Reno to come into work for a meeting.
“Then don't,” she teased, licking his lips daintily and making him groan. He lifted her and pressed her against the wall, his mouth hungry against hers.
“That's real fucking tempting,” he said raggedly as her legs wrapped around his waist. “I'd love to stay here all day and take you `till you can't walk, but I don't want to piss Rufus off, yo. His idea of reprimanding someone is probably to just shoot `em.”
Cissnei winced at that, knowing that Reno was only partially exaggerating. Rufus Shinra wasn't a man to be trifled with. “Okay, I don't want to get you shot,” she said with a sigh. “Will you come back over when you're finished?”
“You better believe it, doll,” Reno winked and gave her one more long, hungry kiss before lowering her back to the floor. “Think about places you want to go while I'm at work,” he said as he pulled out his car keys and started toward the door. “You've still got almost a week of vacation left and I'm gonna make sure you enjoy it.”
Cissnei stared at him. “You're really going to spoil me.”
He smirked at her before going out the door.
Reno walked into the room five minutes after the meeting began. Tseng, Rude and Elena were seated around the table and Rufus was pacing and talking about the terrorist group called AVALANCHE.
“My father is determined to put a stop to these attacks, but his methods are lacking,” Rufus was saying. He turned as Reno came in and he kept talking. “We'll need the full cooperation of the Turks on this matter, and Reno is late because he spent the morning having sex.”
All three of his fellow Turks looked up at the redhead, who stood frozen in place and gaping at Rufus. “Yo, how'd you—”
“I'm observant,” Rufus interrupted with a cocky smirk. His gray eyes scanned Reno with interest. “I can also smell her perfume. Have a seat, Reno.”
Reno quickly obeyed and he shot a nasty look at Elena when she smirked at him. Tseng was too dignified to show any amusement he might have felt and Rude's subtle grin was his only reaction.
“As I was saying,” continued Rufus, “bringing down AVALANCHE will require more than muscle. We need tact. Father is planning something that is going to be very unpleasant to carry out, for whomever he assigns to do it. I want you all to cooperate regardless of your personal feelings on the matter, is that understood?”
The Turks nodded in compliance, each of them wondering what unpleasant thing President Shinra was planning. “I'm going to be in Junon for a while,” Rufus went on, “and I expect to hear good news regarding this situation. For now, we have to follow my father's lead but some day I'll be in charge and I'm quite sure the company will run more smoothly once that occurs.”
Nobody disputed that. Rufus was clever, ambitious and relentless. He ruled with fear instead of money and he always kept a cool head. His father was easily distracted, greedy and a pretty horrible tactician. The Turks were as one in their desire to see Rufus take over as soon as possible, but for the time being their first loyalty had to be with the President.
The meeting went on for perhaps another ten minutes before Rufus dismissed everyone. Reno grimaced as Elena approached him after the meeting and asked who he'd been with, her eyes lit up with intrigue and mischief.
Seeing no reason to keep it a secret since he and Cissnei were now in a committed relationship, he shrugged and told her truthfully. She gasped with delight and congratulated Reno with enthusiasm that bordered on being obnoxious.
“You on drugs or something, Blondie?” Reno asked, only half-teasing.
“No, I'm just happy for you both,” Elena sighed with exasperation. “You know she's had a crush on you for the longest time, don't you?”
Reno's eyebrows shot up. Obviously he knew Cissnei found him attractive, but she never gave him any reason to believe she had a crush on him before. It actually made him feel pretty good, because she obviously didn't set out to get him. “I never knew that,” he answered. “Damn…all this time I've been trying so hard not to mack on her, too.”
Tseng overheard and the Wutaian stopped for a moment and gave Reno a knowing glance. “Mmm-hm,” he hummed in a satisfied tone.
“What's that supposed to mean?” Reno asked his superior defensively.
Tseng shrugged elegantly. “Your interest in her was fairly obvious to me, that's what it means. I trust this wasn't simply a fling?” His dark eyes said he'd be greatly disappointed in Reno if it were.
“No, it ain't just a fling,” the redhead answered crossly, “I wouldn't have done it if all I was after was a booty call, yo.”
“That's good to know,” Tseng replied. “I assume she must be feeling better?”
“Yeah,” said Reno with a little smile. “It's not gonna go away overnight but I'm sure she'll be ready to come back to work when her vacation's over with.”
“Good,” Tseng replied in satisfaction. “Tell her we look forward to having her back.”
That night, Reno discovered what the President's “unpleasant” plan was—and he was forced to carry it out. He had to rig a bomb to the plate support in Sector 7. The plan was not only to literally “crush” AVALANCHE but also to lay the blame for the destruction on them and ensure that the terrorist group was hated by the public. It was really low, even for President Shinra. Tseng captured the Cetra girl that Hojo wanted and he waited on standby as Reno rigged up the bomb. AVALANCHE somehow got word of the plan and they showed up to stop him, but Reno had already started the timer and he informed them that trying to fuck with it would only make it go off faster.
He'd met Cloud Strife before…once back when the blonde was friends with Zack and again in the church that Aerith liked to hang out in. He didn't expect the sweet-faced kid to be such a good fighter, though. While the big tittied brunette girl with him tried to stop the bomb and the muscular, one-armed black man guarded the stairs, Cloud fought Reno.
The Turk gave as good as he got but in the end he had a blackened eye and a twisted knee. He was forced to retreat before the bomb went off and Tseng picked him up in the helicopter. He didn't know if Cloud's little terrorist group got out before the plate fell and crushed the Sector or not. The pilot took them straight to headquarters, where Aerith was incarcerated for scientific study and Reno was taken to the doctor.
After having his knee treated and wrapped, the redhead stood on the balcony outside his office with Rude and watched Sector 7 burn.
“I'm going to hell for this one, yo.” Reno's chest felt tight but he wasn't about to start crying like a baby in front of his partner.
“You were only doing your job,” Rude consoled him softly. “That's what makes you a good Turk, man.”
“Yeah? Tell that to them,” Reno jerked his chin toward the carnage visible below through the missing plate section.
The door leading into his office opened and Reno turned to see Cissnei approaching. “I heard what happened,” she said, her brown eyes soft on him.
“How'd you know it was me?” Reno asked. He turned around, unable to face her.
“Elena told me.” Her soft footfalls approached and he closed his eyes as her arms went around him and her body pressed against his back.
“I've got things to do,” Rude said tactfully, “Give me a call later, partner.”
Reno nodded silently. He dropped a hand over Cissnei's and stroked it thankfully. Her presence was comforting, even though he felt like he didn't deserve to look at her.
When Rude was gone, Cissnei spoke softly. “Reno, have you ever wanted to quit the Turks?”
“No,” he answered without hesitation, “but I'll sure as hell be glad when Rufus is in charge, instead of his old man. He'd never let something get him desperate enough to pull a stunt like this.” Of course, that didn't mean Rufus was incapable of punishing innocent people…it just meant he was less likely to resort to it, especially if he could directly punish whoever deserved it. “Have you ever wanted to quit?”
“Sometimes,” she admitted. He knew it took a lot of trust for her to admit something like that. The Turks wasn't an organization you could just “quit”. Attempting to do so would require finding a hole deep enough to hide in, because company secrets weren't something the organization was willing to part with. “I was raised by the Turks, though. They're my family, really.”
“So that's what keeps you in line?” Reno asked, finally bringing himself to turn around and face her.
She reached up and gently traced his blackened eye, wincing in sympathy. “I'm not sure. Things are a lot better now with you and Tseng in charge. The only time I felt the temptation to quit since you guys have been in charge was after Corneo almost…you know.”
“Shit, who could blame you?” Reno said. He could imagine her terror and helplessness that night, having seen the way the fat bastard had her pinned down. Nearly getting raped on the job would make any sane person question whether it was time for a career change. “I hope you plan on sticking around, doll. I'm gonna make sure you're never put in a position like that again.”
Cissnei embraced him and laid her head against his chest. He stroked her hair and rocked her. “You're turning out to be a pretty good boyfriend so far,” she murmured. “I don't know what you were so worried about.”
Reno managed a chuckle at that. “Give it some time, toots. I'll manage to do something to piss you off soon.”
-To be continued