Final Fantasy - All Series Fan Fiction ❯ Memories of Flesh and Leather ❯ Chapter 1 ( Chapter 1 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Memories of Flesh and Leather

Author's Note: Ok...I couldn't help myself with this one. I read a few fics involving this pairing and be damned if this story didn't just write itself. Also I had some VERY nice inspiration in terms of some artwork I found. In the fic you will see three brackets with [Illustration 1,2,3]. I am enclosing the links to these pics I found so you can see the pics.

Please read and review and let me know if I should make this a long ficcy or a short one. Right now I could go either way but I am sort of leaning towards a lengthier fic if people are interested.
Anywhoot on with the ficcy....and lots of Poor-Sexually-Repressed Auron moments. Tee hee....
Auron sat his back resting against a stone pillar. [Illustration 1] He shifted uncomfortably for a moment a dream never felt so real. He thought idly as he solemnly contemplated his jug. He would eventually drink from it, but for the moment, contemplating took precedence.

A dream never felt so real...heh. His mind rambled from that thought.

No...that wasn't quite right.

He had in fact had several reoccurring dreams that felt so real he would awaken in a cold sweat, a name falling from his lips as the phantom touch of fingertips faded in the morning light.

But you're coming back aren't you, you bastard? Coming back to help me end these tiresome dreams and this tiresome existence.

He could feel Jecht's presence.

His lover was returning.

Returning to see his son play blitz ball once before he would be forced to rip that young man from the only world he ever knew and leave him in that sickened world which Auron knew he also had to return to.

He slowly checked his watch.

One hour until game time.

He tilted the jug towards his lips as a memory popped into his mind.


"Hey! What's in that jug you're always luggin' around Auron?"

Auron's shoulders stiffened as the owner of that rakish and hopeful voice bumped into him, the smell of strong liquor rolling off the darker man in noxious waves. Casting a cold glare to the side, Auron hastened him pace in an attempt to leave his rather unwanted "companion" behind.

Unwanted for more reasons than Auron wanted to contemplate at that moment.

He froze mid-step however when a small pebble bounced off the back of his head.

"What? You think you're too good to talk to me pretty boy?" That jeering voice taunted him from behind.

Auron could feel a slow burn starting up, his ears turning a bright pink. He turned slowly, ignoring Braska's hand which was gripping one of his shoulders.

Only to have a second pebble hit him in the forehead.

The three men froze. Jecht was the first to recover however as a low shameless chuckle started up, which swiftly grew into full-force laughter.

Auron stood, trying desperately to remain dignified. The cause was lost however when a chuckle to his side caught his attention.

Braska was also laughing.

As any good warrior knew, sometimes retreat was the best option and he turned and ignored the two men for the rest of the day, despite Braska's apology and Jecht's continued tries at conversation.

That next day was one he would remember for the rest of his "life".

The three had made camp, Auron taking the first watch. He sat, silently contemplating the events of the previous day. He scowled at the fact that the other man had so easily gotten him riled. What sort of warrior was he to get so bent out of shape over a fucking drunk?! He resolved to ignore the other man for the rest of the journey so that he could better serve Braska.

It was around 2 or 3 in the morning when Jecht stumbled out of the large tent the three shared, his shoulder armor swinging behind him as he tried to get the straps situated.

Auron quirked one eyebrow as he watched the older man finally come up with a 'solution'. He placed one of the straps in his mouth and stretched trying to bring the other end around the other side. [Illustration 2]

He grunted a preoccupied greeting to the still seated Auron. Auron grunted back and stood. He surveyed his still struggling companion for a moment before rolling his eyes and grabbing the loose strap and pulling it around so Jecht could reach it.

Jecht froze for a moment before grinning widely, "Heh...didn't know you cared."

Auron gave him a blank look, "I don't. It's just tiresome watching you." He turned and began towards the tent.

A thump and a jingle drew his attention and he turned only to step back involuntarily as he found himself nearly nose to nose with Jecht.

He watched as Jecht's lips curled back in an expression somewhere between amusement and a leer.

Slowly Jecht brought his left hand to his mouth, his eyes never leaving Auron's as he pulled his glove off. Auron blinked in confusion, "What the he--?!"

The thought was cut off when Jecht grabbed a handful of his hair and suddenly jerked them close.

"You think you're so much better than everyone." Jecht whispered, his thumb caressing the strands he held in his hand. [Illustration 3] "But you know what? I can make you loose that cool."

Auron glared at him, "I doubt it. Unless you planned on throwing more rocks at me."

Jecht chuckled at the challenge, "I was so hoping you'd say that." he said.

Before Auron could retort, Jecht's mouth was on his, the hand that had been holding his hair was now firmly gripping the back of his neck, holding them together.

Auron grunted in shock but Jecht had skill on his side and before the younger man could collect his bearings, Jecht had him down on the ground their lips still pressed together.

Auron struggled in vain as Jecht used his weight as leverage to pin his arms and legs down. He wrenched his head to the side breaking the kiss, his chest heaving for breath, partly from the kiss and partly from the total shock of what was happening.

Having been denied the younger man's lips, Jecht turned his attention to the exposed flesh in front of him. Sharp teeth nipped an earlobe wrenching a surprised yelp from Auron before the wound was soothed by a skillful tongue.

Slowly licks and nips were trailed from ear to jaw line to throat.

Placing one last nibble on a convulsively jumping Adams apple, Jecht pulled back and surveyed the man pinned below him.

Auron cast a cold death glare on him, "What? Rape is no fun if I don't struggle?" he hissed.

Jecht grinned then started to laugh, "Rape? Please. Even I have more tact that THAT." He leaned down and whispered roughly, "But I did make you loose your cool didn't I?"

Auron stiffened. That was what that whole episode had been about?! To make him loose his cool?!?!

He struggled again and this time Jecht allowed him to stand.

Auron angrily straightened out his ruffled clothing and turned from the still smiling Jecht.

He started towards the tent but after a few steps he was halted when a set of tanned arms suddenly encircled him, pinning his arms to his sides.

"Just do yourself a favor. Pull that stick out of your ass and don't act like you didn't enjoy it. This journey is going to be rough enough. Don't deprive us both of the only creature comforts we might be able to share." Hot breath tickled his ear as the words were throatily whispered then followed by a small nip to his earlobe.

With that he was released and Auron hastened to the tent, pausing only once to look back and see Jecht sitting cross legged, his armor already on and staring at the moon with a peaceful smile on his lips.

He slipped into the tent and hastily made his way to his pallet, and a sleepless night.

Jecht sat under the moon and stars and smiled, "Next move is yours kid."
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