Final Fantasy - All Series Fan Fiction ❯ Memories of Flesh and Leather ❯ Chapter 2 ( Chapter 2 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Memories of Flesh and Leather
Author's Note: Ok…so I have been a bad bad girl. Got the story going and then it just went *blip*. I've got the next chapter going and a good idea for a third. I'm gonna post the next chapter now before I sit down with my notebook and plan out the fic and get to finishing the third chapter. Once I have a story plan (Which shouldn't be too hard since I found a website with the full script of FFX) the chapters should roll out easier…hopefully….
Anyways, on with the ficcage!
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The next morning Auron stumbled out of the tent with a frustrated growl, dark circles under both eyes.
Braska looking to him in concern but he brushed off the gentler man's queries as he walked straight to Jecht and without a pause, pulled one arm back and rabbit punched the older man straight in the nose, knocking Jecht on his ass with a bloody nose.
A sleepy smile broke over his face as he turned and headed back towards the tent. He squatted down beside Braska, “I'm sorry Braska but do you still remember that sleep spell? I didn't sleep at all last night and in this condition I would be of no good to either of you.”
Braska looked between the two men for a minute before rolling his eyes and gestured to the tent. Auron happily complied and headed to his pallet. Braska gestured with his staff and bright green sparkles filled the air, immediately putting Auron to sleep.
He exited the tent and surveyed Jecht who was still sitting where he had landed, head tilted back and a large grin on his face. Braska quirked an eyebrow and walked over to his guardian and squatted down, “What has you in such fine spirits my friend?” he asked, a half smile curling his lips.
Jecht chuckled softly, the sound rumbling from his chest, “I got to him so bad he couldn't sleep.”
Braska's smile grew slightly, “Oh? And how did you go about doing so?” he asked reaching for the water jug, expecting another tale of the usual argument between the `useless drunk' and the `uptight fuckin monk'.
“I kissed him.”
Braska spit the gulp of water in his mouth out with a surprised snorting noise. Jecht watched in amusement as the blue haired man composed himself.
“You kissed him?” Braska asked, not quite believing the man. It wasn't to say that his younger guardian wasn't handsome, but his seriousness bordered on sullenness at times.
Jecht grinned, looking rather pleased with himself despite the blood still dripping from his nose.
Braska leaned towards him a little, curiosity running high, “Well? What did he do?”
“Well, he pretty much laid there and tried to kill me with glares.” Jecht said calmly.
Braska shook his head, “Don't you think talking to him may have produced more favorable results?” he asked, his voice a gently reproof. He gestured with his right hand, blue sparkles exploding around Jecht as the cure spell healed his nose, the blood immediately stopping.
Jecht chuckled softly, at the gentle chastisement. “I suppose it might have saved my nose, but how do you think he would have reacted? He already stays away from me as much as possible.” He paused, thoughtfully silent for a moment before continuing, “But at least now I've got him thinking physically.”
Braska shook his head for a moment before clapping a hand to Jecht's shoulder, “Just…don't torture him so much. I bet if you actually try a few sober conversations he may open up to you.”
Jecht wrinkled his nose at the emphasis Braska had put on sober. He grumbled and cast a look at the tent where a loud snore suddenly drew his attention, “I'll think about it.”
----------------end flashback for now----------------------
Auron sighed and shifted as he tore his thoughts away from the past.
He checked his watch, half an hour until game time.
Slowly he surveyed the scene below him. The streets were full of life; men, women and children swarming around.
Laughter, tears, conversations all merging into one great noise.
His gaze honed in on one young man; smile bright as ever, walking and talking it up with his fans, unknowing of the presence creeping unstoppably back into his life.
Their lives.
Auron's gaze left Tidus and hesitantly found Jecht's Memorial, the huge picture garishly displaying a portrait of the long gone blitzer.
He scowled momentarily at the petty sensation of not wanting to share that likeness with anyone.
He sighed and took a heavy draught from his tokkuri, now used to hold liquor instead of the holy water he used to carry.
A fact that would no doubt tickle Jecht to death…well…if Jecht was still truly alive.
He ruefully held a hand up to his own gaze, watching as his fingers slowly shimmered into a smoky haze until with a thought the haze once more solidified.
He was one to think about living.
He sighed heavily, looking to his side where a sword lay. Jecht's legacy to his son.
A rare chuckle rumbled up from his chest as he remembered the first time Jecht tried using that same sword.
---------------------------Flash back again!---------------------------
Auron turned a pained look to Braska, “Honestly my lord, do you really think we have time for this?”
Braska laughed as they watched Jecht trying to wield the large sword. “Come now Auron. I think it's rather…well…sweet.”
Auron turned an incredulous look to the blue haired man, “Lord Braska?”
Braska chuckled, “Don't you see? He's trying to mimic your style of weaponry. He admires you even if he'll never admit to it.”
Auron grunted dubiously as Jecht grinned triumphantly, “Alright Auron! I'm ready for you now!”
Auron sighed heavily and stepped forward, hefting his own large sword with practiced ease. “Alright. Attack me like you mean it. I'll just defend.”
Jecht grinned cockily and charged full tilt and the younger man, the large sword swinging rather ungracefully. Time and time again he attacked, the weight of the sword throwing him off balance more oft than not.
“Jecht are you alright?” Braska called in mild concern as Jecht accidentally made a mistake mid-swing and nicked himself with his own sword.
“Ah. I'm fine. Just getting a feel for this and trying to take it easy on the kid at the same time is a little tricky.” Jecht called back grinning widely, missing the dangerous glare Auron gave him.
Jecht brought his sword up for another swing and in a move too fast for him to follow, Auron neatly parried his swing and using his off balance momentum, flipped him over and onto his back positioning his own sword at Jecht's throat.
“Do you really think you have the skill to take it easy on me?” Auron asked coldly.
Jecht stared at the sharp of the blade which was now looming quite dangerously close.
“Ah…” Jecht began, but Auron was already walking away.
Despite pretending ignorance, Auron didn't miss Jecht's heavy sigh, “Braska…I told you this was a bad idea.”
“Don't worry Jecht. He'll warm up to you eventually.” Braska encouraged.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~End Flashback~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~End Chapter~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~