Final Fantasy - All Series Fan Fiction ❯ Moment's in life ❯ Part two:Chapter nineteen ( Chapter 19 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

A/N: all tifa chapter yay!! Since I can't get online to post previous chapter I will write this one till stupid gets off. Ok for the sake of the story marlene's a year old, barret's just started avalanche, and well yeah just believe barrets hometown just got destroyed. Even though technically marlene wouldn't have been born. Just go with it.

Part two

Chapter nineteen


"So what sector does this last one go?" the shinra soldier asked the pilot.

"Uhh let's just put her down in the sector 7 slums they're closest." The pilot said. The shinra soldier tied a bag of gil to Tifa's belt as they prepared to decent.

"Ok get out and toss her somewhere." The pilot said. The man nodded his head and went into town.

"Too bad she is a pretty one…god my wife would kill me if she heard that." The man said as he ran a random doorbell. An old woman opened the door.

"Uh can I help you young sir?" she asked kindly.

"Yeah can you like take care of her until she finds her way around." He said setting her on the porch and walking away. The lady attempted to say something, but the man was already in his helicopter.

"Will, come here!" she screamed for her husband.

"Yes?" he asked eyeing the girl on the porch.

"Could you take her to Barret? Some shinra just dropped her off." The old lady asked her husband sweetly.

"Alrighty, oh my she sure is a pretty one." He said as he lifted Tifa up and walked her over to Barret's junky two-story shack.

"Hey Barret I hope your home. I have a present for you." The old man said as he kicked the door open.

"Hey what the fuck you just can't kick open someone's door." A tall young black man said threatening him with his gun arm and holding a small baby in the other.

"Morning Barret. I got you a present. Some shinra dropped her off on my porch." The man said laying her on the couch.

"Shinra you say?" he asked intrigued.

"Yep, maybe she'll join your little resistance group with the rest of those little jokers." The old man said smirking.

"Hey if you're going to make fun of it get the hell out. And on your way tell those `jokers' to get in here." Barret said angrily yep soft enough not to wake the baby.

"Alrighty." The old man said as he walked out the door. A few minutes later three people still in there early teens ran in.

"You called." Jessie said smirking.

"You three are in charge of taking care of her until she wakes up. And while your doing it think of way to make our organization some money." Barret said taking the baby and a bottle down to the next level.

"Uhhh…what do we do?" asked Biggs.

"We could shake her awake." Said wedge.

"Nah I guess we sit here until she wakes up." Jessie suggested pulling up a chair.

"That plan I like." Wedge said smiling and sitting at the wooden table with a plate of food. Biggs shrugged happily and sat across from him and pulled up a bottle of booze.

After several hours of staring, eating, and drinking.

"I'm bored…" Jessie said leaning back.

"I'm stuffed…" wedge said belching.

"Hehehe I'm **hiccup** drunk." Biggs said woozily. Tifa started to wake up with a pounding headache.

"Urg…what happened and where am I?" Tifa asked looking around at the three.

"Your in the sector seven slums in Midgar…" Jessie started.

"MIDGAR!! What? I was just in Nibelhiem!" Tifa yelled.

"Hey what's with all the damn yelling!" Barret said as he climbed up the pole. They all looked at him.

"Oh it's good to see yer awake." He said gruffly.

"Umm how did I get here, who are you, and who are they?" Tifa asked blandly.

"Hoo boy… we'll their Jessie, Biggs, and Wedge. I'm Barret and some shinra guys dropped you off." Barret said grabbing something off the table.

"Hey you said your were from Nibelhiem, right? Maybe you should read this." Barret said handing her the newspaper.

Accident at Nibelhiem

Two days ago at the small village of Nibelhiem there was an accident at the reactor witch caused the town to catch fire and burn down. Luckily Sephiroth and several others were on the scene to help. Sadly when General Sephiroth went to check out the reactor he plummeted into the mako pools. His body was found and he was pronounced dead yesterday evening. As for the other men from shinra they disappeared in the flames. Long time elusive criminal Zangan the great was thought to be the cause of the explosion. All resident who have survived will be transported to a safe destination. The area of Nibelhiem will be off limits for the next 2 years do to the mako that coats the ground. May we all bow our heads for the dearly departed Sephiroth.

There was a large picture of a man in a cape and a larger picture of the smoldering town and a picture of general Sephiroth.

"No that just doesn't sound right…" Tifa said wrinkling her eyebrows.

"Ah don't stress yourself if you remember something just tell me and I'll call a meeting." Barret said cheerfully.

"Uhh Barret who's turn is it to cook dinner?" wedge asked.

"God didn't you eat enough already? Well let's see here…eww it's Biggs turn…" Barret said sadly.

"Ohh man I told you guys I can't cook." Biggs whined.

"Umm I can cook for you guys if you'd like?" Tifa said kindly.

"Are you good?" Jessie asked

"From how it sounds I'm probably better than he is." Tifa said pointing to Biggs.

"Ok you cook for us and we'll let you stay here." Barret said.

"Alright that sounds fair." Tifa said walking into the kitchen.

Two hours later

Tifa set the food down on the table for them.

"Say now this stuff is great!" Barret said through a mouthful of food.

"Uh thanks my mother taught…" Tifa stopped in mid sentence. Flashes of hot flames and silver waving hair then a man laying on the ground dead. She heard her mind scream `PAPA!'. Then she saw a flash of black spiky hair in a SOLDIER uniform.

"Hey you remember something?" Jessie asked.

"Kind of…give me a bit to think about it." Tifa said sitting on the counter. Tifa sat staring into space. In her mind there was a picture of the guy in the paper teaching her how to fight. Then she remembered seeing a sword blade coming at her after that she remembered laying on the ground watching a guy with black hair run into a room with his sword drawn.

"Hey Tifa that was a great meal." Biggs said shaking her from her thoughts. Tifa smiled and began to pick up the dishes. She set them down on the sink and one of them bumped her ribs.

"Oww stupid son of a…" Tifa started holding her side in pain.

"Hey you ok?" Barret said getting up.

"Ah what the… I think I have like stitches here" Tifa said feeling the long slash through her shirt.

"WAIT! I remember now!" Tifa said turning around to face them. All her memories were starting to flood back to her.

"I remember Sephiroth went crazy and set the town on fire, he took my father up the mountain and I followed. He killed my father and I ran after him with his sword. Then it get kind of blurry but a guy in a SOLDIER uniform ran in with his sword drawn." Tifa said quickly. They all stared at her.

"So Sephiroth burned the town. Then who was that Zangan guy." Wedge asked.

"He…was my martial arts teacher!" Tifa said proudly.

"So that SOLDIER boy must've kill him…" Barret said nodding his head. "Yeah that makes sense shinra always lying to us." Barret added.

"I bet they killed him…" Jessie said sadly.

"Tch anyone who was strong enough to slaughter Sephiroth…hell he's probably being put up for experiments. Much worse than being dead." Barret said angrily. A baby started to cry from downstairs.

"Shit…you jokers, since Tifa cooked you guys do the dishes. Tifa, we'll continue this after I get Marlene to calm down." Barret said jumping down to the lower level. Tifa sat at the table and sat with her head in her hand. That guy… he was having experiments done to him. As she sat there thinking about it the word cloud kept flashing in her mind.

"Who is cloud?" she mumbled to herself. The other were to busy fighting over who had to dry dishes to hear her mumbling to herself.

A/N: I think it's safe to say this story is half way done. Give or take a few chapters.