Final Fantasy - All Series Fan Fiction ❯ moving on ❯ 5- discipline? ( Chapter 5 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
I hope people liked the last coupla chapters. I kinda plunged into the 'issues' stuff... I was a bit worried about that.

~*~*~*~CHAPTER 5: Discipline?~*~*~*~

<i>'It'll be sad my friend, to see it come to an end' - Ash, 'Walking Barefoot'</i>

Seifer heard a thudding of boots, and turned as a large number of running SeeDs entered Garden's lobby. Smirking, he drew his Hyperion from its sheath, before realising that doing so would not get him anywhere. Seifer sighed and replaced the blade.

The disciplinary committee drew to a halt. Stepping forward smugly, their leader mock-saluted to Mr. Wilson.

"What seems to be the problem.....Mr. Wilson, sir?" he enquired.

The old man pointed a trembling finger in Seifer's direction.

"Him.. he's back!"

The elderly gatekeeper quivered in fear as the tall, dark leader of the 'Garden Slugs' (as they were called behind their backs) smiled nastily, then visibly relaxed as the imposing figure turned his attention to Seifer.


'Our little group has always been, and always will until the end'- Nirvana, 'Smells Like Teen Spirit'.

Four pairs of eyes stared at Rinoa. Though she was more than a little ashamed of her earlier outburst, she refused to back down, and stared everyone in the face in turn.

Stupid bitch deserved it, she reasoned to herself. She's needed that for a long time.

Squall was the first to speak.

" better go apologise." His eyes were steely.

"No frickin' WAY!" Rinoa spluttered. "Did you hear what she said to me?"

"Yeah, I did. But Rinny, what you said to her.....that wasn't fair to her, OK? That was totally out of place. You know none of the stuff you said was true."

"Squall-!" Rinoa hissed. "Take my side for ONCE, would you?!"

"Tell you what, Rinoa. Let's talk about this outside." Without even giving her time to draw breath, Squall pulled Rinoa by the arm to the door and into the dark corridor.

"SQUALL!" Rinoa screeched.

"SHUT UP!" her boyfriend yelled.

Squall caught his breath, then grabbed Rinoa by the upper arms, so that she would not fight him.


"Up until now, I've been putting up with you. Your bitchiness, your whinging, your catfights with half of Garden. But THAT HAS GOT TO CHANGE, ok? I can't keep making excuses for you to everyone, can't keep telling everyone that you're still getting used to living at Garden... and if you don't, then....."

Rinoa breathed in sharply, her dark eyes as wide as they would go.


"Then...we're finished."

Squall turned abruptly on his heel and stumped down the dimly lit corridor. He ignored her frantic calls for him to return.

<i>'What in the world happened to you?'- The Offspring, 'What happened to you?'</i>

Seifer and Raijin stared at each other wonderingly. The two old friends had not seen each other since Raijin had decided not to support Seifer as a Sorceress' Knight.

"So, Raijin, how you been? I see you're head of MY disciplinary committee now..." Seifer asked, his face deadpan.

"Hey man, you aren't pissed.. are ya? I mean about the sorceress, and now this.." Raijin trailed off, watching Seifer's face nervously for signs of anger.

Seifer's wooden expression transformed into a wide grin

"Hey, Raijin! Why would I be mad? I WAS possessed, after all. And about the other thing.. well, I came here to talk to Headmaster Cid about readmission to Garden."

His onetime companion punched the air in glee.

"Shit, that's great, ya know? We can get our old posse back together! I know Fu's around here somewhere. Hell, she was here a minute ago.." Raijin looked about willingly. He knew that if the slight, silver-haired girl returned and discovered he hadn't informed her of Seifer's return, Fujin would beat the crap out of him, for all his size.

"Relax." Seifer reassured him. "You got me around to control her."

Raijin rolled his dark eyes in admission. "Hell, yeah. It's been awful, ya know?"

"You'll have to tell me..after I speak to the headmaster."

"Okay, man. Hey, it's just great to have you back!"

Seifer grimaced. "Mr. Wilson didn't seem to think so."

Raijin frowned in response. When he looked up, his face was serious.

"Dude, I'm not sayin' everyone's gonna be as happy about it as I am. You sure as hell won't be popular around here for a long while."

"I know. But I needed another chance. You may not have realised it, but I've grown up, Raijin. Right now, my only 'ambition' is to be re-enrolled here, and to make SeeD."

And with that, Seifer strode away to the lobby, his gait purposeful.

Raijin gazed at his friend. What was driving him? What had sparked Seifer's return to Garden? He'd never before expressed any real wish to be in SeeD, except for the power it bestowed. He sighed, then turned-

"Come on, squad. We're going to find Fujin."

* * *

The Ash quote is from 'Walking Barefoot', on their album 'Free All Angels'.

The Nirvana quote is from 'Smells Like Teen Spirit', one of the best songs ever!!