Final Fantasy - All Series Fan Fiction ❯ My Happy Ending ❯ New Year's Day ( Chapter 27 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Chapter 27 - New Year's Day
All is quiet on New Year's Day,
A world in white gets
I want to be with you
Be with you night and day
Nothing changes on New Year's Day
On New Year's Day
I will be with you again
- U2 “New Year's Day”
The Shields family arrived in Cosmo Canyon sometime in the late evening at Nokomis's house, and the tired crew stumbled out of the large van stiff-legged, groggy from napping, and hungry. Luckily, Nokomis was always a step ahead as she had already prepared a big pot of stew and homemade bread loaves for them all to eat.
As Raye and her brothers ate together in the living room, Rick sat back with Nokomis at a small table in the kitchen, and talked with her. She was his late wife's mother, but to him, Nokomis was like his own. Rick's mom died when he was very young, and so, his father raised him alone. Rick's father had long passed, and Nokomis was the only kind of family he had left.
“It's so encouraging to see Cosmo Canyon's still going to have a festival, despite the sorry shape this world was left in,” he remarked.
Nokomis nodded. “People must have something to look forward to, Rick. Your children look forward to coming here every year.” She paused. “People also need something to hope for. The New Year's festival is meant to ring in hope of prosperity for the year to come. Everyone could use a boost of morale these days, what with the world in a state of chaos and anarchy.”
“Well, the WRO is doin' its best to help people out and establish order,” Rick told her. “Back in Midgar, it seems people have really come together to try and reconstruct the new city and move on with their lives. Food's a little more expensive now, and things are harder to come by, but it looks like people are learning to survive without mako energy.”
“I hope things will eventually go back to the way they were and the Planet will forgive mankind for what they have done to her,” Nokomis said. “We pray to the Planet each day here in Cosmo Canyon to ask her forgiveness for humanity's sins, and we also throw this festival in her honor.”
“Well, I know the kids will have fun, and…” Rick went quiet a moment. “…they'll want to visit their mother, I'm sure.”
“Of course,” Nokomis said. She sighed. “There is not a day that goes by where I don't miss Mai.”
“Same here, Mom,” Rick told her sadly. “And it never gets any easier no matter how many years pass.”
“Well, perhaps the festivities will lighten all of your moods.”
Cid arrived in Cosmo Canyon early in the morning, and from what he could tell, the place had been left unchanged even by the calamity that Sephiroth had brought from the sky. He remembered this place vaguely from his childhood, but hadn't been back in years, save for the time he visited with Avalanche.
Cid parked his truck and remembered that he had a very important item he'd been keeping in his glove box. He took out a small pouch and placed it in his pocket before he let out Captain and began the short hike up the cliffside. He was greeted by the scent of homemade sweets, music, and hundreds of people milling and dancing about as they celebrated the coming of the New Year. He'd heard of the festival and what it represented - the chance for one to go back to their roots and honor the Planet while ringing in the hope for prosperity.
Cid, however, wasn't sure why he felt compelled to come here. It certainly wasn't to return to his roots or any of that other crap the locals always talked about, but he considered that maybe he just wanted some companionship, even if it was in the company of complete strangers. In the back of his mind, he'd remembered that Raye had said something about being her for the festival each year. After what happened at Christmas, Cid wasn't sure if he wanted to see her. In fact, avoiding her seemed to be the best option right now because he was fairly sure she'd kill him if she saw him.
He put his dog on a leash and was content to wander among the festival goers and nibble on the foods the festival had to offer. His coat hung loosely over his shoulders as his arm was contained in a sling. He was looking at one of the stands selling souvenirs when he heard a familiar voice call his name.
“Hey! Cid!”
He turned around to find Brad waving at him in the crowd at another stand across the way. Cid made his way over to him to find his grandmother sitting in a chair surrounded by loaves of freshly made bread of all flavors.
“Brad…” he trailed.
“I didn't expect to see you here,” Raye's brother remarked.
“Yeah…I dunno. I just had to get out for awhile.”
“I don't blame you. I imagine you can't do much with that busted arm, huh?”
“I can't do shit with this busted ass arm,” Cid growled.
“Hey…take it easy. So…how've you been since…well you know?”
Cid shrugged. “Takin' it one day at a time. I didn't realize it, but it's pretty damned lonely without Shera. Guess I got used to her presence.” He paused and looked for her. “Um…how is she?”
“She's…okay. She couldn't make it here because she wanted to stay open on New Year's so she could get more money, but I have to say, her business is going well for her,” Brad told him.
“That's good. Does she still hate me?” he asked sheepishly.
The other man shook his head. “No, she doesn't hate you. She never did, but like you, she's taking things one day at a time. I've been patient with her because that's what she needs right now.”
Cid reached out and shook his shoulder. “Just…don't fuck it up like I did and lose her, man. She's a helluva woman.” He let his hand drop. “Um…how's your sister. I know she probably hates me now.”
Brad nodded. “I see. You came to see her.”
“I did not, damn it. I just…couldn't stay at the house. Besides, I had somethin' I wanted to do here.”
“Well, she's the same as ever, but as far as you're concerned, she hasn't said much. Well, she never says much about you anyway, but she's just being Raye.” He offered a friendly smile. “If you're interested, she's going to be in an archery contest sometime this afternoon. You should watch her. She's incredible.”
Cid nodded. “I'll keep that in mind.” There was an awkward moment, and Cid rubbed the back of his head. “You know, I…never got a chance to thank you guys and your sister, well, for havin' me over for Christmas. Really meant a lot and I'm sorry I was the cause of a lot of unrest. I feel real bad over it.”
Brad waved a hand. “None of us knew, so it couldn't be helped, and maybe if you see Raye, you can thank her yourself. I'm sure she's around somewhere.”
“Well if I don't you can tell her for me,” he replied. “I think I'm gunna look around some more. See ya `round.”
Cid walked off from the stand, but he wasn't much in a festive mood. In fact, he hadn't been since he even arrived. Amidst all the unfamiliarity, the pilot spotted a path that seemed to lead upward to a secluded place he'd frequented on his rare trips back here. He didn't know where much else was, but he knew well where the path he was looking at led. So, he began to climb the red rocky steps, expecting to reach its end at the summit of a cliff where he could be alone to think.
Upon reaching the top of the steps, what he found was not solitude, but unexpected company, with their back turned to him, completely unaware of his presence. But he recognized the figure immediately as it was given away by a mane of that familiar flaming red hair.