Final Fantasy - All Series Fan Fiction ❯ My Happy Ending ❯ Try ( Chapter 29 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Chapter 29 - Try
“Don't try to run away
`cause I understand what you're feeling.
Don't try to run away
`cause I understand the pain
That's tearing you apart.”
-Ian Van Dahl “Try”
Raye fled the scene leaving Cid behind in the dust. She wanted to run as far away and as fast as humanly possible from him, and she did exactly that. The redhead stumbled through the crowd, dodging and bumping into people as she made her way along. She had no idea what was going on, but she didn't like it. He'd kissed her, and for what reason, Raye did not know. All she knew was that it scared her, and, strangely enough, she enjoyed it.
Brad happened to look up and saw his sister dart by the stand he was working, and he couldn't help but wonder what on earth was going on with her. He'd never seen Raye so flustered in his life. He thought that maybe he ought to go after her and find out what was wrong, but then again, if something had upset her, he figured she would only try to hide it from him like she tended to do. That and he wasn't in a position where he could just leave since Nokomis had gone to pick up some supplies for later.
Raye came upon the familiar path that took her into the Ancient Forest. She figured that maybe if she went in the forest, then Cid wouldn't come and find her like she knew he would. She wandered through the labyrinth of trees, plants, and other growth until she came to a gnarly tree that stretched across a spring-fed pond. The topside of the tree trunk was covered about an inch thick in dark green moss and made the perfect cushion for sitting on the trunk to look down into the water. Raye grabbed a hold of the ancient vines that wrapped around the tree and pulled herself up, finally settling down to catch her breath and reorganize her thoughts.
Why? Why did he do that? Why would Cid in his right mind even think he could just up and kiss her like that? Or maybe she wanted him to because she was vulnerable - and so was he. It was a sensitive moment, and everything had been so screwed up over the holidays. She'd been struggling with herself and trying to see the good in the bastard, despite all the things he'd put Shera through. Or maybe she did see the good in him and just didn't want to see it because she was afraid she might actually like him.
She sighed wistfully and looked down at her reflection in the water. Inwardly, she was glad the archery contest for the evening had been moved to tomorrow. There was no way she could be in her right mind for that after…this.
Cid had started off chasing after Raye down the steps, but upon reaching the bottom, she was swallowed up by the large mass of people, and there was no telling where she would go. He figured Raye wouldn't go home because she wouldn't want her brothers to see her in such a disheveled state of mind, yet he really didn't know Cosmo Canyon enough to figure out where else she might be. He'd been to the observatory on several occasions during his travels with Avalanche, but Cid wasn't sure why she'd want to go there.
Where would she go to be alone? Think, Cid, think.
He suddenly remembered a forest of some kind that Cloud and the others helped open up, and they would often go there to pick medicinal flowers and plants for healing purposes. He walked through the crowds of the festival goers and looked around for Raye until he came upon a path marked “Ancient Forest”. Cid figured that if she would go anywhere to be alone, it had to be there. That and the fresh footprints of Raye's sandals gave her away.
He entered the Ancient Forest, taking care not to touch the live pitcher plants that could harm you if provoked and giving respect to this sacred living place. The Ancient Forest was one of the few places left on the planet that had been unharmed by Meteor. He continually glanced down to check Raye's tracks before coming to a spot near the edge of the water where the prints stopped. Confused, Cid glanced about him before finally having sense enough to look up and spot Raye sitting on a large trunk that hung just over the surface of the pond.
Sheepishly, Cid shuffled, having not even thought of what he was going to say to her if he did catch her. He scratched the back of his head as he searched for words. An apology, maybe? Yeah…that sounded like a good start.
“Uhm…” he trailed. Apparently, an apology was going to be easier said than done, but he figured that he ought to be pretty damn good at them by now. “Hey, uh…”
Raye heard his voice and cringed. “You really should go, Cid.”
Cid stepped to the side of the tree to get a better look at her face. “Aw c'mon, Raye! Dun be like that! At least gimme a chance…”
“A chance for what? A relationship now?” she asked curtly. Raye sighed. “Just what the fuck was that back there, Cid?”
“I…dunno,” he trailed uncertainly. “And I'm sorry. That was a stupid fuckin' thing to do, and I have no idea what the hell came over me.”
Raye looked down into her lap. “You…you were like a whole other person, Cid. I've never seen you like that.”
He leaned against the tree and crossed his arms - well as best he could with a bum arm. “I dunno, Raye. I just…I dunno. I can't explain it myself. I guess…I guess maybe I was just feeling kinda vulnerable…and lonely…and just a lot of shit's happened at once. I really can't explain myself in any other way other than…I'm a dumbass and if ya wanna hit me, you can.”
Raye snorted and shook her head. “I…I'm not going to hit you.”
Cid hopped up onto the tree trunk and sat next to Raye but at somewhat of a distance. “So…if you're not gonna hit me for a change, then…how about you at least…let me say I'm sorry and…um…accept it?”
Raye didn't offer a reply to Cid.
“Look. I ain't the smartest guy on the Planet, but I think we kin be friends,” Cid told her. “I mean…I didn't know it at first, but we're a lot alike, you and I.”
“Ha! In what ways?” Raye asked.
“Well, we're both hot tempered. We both like workin' with our hands, and…we're both fuckin' nuts,” he laughed. Then Cid softened. “And we've both been hurt and lost people we loved.”
Raye looked down at her lap. “Yeah…ain't that the truth. I didn't know what to do when Mom died, and ever since she died I became the rock for my brothers. Me and Brad, that is.”
“How old are ya, Raye?” he asked.
“You promise not to laugh?” she asked.
She whapped him in the arm, which fortunately, was the good one. “Fucktard.”
“Awright! I ain't gonna laugh. C'mon. How old are ya?”
She sighed. “I'm 27, Cid.” She snorted derisively. “Yeah, I'm almost 30 and still live with my freakin' dad and brothers.”
“Ya got a reason to, Raye. I dun think helpin' your family is lame, you know. Hell, at least ya got one.”
“Why'd you want to know?” she asked.
“Uhm…well because I was just curious. I have to say you look a lot younger than your age, but…I guess I really wanted to know because I wanted to know if you had things you wanted to do with yer life.”
Raye shrugged. “I did at one time, but then Mom passed away and…I just didn't pursue what I wanted to do because I was needed too much at home.”
“Wha'd you wanna do?”
“I wanted to go to college and major in engineering or physics. I used to really like science and how things worked. I never was a typical girl, you know.”
Cid snorted. “Fuck if that ain't the gospel!”
Raye hit him again, and he jumped laughing. “Sounds like you've accepted my apology already.”
“Don't push your luck,” Raye told him. She dropped her hands to her lap once more. “You know, everything really hit the fan over the holidays with you and Shera and then…back there.”
Cid looked at his reflection in the water. “Yeah…things have really sucked lately, but I kinda brought it on myself.” He sighed. “I made a resolution for myself this year that I'd try to turn it around, however the hell I'd do that.” He glanced at her hopefully. “I was hopin' I could start by startin' over with you. Isn't this what this festival you celebrate is all about? Gettin' back to yer roots and startin' over?”
“Well, yeah…” She looked at him and sighed, rolling her eyes. “I did promise that I'd help you work on your plane…”
“Aw yeah? You're still gunna help me?” He smiled contentedly. “I've been wanting the company to be honest with ya.” He paused. “Hey, um…about what happened today…how about we just forget that. Hell let's just forget everything that's happened with us `cause we just got started on the wrong foot in the first place?”
Raye thought for a moment. They hadn't had the best meeting and even their friendship was rocky at best. She nodded. “Well…I guess. I don't know what the fuck I'm thinking, but alright. I can give it a try, I suppose.”
He grinned. “Man, I'm glad, Raye.” He turned to her. “So when are ya free?”