Final Fantasy - All Series Fan Fiction ❯ My Happy Ending ❯ Changes ( Chapter 33 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Chapter 33: Changes
“Start back at this life,
Stretch myself back into the vibe,
I'm wakin' up to say I've tried
Instead of wakin' up to another TV Guide,
It's time now to turn around,
Turn and walk on this crazy ground.”
-Avril Lavigne “Mobile”
Cid sat in hard chair in Reeve's makeshift office in Junon puffing on a cigarette and thinking. He eyed his companion, the gears in his head turning as he reeled over what had just been offered to him: a commission as the head of the airship division with the WRO commanding a fleet of his very own!
“Now we'll still have to work out pay and that sort of thing, but I would be willing to offer you at least what Shinra was paying and when we get more funding, I can give you a raise,” Reeve continued. “And you can begin work on the fleet at any time. Honestly, Highwind, I can't think of a better man for the job.”
Cid crushed the butt of his cigarette into the ashtray on the desk and scratched his blond head. “Well…damn, Reeve. I mean…I dunno what to say.”
Tuesti let out a soft laugh. “I'm surprised you aren't already jumping at this.”
“Well, shit…I'll do it. It's just…I'm shocked is all.”
Reeve stood up and so did Cid. He extended his hand toward the pilot, and he shook it heartily.
“I'm glad you've accepted, but I have to warn you - you've got a lot of work to do,” Reeve told him. “Many of the existing airships were severely damaged or destroyed during Meteor.”
“Eh, I dun mind. Besides, I'm sure I can get teams together to work on `em,” Cid assured him. Then he grinned and puffed out his chest. “Ain't nothin' ol' Highwind can't do!”
Reeve laughed and slapped Cid heartily on the back as they walked out of the office. “I don't put that past you, Cid. And give Shera my regards. Perhaps she can help you with assembling the teams.”
“Uh…y-yeah,” Cid told him unsteadily. “I'll do that.”
Cid and Reeve parted ways, and the pilot paused for a moment to have a look around. Nothing had really changed since Meteor fell, though Junon had definitely fared better than most cities on the Planet. This, he figured, would be a suitable place to set up operations for the World Regenesis Organization, though he wondered in the back of his mind where the money was coming from to fund such an endeavor.
He drew out a cigarette and lit it, deciding that maybe he ought to talk to Shera about the whole thing and see if she wanted to help. He'd been looking for an excuse to salvage their friendship, and what better excuse than to ask her if she wanted to help.
Cid went down to the ferry dock and awaited the ferry that was coming to shore to carry waiting passengers across to the other continent. As soon as he was in Costa del Sol, he was just going to have to pay a visit to Shera.
Raye stood in front of a full length mirror and admired herself in the clothes that Shera had dressed her in. She wore a pair of black dress pants with a purple sleeveless dress top. Around her wrist was a silver bracelet, and on her feet high heels that she was having a difficult time walking in, let alone stand. Shera had let Raye's red hair down from her usual ponytail and took her to have it styled. The beautician had cut layers into Raye's hair to frame her face and added some blonde highlights before professionally doing her makeup.
“You look simply amazing, Raye,” Shera remarked as she went through some other items. “And I am so grateful that you're doing this.”
Raye shrugged, though inwardly she was surprised at how different she looked with makeup and her hair down. “Oh…it's not a problem. You're welcome.”
Brad walked in with their lunches from the local café, and he whistled at his sister. “Man, Sis, you look hot!”
Raye shot her brother a look. “Oh, I do not.”
“You do, too! You have no idea how gorgeous you are!” he jabbed at Raye as he started eating on his taco. “And I bet Cid would think so if he saw the ads and catalog you're modeling for!”
Raye punched Brad in the arm and he danced away laughing, pieces of shredded lettuce falling away onto the floor. “Aw c'mon!”
Raye shot him a venomous look. “You really don't want to piss me off, asswad!”
Brad only laughed harder and took a drink of his soda as Shera began to quietly snort, knowing that If she let out a laugh of her own, this would only infuriate Brad's sister more. She finally pulled out a flattering black dress and handed it to Raye.
“Here, change into this.”
About an hour later the photographer was positioning Raye on a chair in order to snap some pictures when Cid finally showed up to Shera's dress shop. He couldn't believe what he saw: not only was the place bustling with some guy taking pictures of some redheaded chick, he could see that Shera was busying herself with holding up shirts and skirts while Brad looked at a couple of pairs of shoes.
“Oi, Sis, what do you think of this pair?” Brad suddenly yelled.
Then Cid suddenly realized that the girl doing the modeling was Raye! His jaw dropped as she stood up dressed in a gorgeous black sheath dress that came to about her knees, high heels with ankle straps, hair let down and styled and…makeup! If she wore makeup before, she must have gone with the natural look because Cid hadn't noticed it before. He didn't even know there was this side of her, a side that was...was…HOT!
He touched his goggles and decided to forgo greeting Raye since he wasn't sure how she would react to his being there. Cid approached Brad and Shera instead and glanced at the asymmetrical top Shera was holding in her hand.
“Hey there…hope ya don't mind that I stopped in…” he trailed.
“Oh, hello, Captain,” Shera responded pleasantly. There was still a certain tension between them, but after everything that happened over the holidays, both were trying to bury the past. “What brings you here?”
“Um, I kind of wanted to talk to you about something, but I kin wait until yer not busy,” he told her.
Brad grinned and gave Cid a jab to the ribs. “Are you sure you're not looking for my sister? She looks pretty damn hot right now.”
“N-no,” Cid stammered. He wasn't going to deny that she looked amazing. He cleared his throat. “I just wanna speak to Shera, but I kin come back tomorrow.
“Cid?” Just at that moment Raye approached the group, her high heels clicking across the hard wood floor in the shop. “What are you doing here?”
Cid rubbed the back of his head nervously. “Oh, uh…I was in Junon on some business…wanted to stop by and ask Shera somethin' on my way back home.”
“You'll have to excuse me, Brad, but I need some help in the back,” Shera broke in, tugging on Brad's shirt as she walked toward the back of the store.
“Hehe…Oh, yeah. Coming, Shera,” he responded, not wanting to pull himself away from the action.
Raye glanced at the departing couple before turning her attention back to Cid. “Some business, eh? Buying some parts?”
“No, not quite.” Cid shuffled nervously and shoved his hands into his pockets. He glanced up at her. “You look different,” he quietly blurted.
Raye frowned. “What's that supposed to mean?”
“N-nothing!” he said putting his hands up.
“I look stupid, don't I?” she told him, crossing her arms in front of her. Raye's voice lowered. “I knew this was a bad idea. I'm no model you know.”
He shook his head. “Nah, you don't look stupid. I didn't mean for that to come out all wrong.” He shuffled once more and cleared his throat. “You…uh…you look great. Never imagined you in a dress…”
Raye blinked, and then she blushed. “I usually don't…”
“So!” Cid began, changing the subject. “You still coming out tomorrow to work on the Bronco with me?”
“Of course, unless something changes.”
He ventured a smile. “Great. Maybe we can…um…get somethin' to eat when you come over…you know, at that one place?”
“Yeah, sure. That sounds great.” She pulled off the heels she was wearing and rubbed her feet. She was bent over just enough to show a little cleavage, and Cid couldn't help but steal a glance at her. He swallowed hard as she rose up and looked at him, grinning. “You know I'll hold you to that, by the way.”
“Yeah, yeah,” he responded with a chuckle. “And I know if I dun follow through you'll tear my balls off and feed `em to a mangy dog.”
“Pretty much,” she told him. Raye stretched and glanced back at the door of the back room. “Man, when are they going to be done with this shit already?”
Cid laughed. “What? I thought girls were into this sort o' thing?”
“Not this girl,” Raye groused. “Do you have any idea how many outfits I've had on today? I didn't even want to do this. I almost said no.”
“What?” Cid said, arching an eyebrow. “I thought you an' Shera were good friends and all this.”
“We are. She's like the sister I never had.”
“Then why wouldn't ya wanna help her out?”
“Because this sort of thing…ain't my thing,” Raye told him honestly. “I'm not that great looking - at least not model material.”
“Yer fuckin' shittin' me,” Cid responded exasperated. “You look fuckin' great. What's all this for anyway?”
“Advertisement,” Raye simply said. “And she didn't have the money to hire someone to model, so she asked me.” Raye leaned in to Cid. “And I think she did it as an excuse to use me as an overgrown Barbie doll. Her and Brad conspired this. I know it.”
Cid began to crack up. “So it's a conspiracy, huh?”
“Hell yeah, it's a conspiracy! I just know Brad is in cahoots to get me in a dress, the bastard.” She crossed her arms and scowled. “And I hope he's satisfied.”
Cid snorted and laughed more, shaking his head back and forth. “Yer pretty fuckin' hilarious, you know that? And I might add that I'm not the bastard for a change!”
Raye slapped Cid hard across his arm. “I haven't gotten to you, yet, Cid.”
Cid feigned a pout, but it turned into his trademark crooked grin as soon as he realized that Raye hadn't noticed that his cast was gone. And she'd even slapped the arm that had been broken, too!
“Yeah, well, give it time. You'll be bitching me out for something soon enough,” he shot back. He paused. “Say, uh…did you not notice somethin'?”
“Notice what?”
“My cast's gone.”
Raye took a look at her blond companion and noticed that his arm was hanging at his side cast-free and he was able to move his hand and arm freely and comfortably now.
“Hey…you really did get it off. I forgot about that.” She eyed him mischievously. “Did you leave any work for me or am I still getting the shit jobs?”
“Ha! Dun you worry, we've got plenty to do, but now that I've got two hands I kin get shit done faster.”
At that moment, Raye and Brad emerged from the back room (Brad having eavesdropped on the conversation) when they felt it was safe to come out.
Shera smiled at Raye. “I think that's all I need today, Raye. Thanks a lot for modeling for me. The pictures will look great.”
“Hallelujah!” Raye whooped, darting into the dressing room and tearing off the black dress she had been in. She returned in her usual baby t-shirt, jeans, and sneakers, though she chose to leave her hair down.
“Now what was it you wanted to speak to me about, Captain?” Shera asked.
“Damn it, woman, you kin call me Cid!” he told her right off the bat. “Known me too long to be callin' me by rank anymore!”
“Alright…Cid,” she trailed. “What did you want?”
“Well, I know yer busy, but…I got this fantastic offer from Reeve…”
Shera's eyebrows went up. “Reeve? Formerly of Shinra's Urban Development?”
“Yeah an' the guy who operated that robot cat…” Cid clarified. “Anyway…he offered me a job with the WRO as the head of the airship division.”
“Really?!” Shera smiled. “That is wonderful!”
“Wow, a whole fleet of airships?” Raye asked.
“Ayup! A whole fleet.” He scratched his head. “Problem is, though, most of the existing airships tied down at Junon either took heavy damage or were destroyed altogether, so basically, I have to rebuild an entire fleet, which is what I wanted to talk about with you.”
Shera immediately looked skeptical. “Look…Cap-I mean-Cid…if you're asking for my…”
“Look, you dun have to if you dun want to,” Cid cut her off. “I know…I know we had some problems in the past and I know that you've got a business of yer own to run, but I need help gathering other engineers and mechanics, and I thought maybe you knew how to get a hold of some of the guys who worked with us on the rocket construction. I mean, I know where to find a lot of them in Rocket Town, but that ain't going to be enough for this task.”
Shera's brows knitted together. “How long is Reeve giving you to get the fleet up and running?”
“He's hoping a year. Year and a half tops.”
Brad and Raye exchanged glances before Raye spoke up. “Hey Cid…um…I don't know if it will help, but Brad and I can lend a hand out if you want us to. And Dad…he used to work on the airships back in the day…”
Cid shook his head. “Thanks, but ya'll got yer own things to deal with and yer own business.”
Truthfully, Raye wanted more than anything to help out. She'd taken a liking to working on Cid's airplane because it seemed so much easier than a car. Plus, she had always wanted to go to school to become an engineer, yet she'd never had the chance due to her family's circumstances. Her father had urged her to apply at Shinra years ago, but her conscience and her duty to her family took precedence over her own personal desires and dreams.
“But Cid…” Raye began to argue.
“No, thank you, not at the moment,” Cid curtly interrupted. Then he lowered his voice. “You got enough irons in the fire as it is.”
Raye fell silent, but her feelings were hurt. She knew that she could talk her father into letting her work at least part time in Junon on the airships just so she could have the experience of it all. Instead, she opted to keep her mouth shut and pleasantly take her leave.
“You're probably right, Cid,” she told him. “Anyway…I should be going. Got one of those irons to attend to back home. See you this weekend.”
With that Raye left her three companions behind, and Brad looked baffled. Then, he knew what was going on. “Ah, I better go, too. She's got the truck and I don't put it past her to leave me here.” He leaned over and kissed Shera. “I'll see you this weekend, Sher.”
Cid blinked for a moment as Brad left as well. “What the hell was her hurry?”
Shera shook her head. “I think you hurt her feelings, Cid.”
He sighed. “Well…damn.”