Final Fantasy - All Series Fan Fiction ❯ My Happy Ending ❯ Aspiration ( Chapter 34 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Chapter 34: Aspiration
“I know I've felt like this before
But now I'm feeling it even more
Because it came from you.
And now I open up and see,
The person falling here is me,
A different way to be.”
-The Cranberries “Dreams”
Raye was up to her elbows in the cowling of Cid's airplane as he worked on the opposite side. He broken arm he'd sustained had put him behind schedule on completing work on the Tiny Bronco, even with Raye's help. He'd been working around the clock since the cast came off, but the help that Raye offered seemed to gain Cid more headway on the work. Today, however, Raye seemed more subdued and quiet than usual, and Cid couldn't help but wonder whether she was angry with him or if something else was the matter.
“Say, uh, you've been quiet,” Cid began. “Somethin' wrong?”
Raye shook her head as she continued to focus on installing a main component, never lifting her face to meet his gaze. “Nothing's wrong. I'm fine.”
“You coulda fooled me,” he responded, going back to his work. “I mean, yer borderline tearing out my hair by now.” He adjusted a part within the innards of the airplane's engines. “You sure I didn't say somethin' to ya?”
“I said I was fine.”
She scowled. “Shut up, Cid.”
“Oh ho!” he grinned. “Now I know somethin's eatin' at you!”
Raye sighed. “You're not gonna leave me alone, are you?”
“Not till you tell me what's buggin' you.”
Raye tossed her wrench aside and heaved a sigh. “Fine. You wanna know what's eating at me?”
“Was it something I said?” Cid asked. “I mean…I've always been pretty good at pissin' you off…”
She sighed again. “I just…well…maybe I really wanted to help you work on those airships,” Raye finally admitted.
“Eh?” Cid raised an eyebrow. “Well…shit….I didn't know it meant that much to ya…”
Raye sat down on the platform on which she stood and let her legs dangle over the side. “I've got dreams, too, you know…”
Cid blinked and put down his ratchet. He'd removed his gloves so that he could better fit his arms into the innards of the airplane and now wiped the grime from his hands with a rag as he joined her on her side of the platform. She looked sad, he noticed, as though perhaps she'd had these dreams for a very long time but was held back from pursuing them for whatever reason, much like himself.
“Dreams, huh? I think everyone's got those…”
“What? Did you think I always wanted to be stuck working for my dad?” Raye asked edgily.
“Well…I dunno.”
“It wasn't always like that,” she began sadly. “Years ago, before Mom got sick, I wanted to sign up to Shinra's Technical School and get a degree in engineering so that I could work on stuff like airships and rockets. I…I always liked working with my hands, I suppose. I used to take apart my toys when I was a kid, so it only seemed natural.” She paused. “But…Mom died…and I…didn't go.”
“How come?”
Raye shrugged. “It was too much for Dad to handle raising several kids alone. At the time, Mark and Thomas were just babies, so I did what I had to do.” She looked up at him. “But I don't fault my dad for my not going to school like I wanted to. He tried to get me to go, despite everything that was going on, but I couldn't do it. I knew if I did, I would feel guilty for putting myself before a family that really needed me. Brad was the same way - he gave up his dreams, too.”
“What was yer brother gunna do?”
A small smile slid across Raye's full lips. “Haven't you noticed how phenomenal of a cook he is? He wanted to go to culinary school to be a chef and open a restaurant - one of those fancy places with white table cloths and shit.”
Cid snorted. “Somehow I could see him doing something like that.” He paused, his expression becoming a little softer than Raye was used to seeing. “You know, I thought my own dream of being the first man in space would never come true, but it finally happened, and I guess I learned that some dreams have a way of postponing themselves until the right time.”
“I'll be forty by the time my dream is ever realized,” Raye responded derisively.
Cid put a reassuring hand on her shoulder. “Look…I didn't realize it would mean that much to ya, so…how about we talk with yer pop and see what he thinks. Sounds to me that if Rick tried to urge you to go to school back when yer mom died, then maybe he won't mind you helpin' me out at least a few days a week. Does that sound fair?”
Raye looked over at him, shocked. “You really mean that or are you just playin' with me?”
“If I didn't mean it, I wouldn't have offered, Idiot,” Cid said crossly.
Raye beamed and impulsively threw her arms around Cid's neck. “Thanks a lot, Cid.”
Cid's face went red as he tried to keep himself from grabbing a hold of her, lest he wanted a good slap to the face. “I…uh…y-yer welcome…”
Raye suddenly realized what she was doing and pulled back from him quickly and awkwardly. She couldn't stop her own face from turning red as she reached up and grabbed Cid's goggles.
“Oi! What the hell ya doin', ya crazy bitch?!” he shouted, flailing his arms.
She pulled on the goggles, stretching the strap out before letting them go. They recoiled and smacked Cid in his face before settling around his neck.
“See what you made me do!?” she yelled back. “I got all sappy and girly, dammit!”
“What?! Now you see here!” Cid retorted, grabbing Raye into a headlock.
“Ow! Let go of me, you bastard!” She began to pummel his chest with her fists and struggle out of the headlock.
Cid laughed hysterically, relieved by the familiarity. In a sense, he'd really missed their fights and having someone to tease, and the way she was flailing was causing Captain to stand up and bark as he ran around the bottom of the platform looking up at the pair.
Raye finally broke free of Cid's grasp, her red hair sticking up in places as she scowled at him hard. She punched him hard in the chest as he instinctively put up his arms to shield himself as he laughed once more.
“I fucking hate you sometimes, you know that?” she groused.
“Yeah, well, what else is new?” he joked. Cid stood up and pulled Raye to her feet. “C'mon. We've got work to finish.”
Rick eyed his daughter as he leaned back in his chair and crossed his arms. His gaze turned to Cid thoughtfully before he finally spoke.
“So you want Raye to help you with building airships?” he confirmed.
“I can't think of a better person for the job,” Cid remarked. “She's really been great with the Tiny Bronco and gettin' her up and running. Few more weeks and I should be able to get her in the air.”
“Is that so?”
“Yeah…and I know it's askin' a lot…”
“It is asking a lot, Highwind. You have no idea how much weight she carries around here,” Rick told him.
“I know she does, but I'm only askin' a couple of days a week, and one of the days could even be on a weekend,” Cid told him.
Rick sighed and glanced at the sobered expression on Raye's face. Long ago Raye hadn't been able to pursue what she wanted to do, a decision of hers that he blamed himself for. This time, no matter the cost, it would be different.
“Alright. I think we can work it out,” he finally told both of them.
Raye's eyebrows went up in surprise. “R-really? Um, Dad I don't want to…”
Rick waved a hand in front of his face dismissively. “No, I don't want to hear it. You've not had a chance to do what you want to do. I'll manage.”
Raye glanced at Cid and then her father. “Wow…I dunno what to say.”
Her father stood up and went for the door of the house. “Don't say anything. You've made a lot of sacrifices. I'd be an asshole if I said no.”
He smiled at Raye before turning and walking into the house. Cid and Raye exchanged glances, the latter stunned at how easily that went over.
“Well…” Cid began. “That was easy.”
“Yeah…” she trailed. “Now it leaves Brad, but I don't think it will be so easy for him. He would have to go away for culinary school.”
“Eh?” Cid responded, scratching his head. “That sucks. Wish there was a way for him.”
“Me too,” Raye told him sadly. She glanced over at Cid. “So when do I begin?”
“As soon as I kin pull a crew together in Junon. I'll keep ya posted, though.”
There was an awkward pause as Raye handed him a part he'd ordered. Then she spoke.
“Thanks for the opportunity,” she admitted, blushing. “I've waited a long time for something like this.”
“Eh, yer welcome.” He eyed her keenly. “Just don't make me regret it.”
Raye's eyes narrowed and she punched his arm. “You know I won't, you bastard.”