Final Fantasy - All Series Fan Fiction ❯ My Immortal ❯ chapter 1 ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

My Immortal

Hi everyone, here's some new fic of mine….My Immortal! It's a shounen-ai - a male/male relationship…if you don't like this…please do not read this! I've warned you!

Disclaimer: I don't own Final Fantasy nor it's characters…I don't own the song 'My Immortal' from Evanescence either.

Have fun reading this story…constructive critism are more then welcome…

Chapter 1

The rain fell down on his already soaked body. His clothes stacked against his pale but beautiful form, the same with his raven black hair. But the person didn't seem to care. His emerald green eyes stared at one single thing, what seemed like a grave…a single one in a graveyard. His thoughts seemed to be focused on it. Nothing else seemed to exist.

//…Why did you leave me? //

//…Why did you leave me all alone in this hard world? //

//…Why? //

The person sighed. Trying to suppress his tears. If he would start to cry, he simply couldn't stop. The pain was just too much. He lost the one he loved. The one he holds on too. She was the only one who would give his life meaning. She was so precious, so pure. She looked like an angel. And angels can't die, could they?


He remembered her beautiful blond hair glittering in the sun. How her ocean blue eyes held so much warmth and happiness…. The thought almost made him smile. It /would/ make him smile if the reality wasn't so hard. She was gone, forever! He would never see her smile again. Never hear her beautiful laugh, which rang like a song from a nightingale.

That day, that dreadful day his world turned upside down. The day he had been torn, the day she had died. His /soul/ had died. The laughter of the humans, and her screams were still fresh in his memory.

How could someone hurt something /that/ beautiful?

//…They could…//

He remembered as they attacked. How their weapons murdered the once proud race of elves. How the blood was spilled on their village's ground. How they ruthfully captured some of them and used them as slave.

How they ruthful slaughtered them in search for power and might. And they eventually found them. He tried to protect his love. He couldn't…he had failed…

Images of his love dying still haunted his mind. Her last words…. her face…her pain…her tears…her pure face covered with dirt and blood.

'Muerte…I…love…you…' she managed to choke out, blood dripping from her mouth. 'Don't…forget me!'

And that was the last thing she ever said. He stayed with her until her last breath escaped her lungs, her heart stopped beating.

A single tear fell from his eye, fell on the ground, on the place where the elf just stood. A figure walked away from the place - the place he would never forget - into the dark, deep forest.

~ * ~ * ~


Blinking, crystal blue eyes studied its owner's surroundings. He could hardly see anything. The trees and other kinds of vegetation made it hard for him too see. The raindrops and the dark clouds blocking out the sunlight didn't make it any better.

"What the…?"

"Where /am/ I?" Movement reminded him of his sour and wounded body.


/…Shouldn't I be dead? /

/. Or am I dying? /

He was feeling unsure what to do…unsafe…defenceless…

…it didn't make it any better when he could hear footsteps…


He shot out of thoughts when he heard a sound.

//…Was someone around here?…//

Glancing around, he tried to find the source of the sound. It sounded like a voice. He then noticed something - or rather someone - lying on the ground. The person hadn't noticed him yet. He was hurt. Scratches and bruises marked his pale body. His clothes were in rags.

//…This, this isn't an elf! //

Adrenaline busted through his veins when he came to that realisation. If he or she weren't an elf…he would be human right? The adrenaline soon faded. The person was hardly dangerous in this state. But still…if it was /human/…

But something in him said it wasn't…

He investigated the person's body. His heart skipped a beat when he saw how beautiful the person was. He had never seen a creature - elf nor human - who was as beautiful as this. So Angelic…It was no doubt a he…although could easily be mistaken for a woman. His silver hair was dirty, if not messy. Three silver feathers stuck out of his hair, and seemed to be a natural part of it. His clothes were a little strange, very revealing, but strange…some kind of armour maybe. And out of one of his ragged robes, a silvery tail peeked out, twitching playfully.

//…This was definitely not a human. A human couldn't be this beautiful, and humans didn't have tails did they? //

He then noticed crystal eyes were staring up to him.


//…Who is this person? //

Kuja was feeling uncomfortable. Someone /never/ investigated him like /this/.

"Who are you?" he asked, his voice a little weak. "Why are you staring like this?" It seemed like the other person was caught by surprise.

"Uhm…well…" he stumbled. His cheeks turned red from the embarrassment. "I am Muerte…and well…" he paused. Looking away, he said: "You don't look exactly…. Well…"


"Uh…yes!" the other person answered, feeling probably as uncomfortable as the genome was. "So, who are you?"

Kuja gave Muerte as questioning look. He didn't know? Everyone knew about him, right? Didn't everyone know that /he/ was the one who caused havoc on Gaia and started a war?

He opened his mouth, but then closed it again.

//…It's just…a /name/…it doesn't mean anything! //

//...And since /when/ do I /care/…//

"I am…Kuja."


Well, this was the first chapter…I know it's a little short…but the next chapter might be up soon!

As you might have noticed…the names! I've used Spanish words for them! Muerte means death…and Nierve means snow. I don't exactly know why I've chosen these names though! ^_^

- Angel of death 87