Final Fantasy - All Series Fan Fiction ❯ My Immortal ❯ Chapter 2 ( Chapter 2 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

My Immortal

Hello everyone! Here you can enjoy (or annoy) yourselves with a new chapter! ^_^

I got a message for everyone who doesn't like shounen-ai! Don't like it, don't read it! (I've put it in the summary to make it clear!) And don't bother authors with reviews that you don't like shounen-ai and that 'I put the characters of Final Fantasy and the band Evanescence to shame'. Please, read some stories you DO like and review those! '¬_¬ Don't waste your time on this one then.

Ok, after that has been said, I could continue with the chapter!

Disclaimer: I don't own FF, but I own the computer! Oh wait, it's my dad's! O.o I own Muerte and all the other characters in here, just not the FF ones! I don't own Evanescence either!

I'm going to use some elven language in the chapters, the translations are below! Same with the shout outs!!

Chapter 2

Kuja was kind of surprised when the elf lifted him off the ground and started to walk deeper into the forest. The genome couldn't help to be tensed, this /was/ a stranger after all.

"Put me down!" he demanded, hoping the elf would obey, or at least stop walking. But Muerte just continued, ignoring Kuja's comment completely. This startled him, no one /ever/ did that.

He was suddenly reminded of his state…he didn't look exactly treating. The reason why the elf was carrying him to god know where was probably pity/

// Or maybe just to torture me…who knows? // he thought bitterly. Kuja didn't know if the elf knew who he was, or what he has done. //But this doesn't exactly look like Gaia either…// The mage frowned, and decided to look at his surroundings. It was simply a forest, with trees and vegetations, just like the forests on Gaia. But the few animals he had seen, they weren't any of them on Gaia. Plus, there weren't any monsters around.

He sighed, realizing he couldn't do much more then wait. And in his current state…how he hated to be helpless…


It wasn't long until Kuja noticed they were in a place that looked slightly different. The vegetation wasn't growing as wildly as before. Plus, the place had something beautiful, something mythical.

But somehow, he had the feeling they were being watched. But Muerte didn't look troubled. Whether he didn't notice or didn't care, Kuja did not know.

//Maybe I'm just paranoid // he thought. But that theory soon faded when he heard something moving above him. The mage was just about to look up when a person appeared before him.

It was obviously an elf as well. Kuja could tell by the pointy ears, which Muerte also possessed. The elf had light blue eyes and long blond hair. His clothes where dark green, with brown boots and gloves. In his left hand he held a bow, and on his back hung a quiver with a few arrows in it. His expression was curious.

"Did you bring a human?" he asked calmly.

Muerte shook his head. "He isn't human." He answered.

"If he isn't human…" the elf walked a few steps towards them and looked at the genome. "…what is he then? Obviously not an elf."

"I do not know." Muerte simply replied. "I've found him in the forest, and he needs help."

The blond elf nodded and walked away, with Muerte following closely.

* ~* ~*

It wasn't long until Kuja could saw some small buildings next to a huge waterfall, which eventually became a river with pure and clean water. The buildings where white, and made on the cliffs close to the waterfall, however it wasn't hard to get from one building to another - since it was connected with bridges and huge balcony's. And probably the best thing was that is was so hidden and deep in the woods that it was hard to find.

As the small group neared the village, the genome couldn't help but feeling quite uncomfortable. The majority of the elves turned around and gave a questioning look to Muerte, while others ignored the group. Eventually they entered a larger building.

As soon as they got in, Kuja noticed another elf, he had dark brown hair, dark eyes and a pale skin. He looked somewhat like Muerte, but he was dressed in white robes and had a tiara round his head. The elf was sitting on a chair. The room they were in had a lot of windows, and the sunlight shined in the direction of the elf's chair. He seemed pretty important, because the blond elf bowed.

"Vedui', Muerte, Ya naa tanya?" he spoke, and nodded towards Kuja.

"This is Kuja, I've found him in the woods! He needs help!" Muerte answered.

The other elf nodded, stood up, and came to the pair in slow steps.

"Lle holma ve' edan!"

"He's not!" Muerte answered, not seeming to care if the person in front of him was important or not. However, the other elf looked thoughtfully, and started to investigate the genome. This made Kuja even more nervous then he was. Whatever the other elf was saying, the mage was sure it was about him.

"He looks indeed /different/ then other humans, but that doesn't /mean/ we can trust him, can we Muerte?" the other elf said. "How /far/ can we trust him?"

"N'ndengina ho!!"

"I won't, I'll give him one chance." The other elf looked at the genome in Muerte's arms. "I don't know /who/ or /what/ you are, but I hope you aren't one of our foes. You may stay here if you wish."

Muerte seemed quite relieved at this comment.

"Quel esta!" the other elf said, and then went outside with the blond elf.

"Who was that?" Kuja asked.

"That's Míredhel, our leader." Muerte answered. "And he's my father. The other elf is called Khelek. And the name of this village is Cairbara."

"And what did you just say?"

"You don't know elfish?"

"No" Kuja answered. It was silence for a while.

"…I'll bring you to a room."



Vedui' = greetings

Ya naa Tanya = who is this?

Lle holma ve' edan = you smell like a human

N'ndengina ho = don't kill him

Quel esta = rest well

Mír = jewel

Edhel = elf

Khelek = ice

Cairbara = Ship Dwelling

All right, that was it, and again it's 3 pages. And that while I've promised to make longer ones, oh well, I might make longer ones in the future!

I got the elven phrases from this website: greetings

Anyway, hopefully, I have the next chapter up soon! If my school let me write it and don't burry me under homework and tests that is! -___-

Might make some design sketches later too!

- Angel of death 87