Final Fantasy - All Series Fan Fiction ❯ My Immortal ❯ Haunted Presence ( Chapter 1 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Chapter 1: Haunted Presence

I'm so tired of being here,

Suppressed by all my childish fears,

And if you have to leave,

I wish that you would just leave.

'Cause your presence still lingers here.

© Evanescence, My Immortal

It's been a year since Garnet last saw Zidane, but she still couldn't get him off her mind. Every night she would have a dream. The same dream: her leaving on the Hilda Garde 3, and watching him until he faded into a dot. This morning she was very tired, and was sitting on her throne, resting her elbow on the arm rest, and her head on her fist. Captain Adelbert Steiner of the Knights of Pluto was with her, along with Alexandria's General Beatrix. They were discussing on the repairs of Alexandria.

"It's been over a year since Bahamut's attack, and repairs are going surprisingly fast, your highness." Beatrix announced proudly. She noted that Garnet was elsewhere. She cleared her throat. "Ahem, your highness?" Garnet stepped out of her trance.

"Oh, yes, that's really good Beatrix." Garnet said, sitting up. Beatrix looked at Steiner blankly. "Now if you'll excuse me, I things to tend to." She got up and left the throne room.

"Oh cruel fate, why must you have come across our Queen?" Steiner said aloud. "She hasn't been the same since her and Zidane were separated…There's been no word of him since. He's probably dead. We have sent airships to search the area many times, without luck…"


Garnet walked down the hollow halls of Alexandria Castle. The huge windows made the hallway bright. She walked slowly with her silver gown following her footsteps. She still couldn't get Zidane off her mind. She was sick of thinking about him, why couldn't she just move on?

Hey Dagger. She heard a familiar voice behind her. She recognized that voice anywhere, and her eyes widened as she turned around. Zidane was standing right there. How's life as a Queen now?

"..Zidane?" She said. She went running up to him with open arms. When she embraced him, he suddenly vanished and she was left alone, hugging herself. She looked around. This has gone too far. She thought. She continued down the lonely halls. Once she entered her mother's old chambers, which were now hers, she saw him again. He was leaning against the fire place. She could see through him a bit.

C'mon Dagger! He called out, waving for her to come over to him. We can use the secret exit in the fire place! Hurry, before your mother, or that wench, Beatrix comes! Dagger closed her eyes and shook her head.

"Stop! Just leave me alone!" She called out. She opened her eyes and no one was there. Then she heard the door behind her open. "Go away!"

"You highness?" Beatrix called in. "Are you okay?" She could see streams of tears coming down Garnet's eyes, which were bloodshot. Garnet sat on her bed and threw her face in her gloved hands. Beatrix went beside her to comfort her.

"Beatrix, this place is haunted!" Garnet exclaimed. "I've been seeing Zidane here! I have!" Beatrix looked a bit puzzled and rubbed Garnet's back as she continued to weep.

"You're just overtired." Beatrix assured. "Maybe you should get some rest." With that, she got up and left. Garnet watched the door close.

Perhaps Beatrix is right. Garnet thought. I have been working lots lately; maybe all I need is to get out of the castle. Soon Garnet fell into a vast sleep.


When Garnet awoke it was dark out. She left her room and went into the kitchen. She was feeling a bit better now, but she felt as if she'd never be complete. When she arrived in the dining room she saw a huge feast that lay on the table, and Steiner and Beatrix patiently waiting for her.

"Good evening your majesty." Steiner greeted, standing up and pulling out the chair for her. She thanked him and sat down. They soon began eating. There was an empty chair at the opposite end of Garnet's side. They ate silently for a few minutes, until Garnet heard someone come in.

Man, am I starved! Eh, Dagger? Zidane said, coming into the room and sitting in the chair at the opposite end of Garnet. He put his feet up and rested his head in his hands. Are you gonna eat what's on your plate Rusty?

"See! See! This place is haunted!" Garnet stated, frantically pointing at Zidane as she shivered. Steiner and Beatrix noticed Garnet looking at the guest chair, but no one was there. "Zidane's spirit it here!"

"Garnet!" Beatrix called out. "Stop! There's no one there…" Garnet looked at her, then back at the chair to see Zidane picking his teeth.

"Yes! How can you not see it? Zidane's RIGHT there!" Then she looked back at the seat, and it was empty. Steiner and Beatrix both had very concerned looks on their faces. Garnet sat back down. "What's going on with me?" She sighed. "I think I'm going crazy…"

"We'll get Doctor Tot here as soon as possible your majesty." Beatrix assured. Garnet nodded and continued eating her food. Steiner and Beatrix exchanged glances, not knowing what to say.

After dinner was over, Steiner and Beatrix left to attend to their knights and soldiers. Garnet was left alone in the dining room. She sat there looking out the window. She overlooked the quiet city of Alexandria. Everyone there was so strong, so caring, so understanding. The castle was almost completely fixed, and the town was more beautiful than ever. Even though Bahamut left a scar in everyone's memories, they moved on. Garnet wondered why she couldn't move on, why she couldn't carry on a normal life.

There must have been dozens of people who lost loved ones, yet they didn't show signs of pain anymore. She rubbed her brown eyes and could feel sleep sneaking on her again. She decided the best thing now was to get more rest, so she got up and walked down the gloomy halls of the castle. Alexandria Castle wasn't a home anymore, it was now a painful reminder. Whenever she walked down the halls she would think of her dead mother, or the night Zidane came to kidnap her.

She walked down a hallway and could see Zidane running up a set of stairs, he was laughing.

C'mon Dagger! He would call out to her. She tried ignoring it.

You promised you would come back. Garnet thought in her head. Death is the only thing that can break a promise…It doesn't really break it even, it postpones it. Are you dead Zidane? Is this how you have to fulfill your promise? By haunting me in reality, and in my dreams?

Author's Note: Hey well what to you know? I have chapter 1 posted already! I hoped you liked it…this story's a bit cracked…and I know this is shorter than the prologue, but I don't usually write long chapters. Haha. The prologue was a complete fluke! Well, until chapter 3 is posted, goodbye!