Final Fantasy - All Series Fan Fiction ❯ My Mother, That's Who I Mean ❯ What do you believe ( Chapter 4 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I don't own nor endorse Hershey bars ew lol.

X x X

Mara found herself infront of apartment 1B on Endive, ten minutes after the phonecall was made to her. Those kids actually came through for her. Nerves were prickling her hair to stand on end as she raised her fist and knocked on the door. Her tiny pounds seemed almost ghostly. She was sure that if it were her home and someone had knocked like that she would not have heard it, so she reached for the bell, but before she could press it the door swung open. A tall blond came into view.

He cocked his head to the side the moment he took in the person standing outside, his posture asked: who the fuck are you, and why are you knocking on my door?

She has a right to be here, when its concerning her family.

Arms crossed over his chest now, Seifer lets an easy smirk splay across his mouth then he spoke. "What do you want?"

His voice was much deeper than she would have guessed. Unsure of whom to address him as, since having two names from the artical are at her disposal, she cleared her throat then asked. "Are you Mr. Almasy or Mr. Leonhart?"

That seemed to annoy the blond and he replied. "Yeah, like I'd be that fucked up little headcase Leonhart. Now what do you want?" He asked again, but then took a guess and replied. "There are no women living here. So if you're selling makeup, pedal it someplace else."

The door was about to close but it stopped when her hand landed inside the frame. "Wait!"

Pulling the door open again, Seifer raised his brows in wonder.

"I came here looking for information, about an accident in the woods eight years ago."


"A man. See, here..." She pulled the printed out artical from her pants pocket. "It says so right here, that you and another man found a dead man in the Timber forest."

Seifer's face showed recognition to that statement, but he doesn't take the sheet from her to check. "Right... some guy or another. What about it?"

"I'm his wife."

"His wife?" He thought about that, and his expression flatelined.

His wife. Seifer had to weigh the option that this situation could be both bad and possibly very funny for a certain rival of his. This woman was here in search of the kid. He had to wonder where the hell was she, when all the flyers were put up in this town and that? Where was she when all that other shit that was done to identify the kid went down? Nowhere. Probably taking a vacation on some island, and realized that maybe she didn't want to be a spinster anymore. Now here she comes looking for her left behind family, only to find that her husband was killed by a monster and that her baby is missing altogether.

'What a loser.' Thought Seifer. 'Leonhart and Kinneas are not gonna give that kid up easily.' He's seen them together, they're sickeningly sweet. This loon better find a new man, and start a new life, because her past is over. 'Hn. But go tell a determined chick that.'

Watching Seifer's expression, she wondered what was going through his head right now. "Excuse me?" Says Mara, regaining Seifer's attention. "I don't have a picture of him or anything..."

"Then how would I know if I've seen your kid?" Seifer cuts through her, but she continued speaking.

"But he would have been seven months old at the time, eight years old now... his name is Miles." She knew it was a far cry that her son would be given the correct name by whomever has him, but you never know. A lot of the things in his item bag had been labeled with his name, Mr. Almasy and Mr. Leonhart could have found the bag and informed whomever they gave the child to about it.

"Listen, lady, we only found your husband. I don't know shit about any lost boys - - you're asking the wrong guy." His hand is on the door again ready to close it in her face, then he added to his comment. "Ask the adoption agency."

"I did." She cocked her head while leaning her body to the side in order to remain in his view to let him know that she's still speaking with him. "But they said no children had been brought in. That's why I wanted to ask you and your friend directly."

"He and I aren't friends. And I don't know where he lives." He lied. Nothing cracked Seifer up more than lying to people - - especially desperate people - - made the sting of the lie that much better when they found out the truth. "If you wanna know, go door to door. It's a small town, maybe you'll get lucky." Swinging the door closed, he pressed his back to it chuckling quietly. He almost wished that the woman find Squall's apartment. And that when she does he be inside, if only for the satisfaction of offering her a smug look over the recognition that she'd been sent on a wild goose-chase around town when he knew the address all along. "Miles, huh? Hn. Kid can't seem to catch a break in the names department."

Pushing off the door Seifer walks through the living room to return to what he'd been doing before he was so rudely interrupted. Home videos of Zell and him having sex. Aah memories.

Stunned at the young man's rudeness Mara walked away from the apartment with sagging shoulders. What were the odds those kids could get this other guy's address for her? Probably slim. Checking her watch, she decided to head back to the hotel. Maybe she could look up some more information, or call around to the agencies in other areas.

# #

"Ya know, I'm startin' to understand why the others kids' parents don't want them comin' over here." Says Irvine exiting the bathroom with nothing but a towel wrapped around his waist. He'd just gotten out of the shower, and is toweling his hair dry on the way to their bedroom. "We're way too fresh to have rugrats running around by surprise."

Squall agreed with that. After their unplanned handjob the two wound up on the floor for another quicky against the bed, they ended up knocking the mattress off-kilter, which would have broken a lamp but luckily the item just fell to its side. After that they showered separately, Irvine being second, they're just now getting their clothes back on. Hearing the front door open Squall looked toward the entrance of the bedroom, waiting for the only person it could be to come through, except Kait's trail went to his own bedroom at a galloped pace; the boy moved around his room then trampsed right back out again and then out the front door. In his years of studied experience, kids are always up to something. The less they say the worse it is. Hopefully, if it is bad, his son will learn from it. Getting up from the bed, Squall walked into the hall and out into the living room. Checking the clock for the time on his way by, he sees that its late afternoon. He may as well grade some papers.

Calling from the bedroom, Irvine says. "I have to turn in my report. Garden's leaving today, right?"

"Yeah, and we're leaving tomorrow morning. Make sure you pack."

Irvine's chuckle sounded closer than it should considering the man was still getting dressed. "I'm already packed." He replied stepping into the living room dressed in a t-shirt and comfortable track-suit pants.

"A better bag than an overnight one."

"Yeah, yeah." He pulled out some stationary from the side table drawer then took a seat on the couch.

After retrieved a pile of test papers from the drawer on the other side of the couch Squall settled down into work-mode. A gentle smile rest on his lips when Irvine's weight leans on his left side to support his back when he'd turned himself longways; bended knees helped as press support for the clipboard he's using to hold the papers. The two work in a comfortable quiet for a good hour or so; it was when Squall flexed his left arm to get some comfort into it that Irvine says something to break the silence.

"What are we doing for dinner?"

"Canned tuna."

"Ohh. My favorite." He teased. "So gourmet." Straightening then turning to sit normally, he set the clipboard down on the coffee table then stretched his back, hands resting on the lower part, he sways his body left and right. Is it possible to feel old when you're not even old yet? He'll have to join Zell at the gym some day. Standing he heads into the kitchen to get a drink.

Glancing at Irvine's location, Squall asked. "Do we have any mayonnaise?"

Refrigerator door open, Irvine looked over the shelves, grabbing two cans of soda before spotting the plastic tub of mayonnaise on the door beside a jar of pickles. "Yup." Closing the door, he walks back into the living room setting the second can down on the table for Squall. "I'm going to Garden." He unclips his report from the clipboard. Popping them against the table top to straighten them up, Irvine walks to the door to slip on his sneakers.

He'd never tell him, but Squall preferred it when Irvine dressed normally - - not that there is anything wrong with his cowboy attire - - it's worn attractively every time; but, Irvine isn't actually a cowboy lover, nor is he all that into the western thing. Its just a thing to make him seem more exotic and appealing, Squall guessed. Which is why Squall, in private, calls him 'farm boy' instead of 'cowboy'. The sniper was actually raised on a farm in some small town he'd often forget the name of, though Irvine had told him more than once. Squall can remember all sorts of things, even useless crap, but when it came to that small town in The Great Plains of Galbadia he'd forget every time. It's fine, really. Irvine doesn't talk much about that life, so it must mean that he might not want to remember it either, but with Irvine its hard to tell sometimes. The smallest thing could end up really important to him in vice versa.

"I'll tell Matron you said "hey"." He said before walking out the door.

'Guess I should make dinner.' Tapping the stacks of papers on the top of the table, he leans over the arm of the chair and stuffed them back inside. Getting up from the couch he's then in the kitchen grabbing out cans of tuna fish from the pantry.

Squall pulled a colander out then dumped each can into it after opening them. Rinsing it beneath some cold running water to remove the fishy liquid its packed in, he thinks over boiling some eggs. Anytime Sis had made it for them when they were younger she'd always put egg in it. Tapping the handle of the colander to the edge of the sink to free it from any excess water, he sets the thing down on the counter then moved to the refrigerator to grab two eggs. Preparing meals is actually relaxing when its easy. He'd mostly prefer to eat out when the option of dinner prep is not simple. They'd all joked about cooking classes once or twice over the years, maybe it was time to take the joke seriously.

Behind him the door swung open and their son walked in. He acknowledged his father with eye contact, then continued to his bedroom coming out after dropping off whatever it was he'd been holding. "Daddy where's papa going?"


Going back out the door, he tugged it closed after him.

"Kait, wait." Squall was saying as the boy left but, realizing that he wasn't heard, he shrugged it off and went back to what he had been doing. The re-opening front door stopped him a moment.

"Huh?" Asked the child, half in and half out of the house.

"Why are you going after Irvine?"

"I wanna go to Garden and talk to Zell."

"You can't, we're gonna have dinner in a minute."

Looking out the door to where he can still see Irvine's back, he impatiently asked. "But we're gonna eat when papa comes back anyway, so can I go too?"

"No." He answered while turning on the stove to boil the water in the pot. "And why do you wanna talk to Zell?"


Dark brows furrowed at the reply. "Why not just call?"

"Can I?" He's already scanning the area for a phone, and spots one on the kitchen counter. Striding over he picked it up as he's climbing onto a stool. Dialing Zell's number, he waits out the rings. Kait waved his hand before his nose when the smell of egg kicked up into the air.


"Zell, it's Kait. Hi."

"Hey, what's up?"

"One time Rinoa said that you make jewelry. Can you?"

Zell seemed shocked by the question and for a moment stammered with the answer. "Uh... y-yeah, I can make jewelry. It's not the kind of thing you could get in stores, but its all right."

"I'm a boy; I don't need it to look good, I just want it to stay on."

Squall chuckled to himself as he eavesdropped without meaning to.

"Oh, sure. What do you want? A ring? A bracelet?" He names off a few things.

Shaking his head. "I traded some Pioneer Gum to Alexander for an eyeball from a cat; its hard you know, so it can't be squished. And when I showed it to Rinoa she said that it was pretty, and that you can make it into a jewelry." He holds up the tiny stone to his father so that he could get a look at it.

Squall made a mock expression of impressed before moving the pot with the eggs over to the sink to drain the hot water then refill it with cold water to stop its cooking.

"You can pick whatever. Can you come over later?"

"Yeah. Right after I finish packing, I'll be there."

"Thank you. Bye." He hung up. Watching his father he leaned his weight forward then sat on his knees on the stool. "Can I have a boiled egg?"

"These are for dinner."

"Both of them?"

Squall doesn't respond to that figuring that the answer was known without his having to say so. But he guessed that the meal didn't need both of the eggs, and reluctantly he handed one off to Little Bird. Popping each end of the oval against the counter to crack it, Kait pulled away the cracked shell stuffing the entire egg into his mouth. He looked like a chipmonk with nuts stored in his cheeks with the fullness of the egg moving around in his mouth as he worked it smaller by chewing.

"Do you know what you're taking with you?" When the boy nodded, he added. "And you'll take a bath tonight before we go?"

"If I have to."

"You have to."

Sliding down from the stool, he then hopped onto the couch, grabbed the remote. He'd be flipping channels for a while until anything came back from commercials.

# #

Quistis stuffed her last dress into her suitcase closing it off with a sound: zip! Lifting it by its handle she set it down onto the floor beside the door. It was actually good that they are taking a break from work. She wanted to have some time to herself to search for an apartment. Her plan was to get a place in Balamb Town, but her heart was telling her that Dollet would be her destination. The only real issue is commuting every morning, but she was sure that she could do it without much trouble. Scheduling is a snap when you're not considering goofing off at any point as some of her "well-known" friends would do. She has 12,000 gil to work with, and she isn't looking for anything to fancy; so, Hyne willing she should have her own place by the end of the month.

It wasn't always there, the longing. It wasn't until Irvine came back and moved in with Squall that she felt a tug of lacking in her heart; then came Seifer and Zell getting their own place. That was when she knew that Garden could not be her home anymore. It's actually a rule that all cadets over eighteen find a place of their own. Yet, after the war things were so frantic and still in a need to calm down, moving out just sort of continued to be delayed. As if each cadet realized what they could have lost and they refuse to give it up.

Personally, she's been adopted then given up so many times, Balamb is more home than she could ever know. It's hard leaving the nest. She's not alone with the flipflopping feelings. The glum woman suspected that Selphie was feeling an itch, as well; the young lady would spontaniously cock her head in thought when seeing apartment buildings, in the towns where they've been sent to for jobs.

Selphie could do it alone; but knowing her jolly personality and strive for togetherness, and her "leave no man behind" policy, she'll bring Rinoa with her and coax the girl into being her roommate.

Quistis, with a sigh past his lips, begins pulling it up into a ponytail; her trek is to the exit where the automated door slid open for her to leave.

"Hello, Miss Trepe." Pauline says when spotting the former instructor coming down the dorm hall. "Wonderful weather, right?"

Nodding in response; Quistis wondered what the girl was up to. Cadets don't usually initiate small-talk unless they're up to something wrong. It usually it ends up being sex in the dormitories. When will they learn - - although, its better than attempting to get away with it in the not-so-secret make-out spot. Trepe found her way to the library; the quiet atmosphere washed over her in a way that had her wondering if she'd maybe been a little stressed during the day. That, or she lacked the solitude without realizing it. The room is habited by only four other people that she can count: the one student behind the checkout, and three others in the back reading quietly at the desks.

Quistis decided that she'd need a few books for this trip they're all taking, because she doubted that she'd want to spend it in the same way as the others. 'I should probably grab one for Squall, as well. He'll no doubt be joining me.'

Scanning the shelves for a title that peeked her interest, she grabbed a book on knights, one about a woman who finds a dead body in her workplace. For Squall, she grabbed a book about a man training to become a boxer and another about a lost child, but after some consideration she put it back on the shelf. That's the last thing a parent would want to read.

It was unimaginable the way their lives have changed so drastically and yet, somehow, have remained the same. It truly amazed Quistis the dedication the two men have for the once stray child; not to mention the rest of them, as they are no better. The gang gladly loves the child as if they're really related to him as well. Done with her search, she walked the three books over to the counter and hands them to Teressa.

The former instructor pats the pockets on her clothing to locate her library card. The quest ended once she stuffed her hand into her shirt pocket.

"This one is really good." Teressa points to the book about knights. "I've read it maybe three times."

"Oh. That's good. I hate to pick up things, and then wonder how I'll get that spent time back." She chuckled at her comment.

Teressa laughed as well. "It'll be time well spent." Handing the books to the woman, she says. "Enjoy your vacation, by the way."


"Mhm. I myself am going to need one, no doubt, the SeeD test is gonna be a killer."

"Good luck with it." She smiled sweetly.

"I'll need it, thanks." Waving after the departing, she reached for the books from the next person to the counter.

Quistis was halfway up the hall and back to the dorms, when she spots Irvine making his way off the elevator. The cowboy waved after catching her eye but continued on his way out the front entrance of the building. She'd better get moving as well, she plans to spend the night at the hotel, as do Rinoa and Selphie; and now that her lose ends are tied up, she can leave for the week.

"Want me to wait?" Called Irvine having not quite gone yet.

Looking down the hall, she shakes her head. "Go ahead. I'm good." She replied before disappearing down the dorm hall.

Irvine left the building, hands in his pockets whistling to himself with his head tilted back to the sky.

"Hey, buddy!" Shouts Zell from behind him.

Irvine was sure he wouldn't have jumped out of his skin, had his friend not first snuck up on him and jabbed him in the back with his finger. Turning a bit to look over his shoulder at the shorter male, who is now falling into step beside him, he asked. "Going home?"

"Yeah. You?"


"Seifer and me are having something Ma made us, but I'm not sure what that is yet." He informs his friend, like a secret invite for the rest of them to join him.

Irvine cocked his head to the side in thought. "We're having tuna."

"Sounds good to me." Patting Irvine on the arm, he says. "Here's my turn; tell Kait I'll be over around 8:17."


Continuing down the street, he climbs the number of stairs leading to their upper apartment. Reaching into the mailbox he pulled out the envelope his fingers brushed against. Looking over the piece of paper he smiled. It was from Kait; not to him but made by him. And from what he could tell the envelope is empty. He must be practicing for school work. The kid once labeled the entire house with post-its, so he could remember his Galbadian vocabulary. It's nice that they're teaching them younger these days. He may have kept up with the foreign language he'd chose to learn, had he not been taught around the age of hormones and lack of attention span. Bringing the letter in with him, he set it down on the coffe table; returning the smile he'd received from the child; he shows him the envelope.

"Your information goes on the top left. And you're missing the zipcode."

"I don't know the zipcode. I just know that Grandpa lives in Esthar." He took his practice mail into his hands. "How will he knows it's from me? Who wants to look at the little part, except the mailman." He scrunched his nose as if the idea stank.

"Well I think he'd have some idea."

Squall took a seat on the couch beside Irvine; sandwich in his hand, he eats while listening to the two converse as though they're discussing something dire.

"Fine. I'll just call him when I wanna talk to him." He crossed his arms.

Ruffling the boy's hair, Irvine shook his head. "That'll go over big on a test: "I just called him instead"." He impersonated the child's voice.

Mouth agape, Kait got off the couch. "Now you're just teasing me." Walking into the kitchen, he grabs two slices of bread, and then from the refrigerator he removes a jar of pickles and lastly he pulled out a box of Club Crackers from the small pantry. Setting it all down on the coffee table, he turned to get the bowl of tuna having only to reach out and take it from his papa, who got up to make his own dinner.

"Thank you." He said when the item was in his hands. He set the food bowl down onto the table, then used a large serving spoon to spread the cold fish over the bread then he stuck a few crackers on top of it. Laying the sandwich on the table top, he next pulled open the back; with his hand in the opening of the jar, fished out two pickles and laid them over the tuna. He just hates it when the pickles wet the crackers.

His fathers watch, both wondering why the boy didn't put the pickles on the bread before spreading the tuna? They also wondered how many other things the child has stuck his possibly unwashed hands into when they're not at home. Exchanging glances, the couple silently expressed "Yuck".


"Hey, where are you going?"

"Squall's. Kait wants me to take some rock he's got." He looked over in the direction of their friend's home. "I'm gonna make him a necklace. His parents wear one all the time, so why not?"

"Aaww, aren't you sweet." Seifer grinned as if his words meant something else. But what Zell said reminded him of earlier. That woman who came by. He didn't need to wonder if she'd found them, because one of them would have called and said something about it; while the other rained verbal blows down on the woman. "Hey Dinky,"


"Did you give our address out to someone today?"

Taken aback by the accusation, he says in a tone quite offended. "No. Why?"

"I was just wondering." Seifer shrugged.

Glaring a moment, he decided to drop the matter. But it did strike a cord with him. "You know, I did give our address to one of my students, Macias, he wanted to know that way we could go jogging some morning. Did he come by?"

"No. Forget it." He stops at the crossroad between their home and their friends'. "Listen, speed it up over there. I'm not gonna wait around all night while you play with the brat."

"Yeah, yeah. I'll be five minutes at the most." Taking two steps he turned and said. "Maybe I'll loiter around afterwards, so you should probably just start without me."

"I usually have to; getting into a dork like you... isn't easy." He throws his head back with laughter, walking toward their home.

Fist raised he muttered, "Bastard." then strolled off to the Leonhart-Kinneas home.

# #

Rinoa yawned into her palm. She was beyond tired and ready for bed. Her powder blue pajamas on; her slippers are removed once she exited the bathroom; the girl can already feel her eyes drifting shut. Selphie is still brushing her teeth, noisily at that. Her off-key humming came through the bathroom door as though it were open. The care-free activist had to wonder if Quistis had checked-in yet. She should room with her tonight; knowing Selphie, she'll wanna talk until dawn, then she'll sleep through the five o'clock hour and wake up at six, rested and refreshed like she'd had the full eight hours. While she, Rinoa, would be growling and grumbling her way through gettting ready to leave.

After a very audible spit, the water runs for a moment and following that are a few more sounds of the spunky girl rinsing her mouth of the toothpaste before the water is turned off, and the bathroom door pulled open.

Spotting a very sleepy looking Rinoa eyeing her on the way to her bed, the brunette cocked her head then asked. "Aren't you tired? You didn't have to wait up for me." A giggle escaped her mouth, sounding as if she thought Rinoa both thoughtful and foolish, before she climbed into bed. "Goodnight." Turning over on her side, she seemed to be fumbling around beneath her pillow for something.

Hearing a light tune playing into the quieted room, Rinoa guessed that Selphie had slipped some earbuds into her ears. It seems she was wrong about the up-all-night talking. That's good. There's nothing wrong with being wrong. Its actually refreshing - - especially when you benefit from it. Snuggling into the comfortable bed, she closed her eyes awaiting sleep.

"And that's the part, most of all that I like about youuu." Selphie sang softly.

It would have been fine with just that. But, when the rest of the song came out in little bits like that, it seemed her roommate planned on doing that all night. Pillow over her head, Rinoa smiled at the solitude then quickly fell asleep.

Four doors down from the slumbering SeeDs; Mara slid her card key into reader, pushing the door open when hearing the beep. She actually took the ignorant blond's advice and knocked on some of the apartment doors on Endive, but none of the residences containted Squall Leonhart; and when she'd asked them if they might know where he lives, she was answered with a slammed door, or an "I don't know". Mara was beginning to believe that the people in this town weren't being honest with her. It was really getting on her nerves.

Checking her messages, she called her friend Robert back, and told him about her progress. It always seemed as if the man were checking up on her rather than knowing that she's alright and will continue to be. She has her pills and more than enough encouragement under her belt to last her through any episode she may experience. Tomorrow she'll go up Tarot, and if that leads her nowhere, then she'd try Minnow. There are a few private residences on the outside of town, but that could wait for last.

Changing her clothes, she crawled into bed and fell asleep.

The next morning was filled with nothing but failure for the distraut woman. She wasn't able to locate Squall Leonhart at any of the homes she'd knocked on the doors to. One woman did help, telling her that he lived in the apartment above hers. But when knocking on the door, she got no reply. It dawned on her that the man works for the military and would, no doubt, be at the base. She had a friend, in her younger years, who went to Galbadia Garden, so she knows what the schedule for those people is like. Wondering when he'd be back, she opened her purse to remove a notepad and pen, then she scribbled down a message. Having no way of tacking it to the door, she slipped it underneath hoping that it made it inside. Her mind is practically screaming at her with excited hope of getting her son back. She also hoped that this other guy is a lot nicer than that jerk Seifer Almasy. Something about him... it just felt as though he were maybe lying to her. Though, she had no reasons to back it up or understand why he would lie. Now all she has to do is bide her time through how long it will take before Mr. Leonhart got home, and call her at the hotel.

If she only knew...

Centra was surprisingly cool for this time of year. The gang set up quickly once Ragnarok hit the ground, and they unloaded. Sleeping bags and pillows were left inside the stone orphanage while outside they set up a small grill and fold-out chairs. The large ship was really a great little item to keep for personal usage - - however tasteless it may come off to others - - but with it they were able to bring a sea-doo and a speed boat in the cargo holds. Seifer brought the rods and bait for them, having the ship pause over Fisherman's Horizon to purchase all of it. An oldman nearly took his life by boring him to death while he looked over fishing lures. Thankfully, he is who he is and he flatout told the man he wasn't listening, so he could save his breath. At which point Zell, uncharacteristically, laughed.

The trip over was pleasant as Selphie told story after story to Kait about when they were younger. Squall felt kind of lame when his un-sister informed his son that he'd spent a lot of his time on the porch, wondering when Ellone would come back from having been taken away. Kait was bewildered; and seemed to have a hard time thinking of Squall, or any of them, younger in the first place. He voiced that if aunt Ellone was taken away, why didn't Squall just grab his gunblade and get her back. Selphie chuckled merrily, saying that he wasn't the tough guy then that he is now. He was just a little boy like his self. Little Bird still gazed her quizzically, but eventually he gave-in to his disbeliefs. He then said that it would have been fun to hang out with all of them at his age.

"No, it wouldn't." Chimed Zell.

He regretted to inform Kait that before he and Seifer 'got in good' with each other, that Seifer was his mortal enemy. The taller jerk would tease him, and even beat him up sometimes! He would have done the same to Kait, no doubt about it. Seifer almost was preened by the comment; and he was sure that if they were still children, he most certainly would have whailed on the child just as he had Zell.

"I'm Galbadian tough, you wouldn't lay a hand on me." He said in his best immitation of South lit.

Seifer snorted, and sneered as he spoke. "You're gonna play that card? Because your papa isn't any tougher than your daddy."

"Yeah right." The boy rolled his eyes. "Both my parents can kick your butt - - twice!" He added for good measure.

Seifer must have been in a playful mood, because he laughed his ass off at the comment for a good three minutes. Lowering it to a snicker but, only when the fired up child popped him on the shoulder and called him a dork.

On the beach Zell insisted that he and Seifer be incharge of fishing; Kait volunteered himself to be a part of the fishing, too, and grabbed a rod before joining the two on the boat. Irvine wanted grill duty, claiming that he may not be the world's greatest chef but he can, for sure, tackle a grill. He'd done it dozens of times as a teen out on the fields during missions. His teammates always seemed to enjoy it. Selphie said she'd be incharge of activity that way they're not hurting for something to do during the week off

Quistis is looking after the things they've brought along: equipment, toys, etc. So that nothing gets left behind. Rinoa agreed to clean the fish with Zell. She's not bad with prep-work; and his being a fisherman's son, Zell knows his way around the guts and scales. And, for the time being, Squall was content with cleaning the stone home of all the dirt, cobwebs and such. He even planned to fix whatever he could. Zell is the real expert handyman in their group, but Leonhart can dabble with easy things.

The first day was spent doing more situating than enjoying, but by the end of it, around meal time, the small group occupied their time with some frisbee on the beach while the cooking went on. The smell of fish and urchin wafted around the area; they agreed to have the ground beef on Wednesday and the hotdogs on Thursday.

Halfway through the game, Rinoa came over and cut up some fruits for a salad on the side. She talked, in bits to Irvine about the yoga classes she's been taking; he listened with full attention. Zell had taken a few classes with her, but dropped out after the first year. Being a guy, he said that yoga wasn't really for him and limped out of the room. Irvine told her about the mission into the tomb and a few other things of no real importance. Just small talk.

"I wanna stay up and hear ghost stories." Kait mentioned before tossing the frisbee.

"What's with kids and ghost stories, anyway?" Asked Seifer catching it when Selphie tossed it his way.

Kait shrugged. "Don't you like to be scared?"

"Nothing scares me." Replied the ex-knight in a frank tone.

"I'm not really afraid of ghost, but the idea of them." He caught the disk, holding onto it while continuing to speak. "Why do they stare so hard?" Wondered the child.

The group was silent in thought.

"Isn't it obvious?" Seifer was the first to comment. "They're wondering why they can see you, then what they should do to you."

Startled by that, his shoulders slump. "Why would they wanna do anything to me?"

"Because you're a brat."

"That's all?" He tossed the disk. "That's a weak reason to scare someone."

"Don't listen to Seifer," Squall chimed in, having heard enough. "he doesn't know what he's talking about. Ghost are just normal people, they're nothing to be afraid of."

"Unless the person is the spirit of an ax-murderer." Chides Squall's rival.

Kait said nothing to that, but decided to quit the game. Besides, he can calm his curious frets over dinner. Heading toward the grill he made sure to keep his distance, knowing the rules when it came to stoves and grills, but he was still close enough to peek at the food. "Is it done?"

"Yeah, grab a plate." Irvine lifts a fish from the grill with a spactula, setting it carefully down on top of the boy's paper plate. "Come get it!" He called to the others who seemed to be in a heated discussion, with Seifer at the center of it. Figures.

He's not holding a grudge, though. Irvine knows Seifer pretty well, well enough to know the guy is just looking for kicks nearly all the time. He's just like that, its his personality and all the age in the world won't change that. Its life. Honestly... Irvine is glad to see it; he hates when people stiffen up over something like a number. There's a time to be serious, true, but for the most part you shouldn't let that lose who you are as a person.

And speaking as someone who definitely got lost, its a good thing to keep in touch with yourself over the appearances you make in life. The truest moments of happiness are missed out on because you can't pull away to wet your feet in a puddle, or roll down a hill. Or even buying a gumball from a 25 cent machine at the supermarket. No, if anything age is only something your body experiences, your mind and spirit... they stay sharp. They maintain the true you. Although, if the true you is stuffy, than so be it.

Food is passed out to all; pleased comments erupted with a few bites taken. The fish came out wonderful, and thankfully no one had scales or bones left with theirs. The strawberries were the most favored of the fruit salad, the honey dew melon being second. Before he even heard himself, Zell went off on a ghost story his father had told him once. It was about a ghost ship in the middle of the ocean. Other ships would pass by it and they'd hear the screams of the lost sailors on board; an eerie mist would billow around the boat making it glow in the moonlight, revealing bits of a broken ship and the moldy, murky crew.

Kait shivered. "I'll bet the sea does have lots of ghosts in it." He looked at his fathers. "I heard about a girl who drowned at the swimming pool."

"She didn't drown, Kait. She... well, yeah, she did drown. But she didn't die." Irvine informed having heard the story himself from a friend at the market.

"Oh. That's good."

"Hn. And what about you squirt? Do you know any ghost stories?" Asked Seifer. Kids always want them, but are never willing to do anything themselves.

Kait thought for a moment, then nodded. He did know a story about a ghost who lives in the mirror and she... he had paused a long time on this part. It seemed that the boy was referring to that old urban legend Bloody Mary. He only knew that you said her name into a mirror until she came out. After that he must have tuned out whomever he was hearing it from, too frightened at the idea to pick up the rest. So, like any kid, he embelished his own fearful ideas to it.

"She... drags you in and... takes your place. That way she can take your family too." Proud of his tale, he waited for the others to show that they were scared. At which point he would sooth their fears by telling them that they'd only be in trouble if they said her name while flicking the lights on and off. But none of them seemed effected. Although Rinoa humored him with a "Good story." Why are grown-ups so unbelieving of things. It could happen. Although, he hoped not.

When the air began to cool they agreed to roast mashmallows and make s'mores. Squall found the taste disgusting, never one to like marshmallows in the first place. So he settled with taking hunks off of Hershey's bars. Selphie must have had eight total, Kait beating her by a mere three more. The others nursed the one, being unsure of what they thought of the taste.

At around ten they put out the fire and went inside. Kait took the one bed in the room that wasn't broken, and placed his sleeping bag over it, then he went into the bathroom to brush his teeth. The others got their sleeping bags and things laid out around the room; knowing it would be impossible to get to sleep on concrete. They were dreading the long hours of night.

Seifer joined Kait in the bathroom, planning on washing his face. He watched the child for a moment; nose scrunched at the sight of toothpaste foam building at the corners of his mouth while he let it hang open as he brushed. 'That woman.' She popped up in his head. She can't really be Kait's mother. If so, where the hell was she all these years? They assumed dead. But now to have her show up... and at his door step none the less. He was sure the woman had lied to Macias, because if they had known the truth they never would have told her.

It's a small town. Everyone knows about what happened four years ago with Squall and Irvine, concerning the child and Irvine's disappearance. They see the three of them now. No one would bust that up. Hell, he's not even an ass enough to do it.

"Miles?" He heard his voice say. "Hey, Miles?" He called again.

Confused, Kait turned and looked up at him, brows furrowed in question of whom Seifer was talking to.

The blond shrugged. 'Hn. Her kid or not, the boy is in too deep to be anyone else. So she may as well hang it up.' Taking his place at the sink, splashing water on his face to clear the soap suds he'd wiped on off. 'Next time she comes around, I'll tell he to fuck off.'


"Hmm?" He intoned. Face still lowered at the sink.

"You don't really believe in Bloody Mary... do you?"

Smiling, an actual smile, burried quickly into a towel to dry his face. Seifer wraps an arm around the boy's shoulders. "Let's see."

He flicked the light switch down, saying the woman or girl's name; Kait's fingernails nervously dug into his forearm. Turning it back on, he says it again and repeats this until finally the light remained off for one last time. In the dark, the two waited for something to happen. The boy's whole life stilled in that moment. Seifer wasn't Squall or Irvine, he isn't obligated to protect him if something was to happen.

The light switch went up again, and through the mirror Seifer looked into the child's dark blue eyes. "No. I don't. Which means neither should you." Kneeling down so that he can whisper into the child's ear he says. "Its all a lot of bullshit, disproved over and over again by countless people that don't hear things and instantly fear it."

The boy seemed to really think about that. Seifer was right, after all. He did it, and nothing happened. Maybe it worked better with only one person? He had to know. "Maybe its because there are two people instead of one."

Seifer cocked a brow to that. "You're Leonhart's kid. I expect you to be a lot braver than this. Kinneas, sure, he's a pansy in a lot of ways. But your dad is tough." Popping Kait on the top of his head, he sighs. "Be more like him." He shrugged.

"You're right." Punching Seifer in the gut, he added. "But don't pick on Irvine, or you'll have to answer to me."

Snickering, Seifer nods. "Whatever brat." He pulled open the door. "And hey, if you tell anyone about what I just said... I'll deny everything."

"Hey, if anyone overheard you say it, I'll deny it. They'd never believe me anyway." He smiled, a thank you really, and continued down the tiny hall to the single bedroom that held six broken beds, one fixed bed, and a small empty dresser. Seifer can be pretty cool sometimes. He snuggled into the sleeping bag that's been laid over top of the mattress to keep anything gross off of him, and quickly fell asleep.

Seifer looked at the mirror, a smile on his face. Kids believe anything told to them. Even the stupidest things imaginable. Something about that made Seifer's skin crawl a bit. Turning out the bathroom light, he shakes off the feeling that something bad was coming. He doesn't get feelings like that, and when he does it isn't like him to care about it, because usually that something bad happens to someone else. Its the someone else in this case that's making him so itchy.

'Damn brat. When the hell did I start to care so much?' He walked to the bedroom, climbed into his sleeping bag beside his lover; but rather than fall asleep as Zell had, he remained awake counting the pops and ticks of the room settling.