Final Fantasy - All Series Fan Fiction ❯ My Mother, That's Who I Mean ❯ Right in front of my eyes ( Chapter 5 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

A.N.: Thank you always for reading, voting or reviewing.


Body stiff, Squall tossed and turned within his sleeping bag trying to get into a better position, not for comfort, but for cool. The air is sweltering around them, and it seems like he's the only one feeling it. It's driving him crazy! Thankfully, the snug hold that Irvine had around his waist was released from his own unconscious sleep tumbling. It must be due to the solid ground beneath him making him turn, because Irvine is usually on his back stiff as a board when he's not holding onto him.

It's 4 in the morning, and the sky is barely a light shade of blue. Squall pushed the day-glow light on his digital watch to check the time. Displeased that he'd been up all night, he figured what'd be the point in trying to sleep? So he got up out of his bag and stepped into the bathroom, clothes under his arm, and dressed. He'll just take a walk until breakfast. Selphie said she had a Landscape scavenger hunt planned. And whereas he'll play, he hoped that Kait and Irvine would do most of the work, while he followed along behind them.

Opening the door he was momentarily startled to see Irvine standing on the tiny porch, still dressed in pajamas, sporting flip-flops on his feet. He grinned at Squall with that cat's smile that curled up at the ends like the Grinch who Stole Christmas.

"Wanna walk together?" He asked as if he'd been planning to do just that, and Squall was the one who'd surprised him.

Without a word the heat-bogged young man stepped off the porch slowing for the smallest second for Irvine to fall into step beside him.

With the stone home a good few feet away from them, Squall could feel the cool in the air. The place must be like a cave with its own core temp but with all of them inside it must be generating their combined heat like an oven because it's actually sort of cool outside. Dark clouds in the sky trying to part for the day but not quite ready to give up a little space between their lazy drift together. The ocean looked like a black abyss with a few light patches from the sky reflecting, the waves bobbed the patches up and down like driftwood.

After a good fifteen minutes of silence, Squall asked. "Why are you up? Were you hot too?"

"Naah, I'm used to the heat; you used to be too. Remember?"

"Sort of." He recalled small things but heat tolerance wasn't worth remembering.

"I'm up because you are," He shrugged as if the answer were that obvious.

Again the two walk in silence unsure of where they're going just knowing that its around and back by habit of the unspoken rule for taking a walk to nowhere.

"You haven't been leaving me any calls lately." Squall commented as if to himself.

"Can't think of anything." Replied Irvine with a side-long glance at the male. "Hmhm," He chuckled thoughtfully. "maybe next month."

Squall shrugged as if to say "whatever" or that it didn't matter and he was only making conversation. However, it did matter. He liked the pre-made dates. He liked hearing them and looking forward to them. If Irvine can't think of anything.. maybe...

The two wound up on a hill by the next hour. The sky is brightening a bit more, dropping beams into the ocean now. It almost looked like spirit trails leading up to the Heavens rather than light beams aiming down at the water. The two reached the top of a cliff and took a seat. A comfortable silence remained between them as they stared out at the ocean before them.

"Remember how you'd always brag about jumping into the water from up here?" Mentioned Squall. "And yet whenever Seifer or Selphie said to go for it, you'd say: "what for" or that you'd get your clothes wet."

"Hmhmhm. I was nervous alright. Leave a kid alone." He shoved Squall's at the bicep.

Smirking, he craned his neck as if he could see over the drop to the water from where he's sitting. "Good thing your head was smarter than your mouth. You never could have survived jumping from up here."

Irvine made a thoughtful sound. It seemed like Squall was working up to saying something but he didn't know how to approach it right. Irvine could guess that this might be the reason that Squall's lived most of his social life in his head. Easier to get words right or wrong before saying them on impulse like the rest of the world. Himself included with the rest. But he liked impulse, it kept things honest.

Pretty words can be said when you've had long enough to think about them, and honestly it just leads to deceiving people about your true feelings. It isn't wrong to want a clear head in a discussion, but if you're only in it to nullify your own guilt or keep appearances its really not helping anything in the long run. But then, neither is being a time-bomb. Irvine had to suppose that in life there are only losers in anything that doesn't involve a rules-set game.

Turning his head he looks at Squall's handsome profile and smiles; just when he's about to open his mouth to say something Squall cuts him off.

"You wanna sit on my lap?"

"Huh?" Dumbfounded by the comment he looks at his hip where his lover's gaze has landed.

Squall shrugged. "You're in those flimsy boxer shorts, sitting must be killing you."

That made Irvine laugh. "You can't be serious?" He wondered.

"Just because you're taller than me doesn't mean anything. I have more meat on my bones than you do." He said it as though it were that simple.

"Never mind that we'd look like a couple of jackasses."

"Who's gonna see us?"

"Ahaha" Placing laced fingers behind his head, Irvine lays back on the craggy ground. "I'll pass."

Again, Squall shrugged as if he didn't care either way. He remained in an upright position only now he moved his legs so that one was bent beneath him and the other was pulled up to his chest, an arm wrapped around it while the other hand lay beside Irvine.

"I can't believe Imari cut my hair." The Galbadian said absently as he looked into the sky. "Doesn't he have any respect for a man's personal preferences?"

"I don't think he cared. You should have seen how damaged it was when we found you." He tilts his head back to look at the sky as well. "When we were back together, I brushed it out for you."

Irvine seemed amused by that. "Well thank you for caring."

Looking down at his boyfriend he said. "Hm. You sound like you don't care either way."

"Should I?"

"I thought you did. You grew it for a reason."

"Honestly," His hand reaches out, going up under the back of Squall's dark green t-shirt to give his back a scratch. "I just let it grow on its own. It was always longer than your guys' hair so I'd just figured I must be one of those guys meant to have it long."

Squall looked taken aback by that. He'd always thought there would be more to it, not sure what or why, just more...

"Heh heh, you look like you swallowed a fly."

"I'm just a little surprised... Here I thought there was some significant reason for your wanting long hair but it was only an afterthought."

Laughing, Irvine sat up pulling his love into an embrace. "Aaaw, I'm sorry." He teases. "If I come up with a more entertaining reason, you'll be the first to know."

Pulling out of the hold, he rolls his eyes. "Asshole." He said in mock bitterness over being teased about it.

"I do prefer it long." Recalling some information that Kait had told him over the years Irvine brushed his hand absently through Squall's hair. "Kait told me that you used to have long hair?" He arched a fine brow in wonder. "Wanna explain how that came to be?"

Squall shrugged nonchalantly. "I was taking care of a toddler practically by myself. In some ways, I just let myself go."

"Uh-huh. See how easy it is?"

Actually, he kind of did. But luckily Irvine keeps his; he's not sure if he'd ever make it publicly known between them but he likes Irvine's hair. It's beautiful without being feminine; and he remains handsome more so when it's not pulled back. Unlike his own steadily sharpening features that make him look like he's shifty or has something to hide; Irvine's features remained smooth in their curvature. His Tiffany-blue eyes still soft and kidding with the world around them, no sadness left lingering behind them.

Squall had to feel a swell of ego there, knowing that he put the beauty back into those already good-looking eyes of the sniper.

"You know what?" Irvine interrupted Squall's silent appreciation. "I can't picture it. I've seen pictures but the image was 2D."

"I'm not growing my hair back out. It wasn't intentional." He defended his abrupt shut down.

"Hey, I never said it was... but I'm thinking that maybe one season you'll leave it grown out - - for me?"

"No." But the tug at the corner of his mouth told Irvine that maybe Squall would. If only for one season.

Pleased with the unspoken 'maybe', Irvine leaned over a hair and kissed the lion on the side of his mouth leaving an actual smile in its departure.

"Irvine, I've been meaning to.."

Both men turn their heads toward the tiny stone home when the smell of bacon wafted through the air. They hadn't even noticed that the sun had come up.

"Guess we better head back or we won't eat." Standing, Irvine brushed a hand over his butt to remove the pebbles that were either stuck there or had poked him hard enough for him to think so.

Squall seemed reluctant to move; stilled, just as his words were, but eventually he stood up, doing the same brushing of his own person before he started for the stone house. His dual gaze glared as the Esper bird flew over to the two of them - - well, to Irvine, whose arm readily extended for the living fossil.

It had been quietly grating on his nerves that bird's love for Irvine. At first Squall thought that it was because it wanted to steal his life again, but then as time went by he realized that maybe it was something else.

The Esper rarely remained at home unless told and would lazily fly not far from view overhead. It was annoying. Like a constant reminder of the worst and best four years of his life. He honestly wouldn't have made it without Kait being there, but he'd always missed Irvine and when reality of the situation came to him he became angry, and it replaced the relief that he felt when his son said that he'd seen him.

"It's a note from Selphie," Irvine said, small piece of paper in hand. "says: get your asses back for breakfast, little heart Sel'."

"If she's cooking I'm not sure I wanna eat."

Taking a step back when his flip-flop slipped off he shoved his foot back into it then kept up the pace with Squall.

"There they are!" The cook called out when they came into view.

Kait came running over to the both of them, turning around when he'd reached them and extended a hand for them to take. "You could have brought me along too." He informed them sternly.

"Sorry kiddo, next time." Replied Irvine.

The food looked surprisingly good. The eggs weren't burnt, they had cheese and cubes of bacon chopped into them and a pile of hash on the side with a dab of sour cream on top. It tasted delicious.

After Irvine changed from his sleepwear the group waited for Selphie to hand out cameras and a sheet of paper for each of them so they could go landscape hunting. The prize was the biggest slice of a chocolate cake the girls brought along for dessert on the last day of vacation. It wasn't much, really it wasn't much, but it was enough to excite movement and off they went.

# #

Mara had been watching the house for days. She'd find reason, after good-enough reason, for an excuse to come by but at no time did anyone answer the door. There wasn't even a stir from beyond that would indicate that someone was in the house and choosing to ignore her. There's a good chance that the neighbor had been right about Squall Leonhart living there but that could have been a while back.

The man could have moved away quietly without anyone in the double-decker apartment building knowing about it. If only someone would give her a phone number she can just call him directly. She's searched the phone book, twice, and found no name even remotely close to Squall. Military people are allowed to get their phone numbers in the book, right?

She had to get more money wired over but it wasn't much. She would have to end this little hunt soon and get back to her job and home. At least until she could get more time off and a little more cash for hotel stays. If she only knew someone here it would cut back on payments. Taking a seat on a bench at the park, she took a spoonful of frozen yogurt, barely tasting it due to her thought-filled mind.

That same group of kids from before were out playing kick ball. She turned her attention from her shoes to them when a child screamed safe when sliding into home plate. A smile came across her face as she once again imagined Miles, eight years old now, kicking the ball farther than any other child and runner who's far faster than anyone in the world. Miles would love sports. He'd be an allstar on any team.

Checking the faces Mara wondered where that one child was, the kid... what was his name? Kaye? No. Kai? Right, Kai. He'd be best friends with Miles. She'd always have to scold her son for being too wild but inside she'd be happy, and always smiling at the things he does to let him know that he is loved.

Standing then walking away from the bench she dropped her yogurt cup into the nearest wastebasket then returned to the bench having a seat. A thought crossed her mind that maybe one of these kids knew Miles, or at least could figure out a child that may look like him. It's a huge stretch but maybe one of them could help. Watching the kids she decided to go over to a child who was waiting for his turn to kick on a bench not far from her own. Most of the other kids had chosen to sit on the grass, but this little tomboy was showing her feminine side and took the bench.

"Excuse me," She takes a seat beside the girl.

"Hi." The child looked at the woman. "You're the one who bought us ice cream before." She recalled.

Nodding, Mara replied. "That's right. My name is Ms. Mara, what's your name?"

"Kina Dvorak."

"Hello." She didn't want to come off as too eager, so Mara held back in asking outright about Miles. Just pretending to be a spectator was the best option.

One child was on first base but slowly he inched his way towards second, praying that the pitcher didn't notice his movements. It wasn't until the base stealer reached home plate that Mara made her move.

"Can I ask you something, Kina?" She heightened her voice to a pitch that children responded well to. "Have you met any children around your age, eight to be exact, who have blue eyes and medium colored brown hair... it would be a boy? And his skin would have a naturally tanned hue - - I mean, color to it."

Kina didn't even think about it, nodding quickly. "That sounds like Kait."


"Mhm. He's my best friend." Kina sounded very proud of this fact. "We play together all the time."

"Oh. That's wonderful." She knew it was a stretch but she asked regardless. "Maybe his name would start with an 'M'?"

"An 'M'?" She shakes her head. "No. I don't know anyone like that. Do you want me to ask the other guys? They might know?" She didn't even wait for a response before calling out. "Hey you guys!"

Then she ran off.

'So much for discreteness.' Thought the woman as she watched Kina move around the playing field with the game still going on to ask the other kids about Miles. With each kid she'd asked they nodded right away but then wound up shaking their heads. This kid Kait seemed to be the spitting image of Miles but not him... unless... She really didn't believe that his name would remain the same but she'd never guessed that she could have possibly found him and even spoken to him so soon. She had that feeling again, sweaty palms, a racing heart.

When Kina returned to the bench with her report Mara hardly listened to the words the girl was saying and instead cut her off to ask. "This boy, Kait... do you shorten his name to Kai?"


Nodding, Mara takes a deep breath to steady herself so as not to scare the girl off. "And his parents... do you know them?"

"Uh-huh! They're very nice, his daddies names are Squall and Irvine."

That knocked the wind out of the woman and on shaking legs she stood up. "I uh... I have to go. Thank you very much." She patted the girl on the head before moving away from the bench toward the street.

It was him. He was the boy playing hide-n-seek. The one with the bird on his shoulder... the one... her son... and he's living with one of the men who'd found him. How could that Seifer Almasy not know about something like that? He may not be friends with the man but they work at the same base, so there isn't any way that he doesn't know something about the man's life. Balamb is a small town just like Rodenite, and she knows everyone's name back home. She'd like to claw that man's perfect face. She should go over there right now and... No. This is exactly what she's going to therapy for. She has to calm herself down before she winds up doing something foolish. Wherever this Squall Leonhart has gone, he's taken her son with him and she will get Miles back.

'No. No. What if it's just a coincidence, that boy could easily be his little brother - - what do kids know from parents and legal guardians? I have to stop allowing myself to get so excited...' Her pace heads for the hotel. 'I'll do a thorough check; I'll ask the child about himself in secret. And hopefully when I talk to Squall I can get him either to confess or trick him into telling me whether or not that boy Kait is my son.'

# #

The game, a few days ago, was won by the girls and reaped reward was very sweet but then the boys never cared about the prize anyway, with the exception of the eight year old child who'd trade breathing for snacks. He may be raised mostly on fruit but he's no slouch in polishing off cakes and cookies when he's being babysat by the others.

Today they spent the afternoon swimming and playing to keep the ball in the air. It was done at the nearly shallow end of the water because regardless being a very aquatic raised child, Kait's still short and would have a hard time putting any force into his hits with no surface to bounce off of like the rest of them.

The sun was an inferno, so most of their activities were spent on water fun. An inflatable trampoline was blown up and anchored securely to the ocean floor. They all bounced around for hours falling into the massive body of water and climbing back on soaking wet and laughing, cheering themselves for the 'big-air' they'd caught.

Being good with boats, Zell manned the water vehicle giving them rides around the area. He could hear them laughing as they were lifted into the sky with a shoot above their heads helping them float along behind him. And when it was time to take his turn Selphie gladly powered the boat after a quick instruction of how its done. When it came to technical things the girl was a natural so learning how to work a speed boat was like playing with a wind-up toy for her; unfortunately for him it meant all the world of speed would be dealt to him and before he could even say 'Go' he was up in the sky whizzing around the area like a leaf blowing in a violent storm. But after his fear of unwantedly slamming into the cliffs had passed it was a blast. He even encouraged her to go faster.

At night was a real treat because Irvine played acoustic for them while they all sang anything that popped into mind - - at the same time - - and he switched off what he was playing to match a person at a time, missing cords as he shook with laughter from the monstrosity of singing. Seifer and Squall and Quistis only watched with happy expressions, not daring their horrible voices into the mix of the tone-deaf quartet.

Singing privately at home to his son before bed was one thing, but here in front of the others... Squall was sure he'd never live it down. Even if Irvine said he has an ok voice; love isn't just blind, you know. And when it came time for bed, that night like every other night was a hot annoyance but Squall didn't take a walk that time, remaining in the sleeping bags with Irvine.

One more day of vacation and soon they'd be back home again commuting to Garden if the mobile - - school stayed in the Dollet area. A lot of the time the four of them: Seifer and Zell, Irvine and himself lived like gypsies moving around constantly - - even though they have a solid home, work's called them all over the place.

The next day Squall, Irvine and Kait went for a walk in the morning. It was their last day there and they wanted to at least have this with the child since he 'missed out' on a walk that was unplanned in the first place. The air was cooler today so the child wore a light coat. In order to hold both his parents' hands he zipped his jacket and stuffed Samba into his coat, the head of the stuffed Moomba peeked out of it so that Kait's chin rested atop its spiked mane. They walked up and down the area looking this way and that.

Irvine told stories about their childhood from his point of view, good times and bad; things that his endless memory would never let go of. Squall was always embarrassed about his determination to wait for Ellone but unlike before, when Kait's attention shifted to his disbelief that any of them were his age, the boy said absently with a voice filled with pride that he hoped his father would wait that long for him to return if he were ever taken away.

Squall informed Kait that there'd be no waiting, he and Irvine would flip the planet around countless times in search of him and they wouldn't stop looking until he was back. Kait smiled; ready to go home and brag to anyone who'd listen about the depths his fathers would go to for him.

"What's that?" Kait asked ten minutes later.

The two look ahead to where the child nodded to.

"Chocobo forest."

Squall was able to identify it right away, recalling how horrible it was having to wrestle up birds for all of them from this half-pint creep who only had intentions of getting money from him rather than handing him some birds. Shifting on his heels to turn in the opposite direction he was left with an empty hand as Kait trudged forward towards the forest. So much for avoidance.

"Do you think there're any birds in there, right now?!" He jerked Irvine along, his other arm bent and pumping back and forth to pick up his speed.

He looked like a train trying to drag a slightly yielding caboose. Irvine looked over his shoulder then reached out his other hand for Squall to take. Picking up his pace to catch up, he takes Irvine's hand allowing himself to be led into the forest.


Four large birds approached them right away, but only because Kait had pointed out a baby that he had to touch. The birds saw that the child meant no harm and let them alone, plus the baby Chocobo seemed to be having a ball chasing the human child around. True to form of his nickname Kait was chipping away at the thing, waddling back and forth looking more like a duck than a little bird.

It was Irvine who suggested bringing the four larger birds back and racing around the area with them. Squall couldn't pass up the challenge and agreed. He'd like to blame Seifer for his overdriven desire to take on challenges - - especially when he knew that he could win. Irvine may have been raised on a farm but he's no slouch on the massive birds either.

When they returned to the broken orphanage Selphie was bouncing with joy over the idea of a race, and quickly snatched up the female bird. Rinoa decided to race as well and asked Zell to ride with her. As tiny as she is, the bird would hardly feel the weight of the two of them so it wasn't a problem, and it wouldn't hinder the Chocobo's speed since it's actually used to two riders.

Quistis mapped out a course for them but said that she planned to clean up the home before their departure later that day, and that she'll have to hear about how the race went. Seifer said he'd watch them and 'the brat' as he called the child, and took a seat on a large boulder pulling the child up to sit beside him; once settled in he counted down for them.

It was gonna be tough with no saddle or reins but they're all good enough riders and don't have much of a worry over falling off. The birds darted away none faster than the others, at first, but each rider began to pick up speed edging the bird faster and faster. Irvine was bringing up the rear surprisingly, Squall was in the lead with Selphie behind him and Rinoa and Zell a little behind her. It was when they hit the cliffside that Irvine suddenly sped on ahead as their birds were slowed for a pause.

The sniper just raced off the cliff like it was nothing and Squall realized where his lover had the advantage. He may be a good rider but Irvine rode terrain, that's why he held back. He let his bird rest while there's bolted on ahead; sneaky bastard. He could actually hear Irvine's laughter on his way down. Selphie - - always ready to jump - - wasn't far behind.

"Tck tck!" He sounded to the bird. The large beast sped up chasing after its brother or father, and sister or mother down the cliff side.

Scope in hands with the seeing end over one eye Kait laughs away at the sight of them all. Seifer, though he said he'd watch, decided to take a cigarette break; allowing the sun to give him a light tan while he lounged.

"Papa's in the lead now." He informed Seifer though it sounded like he was talking to himself. "Aunt Selphie is second but she's losing her place now cause dad made it off the cliff."

Bored expression on his handsome features Seifer gave the kid a poke with his foot. "Hey, Little Chicken, how're your 'living after-life' fears coming along?"

Lowering the scope, he put on a snide look then replied. "Just fine, thank you. And its Little Bird, jerk."

"I'm fully aware of what I called you, brat." Tilting his head back to level rather than up at the sky, Seifer added sternly. "Get used to the new nickname."

Realizing that there would be no fighting the 28 year old child, Kait allowed him to call him whatever he wanted, besides, he knew it was in fun and Seifer wasn't really a jerk. Zell and Irvine told him this all the time. Squall thinks he's a jerk and has a lifetime worth of stories to back it up, he was sometimes joined by Zell despite the newfound love of his past enemy. Returning the scope to his eye he dropped it in startle and wobbling with arms winding around twice to keep him balanced, he tumbled off the boulder to the ground.

"Shit." Seifer muttered, setting down his cigarette.

A Jelly Eye lazily wriggled about the rock toward the stumbled child.

"No you don't." Seifer grabbed the monster's squishy body in its thin center and with a few words chanted cast Firaga burning the squirling pink, white, and blue color from the creature.

However the charred black absorbed into its body restoring its natural colors to it. Monsters like this one always have something up their sleeve and can change their type to go with whatever is being done to them in order to keep themselves alive. Unfortunately for the creature Seifer is well aware of this fact and instantly slammed the thing into the ground stomping it for a physical attack where normally he would use Hyperion for the finishing blows, but his gunblade was left on the ship. Though he'd hoped to have a reason to swing his third arm around, he honestly didn't think they'd run into any trouble. Life just loved proving him wrong it seemed.

Multi-colored flesh swelling the monster then flattened out before seeping into the ground and disappearing completely.

Ready to ask the kid if he were all right, Seifer is surprised to see the boy staring at the ground in what looked like shocked amazement.

"That was so cool!" He looked up at Seifer, big blue eyes beaming. "Can you do it again?!"

Brow cocked optimistically the ex-knight decided to ignore the request and return to his seat on the rock; watching the race he was also keeping an eye on the child who seemed to be scouting around for more stray monsters. Kids are so easy to impress. That monster was hardly worth standing up for. Now if he wanted to see a battle he'd watch him fighting a...

"Seifer!" Called a female voice.

At that volume it could only be Selphie.


That one was Zell. Then Rinoa called to him.

The four Chocobo's were coming back towards them, each rider looking as though a bomb was about to blow right behind them.

"We have to go," Selphie ushered her bird to stop.

Squall snatched up Kait onto his chocobo and saw that he was secured in place before heading to the orphanage.

"What happened?" Seifer asked when pushing Selphie a little further up on the bird by the hips so that he could climb on.

"There's an Esper in the desert just over the cliff." She said over her shoulder. "We gotta go." Turning the bird by leaning her weight to the side.

"I wanna watch!" Kait asked when he saw the stone building reach his vision.

"It could be too dangerous, you have to stay here." Squall informed the child.

"But," He started to protest but paused when the bird stopped moving. He reached his arms out to Squall when he felt his presence leave from behind him. "Can I watch from the ship? I'll be in the air so nothing can hurt me."

Squall thought that over then grabbed his son by the hand leading him toward Ragnarok. Kait was right about one thing, he could watch from the ship's monitor but he would not be in the air while doing so. He only had to quickly set it up and he'd be on the battlefield. The others were already onboard grabbing their weapons and junctioning whatever spells they've brought with them. In the cockpit, Squall started the engine and turned on the monitor aiming it at the desert where they'd seen the living fossil.

"Is that it?" Kait asked, eyes as bugged out as a fish.

"Yeah. Don't touch any of the controls, okay?"

The boy nodded, looking over his shoulder when Squall moved away from him he then turned his attention back to the screen. It took them several minutes to ride out to the location but soon the SeeD members were on the screen.

Waiting eyes follow the eroded tracks left just above the thick sand. They could be dealing with any type of monster and knowing this Selphie called upon Golem to cover their backs. The slithering movement made its way around the ground as if sizing them up and it chose Quistis as the weakest member. She could tell by the briefest pause the creature was going to appear from underground and took a hard leap backward skidding on the loose sand beneath her feet.

"A snake!" Declared the prey taking a step back but not from fear.

The ground shook violently a moment then revealed a Minotaur as the culprit; the hole left in the ground filled in with sand as if it was never disturbed. The large chunk of land went flying up into the air and with a boost from his brother the larger of the two beast went flying into the air after the land mass and blasted through with its powerful horns, butting the snake with the tip of its horns. The snake wriggled and flailed before coming back down to the ground with a loud thud that blew a good amount of dust into the air.

Insulted by the attack and the bleeding holes left in its body the snake slammed its tail around aiming for each SeeD member. Rinoa would have been slammed for sure had Golem's hand not come up to protect her from the hit. She wasn't going to waste the chance and called upon Carbunkle to give them a boost of speed. Squall and Seifer dart forward slicing into the reptile with fierce blow after blow but the scales of the creature are incredibly sturdy and take each hit as if it were mosquito bites.

With a nod to each other they double team it; with help from Palidor's ability they leap high into the air gunblades raised overhead before swooping down and carving deeply into the snake's jaw. The point of the blade went through a good few inches; with their weight still holding onto the other end the swords bend back upward but the backs can't cut through the strong flap of skin beneath the creature's jaw leaving Squall and Seifer to hang from the beast poison-fanged mouth.

Swinging the hand-sickles chain attached to the handle of Hyperion Seifer tossed the chain sending the scythe into the snake's right eye. It reared back with a loud roar and shook its head violently thankfully loosening the humans, having them tossed into the mountainside at a fast enough speed to have them indent the stone wall. In enlarged form Palidor catches the two in their fall and flies them a little ways away to a safe spot. Shots ring out from Irvine's gun and each bullet cast a Blizzaga spell. That should do the trick. There's no way a cold blooded creature can take the ice.

"Zell, use Leviathan!" Irvine called.

Nodding the martial artist called out the water serpent sending it after the land snake. The summon snaked its way up the cliff from the ocean floor bringing with it a tidal wave that followed along beneath it even when it leaned out into the open air. The wave of water washed into the Esper with little damage done, but when Shiva's Diamond Dust peppered over its hard scales the Esper stiffened and froze into a large statue of ice. They had to act quickly; the ice was only meant to keep it in place and even with it frozen they won't be able to knock it out to capture it and draw it under contract and the poison in its mouth is already seeping through the bind. If the snakes body is covered in hard metal scaling then they need to weaken the scales.

Seifer readied his limit break but Squall slapped a hand over the ex-knight's mouth to keep him from channeling.

"We need something stronger. Use Ifrit or Bahamut."

Rolling his eyes, Seifer childishly sneered at his rival before changing his channeling to the one that summons Bahamut. The sky overhead darkened by the shadow of the large dragon. Its claws hung low under the clouds while its head remained above them. It almost seemed to provide its own clouds due to the heat of its body evaporating the hydration in the air. Smoke blew from its nostrils and pulled in a gulp of air it transferred out into a large ball of fire that slammed into the snake melting the white ice from its body. The hard metal scales heat and expand under the attack.

Quistis, using her limit break, slashed and sliced at the beast with the sharp point on her whip effectively digging trenches into its body now that the metal scales are weakened.

The snake hissed and spat poison into the air as it tried to rid itself of the pain of the flames and the slicing of the whip. It did the unexpected and began to tunnel underground. It went at a rapid speed creating a whirlpool that sucked them toward the center of it like a quicksand. Palidor dropped down onto Irvine's shoulder lifting him into the air.

The sniper aimed his gun to where the erosion in the sand started and fired rapidly. He hadn't gotten around to getting his gun upgraded to Graveyard but Scatter should do the job just fine and the flame rounds inside were hitting their mark everytime and eventually coaxed the snake to the surface.

Tonberry King stalked out of a cave and across the sandy terrain; a barrage of items slammed into the snake distracting it long enough for the summon to stab the thing in the cuts that were made by Quistis. Crying out in pain the snake eventually couldn't stand up against the pain and dropped heavily to the ground. Quistis drew it in. When the dust settled the battle was over. A joyous cheer from Selphie brought them from the battle and the group calmed their adrenaline.


"What's the snake's name?" Kait asked while the others went to and from the ship loading their luggage inside.

"Terrato." Quistis informed him since she'd been the one to capture it.

Grabbing the woman's hand he followed along beside her continuing to ask questions.

Selphie sat behind the controls with a huge smile on her face. "I love a good scuffle during a good vacation."

Rinoa gave her friend a questioning look. Having to sweat and battle in the hot-hot sun seemed like a pretty bad way to end a vacation in her mind.

"Hey," Irvine nudged Squall on the side. "you ok? You seem kinda pissed about something."

Squall shrugged then shook his head.

Sure that silence was a sign that something actually was bothering the gunblader, Irvine dropped the matter. If something is wrong Squall will tell him later. He could just be avoiding the conversation in front of the others. It happens. Taking a seat he snaps his seatbelt into place, stretching out his legs to get a good lounge in before they got back to Balamb town and eventually work.