Final Fantasy - All Series Fan Fiction ❯ My Mother, That's Who I Mean ❯ Just another day ( Chapter 6 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Disclaimer: I don't own Alvin and the Chipmunks, or Ariel the Little Mermaid. I also do not own Vincent Valentine from Final Fantssy VII.


Squall leaned his head onto his fist and gazed out the window, thinking about nothing in particular. They're in Dollet for work. They commuted over after coming back from vacation; Squall arrived a little later, having to wait for Laguna to arrive so he could babysit Kait for the week he and Irvine are gone. He has a lot of tests to grade, and a lot of classes to watch over while they're testing, meaning this week is going to be a nightmare of boredom.

The others are instructing their own classes somewhere in the building or outside on the field. It's a beautiful day April, he should be out there. Maybe he should rethink his strangely conditioned retirement and become an instructor like the others. At least then he could go outside for classes. Kait is eight years old. He can handle most things on his own. It's possible.

A boy brought his paper up to the desk, setting it down on the corner. He wanted to ask about something but decided against it when Squall cast him a sidelong glance that looked like he'd rather run him over with a car than answer any questions. The young man remembered a time when testing was almost like hanging out in party central. At least that's what his older brother had said. The test monitor was hardly ever in the room, and when she was present she was feeble and quiet; not the scary intimidating quiet that Squall Leonhart is. Going back to his seat, he waits for the tone to set him free.

His phone buzzed in his pocket and pulled it out, he flipped it open. 'Laguna?' Taking the call, he says. "Hello?"

"What do you do when Kait's at school? I'm bored out of my miiiind." He dragged the word out as if it would make him feel any better.

Incredible. His father can be so... immature. "Laguna, we've got at least two dozen books in the house; just find something to read. And don't call again unless it's an emergency."

"But..." He said it in a way that sounded like he thought Squall would have hung up on him after that, but seeing that the line was still connected he went on. "I'm not in the mood to read. I have to be in the mood. I thought maybe calling you would be better."

"I'm not the world's greatest conversationalist."

"Oh I know, that's why I called. You'd be the one most eager to get off the phone, so you'll belt out some suggestions to get rid of me."

Rubbing his temple with his free hand, Squall counted to ten then replied. "Of course, what was I thinking... Tell you what, break the dishes, repaint the walls, pluck feathers off of Pal - - whatever." Flipping the phone closed, he dropped it down atop the desk.

During his conversation a few more kids brought their test up to the front of the room. One girl took it as a sign to ask if they could go, since the former president had broken the ice of Squall's non-verbal staring.

"Mr. Leonhart," She started.

"You can go." He said in a voice that wasn't cross or cruel. "Anyone done with the test can go."

You'd swear the room went through a wind tunnel with the uproar of exhales going around, and vacuum-like rush to the exit. Squall was taken aback, almost offended at their pent up pressure. What're their problems? Four people remained in their seats. Squall recognized people like them... the Seifer's. Chances are they'd see everyone else leaving and just fill in anything so they wouldn't be the last to go. It's such a pathetic way to live, always trying to be above the rest even when you're doing it to people at the bottom like yourself. Maybe he should say something...?

"Don't rush your work because you're the last ones here. Just because they're finished doesn't mean it's correct."

The four spared him a bored look, which he shot right back at them. Punk brats. Squall remained at his desk for another 32 minutes, when the last person finally walked out the door. He had fifteen minutes until the next class would come in, so he got up and went out into the hall to grab a soda from the cafeteria when he spotted Selphie and her class walking by.


She glanced into the room and smiled when seeing Squall standing in the doorway. "Hi." She said cheerfully, assuming that was the reason he'd gotten her attention.

"Can you get me a soda?"

"Okay. Any specific flavor?"

Shaking his head he replied. "Whatever."

"Okay. I'll be back in a jiff." She gave him a thumbs up and continued walking with her class, though her pace picked up.

Seeing Selphie all suited up in her teaching formals always made Squall smile. It was just odd. Bad enough she's shorter than her entire class, seeming more like a cadet than instructor. But the cheerful, enthusiastic girl was actually really good at her job, very mature when she needed to be. Although, when the headmistress had told her she was being promoted, the girl had a round the clock screaming session right before deciding to moonwalk through the halls while going 'ooh ooh!'.

Zell was no better, he was on his T-Board going throughout the school shouting that he was the man. Seifer got ass-drunk while bragging to anyone who was in earshot. And Irvine... Well, Irvine just said cool and went for a chili dog. Rinoa was still taking her own tests and becoming SeeD, so she has yet to be promoted to an instructor. But being a commander is just as good, and she is taking Field Ops. training for her work with the Forest Owls. She's a very good strategist.

"Here you are, one cold vanilla cream soda." Selphie said when returning. "I drank half because I know you only drink half before dumping the rest and I thought, why waste it."

Squall didn't question it. She was telling the truth. He rarely to never finished cans of soda since he barely liked the bubbly, sticky, and sickeningly sweet beverages.

"If that's all, I'm out. See ya!" Turning around she trots out the room after readjusting her left boot.

"Selphie!" A girl called out from up the hall.

"Instructor Tilmitt!" Called a few others.

A few years back hearing that stream of calls made Selphie's skin crawl. Irvine's squad had called for her and shouted like that when he first went missing. But now, she's happy to hear anyone refer to her in such a professional manner. To be honest, the girl didn't think that she'd be taken seriously. She thought she'd have to crack down on them, and find a personality to match the instructor quota, but thankfully everyone received her well and classes were always a lot of fun, and she rarely had to discipline anyone for doing something or saying something stupid.

Having followers is pretty cool too. Quistis had always said that it was a pain, and kind of annoying when things you unconsciously leave behind go missing because one of your 'followers' has taken it. Selphie didn't care. Let them have things, if they really mean that much to them then by all means they could help themselves - - within reason.

"What's up?" She asked when the cadets got closer.

"Spring dance. Can we help you decorate?"

Blushing with glee the girl chuckled. "I haven't been incharge of dances and things in years. They even have a new committee since I changed duties. You should ask her."

"Yeah, but you're so much better at it than she is... Remember the winter festival?"

Selphie had to give that some consideration. Paula Nagana was pretty good at arrangements and getting bands to play, but decorations were severely lack-luster, in fact she may as well have chucked them about the place with her feet. She has no creativity.

"Ummm, you know what? I'll spring" She smiled with a nudge at her well placed pun. "some ideas on her - - make sure she takes them and then you guys can decorate the place. I'm sure she'll get all the supplies."

"Oh cool, thanks Sel'."

"Glad to help." Waving, she walked past them all heading now for the quad rather than to the training center where she had originally planned on going to watch Seifer's group train.

Try as she might to stop, the man fascinated her. He always got so fired up during battles and it was entertaining. She could see why, regardless of his having said Seifer Almasy will forever be his enemy, Zell fell in love with the man. But she would never latch herself onto someone who's already in a relationship. Harmless flirting is fine. She's never really serious about it, so what's it matter?

And Seifer flirted back. That was the fun about gay guys, in her opinion, they always have a sincere good compliment for you. She'd also never tell Zell that she has a slight crush on him either, he'd only wanna try to talk her out of it. Something about her hurting herself pining for him when he's not interested. She knew all that, which is why she just enjoyed the feeling of having a crush at all. Look at Laguna Loire. So much joy just thinking about it. Seifer would laugh, and pet her on the head while calling her a loser. That's his way.

Taking the long row of stairs quickly, she smiled when seeing the very person that she wanted to speak to standing over by the pay phone, using the little table that held the phonebook support for her clipboard. Seems like the commuters will have to bunk someplace else if they were getting ready for a dance. The instructors or students that live at home have been sleeping on cots in the unused area while the Garden is parked someplace else. Most of the time they stay at hotels but when you can't afford the luxury you take what you can get.

"Hey Paula," Selphie said when right next to her. Smiling, she notes the pencil in the girl's mouth and the frazzled look on her face. "working hard?"

"Sort of." She replied, letting the pencil fall from her mouth into her hand. "I've been asking around for a band to play at the dance but so far they're all busy. They're either recording or on tour. My last chance is some pop singer and how far will that get us? You know they're all performances; it'll be hard to dance when you either wanna watch them or it's making you uncomfortable that they're sort of demanding your attention, or they won't give it enough gusto."

Selphie snickering, placing a hand behind her head. "I have no idea what you're talking about; but it does sound like a nightmare." It seemed to hit her right then as her already enlarged eyes seemed to bug out when the light over her head came on. "Get some really good CDs, and maybe find someone in school that knows how to d.j. and you can have the band hired for performance entertainment!"

The stumped girl looked at Selphie amazed. She hadn't even thought about something like that. She was sure that every dance needed a live band and nothing more. She'd always gotten so lucky in the past with bands showing up and all; this time is the one exception. Who knew the solution would have been so easy?

"Looks like I'll have to call Blue Reasoning back."

"Can that wait a second, I have to talk to you."

Blinking, the girl found that odd. Instructors never usually wanted a word with students that weren't even in their classes. So what could she need?

"It's about the decorations... for the dance." She added to clear it up for the girl, who's face registered blank for a second. "I don't know if you know this, but I used to be head of the committee. I did all the functions and projects and dances and things... so, I thought maybe I could give you some pointers for decorating this place for the spring dance. Will you take them?"

"Sure." Handing Selphie the clipboard, Paula walked over to a fold-out and took a seat.

Selphie could almost feel the sparks of creativity invading her soul just by holding the clipboard and blue ink pen; she felt like a five year old with a coloring book and crayons. She really didn't think she'd miss the Garden Committee this much. Taking a seat as well, clipboard set on her lap she clicks the tip of the pen from its base then presses it to the paper.

"First things first, just because it's spring does not mean it has to be overflowing with flowers. You can base it off things about springs, like... bees. You can do a hive-like feeling, bee stripes, honey flavored snacks or cold teas. If you use flowers don't pick carnations - bleh - right!" While speaking she's making sure to write it all out. "and don't surround the room in them. You can make it modern and artsy, like doing really fancy statuesque bouquets; pair it up with the right kind of music and it'll be an instant hit. Edible flowers and a little info card stuck to each plate will have light conversation going - - even if they think it's lame, they're still talking about it, aren't they?"

Paula was absorbing it all with a smile on her face and a nod of understanding.

"You could also do a fruit theme if you want, or a combination of the two. Different honey comes from different flowers, fruits from flowers. It could be anything."

"Mhm. I see what you mean." She takes the clipboard. "These are really good ideas," She looked over the sheet. "I was just gonna tie up some balloons, and toss some flowers, maybe cut out some hearts."

Those girls were right to call Selphie for help, this Nagana chick was clueless.

"Hey, if you need me for anything just give me a call, okay?"

"Thanks!" Paula stood up, hand extended.

Selphie cocked her head at how formal the younger cadet was behaving but, eh, people. Taking the girl's hand she gives it a good shake. "I have to go now, see you around."

"Bye, Instructor Tilmitt and thanks again."

"You're welcome." She waved over her shoulder before dashing off, wearing a smile of how proud she is over being so helpful today.


"Make sure you put them back together efficiently." Irvine instructed his class.

They've been taking apart many types of guns this month then putting them back together. Today they were doing the automatics. MG08/15 air cooled to be exact.

"That includes the bullets." He added to those who raised their hands, and he smiled when three of them put their hands back down.

Walking the room, Irvine's been checking out the outcome of each students' weapon, nodding his approval or helping them out if they missed a piece of snapped something in the wrong place. He really likes this whole 'teaching thing'. He had no idea how many gun enthusiasts would attend the class, because Balamb never taught sniping or gun use whatsoever. But they came in and it's heartwarming to him.

Most cadets want the cool weapons katanas, especially gunblades, or the dominatrix-like weapons, whips and flails. He considered guns cool, but too many people thought of them in gang violence, or a weird association with the past because of a war hero named Vincent Valentine, some people believed he was a serial killer, some thought him mysterious and romantic, joining to learn to use such a passionate weapon. Balamb kind of gave his beloved weapon a bad name. Some people have even dubbed it a cowardly weapon of choice.

Irvine just considered it that people's reasons for labeling guns as lethal, is because half the time those who are shot don't make it, and you never see it coming. If not giving another person a fair chance comes through means of a bullet than so be it. It isn't fair, but that's life.

They all have their work cut out for them after having taken a week off. Just because they were free from duty, didn't mean the cadets were; they returned to a flood of paperwork and tests to monitor. Lessons to be taught. In other words, back to grueling; the party's over. But at least the grueling actually involved something they all love, so work was often home.

Irvine smiled for a second, wishing that he actually were at home and wrapped in Squall's arms after they've had some bone shakingly good sex. It must be something in the air that's got him suddenly hopped up for sex. At least they're staying at a hotel until they head back home with Balamb Garden, which meant no little munchkin roaming about and accidently catching them in the act. He could hardly wait until later.

The bell sounded, releasing the class. They filed out into the halls going to other classes or heading off to lunch, or the library. Some just hung out in the courtyard playing cards until the next bell. Irvine took this chance to go get lunch, which would only be a bag of ranch Doritos and a coke today; he marched out into the fray heading for the cafeteria.

The sniper was always pleasantly surprised with Balamb's way of being. Traffic was uniform in Galbadia, and that was that. Conversation was very little too. He'd once teased Squall about the two of them being switched at the Garden's births. Squall agreed. He liked the quieted march of Galbadia. It was better than having a rib cracked everytime 'Selphie' came along. She's small but she hits you like a ton of bricks.

The lunch line was short. So Irvine dropped the smile bite plan and joined the line. He could already taste the mouth watering chili dog. Scanning the lunch room for familiar faces, he got a nod from Quistis and nodded back. She looked busy, as usual; pencil in her hair, papers stacked and spread over the table, lunch completely ignored. Doesn't she know that there are Zell's starving for the hot dogs she so flagrantly ignores? Working stiffs; what can you do?

"Hello, Aida, I'll take four chili dogs and one bowl of potato salad, thanks."

"You got it handsome. Say, tell that husband of yours I'd like a rematch sometime." She chatted while fixing his tray.

"I'll be sure to." He smiled handsomely at her. It always got him an unasked for tub of chocolate pudding. Taking the tray, with said pudding on it, he sauntered over to Quistis's table. "Hey Quisty, wanna make room or should I lap it?"

"Lap it. I'm going over Garden's budget and I need this space."

Nodding, he said. "Got it."

Sitting down and after placing the tray on his lap, he eats his lunch in moderate silence, watching the young woman as she works away. He couldn't help but think that she would have a better chance at concentrating in the library or her room. But you can't knock a person's methods in life; but the silence was deafening.

"I'll be right back." He said standing and leaving, having no actual intentions of coming back.

Irvine instead took his lunch from the cafeteria and down the hall to where they conduct testing. Peeking into the classroom, he saw that it was nearly empty so he invited himself in. Squall looked over at him with questions but said nothing as his boyfriend helped himself to a seat on his desk; his tray was set down in front of the lion.

With a shrug, he replied to the questioning blue-gray eyes. "I needed conversation."

This was the second time today Squall's heard that. Cocking a brow he replied in the same. "And you came to me?"

"Sure!" Irvine took a bite of his hot dog. "Hearing your lack will get me talkin', so at least someone's doing it." His left leg raises and he plants the tip of his boot on the bottom of the chair's armrest giving Squall gentle pushes left to right in the spinning chair.

Squall picked up the chili dog, when Irvine put it down, and after scooting a bell pepper out of the way, he took a bite.

Seeing that the lion intended to finish the foot-long, Irvine was gradually removing any visible bell peppers and eating them so they wouldn't go to waste. "Aida wants a rematch on that card game you two played."

Squall snickered. "Figures she would. She bought the Heroes collection, and I took your card from her. I think she has a crush on you."

"Heh heh, sweet gal."

"Hey, you're not a teenager anymore. Any flirting is perfectly legal." He swallowed his bite. "Am I gonna have to watch out for you?"

"Naah, she can grow a mustache - - you know I don't like facial hair." He chuckled.

The remaining six people continually glanced up from their test, watching as the two flirted with one another without actually flirting. It was far too intimate a scene to just have them doing it out in the open. Didn't they see that? Then, as if suddenly realizing that they weren't alone, Squall cast an icy glare their way sending them back into the throws of the wonderful world of junctioning and drawing usage.

Glancing back, Irvine smiled at them. He figured their blushes meant that they were observing them. Ha. This is typical for them in public. It's as affectionate as Squall gets in public. If they were alone, and Squall could bet money on it, Irvine would have sucked the bit of chili from his boyfriend's finger when he'd flicked the first menacing pepper off; and Squall would have fed him any other ones he'd found. Not to mention, his hand would be sliding up that thin but muscular thigh of the long haired sniper, if only to entice some stillness in him to keep him from gently twisting him left to right.

When Squall went for a spoonful of pudding, Irvine gaped at him in mock disbelief. "You're reaping the spoils of my shameless flirting."

Squall had the faintest smile on his face. "Call Laguna, by the way, he's bored."

"Again?" Irvine wondered. "I told him to call you and you'd give him something to do. Don't tell me you couldn't think of anything?"

And once again, he'd thought that someone else should be his father's son. First Seifer and now Irvine was a running candidate. The two think a lot alike sometimes. When Laguna would come over they'd know what they wanted for dinner, and oddly enough it'd be the same thing. They both like the same type of television shows and movies, they love cards - - although to be fair, who doesn't. It seemed that all the world was a better match for the chipper former president than himself. He had to do a better job at molding Kait. Maybe his son will get it one day. Until then, he supposed there was nothing wrong with his being open and friendly.


"I-I-I-I-I I like you veeery much," Kait sang down the halls of the school. "I-I-I-I-I I think you're grand..."

School just let out and he's beyond excited to get back home and hang out with his grandfather. He couldn't believe how lucky he'd gotten that Laguna was able to come sit with him while his parents were at Balamb Garden. Its been four days already and they'd be home at the end of the week. Or at least Irvine said that he would, Squall still had important things to grade. Things that could not otherwise be shipped back to the school as he would when it was his turn to have home duties or attend functions.

A chubby boy shoved a smaller kid on the shoulder before grabbing him up by the collar of his shirt. "You look so stupid,"

Kait heard the boy saying.

"Give me one good reason why I shouldn't snap those glasses in half, four-eyes."

Kait imagined himself dressed as a cadet of Balamb Garden. He marches over there and grab the boy up by his collar telling him to get a life and back off the other boy or he'd have to answer to him, and it wouldn't be pretty. But instead, he marched over and tapped the larger boy on the shoulder with enough force to make the chubby kid wonder if an adult had done it.

"Oh?" He said when turning to look over his shoulder. "Hey, Kait."

"Hi, Pete. What are you doing to my friend Raul?" He asked in a curious manner, though he knew exactly what was going on.

Taken aback by the comment, Pete released the smaller boy. "I didn't know he was your friend. Sorry, man."

"Not to me, to Raul." He pointed out the obvious "duh".

"Sorry Raul," he claps the runt on the shoulder. "No hard feelings, right?"

Shy to the bone, the boy ducked his head and nodded. "Thank you."

"Not a problem. I'll see you guys later."

"Hold on." Kait called after Pete. "Y'know, it shouldn't matter that he's my friend. You should be nice to everyone."

Snickering, Pete waved then left the building.

Kait looked at Raul, who's staring at him in amazement, and gave a shrug. "Can't say I didn't try. Want me to walk home with you?"

", sure. Thank you."


When Kait pushed open the large double doors he was greeted almost instantly by Pal, the bird rests comfortably on his shoulder in its tiniest form. Raul seemed sort of freaked out for a moment and he shields his face with his arms. But when he saw that his new acquaintance took no mind to the animal he figured it must be safe. The two walked along in a comfortable silence, then Kait began to hum the song he had been singing earlier.

He and Laguna had watched Alvin and the Chipmunks Around the World last night, and that song is stuck with him. He thought for sure he'd be singing one of the others: Wooly Bully, Give Me a Clue, etc. But no.

"Can I ask you something?" The boy asked. "How did you know my name? I've never met you before, have I?"

Kait blinked as if that was a strange question to ask someone, then with big grin on his face he looked at Raul and wondered. "I was right? Ha." He chuckled. "I just took a guess. Maybe I've seen you in the lunch room and heard someone call your name. My name's Kait Kinneas, by the way." He decided that this week he'd be going with Irvine's last name since his papa would be the one to come home first. Legally he's Kait Leonhart, but he wanted to keep it fair, since they're not married or anything, by switching it up to his own preference when the time to use full names are needed.

"But sometimes Leonhart." He added for good measure. It made him feel important, having two male parents and two last names.

"Are your parents divorced?"

"No. They're not married, and neither of them are ladies. My parents are gay." He stated very factually.


They're silent again. Kait started singing out loud when they hit a corner, and nodding at the boy he invited him to join along. Raul was hesitant at first but then he began to sing softly, at least until he realized the song wasn't going any further than the two bars.

"Um... excuse me, but... aren't there any other words to the song?" He was sure there were, he knew the song. He's seen the movie once upon a time.

"Yes, but... I like these lines the best."

"Oh." With a shrug, he sings along again.

Mara watched the young boy and the other child from behind a tree as they're heading in the direction of a street that did not go to the Leonhart house but elsewhere. She wasn't sure how to approach the subject. Would an eight year old remember things from being seven months old? Even the tiniest little thing about his past. Seven months is nearly a year old... its got to offer something in the memory department. She and Martin must have said his name to him dozens of times, they weren't a family of nicknames... if she just...

"Miles!" She shouted when they were a good enough distance but not too far away. "Miles?"

Kait froze mid-step, foot slightly elevated before it came slowly down. Remaining very still he listened again for the name he'd thought he heard. That was the second time he'd heard that name 'Miles'. First Seifer, now the wind. Is it possible for eight year olds to crack-up? He didn't think so. Someone must have said it. "Did you hear anything just now? A name?" He asked Raul.

Raul perked an ear then looked around. "No. Why, what did you hear?"

"It sounded like someone was calling for somebody named Miles - - you didn't hear it?"

"Maybe it's one of the parents?" Raul suggested. "Parents call kids all the time."

Relieved with that reply, he nodded. "You're right." He smiled. 'It's weird to feel like they were calling me. That's not even my name!' He shakes his head at his own off-putting thoughts. It was still strange that Seifer said it to him, even though Seifer is always a bit weird. His dad said to expect that and ignore him. "Let's keep going, just let me know where your house is."

"Its this way." He pointed.

Changing subjects, he asked. "How tall are you?"

"Four feet and three inches. You're about three foot ten inches, right?"

"I am? Hmm..." He should ask his parents about that. He'd always been guessing. Looking up at the sky he released his nagging question. "So how come you let Pete pick on you?" Kait asked out of the blue.

"Well... I couldn't stand up to him, he's bigger than me."

"Maybe in size, but you've got a mouth, don't you?" He heard that once from Selphie.

Raul seemed to shrink into himself hearing that.

"I wasn't being mean!" Declared Little Bird with a waving of his hands. "I was just curious... Are you very shy?"

Raul could see it coming. The cast away when he revealed himself to yet another person who might find him deservant enough to be friends. No one likes the quiet kid. Reluctantly he replied. "...Yeah."

"My Papa says there are two kinds of shyness," He looked over his shoulder when he thought he'd heard that name again, and still no one was there. He'll definitely have to ignore it from now on. He hoped that wherever this Miles was, he'd hurry back to his mother so she could stop chanting his name so creepily. "the kind that are bursting to talk inside but think they'll come off as weird, and the kind that are quiet and afraid they'll disappear. Which one are you?"

"Huh?" Raul looked at him like he was nuts.

Kait shrugged. He must be type 1 because he's talking, and that's something. "I can change that, maybe." He tapped his finger to his chin in thought. "Anyway, Pete won't pick on you anymore since we're friends."


"Yeah. My friend Antonio is a little shy, too, but we're never at a loss for fun."

"Here's my house." He dashed a few steps ahead to the front door. "This really was nice Kait, thank you." He didn't have his hopes too high whenever someone offered to be his friend. Back then it never lasted, but with this kid it seemed real.

Waving, he turned to leave then stopped. "Raul!" He shouted before the door could close.


"Can I get your picture?"

Raul found that strange, but walked out of his home and over to stand where his new friend pointed.


The picture was taken and Kait brought the camera over so Raul could see the shot. He seemed to like how it came out, and gave an approving nod.

"Good. I'll send you a copy when I put them on the computer." Waving, Kait hurried towards his house.


Mara walked out from behind the tree she'd been hiding behind. With the other boy gone there was no sense in hiding. She's been doing that since she'd gotten back from her return home to Rodenite; she had work to do and needed more funds, but the moment she explained to her boss why she needed more time off, the woman understood and allowed her some more leave time. She's been spying on Kait, watching his movements. He could very well be her son. So far she's learned that he attends public school but they wear uniforms - - she assumed because it's a military town - - he has a pet bird that he's rarely seen without, he likes sweets just like his father Martin, and he's practically never without someone's company.

She wasn't sure if that meant that he was popular or if he simply needed other people. But it was time to stop hiding and be more direct. Hiding is for weirdos with vans, or women who are crazed and looking to snatch a child for her own sickness induced need to be a mother at any cost. She is nothing like that, she actually is a mother and she isn't deranged.

Turning his head, he looked momentarily confused then it registered. Although how could it not, this is the fourth time he's seen the woman in two days. Although sometimes she seemed to be lurking in the background. It was weird to think of the word 'lurking', that's more of a word you'd use on ugly guys that look like bad guys in movies.

"You're that lady that bought me and my friends ice cream at the park that one time."

"That's right. Nice to see you again."

"I guess so." He continued walking. "I have to get home, my grandpa's gonna be worried."

"Oh, you're with your grandfather now? Where is your father?"

"Work." He answered easily. Waiting out the light traffic he crossed the street; happy to see his home not that far off.

"Oh... well, maybe when you have some free time you and I can have a chat?" Mara asked, voice full of hope.

Kait stopped his pace and looked up at the woman. "Why would you wanna talk to me? I'm just a kid. And if you wanna date my dad, he's taken and very happy." He moves again.

"No. It's you whom I want to speak with. I just wanna ask you some questions, that's all."

He sprinted ahead calling over his shoulder. "Maybe eventually! When my parents get back!" Marching up the stairs he looks over the balcony. "Daddy says danger lurks everywhere so be prepared, no matter how nice you are!" He waved her away then opened the front door and slammed it shut behind him. Adults can be so weird.

"Hey, Kait!" Laguna said.

The boy smiled seeing candy corn fangs in his grandfather's mouth. Well, some adults are weird and others are just funny.

Walking over to the couch, he flops down beside him. "Good day." He summed it up very simply. "Two things for homework, and I made a new friend - - can you believe it, I guessed his name and I was right."



"Nice." Laguna popped knuckles with the child. "I told you that if you call enough people by one name, eventually you'd get lucky."

Kait chuckled.

"I once went a week wondering if I'd ever meet a Billy - - still waiting on it."

Fishing through his backpack, Kait pulled out a drawing. "Art class. Do you want it?"

A pout crossed his grandfather's face. "What, you didn't draw it specifically for me?"

"I think I'd draw something a lot better than a fish in a really small bowl." He showed him the drawing.

Laguna cocked his head at the sight. An oversized Koi fish is head first in a small fish bowl with its tail fin sticking out. "I like it."

"We were painting big and small things. The art teacher laughed and said he liked my example." Getting up from the couch, he heads for the hall.

"That's great! Is he making you draw it again? Where's the grade?" Laguna called out knowing the boy was in the bathroom.

"No. He graded it, and I got an A. Its on the back."

Laguna flipped the picture over. Sure enough there was a little red A on the paper. Folding up the picture he grabbed his wallet from the sidetable and stuffed it in. He's got to show Kiros and Ward. The drawing is nice, but even if it weren't he'd brag about anything his grandson does. It's instinct. Mine is always much better than yours, that's the way life is.

He wondered when Kiros and his wife would have a child? That'd be nice. Then he'd have another kid to shower attention on since Elle is always so embarrassed when he openly fusses over her. Squall is another story all together, with his invisible yet very noticeable sign that reads: Touch me and I'll kill you. Hopefully Kait won't get like that, although with Irvine being his other legal guardian it'd be impossible to imagine he would.

"I'm back." The kid announced. "I'm gonna do my homework."

"Okay." He watched the child take his backpack into the hall. "We're having steak and fries for dinner." He rocked to his feet and walked to the door. Pulling it open he looks down. "Oh, hello."

"Hi. Is Kait home?" A little boy asked.

"He better be, or I just let a clone in." Laguna laughed, glad to see that the kid was laughing cause he got the joke. "Come on in, he's doing his homework in the bedroom."


"One of your friends is here, kiddo."

"I'm in my room!" He shouted without really needing to.

"I know!" His friend called back.

Closing the door, Laguna went into the kitchen to get dinner in the oven. He may not be a top chef or anything but he's cooked a good lot of meals, and with his son and pretend son-in-law being cooking handicapped, it was up to him to provide a good meal for the boy while he's around.

"Hey, Kait, your grandfather is really funny."

"I know," Little Bird replied in a rushed way, and quickly snatched up his friend's hand, dragging him into the bedroom closet. "And he's a good cook too, but come here."

Nervous, Antonio did as he was asked; blushing when the closet door closed to a mere crack. "Kait... what is this? What are we doing?"

"...Do you know whose mother that is?"

"Who? Wait, what? Whose mother?"

"That lady... you know the one... she got us ice cream that day."

Antonio had to think about that. He honestly hadn't remembered having ice cream at any point.

"Before I went on vacation with my family. We were playing hide and seek..." He just remembered that he might have left the picture on his camera, having not loaded them to the net yet. "Here, look." Pushing open the door he walked over to the dresser where he'd set the camera down and picked it up. Turning it on, he thumbs through the pictures until he found the group shot of them having ice cream. "Her?"

"Oh right! She was at the park one time again after that. She was asking about a boy named Miles... it's funny though, cause it sounded like she'd been talking about you."

Kait's face scrunched in thought. Maybe he did know this Miles kid, and that's why she wanted to talk to him. Or she wanted to ask because the other kids said no and she wanted to cover all the bases.

"I don't know whose mom she is - - if she's anyone's." Antonio finished.

Nodding, he put his camera away. "That's what I was afraid of. I'm gonna start ignoring her, and you should too."

"I will."

"It's sad that her son is missing but, there's a chance that she's lying, and she's really using that as a way to get people to help her look so that when they're alone she can take you."

Antonio's eyes bugged out of his head. How can such a sweet boy think up such horrible scenarios? His chest tightened and he reached for his inhaler.

Kait patted his friend on the back. He'd forgotten what a lightweight Antonio could be. "There, there... on a lighter note, I made a new friend."

Antonio nodded and continued giving himself some air.

"His name is Raul and he's nice... you two will really get along." He waited for his friend to calm down.

"Uh-huh." He agreed, putting his inhaler away in his pocket.

"Feeling better? I'll get you a drink, then we can start our homework."

"I already did it during lunch, remember?"

Kait hadn't remembered, he'd been too engrossed in eating to really notice what was going on around him. Dashing from his room, he went to the fridge and grabbed a bottle of water. "Can I have this?"

"Mhm. Is your friend staying for dinner?"

"I'll ask." Heading back to his room, he asked Antonio then called out to the kitchen. "He's staying!"

Adding another steak to the pan, Laguna began to whistle a tune before letting the words spring from his mouth. And in a bad baritone he sang that Frenchman's song from The Little Mermaid.

# #

Squall groaned into the pillow that lay beneath his face. With Irvine's body laying on his back, damp with sweat and sliding up and down the way it is, he feels almost as if he's in the middle of a full body lap dance; the sniper's fingers tickle up and down his sides, and up his folded arms; Irvine's face nuzzles into the back of his neck and between his shoulder blades, brushing kisses wherever they can be placed. Squall hummed heatedly when Irvine's hips shifted back then rolled forward to push back into him, enticing another cry from the lion.

They've been slowly doing this for a good hour, relishing every second of trembling and chill from stroking on the outside and being stroked from the inside. Since he's pressed into the bed, whenever Squall wanted some attention to his need he would raise his hips up just enough for his lover to slip his hand between him and the mattress and would nearly go into uncontrolled convulsed spasms of pleasure from just desiring a few pumps.

Irvine's weight changed when Squall whispered his name then he found himself on his knees, head still down on the bed, hips gripped tightly. The languid pleasure was over and now they would get down to the real work. Up and down hard enough to make the bed shake; in and out soft enough to keep your voices down about it. Erupted kisses like your plane is going down, hungry and hurried, Squall's head leaned back on Irvine's shoulder as he's pulled to a sit for that breathless few minutes before put back down onto the bed.

Each tug on the outside tightened Squall's body from the inside around Irvine's manhood, and the wolf responded with a loud moan muffled due to his mouth being solidly around the lion's shoulder. They were both close to the end, and when Squall's hand gripped Irvine's thigh... they let go, heading into the white light.