Final Fantasy - All Series Fan Fiction ❯ Of Shadows and Dust: The Story of Kyrie ❯ Hell Hath No Fury ( Chapter 1 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Chapter I: Hell Hath No Fury…

* I do not advocate or give a thumbs-up to the actions of the character Blondie. Want to read a good anti-rape fanfic? Then try "Griever Make Them Bleed". Not mine but thumbs up to the author.

*Additonal Disclaimer: I do not own the song used in this chapter, Distrubed does.

Three days after the storm Kyrie was walking home from the library with a few book she decided where interesting. She was beginning to realize that her mental powers were in actuality magic. Long ago, magic was a very prominent force in the universe, but as technology rose, magic began to fade. As a result many creatures devoted to magic including Dragons and Esper began to disappear. Many still believe that as long as the world itself exists, magic will always exist with it and those creatures can never truly die.

She thought about this, realizing that WWIII may just have been the first trigger to help along the revival of magic. Strangely though, no other human being seemed to have the powers she did. As a result she decided to keep her amazing talents as secret as possible. All the while, she wondered if she was even human at all.

As she walked home, she had to travel though a part of Neo-LA that had not yet been reconstructed. The twisted buildings brought upon her a sense of fear and anxiety that she couldn't ignore. The ground was uneven and the buildings looked burned out as if a great blowtorch was turned against them.

Los Angeles had been a primary target of the Fourth Reich and was one of the first cities to be hit. The ruined sector was the only place left in the city where the treachery of that insane organization still lingered on.

She decided to move through the sector quickly. Although it was doubtful anything lived in this area, it was still rather eerie. She never turned around… and that was her greatest mistake. As she neared the edge of the sector, a smile filled her face. Finally, she was near familiar territory. She took another step forward but never felt her foot touch down. Her world spun for a second and she barely recognized the pain in the back of her head before she saw herself falling. Everything was black before she hit the concrete.

Hours later, she began to awaken. Her mind ached badly and her body still felt disconnected. She kneeled, not paying attention to her surroundings and slid a hand up to her left temple. There her fingers contacted a foreign object. It was round like a disk and smooth. It was attached there somehow and felt very cold to the touch. She tried to pull it off thinking it was some kind of large insect but it held fast and delivered a sharp pain into her mind. She let out a short cry of pain before letting go of it. It was obviously not an insect.

Kyrie then began to take in the room. It was very small, no bigger than may 8' x 8' and the walls were painted black. A small light hung from the ceiling casting a dull glow over the room. There were 3 chairs against a wall and what appeared to be an examination table against the other. The room didn't appear to have doors or windows or even vents. It felt way to close for her comfort. Although she wasn't claustrophobic, she didn't like confined spaces like this. She tried to stand up, but felt too dizzy to hold her balance so she collapsed back to a half kneeling, half sitting position. She suddenly realized her sneakers were gone.

She looked again around the room wondering where they went, then suddenly one of the walls seemed to shimmer for a second and a man entered the room. Kyrie wasn't sure what his purpose was, but she did know it would not be a good one. This was likely the person who rendered her unconscious on the street. She back against the wall away from him.

He was nearly 6' tall with blonde hair tied back, and eyes that were almost lifelessly black. His only attire was a pair of black shorts.

"Well hello Kyrie," he said. "Nice to see you are awake. I was afraid I was going to have to start without you."

Kyrie eyed him suspiciously. Suddenly it dawned on her what he intended to do to her. At first she wasn't worried since she could easily defend herself with her magic. But as she slid up the wall into a standing position and tried to summon forth a bolt of lightning, the pain in her head grew causing her to lose her concentration.

He seemed to laugh at her attempt. "Foolish girl, I already took care of that. See I've been watching you for a while now," his voice grew almost cold, "and I know about you. I know what you can do, so I wasn't going to take any chances." Kyrie's heart began to race. She knew she wasn't strong enough physically to resist what was going to happen to her.

He began to walk closer. "I've been watching you grow since age 9. I wanted to wait until you could share in the enjoyment so I waited seven long years. Now… now that you are old enough, I will show you just how grown ups love."

He brought himself very close to her almost touching her, then Kyrie did the only thing she could think to do, she slapped him hard. He grabbed her hand right hand with his left after the slap and spoke a word in German. Pain surged though her head fiercely causing her to cry out in pain, the device held this torment for 6 seconds before it beeped once and stopped. She struggled to catch her breath as he grabbed her by the chin and made her look up at him.

"Not wise," he said. "Resist and I make it hurt even more. See the device has 5 settings, you just felt the first one. Keep it up and you will get to experience all 5."

"Who are you," she demanded.

"Well I suppose you have a right to know," he whispered as he gently and slowly traced a line from her exposed naval up to her neck and then back again. "They call me Blondie. I consider myself to be a fine connoisseur of women. You are not my first, but my most prized. A vintage I have allowed to age for 7 years… sometimes I just can't wait that long."

She then realized just how sick this man was. "Enough talking," he snapped suddenly. "Time to claim my prize." His right hand stopped at her neck line and gripped the top of her t-shirt. Kyrie already had a tear in her eyes as she heard the material beginning to tear away.

Her torment increased steadily over the night as he ravaged her…


And Again…

And Again….

Several hours later, she lay upon the examination table in the room completely threadbare. During the second rape, he decided that the remainder of her torn cloths were just getting annoying, so he tore them all off of her. The only thing he left her was her pendant, which he thought suited her. Kyrie's lower abdominal area was very sore and she was bleeding. It was a bleeding originally caused by Blondie tearing though her maidenhood and aggravated by the repeated violation of her body. She was curled up into a ball hiding from him as much of her bared frame as she could.

He sat calmly smoking a cigarette on one of the chairs, watching her. He would do it again, she knew, and keep on doing it until he tired of her, then he would probably just dispose of her. The thought that her life was going to end this way was more than simply depressing… it was cruel. She never did anything to anyone in her life, but he stole that innocence from her with this cruel act. For the first time in her life, she wished someone was dead… but it wasn't Blondie, it was her. She still couldn't wish harm to another human being and wanted simply to die and get it over with.

As he stood up, walking towards her again, the fear in her heart erupted and she curled tighter… Suddenly, deep within her she felt a change.

-Drowning deep in my sea of loathing

-Broken you servant I kneel

She rolled off of the table onto the hard floor rising into a kneeling position a scant few feet in front of him. He took another step closer…

-It seems that what's left of my human side

-Is slowly changing in me

He stopped short as his eyes caught sight of something he never had seen before. Kyrie dropped her arms to her sides and raised her head towards the ceiling. The blue in her eyes began glowing brightly.

-Looking at my own reflection

-When suddenly it changes, violently it changes

Kyrie's aura began to glow and angry red. Her face went from utter defeat to a rictus of fury. Strands of silver seemed to creep into her hair. Blondie himself began to experience fear and yelled in German for the device to go to level 5.

-There is no turning back now

-You've woken up the demon… in me

The pain hit her like a battering ram but she quickly threw it aside, her aura increasing in power until the device exploded off of her temple. She then lowered her penetrating gaze towards Blondie.

-I can see inside you, the sickness is rising

-Don't try to deny what you feel

She rose to her feet, taking step towards him. No longer, did she care about the fact that he was human, in her mind he was less than human. A rabid and dangerous animal that had to be put down.

-It seems that all that was good has died

-And is decaying… in me

-It seems you're having some trouble

-In dealing with these changes, living with these changes

-The world is a scary place

-Now that you've woken up the demon… in me

Blondie backed himself into the wall looking for his exit. But in his terrified state, he couldn't remember which wall was holographic and hid the door. Kyrie stopped only inches from him looking into his eyes with all the fury of a woman scorned.

"What you have done is unforgivable," she spoke, but her mouth never moved. The voice was in his mind. His terror only increased as he desperately searched his mind for a way out. "A crime so heinous man could never come up with a proper punishment. For such a crime only God can judge you." Her face turned from fury to almost an evil smile. "Only in death can you receive God's judgment."

She raised her left hand up in front of his face and spoke one word, "Suffer." Suddenly Blondie was rocked with severe pain that quickly spread to every inch of his body. It felt as if he was being raped by pain itself. He slumped to the ground in a heap curled up and screamed in pain. He pounded against the ground, the walls and anything he could get his hands on trying to stop it.

A minute later, Kyrie said another word. "Wither."

The pain increased to levels the human nervous system could not possibly handle. His body began to shrivel as if the water in his body was quickly being dehydrated out of him. His skin molted green and shrunk against his bones. His eyes pulled themselves into their sockets and shrunk into nothingness as the second stage continued to ravage him. His ribs showed though his chest and began to break though the skin. The blood quickly dried around them as his internal organs, already damaged from the dehydration process were crushed.

Finally, Kyrie spoke one last word. "Die."

With that final word, his final breath escaped his seized lungs. What was left of the horrifying corpse began to fall into dust and bones. Suddenly the aura faded and Kyrie slumped to the floor. Her eye stopped glowing and the silver faded from her hair. Then as if she had just awoke she realized what just happened.

She quickly threw herself to her feet backwards and hit the examination table. A shriek escaped her mouth as she threw her hands up to it. Tears streamed from her eyes.

"I… I did this… I killed him… I've taken a life…" she whispered. She then dropped to her knees and started sobbing. Energy seemed to pool around her as she screamed out in misery. The energy exploded around her rocking the building and causing it to collapse. She allowed herself to black out, hoping for death.

For the next 24 hours she lay in darkness. After waking again she realized she was under the destroyed building. The room held for the most part but the debris invaded all four corners of the room, her already small space was cut in half. She stood up but only hit her head on the lowered ceiling. Dropping to knees again, she felt afraid. Would she ever see the light of day again? How much air was left… is she already dead?

She began to scream, hoping someone would hear her. But then, she felt like she couldn't breathe. Kyrie held herself crying, trying to scream for someone to release her from this prison of Iron and Stone. Due to her trauma, her discomfort from being in tight places had exploded into full-blown Claustrophobia. And so she stayed, kneeling in her own personal hell until finally, rescue workers found her.

Hours after her release, she sat on the bed in a hospital gown, staring out the window at the darkened sky, realizing a storm was brewing. In her mind, there was a storm… a storm of sadness and conflict. She knew that Blondie deserved to die for what he did to her, but why did she feel so guilty about killing him. Murder is wrong but so is rape, and rape is worse than murder. With murder its over in a matter of minutes, but Kyrie knew that the emotional scars of what had happened to her would be with her forever, her cross to bear for the rest of her life. Worst yet, she felt like it was somehow her fault she was raped.

As she fought with her mind, the storm began. She didn't know if she would ever recover. The pain in her body was numbed, but the pain in her soul she knew would never fully heal.

*End of Chapter I

*Next Chapter: Kyrie learns the truth, but will she be able to handle it?