Final Fantasy - All Series Fan Fiction ❯ Only for One Night ❯ Nokimus ( One-Shot )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Tifa sighed as she stared into the empty space of the hotel room ceiling. The past three years had gone by quickly.. a little too quick. Ever since Sephiroth's defeat, her relationship with Cloud had remained the same: childhood freinds. And nothing more. She desperately wanted that to change, however, but Cloud was still attatched to the Flower Girl. He really hadn't paid much attention to her, even less nowadays. "Well, I'm going to change that..." she said aloud as she got up from her bed and went downstairs.

Barret was in the weapon shop as always, even if he wasn't he wouldn't be that hard to locate. "Where's Cloud?" she demanded once she saw his heavy frame infront of a small Wutai man selling machine guns. Barret managed to keep his cussing down through the years, and so his reply wasn't what it would have been three years ago. "In the park behind the hotel," he said, almost smiling. Tifa shivered.. "I wish he'd just talk like he used to..," she thought as she found Cloud on a child's swing.
"Aren't you too small for that?" she said with a grin, sitting on the swing next to him. She spread her legs apart purposely, revealing a nice sliver of bare thigh barely hidden by her tight miniskirt. Cloud paid little attention, she always wore short attire. "..S-so, what're you doing?" she asked hesitantly. "Mmm.. just.. thinking." he said rather emotionlessly, swinging lightly back and forth.. Tifa moved on her swing uneasily, thinking up some sort of conversation topic. "This town's p-pretty big, huh? "Yep.. they have everything here. Even lingerie. Hah.." With a slight blush Tifa realized she could show off what she had, a perfect time doing it to be at the hotel they were in. Barret went for nightly strolls, so this would be a grand opportunity to get Cloud to notice her. "Um.. I gotta go.!" She said rather quickly and sped off, kicking dust in Cloud's face. "What the.."

Tifa found herself at the Lala Lingerie (recognize the title? XD) and she had a hard time choosing. All of the selections seemed to cover too much for her tastes. After about twenty minutes of looking and trying on, a small outfit with garter belts and kinky silk fabric caught her eye. Without even trying it on she took it from the rack and paid for it.

"Twelve o' Clock Noon..," she whispered as she almost fell asleep on her bed. With a grunt she jerked herself awake and looked around carefully too see if Barret had left. "Ahem.." she quickly slid off her PJ's and under it was her silver thong-piece lingerie. Cloud was a bed away from her, soundly sleeping.. snoring almost. Tifa knelt over him and tapped his shoulder. "Wake up..," she whispered into his ear.. His eyes flew open, expecting a thief of some sort but instead was greeted by Tifa's large breasts on his naked chest. "H--hey.. what the fuck.. Tifa?!" With a small moaning noise, Tifa slid off her clothing. Cloud stood there and watched, his limp member turning into a hard erection. "He hasn't got any in forever.. he can't deny me..," Tifa reassured herself. Cloud looked to see if Barret was around, and when he saw no sign of him, removed his boxers. Tifa smirked as she saw his lovely 8 inches pop our from beneath his shell of fabric.. She slowly knelt down and her town gently caressed the head of his penis, making his eyes widen and he threw his head back. After a few minutes of expert sucking and licking, he came in her mouth. Tifa then moved upwards and rolled to the side of Cloud. "You're on top.." He obeyed without question. He stuck his dick into her small opening, moaning on how tight she was.
He pumped in and out of her, Tifa squirming and moaning beneath him. Finally he gave her one last thrust before he came inside of her, both of them moaning in extreme pleasure. Cloud laid on top of her, panting for breath while he went limp inside of her.. it was then that Barret came in..