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"Only for One Night" Reviews/Comments [ 4 ]
 Reviewed By: Descendant [MediaMiner Member]  On: December 24, 2003 02:44 CST
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
This story is really good. Too bad, I wanted to hear Barett's reaction to seeing them! hehehe..I still love Tifa/Cloud pairings, and I am happy that I stumbled across your story. You said this was your first lemon?! Or did I read that somewhere else? Must've been a mistake. It was excellent. -Descendant
 Reviewed By: D Hell [MediaMiner Member]  On: August 21, 2003 13:35 CDT
TWO HOURS???????? God, that's a short time for writing a fic...but it isn't so long...

And it's good.
 Reviewed By: DryCleaner [MediaMiner Member]  On: August 03, 2003 02:04 CDT
thank you so much, it means a lot to me. i know it wasn't detailed at all, i refuse to read over.. because i'm not a porn writer.. hehe. but, i tried.. i did it in two hours. thanks! :3
 Reviewed By: tugs  On: August 02, 2003 13:28 CDT
it was good for your first hentai... i would've gone into a little more detail... or given it a little more plot. it was good though!

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