Final Fantasy - All Series Fan Fiction ❯ Price for a Memory ❯ The Locket and Night Out Begins ( Chapter 6 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

“I saw you die.”

Zack pulled his hand away from Cloud’s shaking shoulder. His mouth wouldn’t move. He sat in silence for about thirty seconds before his brain caught up.

“You what now?”

“You heard me. I saw it. We were lying above Midgar. I couldn’t move. I wasn’t myself. I could barely see. I managed to turn round despite the mud and grit stinging my eyes. I saw you lying beside me lifeless. Your eyes were blank. I-I couldn’t do anything.”

“Cloud? You sure your ok?” Zack questioned putting his hands on the quivering blond’s shoulders again.

“I’m sure it didn’t mean anything. Mako can really fuck up a persons mind you know. Hell! I’ve had some weird dreams after having that stuff pumped into my body.”

Cloud nodded his head. He didn’t want to freak out himself and Zack anymore.

“I’m fine. Just tired. I need more sleep.”

“It must be your lucky day Spike. Its Saturday. No training. No nothing.”

Cloud smiled at the older male before turning over and trying to shut out that too strange and real to just be a simple dream.

Zack wandered over to his bunk and plopped down on the edge and just sat staring. He knew it was just a dream the blond had, but a huge part of him was niggling away at him telling him there may have been some truth in Cloud’s words. Nah, it was just a dream.

A sharp knocking at the door shook Zack out of his daze. Who the hell would be at the door at this time in the morning? Growling at the noise, he thundered over to the door. Just as he pulled it open a pale hand reached in, grabbed him and pulled him out.

Zack went to swing his fist at his attacker. Silver hair and green eyes caught his line of vision before he broke the older males nose.

“Sephiroth? What the hell are you doing grabbin’ me from my room like that? You finally flipped?”

He looked into Sephiroth’s eyes. Trouble was etched all over his flawless features.

“What’s wrong?”

“It’s about that….what’s his name? Blond….spiky….gorgeo….Cloud! I found out something I think you should know. Something you should be aware of. He must be protected. Guarded. What I found out could jeopardise his life should Hojo find out.”

“Spill it already!” Zack shouted totally missing the General’s Freudian slip when describing the blond.

“When I was adding the new recruits profiles to the system, I came across files detailing a man who may very well be Cloud’s father.”


“I saw this twice today. Cloud has natural mako infused in his body. I saw it yesterday. I saw it in his profile picture. On close inspection, he has mako in the depths of his eyes. Did he not mention to you he believed his father was in SOLDIER?”


Zack was getting nervous now.

“I typed in Cloud’s second name. One file came up. That of a G.Strife. No first name was given. I looked at the picture given. He is Cloud’s double apart from the fact his hair is black. What makes it worse. He was the General before me. I knew him. Worse still. He vanished after undergoing new fangled mako tests. The tests proved inconclusive but I remember him the couple of days after it. He seemed to be deteriorating mentally. My memories are hazy but I believe those tests were more than just more powerful mako. Hojo was in charge back then as he is today. No way would he just let a General vanish if that was all it was.”

“Ok Sephiroth. Your spinning. Calm down. What your saying is that if Hojo finds out exactly who Cloud is….well….his future here looks bleak?”

“Non existent Zack. That’s why he must be trained well and protected at all times. Not obvious mothering protection mind you. Just a friend like you always being there.”

“Ok. He’s cool. A bit weird though but cool. Wait! How long ago was it the old General vanished?”

“Seventeen years ago. I was seven. Why?”

“Just wondering. Was kinda hoping that everything you found didn’t really relate to Cloud. But hey. C’est la vie.”

“We can’t go jumping to any conclusions. I will have to look into this matter further. I have to find out all I can about this man. I will have to delve into the old ShinRa archives.”

“Good luck man. That place is like a pig sty. But, for the time being, I will put Cloud on a vigorous training regime. I will stick with him. Don’t worry.”

“I too will come and see him when I have the chance. May even give him a few training sessions of my own.”

As Sephiroth turned to walk away, a hand on his arm stopped him.

“Hey. It’s not like you to show concern for anyone but yourself Sephiroth. What’s up with that?”

“N-nothing! I just don’t want to see….I’m just worried for the boys safety. After all if anything were to happen to such a new Cadet that we knew could happen….well, the whole company could be shut down.”

“Right….whatever you say. Night man!”

Sephiroth growled at Zack before turning rapidly on his heel and storming away. As he traversed the dark and winding corridors, he couldn’t shake Zack’s question from his mind. Why did he show such genuine concern for the boy? Was it the look in his eyes? Lust filled, full of passion? Was it the look in his face as he approached him? Utter fear and terror? Or was it the uncontrollable attraction the General felt to the boy? He had only sort of known him a day but found a strange aura surrounding the blond. Something that drew people to him.

“Ugh! I need to stop thinking like this! He is a boy. I am eight years his senior. I can see it now.

The great General Sephiroth. Cradle snatcher. Child molester. Paedophile. Pervert.

Just stop thinking. I really am going crazy. I’m talking to myself.”

The silver haired male reached his private quarters. Opened the door only to slam it shut in temper. Suddenly he was pissed off and didn’t know why. He stomped over to his bed. Threw himself down and lay there wide awake, sulking the rest of that all too early morning.

“Damn boy!”


Bright light streaming into the dorms pulled the young blond from slumber. Burying his head under his pillow, he tried to block out the light. However, the bustling noises all around him prevented him from dozing off again.

Slowly he pulled the pillow from his face. He opened his eyes and glanced sleepily round the grey looking room. His seven other “team-mates” scurried around the room unpacking and staring proudly at their newly acquired Cadet uniforms. Nothing special. Blue combat trousers. Black steel toe capped boots. Black sleeveless polo neck to be worn under a blue jacket which bore the ShinRa logo. Nothing special? So why was Cloud beaming to see his hung up neatly on his small locker door?

He climbed out of bed and stepped over to it. He pressed his nose to the fabric.

“Mmmm, smells just like new.”

He took a step back and admired his new uniform. How he wished he could wear it now but it was only to be worn when training and on missions.

For some reason Cloud felt like nothing had happened the previous day. He felt better than normal and had absolutely no side effects to both the mako and the near death experience he had. He did although remember the lust he felt inside him when it dawned on him that the great General was lying on top of him. He blushed at the thought. Cheeks turned a light pink colour. Ears burned red.

“Hey! Cloud was it?”

The blond turned to the source of the voice. A burly male Cadet was shouting over to him. He remembered seeing him yesterday. He remembered him sniggering at him before he received that awful injection.

“Yes it is. What is it?” Cloud answered back somewhat icily.

“Woah….no need to be cranky. Were gonna go explore then catch lunch. Wanna come?”

Cloud looked at the other males faces. Each of them seemed to be groaning. Dreading the fact that he might take the burly male up on his offer.

“No that’s ok. I’m gonna settle in first. Thanks though.”

“Suit yourself….weird kid.” The male whispered that last part to the other six huddled round him.

Cloud watched them leave the room letting the door squeak shut in the process.

“Looks like I’m popular here!” Cloud giggled to himself.

It was clear they didn’t want him along. Their faces said it all.

Slowly he began to unpack all his belongings. Few but precious. He took all his clippings of Sephiroth, opened his locker, grabbed some sticky tack from his bag and began placing them on the inside door. Each picture he put up, even if it was the back of the silver haired males head, he looked almost lovingly at it, eyes almost twinkling. On finishing that, he left the doors wide open and went to fetch the crumpled clothes from his bag. Everything in there was black. No white. No colours. Just black. It suited him and his personality. Loner by nature. Not into making bold and brash statements about himself. Not trying to validate his existence by wearing something totally outrageous.

He got half way through sorting the jumble that was his clothes when something fell out of one of the trouser pockets. A small sliver locket bounced onto the floor and spun towards the door. Cloud scrambled after it to pick it up. This had to be his most treasured possession. Before he could pick himself up he was startled to see two booted feet standing at his door.

“I see your settling in Cadet.”

He glanced up to see Sephiroth’s eyes boring right through his skull. He sprackled to his feet and attempted a lopsided salute.

“No need for that Cadet. It’s our day off.”

Cloud dropped his hand and scurried red faced back over to his clothes. He realised mid salute he was only dressed in black boxers. Tight fitting ones at that. Grabbing trousers and a t-shirt he made his way over to the bathroom.

“Sorry Sir. Wont be a minute.”

He slammed the door. Great! Once again he had made a total idiot out of himself infront of the General. Not only did he find Cloud crawling about the floor, but found him almost naked and attempting such a girly salute. Then he had the balls to dismiss the god like figure in his room and bugger off to the bathroom.

“Fucking hell! I’m such a tit!”

Sephiroth was amused by the tiny males behaviour. Never before had anyone been so….how could he put it? Weird with him. Fair enough almost everyone in the complex was terrified of him and saluted and bowed like mad when he approached, but this boy? He was different. He didn’t seem shit scared. Just edgy. He found it quite humorous. He couldn’t help but admire the younger males body. Still growing. Still developing but beautiful just as it was. Flawless. Never before subjected to battle. Creamy, milky pale skin. Flawless complexion. Beautiful.

He wandered over to Cloud’s small bed. If he sat down he would probably give the boy the wrong impression. Instead he stood. His eyes wandered over to the blond’s locker. Curiosity got the better of him. He looked at all the cuttings of himself. Each one celebrating a different victory somewhere in the world. Some of the pictures he was barely even in. Even if it was just the back of his head, he was there. A slight smile graced Sephiroth’s face.

As he turned, a silver glint caught his eye. A small locket lay on the bed. He picked it up. He really shouldn’t be raiding through peoples belongings but he had to. He wanted to know this unusual boy. As he picked the small catch on the locket his stomach lurched. Nervousness poured out of his fingers. He found he could hardly open the locket.

Finally it opened. Inside was a small photo. A very pregnant blonde female and a male with black hair stood smiling at the camera. From the hair colour and the bright open face Sephiroth could tell this was Cloud’s mother. The male….

“That’s him. That’s Cloud’s father. He looks the same. Just the same. Those eyes. So blue. So white. It has to be….”

“It has to be what General?”

Sephiroth whirled round still holding the chain at the sound of Cloud’s gentle voice.

“M-my chain. Why are you looking….sorry, look all you want Sir.”

“No….I’m sorry Cloud. I shouldn’t have looked at it. Tell me though. These your parents?”

“Yes. That was taken just before I was born. My mum….I miss her already.”

“She is very beautiful. He is obviously your father?”

“Yes. Although I have never met him. I heard he vanished just after I was born. Mother told me everything when she though I was old enough. They married too fast. She became pregnant with me. They had to marry. Having children out of wedlock is frowned upon where I come from. She told me he was a great fighter but….he had to leave. She didn’t tell me why. She said she just woke up one morning just after I was born to find the bed empty and a small note saying nothing but “His name is Cloud. Forgive me.” She didn’t tell me anything else. I don’t even know his name. I wonder if my mother even knew his real name.”

Sephiroth stood in silence. It had to be the same man. There was no coincidence. The looks. The face. Those eyes. All the same. He would definitely have to look into this what could turn out to be a very serious matter at once.

“I’m sorry Cloud. I had no idea.”

“No, it’s ok. I didn’t know him anyway. What is there to miss?”

Silence fell over the two males as they looked at each other. After a minute or so, Sephiroth held out the hand holding the locket to give it back. Cloud almost snatched it from him. Deciding not to piss off the youngster any more, Sephiroth decided to keep quiet about all the clippings and articles with him in it covering the inside doors of the blond’s locker.

“Well….I’m glad your better after what happened to you yesterday. Zack told me about what happened after you woke up last night. The feeling that your skin is crawling? Do not worry. That does wear off in time. But, in future, do not try and claw your own skin off. Being covered in red cuts does not suit you.”

Cloud blushed at this comment. He turned his head and looked at a very interesting crack on the wall.

“U-um, thanks Sir. I will remember not to do that next time.”

“I already told you Cloud. Off duty I am just like you. I have a name. Sephiroth.”

“Sorry. I will also remember that….Sephiroth.”

Cloud revelled at how the General’s name sounded coming from his mouth. Fabulous.

“Good. Oh, before I forget. Zack informed me that the two of you were hitting the town tonight?”

“We were?”

Realisation caught up with him. He did promise Zack he would see the “sights” of Midgar if he passed the exams.

“Yes. He asked me to come along but I can’t tonight. I have far too much work to catch up on before all of the new starts begin their training on Monday. I will have to wait until the next time….if you can handle a drunk Zack that is. I shall see you soon Cadet. I am expecting great things from you. After all. I don’t keep my eye on just anyone.”

At that, Sephiroth turned on his heel and sauntered out the room. Cloud stared at him go. His cheeks blazed bright red. He couldn’t help but stare at Sephiroth’s backside as he walked away. The way his hair moved over it. Only showing a small patch of that perfect leather clad backside.

“Ah hell!”

Cloud vigorously shook his head trying to rid the General from his mind.

“Damn Sephiroth.”

Cloud couldn’t even be bothered exploring the compound that day. Instead he just lay on top of his bed reading. It wasn’t until Zack bounded into the room demanding that Cloud get ready did he realise how long he had lazed about for. Cloud found himself literally being thrown into a luke-warm shower and screamed at to hurry up.

Zack raided through Cloud’s locker trying to find something suitable for the youngster to wear.

“Fuck! All he has is black! Nothing with colour? Weird kid! Too much like Sephiroth for my liking!”

He eventually decided on a pair of smart but casual trousers. A black shirt with a green and red dragon gracing the back of it and a pair of his own black shoes.

“This kid needs some style hammered into him!”

Zack shouted to himself. He thought himself the style guru. He stood tall in albeit black trousers but on his top half adorned a fuchsia coloured shirt complete with a pair of sunglasses on top of his unruly black hair along with fashionable, very expensive dress shoes on his feet.

Cloud stumbled out the shower attempting to wring out his hair. Sometimes he thought about getting it cut short. All it did was get in his way but that way he thought about it. If Sephiroth can handle hair that goes down to his knees. He could handle hair the goes to the base of his back.

He stood infront of the mirror trying to make his spikes stand back up. Futile attempt. They had a life of their own anyway. Quick teeth brush. Groaning at the state his eyes were in. Not green. Not blue. A horrid, vivid colour in between. Glowing under the faint bathroom light.

“Hurry up in there will ya! What you trying to do? Trying to look as good as me?! Come on dude before I yank your spiky ass out, naked or not!”

Zack launched the clothes through the partially opened door and stood impatiently tapping his right foot off the floor again and again.

“Come on man! Its 7.30pm! Drink is calling my name! MOVE!”

Cloud stomped out the bathroom door and simply gasped at the colour of Zack’s shirt.

“You….you’re not wearing….”

“You don’t wanna finish that sentence!”

Cloud barely had time to grab his wallet filled with cash before he was roughly hurled out the door.

Something told him this would be a night he would never forget. For the worse.