Final Fantasy - All Series Fan Fiction ❯ Price for a Memory ❯ I've Got My Eye On You ( Chapter 7 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

The two almost rushed down the busy streets of the top plate of Midgar. The humid wind blew Cloud’s still damp hair into his eyes and face. He didn’t even have time to dry it or even pull it back from his face. He looked just like a girl from behind. He felt uncomfortable.

“Will you hurry the hell up?!” Zack shouted.

Without Cloud noticing, the raven haired male had steamed ahead of the blond, leaving him strolling down the street playing with his hair.

Zack thundered up to Cloud, grabbed his wrist and pulled him roughly down the street.

“Your hair’s gorgeous now leave it!”

“What’s up with you?!” Cloud shouted out while still being pulled down the street.

“I don’t know. I just feel pissed off. I need a good drink. Nothing you did, but what your doing now makes me mad!”

“What?! What am I doing?”

“Taking your sweet time! Put those long sexy legs into good use and….hurry up!”

Cloud found his wrist being released. He hurried behind Zack trying to keep up with his huge strides. His cheeks blushed at the comment about his legs. Long legs? Sexy legs? He didn’t think so but it was indeed a nice complement.

Now that he though about it, Cloud felt pissed off too. He couldn’t explain why. Ever since he spoke to the General that afternoon and found him raiding through his personal belongings he was frustrated. He couldn’t put his finger on why he was so riled up. He wasn’t much of a drinker but hell, people change.

Too busy thinking about his mood and how it coincided with the General’s visit, Cloud failed to notice Zack had stopped and pulled aside into a line. He walked straight past him.

“Say Cloud? You wanna? Huh? Where you go?!”

Zack burled round in the queue to find his blond companion had vanished.

He spotted the blond heading down the street. “Fuck!”

“He’s creepy sometimes.”

Zack reluctantly pulled out of the growing queue and bolted down the street shouting after Cloud.

“Cloud! You daft fuck! Stop dreaming!”

Cloud was aware of someone shouting his name. It wasn’t until he stopped did he notice he was on his own. He spun round to see Zack charging towards him.

“Where did you go Zack?”

“The club you ass! Get in line! Beside me!”

The two males joined the queue….at the very end. Zack felt very angry now. Not only was Cloud in another world this evening but he sacrificed his place right at the front of the queue all because Cloud decided to wander away. He ruffled his hair in an agitated manner.

“Sorry Zack. I was pre-occupied. I kinda had a visit from Sephiroth earlier on today.”

“Y-you did? What happened? Did he?”

“Nothing much. He just stopped by to see how I was settling in. I made a total arse of myself though. When he came into the room I was crawling about the floor in my boxers chasing after my chain.”

“Bet he enjoyed that….” Zack murmured under his breath.

“What was that?”

“Nothing! What else did he say to you?”

“He saw the picture in the locket I keep and asked me about it. He seemed very curious about my parents. He was probably just being friendly.”

< br> Cloud looked at Zack with a confused expression etched over his face. He decide to drop it though. Zack seemed pissed enough already. Before long the two had made their way to the front of the queue. Zack was immediately let in with nothing more than a nod. Cloud however was stopped.

“How old are you missy?”

Cloud pulled a shocked face. Missy? He wasn’t a woman. Hell even though he had a feminine build there were no breasts below the shirt. That was quite obvious.

“No I.D. No can do kid.”

“I have I.D. And its not missy.” Cloud hissed while showing the bouncer his newly acquired Cadet card.

“You here with Zack? Ok. Enjoy.”

The huge man moved to the side and let Cloud pass. He walked up to Zack who was trying not to laugh.

“Don’t bother Zack!”

“How old are you MISSY!”

“Oh go fuck yourself!” Cloud shouted while lightly punching the dark haired males arm.

The two made their way through the different segments of the club. Different music reverberating through each different section from heavy metal all the way to chilled out blues. Zack finally settled down at a small table at the balcony around the inside of the building. The music here was not to hard but not to soft. A bit of rock. Just what Cloud liked.

The blond glanced around almost nervously as Zack got up to get drinks. He didn’t feel comfortable on his own in a strange place full of people who looked like convicted rapists or paedophiles or both.

Nervously he twitched about in his seat. He could feel eyes burning into the back of his skull. Whipping his head round he was convinced he caught a glimpse of silver in the dull lights of the club. It couldn’t have been though. He said he couldn’t come anyway. At least that was what Cloud kept telling himself. The clinking of glasses infront of him snapped him from yet another daze.

Cloud looked at the red coloured drink quizzically. He then looked to Zack who was downing his.

“Erm….not that I don’t trust you but what is this?”

Zack finished his drink before answering the blond.

“You probably wont have heard of it. Its called a stiffie shot. On its own its disgusting but when mixed with lemonade its….well….I will leave that for you to decide.”

“Ummm, ok.”

He decided to down it in one go. He didn’t want to leave half the drink. That would just be plain rude. Slowly he picked up the icy drink. Sniffed it. It smelt very sweet.

“Here I go….”

Zack grinned as the tiny blond plundered the drink in one gulp. His eyes went wide. A huge grin spread across his face.

“I love it! Tastes just like….Cola Cubes!”

“I knew you would like it Spiky!”

Zack lept up grabbing Cloud’s wallet and unloading some of the cash.

“Halfer’s. Gonna buy them all in….NOW!”

Cloud sat feeling very amused at Zack’s enthusiasm for buying in alcohol. He had never been too bothered about having a drink. Maybe because his mother forbade him from drinking as he was far too young. Midgar seemed to be less harsh with their age codes and rules, so Cloud just decided to stop twitching around nervously and just enjoy his night. After all, he didn’t know how many more he would get now that he was officially through ShinRa’s door.

After a while Zack appeared with three trays piled one on top of the other. Each covered with these Stiffie’s and lemonade.

“Please say that’s not all we got for our money?”

“Nope! There’s more! Some chicks bringing them over! Bottoms up!” Zack shouted while grabbing another chilled drink.

Drink after drink was consumed. One turned into two. Two into four. Four into eight. Eight into God knows how many. Both Cloud and Zack were becoming considerably drunk. The conversation turned to more personal matters….as one does when one becomes under the influence.

“So Spiky? Who was that hot lookin’ chick back in Nibelheim huh? I’d do her. Woops! Forgot! You already do. Sorry man!”

“Nah, I don’t like her that way. I see her as my friend. I don’t really like….promise not to tell?”

Zack put his hand to his chest silently swearing himself to secrecy. He smiled brightly but very drunkenly just to confirm his oath of silence.

“I never think about girls. I dunno. They just don’t interest me. I kinda prefer….men….”

Zack sat in silence. He seemed bewildered by the blond’s bold statement.

“Wow. I think you have officially came out the closet buddy boy! I kinda had ma suspicions though if I do say so myself.”

“What made you think that?” Cloud questioned while knocking back another drink.

“I guess….you looked dead awkward when she hugged you before you left. It was as if you were choking to get away. I also see they way you look at….him….well I saw the way you looked at him.”

Cloud immediately knew who Zack was talking about.

“No no no, I only looked at him like that cause of the mako. Hell….I woke up during the night wanting to do a table leg. A chair. A pillow….h-his sweater!”

“Who’s sweater?”

“Never mind! I’m talking crap Zack!”

Zack however knew better. He could tell when someone had a crush. Cloud after all, had idolised Sephiroth probably most of his teenage years. It was only natural it would lead to a crush. Slowly Zack leaned in.

“Can I tell you a secret Spiky? Swear yourself to me!”

“Only if you stop calling me Spiky.”

“Done Blondie!”

Cloud held his hand over his chest and grinned at his friend the way he had done ten minutes earlier. Zack leaned in closer.

“You see….about a year ago….the General and I….”


“We slept together. It was only the once, but it happened none the less.”

Cloud’s jaw dropped. He could feel his mouth hanging agape. His eyes wide in shock. He couldn’t think of anything to say. Nothing that sounded English anyway. His eyes darted from Zack to the table and back again. He done this a few times before Zack spoke up.

“Say something Cloud?”

“You just said you would DO Tifa from my village. I don’t get it? Why want to do women….but have sex with a guy….?”

“I swing both ways Cloud. Lots of guys in the barracks do. We have girlfriends on the outside but on the inside we kinda….yearn for male contact. Its weird….but that’s who I am. I don’t know how it happened. We were out one night. It started off just as a kiss then it lead to us having sex. He was the first guy I had been with. I have to admit….it was the best I‘ve ever had be it with a guy or a woman.”

Cloud was blushing violently at this point. Trying to shake mental images of a naked Sephiroth from his mind. Not just a naked Sephiroth, but a naked Zack also. Heaven help him!

“Lets just drop that subject Cloud. Sooooooooo, got your blue eyes on anyone in particular? Don’t Say Sephiroth. Everyone says that!”

Cloud seemed to ponder this for a moment before nodding his head slightly.

“Oh who is it? I will probably know him. I can tell you whether or not he’s a fuck wit!”

“I think you should go first. After all….I came right out the closet about ten minutes ago!”

Cloud shouted at Zack while swallowing another mouthful of the sweet alcohol. Zack followed suit. He had lost count at twelve how many he had had to drink.

“Ok but don’t freak out. You know him. He’s quite cool actually. A bit strange on the outside but cool in reality. I met him just recently. I hardly know anything about him but I feel drawn to him. He has this aura around him. Its not jagged and rough. This aura is soft and fluttering. Very welcoming. He is the type of guy I could tell anything to. I really like him.”

All the while he spoke he edged closer to Cloud.

Before he could finish Cloud jumped up from the table. He could feel those same eyes burning into the back of his skull again. He suddenly felt really sick. He spun round to see no one he recognised. He looked nervously at the raven haired male.

“Whats wrong?”

“Nothing….I just….”

He searched for a way out. He found it when glancing at the table. All the drinks were finished.

“Gonna go get more drink. Were all out!” He chirped as happily as he could.

He grabbed his wallet and dashed to the bar. As he stood waiting to be served he still felt a presence watching him. Almost challenging him to turn round again. It must be the copious amount of alcohol he had consumed that made him feel like this. Maybe a glass of water would clear his foggy head. He could feel someone coming up behind him. He dare not turn round. It’s sheer dominance forbade him from doing so.

“I’ve got my eye on you.”

Cloud tensed but whirled round. No one was there. He searched over the top of many heads. He couldn’t see the one he was looking for. No silvery glimpses. No glowing green eyes. No nothing. Yes, he had definitely had far too much to drink. However, the voice seemed too real. It was so close he felt the person’s hot breath ticking the side of his neck. Cloud shivered. He had to get out of this place. He began staggering to the lit up exit sign.

Zack sat back feeling very stupid. He didn’t just tell Cloud all that did he? Great. Now he had scared the poor boy away. Despite his alcohol haze he felt quite guilty. Hell, the boy had just landed in Midgar and here he was so blatantly trying it on. Zack stood shakily from his seat. He scanned the heads of hair.

“Where the fuck is he?”

Just as he glanced to the exit, he spotted spiky long blond hair speeding from the club.


As Zack followed suit out of the corner of his eye he spotted a shadow hidden near the exit. Glowing green eyes staring at him.


As he approached the shadow seemed to vanish.

“Maybe not….”

He carried on out the double doors and into the still muggy and humid Midgar night. He looked down at his watch. It was almost 2.30am. He headed back towards the ShinRa compound. He knew that was the way Cloud was heading. He zig zagged all over the rough pavement. His legs sending him in every direction. He was indeed pissed drunk. As he turned a corner he caught site of a blond leaning up against the side of a building.


Cloud looked up as he heard his name being shouted. He shook his head over and over again.

“I’m sorry Zack. I had to get out of there.”

Zack finally caught up with him and grabbed his arm.

“Would you mind telling me what the fuck’s going on?”

“I-I don’t know. I just had to get out of there. It felt like I was being watched. I had to leave. I….I think I know who you were talking about….”


“When you said you liked someone.”

Before Zack could utter a single word he felt soft lips pressing quite roughly onto his. His eyes widened slightly at the brashness of the small blond.

Cloud seemed hesitant to further the kiss but Zack had no bother convincing him. He roughly ran his tongue over the blond’s bottom lip demanding access. Rapidly their tongues touched and bonded with the other. Each could taste the alcohol off the other’s tongue. Sweet. Cloud wrapped his arms around the taller males shoulders. Zack placed one hand at the base of Cloud’s back intertwining his fingers with the soft blond hair. The other rested at the back of Cloud’s head pulling him in closer. Deeper and deeper the kiss reached. More forceful they became in their heated battle. All that could be heard was their heavy breathing.

Cloud felt himself being pushed back against the wall he had been leaning on. He felt a knee being jammed in between his legs forcing them to part. He couldn’t control the sharp gasp which lept from his throat. His hands moved of their own accord. One tangled in Zack’s unruly black hair. The other came to rest on the older males chest. The top being bare due to the loosened buttons back in the heated club. Harder the leg in between his pushed up against his groin. He could feel himself stirring to life.

Zack groaned into the kiss as he felt Cloud harden against his knee. He didn’t know what had taken over him. The aura surrounding the boy had sucked him in. Literally. He couldn’t stop himself. Closer and closer he pulled the lithe male into his embrace. His lips felt like they were bruising. They probably were. He jammed his knee up into Clouds still hardening sex with a bit more pressure than necessary.

“Ah Fuck!” The blond shouted, rapidly pulling away from the kiss.

His breathing ragged. His cheeks and chest flushed. His erection straining painfully against its restraints. He looked into Zack’s eyes. He wanted the man infront of him.

“I’ve got my eye on you.”

That voice. Once again entered his head. He could once again feel the other’s breath on his neck. But how? No one except from Zack was there and his face was no where near his neck. He roughly pushed the raven haired male off him.

Zack staggered back a few paces.

“What the fuck?!”

Before either could say anything. Zack’s pager went off. Reluctantly he pulled it from his pocket to read it.

“Sephiroth needs me. Says it’s an emergency.”