Final Fantasy - All Series Fan Fiction ❯ Price for a Memory ❯ Death By my Hands and Now I Remember ( Chapter 29 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Having finally escaped the iron clutches of the ship, Cloud wanted so much to fall onto his hands and knees and kiss the sandy earth below him. However, he abstained, that wouldn’t be very professional….considering the company he was in.

“So, lets dump all our crap at the Hotel, freshen up a bit and head out for some grub!” Zack almost sang over the sound of the tide crashing against the docks.

“Considering I am heading this mission and you all do as I say….I agree with you Zackary. I could do with a quick shower then a meal.”

Cloud squirmed as the image of a naked Sephiroth, dripping wet, steaming in a soapy shower. Water cascading down his beautiful body. His hair shining under the torrent of water surging on top of him.

A violent blush crept across his cheeks as he nodded in agreement. However, much to his dismay, he was sharing with Reno. Fair enough, that image was a rather wholesome one. Reno in a shower….No! Cloud couldn’t think things like this. But alas, his raging hormones couldn’t help themselves.

“Made to perform again huh Seph?”

“Your turn Cadet.”

“Yes Sir.”

Straddling the slim waist of the male below him, Cloud could feel the silver haired males newly regained hardness against his hot skin.

He stilled himself as the fullness filled his body once again. His head lulled back as the feeling of Sephiroth inside him almost burst him at the seams.

“Cloud! Please!”

Cloud shook his head violently and snapped back to reality. His face and chest most likely flushed angry crimson. Where the hell had that come from? A hallucination? No, it seemed to real to be that. He actually felt what happened. It was as if he was reliving a cherished memory once again.

“Are you alright Cloud?”

Sephiroth’s warm hand atop his shoulder shook Cloud from his blushing and far off thoughts once again that day.

“I’m fine. Just think I’m remembering things….that’s all.”

Sephiroth smiled at the shorter blond before him as he whirled the both of them round to follow after a lively, bouncing Zack and a somewhat withdrawn almost lethargic Reno.


Cloud waited extremely patiently for Reno to get himself changed. That guy seemed to take forever in whatever he was doing.

Perched atop of his bed donning just a crisp white towel round his waist, Cloud glanced out of the window and out into the Costa Del Sol setting sun. He kind of felt sorry for the Cadet who had driven them to Junon. He was simply dismissed and sent back to the barracks. A Junon Cadet posted here would take them the rest of their journey in the morning.

Growing impatient, Cloud got himself up and thundered over to the bathroom door. He could still hear the shower blaring away inside, however, “I know! I didn’t know either! I had no clue he had been snuck in….what? I can’t do that. I need to find out what’s goin down in Nibelheim. Yes, ok….really? He’s gonna do that? How can you be so sure Sir?…………………………& #8230;no problem. Right, expect to hear from me when our destination has been reached.”

“What?” Cloud whispered quietly to himself.

Who had Reno been talking to? Who had he indeed been talking about?

Cloud gasped as the shower abruptly cut off followed by Reno’s almost silent footsteps towards the door. Cloud leapt back about 10feet to his bed again. Swiftly lying down, he pretended to have been taking a short nap.

“Should I tell Sephiroth and Zack?”

“Hey Spike! Wake up Sleeping Beauty! Shower’s all free!”

Cloud faked a slightly groggy wake up and rubbed his eyes a bit before turning slowly to greet Reno.

“Aye, ok….I wont be long.”

“No probs. Think we’re getting Seph and Zack outside the Hotel.”

Cloud said nothing more as he wandered into the reasonably large bathroom. Steam flooded his acute senses as he shut the door and locked it behind him. Taking a few steps towards the mirror, Cloud raised his right hand to sweep aside the thick condensation.

A swift sweep of his hand sent the liquid scattering over the top of the sink. As he ran his hand over the glass, “Fucking hell!” Cloud stumbled back at the face looking back at him.

It looked….like him….but, older and with black hair. Piercing white tinged blue orbs stared back at him for that split second Cloud looked. Snapping his head to the side, Cloud felt the goosebumps rising across his heated flesh.

Stealing a look back at the mirror, the image was gone. Only a tired looking blond stared back.

“What the hell was that?”

Cloud shivered involuntarily before moving over to the shower, refusing to look in the mirror again. Feeling the temperature of the water heat up within a few seconds, Cloud let his towel drop to the floor before stepping under the burning hot torrent.

No mistaking it, Cloud did not trust Reno as far as he could throw him. Something about the guy was just….off. When Cloud had woken up in the infirmary that day, Reno had been too friendly before immediately dismissing him when Sephiroth appeared to be stirring back to life.

Now that Cloud thought about it, well about as much as he could considering his mushed up brain, Reno had always been ‘far too friendly’….more so than both Zack and Sephiroth.

Cloud considered these ponderings as he lathered up his sunshine blond hair.

“Hey Spike! You done in there?!”

Cloud snarled at the locked door “Fuck off!” before turning away in a huff, as if that would help, and continuing washing his hair.

This was going to be a long night.


“Hey Seph. Where you going?” Zack questioned as Sephiroth made for the door out of the room.

Both the General and his second in command had been given the privilege of their own room each. No doubt the most notorious Hotel in Costa Del Sol was wanting to play nice for the troops from ShinRa. The owners certainly didn’t want their No1 brothel to be shut down now did they?

Sephiroth had sat with a decidedly agitated air about him as soon as he had set foot into Zack’s room. He needed air….more so to find Cloud. He just wanted to be close to the vulnerable youngster.

“Yo Seph? Where you going?”

Sephiroth whirled his head round at the sound of Zack calling him for the second time.

“What? Oh, I apologise, I clearly wasn’t listening. I’m going to go on and fetch Cloud and that….what’s his name….Reno? I tire of waiting for them. The night is getting on.”

“Seph?” Zack uttered whilst glancing at his watch, “It’s 7.30. How is that the night getting on?….Wait….you in the mood tonight?”

Sephiroth visibly bristled at the tone and innuendo present in Zack’s far too upbeat voice.

“I beg your pardon?”

“What? Too much hair in your ears man. I asked if you were up for it? You know? A good ole’ knees up?”


“Getting pissed Seph.”

Sephiroth felt stupid. What indeed had his mind been thinking about? And with whom….NO!

“Well, I have not had a drink in quite a while. I think I deserve it.”

“Cool. Just remember, we have to leave at day break again tomorrow.”

“Try telling yourself that SOLDIER. Now, will you be joining me in fetching those two or will I have to come back and drag your ass out too?”

Zack swiftly pulled on his boots, flicked his fingers through his still damp hair and trailed out the room after Sephiroth.

“He’s totally in the mood tonight. Feel sorry for the guy….”


Cloud skidded across the bathroom floor. His gracefulness and agility once again sent him slipping from the reasonably large shower stall. Catching his hand atop the virgin white sink, he swiftly pulled himself back to standing upright.

Once standing, Cloud absent mindedly swept his hand across the mirror once again….forgetting what had happened earlier.

His brain finally caught up, his breath caught in his throat, his own scared face stared intently back at him.

Cloud stilled his churning stomach before continuing the job of wringing the water from his hair.

He was too busy with his own business that Cloud failed to hear the door to his and Reno’s room open. It wasn’t until Zack popped his head in the bathroom door did Cloud finally snap back to reality.

“Zack?! Get out! I’m not decent!”

Oh come on Cloud! It’s not like I’ve not seen ‘em before!”

“What?! You have?!”

“Duh jackass. The night you became a Cadet. After the mako shot? You remember eh?”

Cloud blushed under Zack’s joyful scrutiny as he nodded his head oh so slightly.

“Zackary? Leave Cloud alone. That’s a direct order.”

Zack huffed loudly before waving slightly to Cloud and shutting the door behind him.

Cloud dressed in the bathroom silently. He listened through the door to every word Reno said to Zack and Sephiroth. He was mainly talking about abusing Sephiroth’s privilege to free drinks in many places and how he was sure Costa Del Sol was no different. Willing to kiss up ShinRa’s arse no matter whose arse it was.


The bathroom door opening a tad motioned to the three heads in the room to turn round. Mercury silver, raven black and flaming red all whipped round as sunshine blond popped his head round the door.

“Umm, Sephiroth Sir? Can I speak to you….in private?”

Zack smirked suggestively at Sephiroth before smiling coyly as said General snarled in his direction. How on Gaia was Zack so good at reading people? He was, on the surface, thick as shite.

Sephiroth strode over to the blond in the doorway in three paces before roughly closing the door behind him.

“Is there a problem Cloud?”

Cloud fumbled with the bottom of his shirt as he tried to come up with a good answer that didn’t sound like a paranoid little child.

“Cloud? Has something happened?”

A hand atop Cloud’s shoulder shook him into looking up at Sephiroth’s face. Blue hit green. Land reached sky so to speak and Cloud felt like jelly.

“I….um….I think….”

This was getting him no where. Stuttering like a fool in front of Sephiroth of all people. He felt like it was his first day all over again.

“I will have my eye on you Cadet.”

“Ok, I will tell it straight. I don’t trust Reno….I overheard him while he was on the phone to someone. It was along the lines of….I had no idea he had snuck in. What? I can’t do that. He’s really going to do that? Ok, you will hear from me when we reach our destination….he’s up to something. I just don’t trust him. And, if I may be so blunt Sir? You don’t trust him either.”

“First of all, it’s Sephiroth, not Sir. Second, your right Cloud….I do not trust him. He had a bad reputation within the ranks of Cadet’s. I know for a fact that the Turks have been searching for a replacement for their missing sharpshooter. Why Reno….heaven knows. Third, I believe he is working under one of my superiors within the ShinRa building. I think he wants to jeopardise this mission. Which is why neither you nor Zack will leave my side. Understood Cadet?”

Cloud smiled up at the silver haired male in front of him as he sharply nodded his head.

“The best thing we can do Cloud is to simply get on with this mission as if nothing is wrong. Act professionally and accordingly with regards to Reno. If we act out of sort, he will definitely notice something. Just….be yourself.”

“Ok Sephiroth. Will do.”

As both males finally departed the confines of the bathroom, Reno and Zack both shot them all knowing glances.

“What? I had zipper trouble.”

“Sure Spike.”


“Sir?! Sir! A matter at hand requires your immediate attention before you leave.”

Hojo whirled round mid step as one of his most trusted subordinates ran up behind him clutching a clipboard tightly to her chest.

“What is it now Shera? You have been on my back all day.”

Hojo stilled his temper. Fair enough she was new but, she was extremely intelligent and was the most enthusiastic to see his projects surviving. She was most definitely the most qualified to cover for him in his few days away. Not to mention she was exceptionally beautiful. Her brown hair gleamed a trail half way down her back. Her green eyes sparkled like emeralds.

“I….something’s wrong with the embryos.”

Hojo said no more. He stormed past his lab assistant and into the cordoned off room kept for his most secret creations.

After a few minutes of scanning their vitals and checking the clipboard he had snatched off of Shera, Hojo turned and stared sceptically at her.

“I do not see what the problem is….”

“What? How can you not notice. Both specimens are growing at far too high an accelerated rate. If I did not catch this before you left….both embryos would have been crushed alive in there….”

“Well I am grateful that you indeed have the brains to think for yourself and to keep a keen eye on my future. I trust that you can handle moving them into their new ‘homes’ until they are ready to join us?”

Shera lowered her head, never nodding at the raven haired male in front of her. She listened intently to his footsteps leaving both the confined room and indeed the main laboratory.

Letting go of the breath she didn’t know she was holding, Shera turned back towards the projects. Her emerald green eyes sunk slightly as she locked eyes with the two embryos.

“Do not worry little ones. I wont let you die in there….indeed….in here. In this hell hole which has unfortunately shaped and twisted both of your fathers. I want to help you. It’s the least I can do….for her sake….”

Shera had never once let out her real name. Lady luck had been on her side during the whole incident with Vincent and Lucrecia. Thankfully she had never met Hojo. On they days she visited Rocket town to see her younger sister, it had been always the stunning Vincent Valentine by her side and not his competitor for her affections. However, she could not chance Hojo connecting her to Lucrecia. She came under her real first name but the alias for her second. Her name badge told the lie of Shera Mïde. On learning of Hojo’s supposed intentions for both Sephiroth and Cloud, she immediately left Cid in Nibelheim and travelled long haul overnight to ShinRa headquarters as technically she did still work there. She had to do something, anything. Now, here she was guarding the lives, no, the very souls of Cloud and Sephiroth. She had to protect them, she couldn’t let another soulless Sephiroth be born. She couldn’t let Hojo tear apart another human life. She couldn’t let her family down.


Cloud, Sephiroth, Zack and Reno headed down a crowded street in the heart of Costal del Sol. The heat slowing their journey exponentially.

Cloud flicked his hair out of his face and growled at the slowly collapsing spikes.

Reno brushed all of his hair back with his hands and pulled it tightly into a high pony tail atop his head. The heat was making his hair frizz….not a good look.

Sephiroth glanced in sheer distain and sadness at his usually poker straight hair. Slowly but surely the ends were curling round on themselves, the bangs surrounding his face getting shorter and shorter. Great….now he looked like he had purposefully put curlers in his hair to bring on the ‘desired’ ringlet affect.

Zack? Well, he was public enemy number one. His spikes stayed aloft. Not one piece of frizz covered his shining mane and certainly no curls threatened the ends of his hair.

“What can I say? Beauty must truly acclimatise itself!”

Cloud walked behind Sephiroth noticing how nice his hair looked with a slight wave to it. The usually ironed looking straight hair now had a bounce to it. A kink in it’s structure that caused the ripple to go right round the bottom 6inches of his hair.

“I wanna braid it….”

“What was that Spike….or should I say flop?”

Cloud jumped at hearing Zack’s playful voice coming up beside him. Did he really say that sentence out loud? Shit…. “Nothing. Nothing at all.”

“Uh huh….sure man. I wanna braid his hair too….lots of small braids. I know, lets get him pissed drunk, wait till he passes out and braid it all….even the bangs!”

“How much do you reckon would it take to get him drunk?”

“Well….last time I went out with Sephiroth….he drank 18 Stiffies including 5 shots and barely even wobbled on his feet. I drank about the same and couldn’t even remember my name, where I lived….in the end I picked a fight with him and we….” “That’s enough Zack. You don’t think I can’t hear you scheming behind my back? I am four feet in front of you….”

Zack immediately recoiled. He remembered the details of that night. Albeit he was extremely drunk and had taken his fair share of speed and hash that night, but he remembered.

It had been his first night out with the General after he had become first class. All of the new first classes were treated to a night out, courtesy of the General. Sephiroth had been dragged along last minute by the then baby faced Zack. Being reckless young men, willing to bend the rules, certain forbidden contraband were snuck into the ShinRa building to….enjoy before they went out. Both Zack and Sephiroth being equally stoned and highly under the influence ended up in heated fight outside the club they were in at the end of the night. None of the other first classes dare interject for fear of losing more than their fair share of limbs. Both were left to get on with it. Zack, being the most fiery tempered eventually lost his shit and punched Sephiroth in the face. He didn’t even wait for a reaction. He simply turned tail and made for the compound. It wasn’t until he was a half mile down the road that Sephiroth charged up behind him and launched him against the side of a building. The venom in Sephiroth’s eyes still haunted Zack. The lecherous leer in those piercing jade green eyes. The lust in Sephiroth’s face as he forced his mouth against Zack‘s. The taste of Sephiroth’s blood in his mouth. The sounds eliciting his mouth as he took him again and again….

Zack shook his head slightly as the four males carried on down the bustling street. It wasn’t until his stomach rumbled dangerously inside him that he stopped almost dumbfounded.

“Problem Zack?”

“Umm Sephiroth? Where and when we eating tonight huh? I need something fast!”

Reno lightly tapped Sephiroth’s shoulder as he motioned to a crowded beach side shanty hut selling every type of pizza under the sun.

Zack and Cloud both peered round the two taller males before looking at each other and nodding joyfully.

“There’s loads of folk at it….that’s a good sign.” Cloud almost sang out.

“But, it’s not….” “Upmarket Seph? Come on, slum it with the rest of us common scrubs huh? Just for tonight. What do you say?”

Sephiroth shrank back slightly. No clean seats. No clean counters or table tops. No clean floors. No clean waiters or chefs. Oh hell.

“Ugh….if I must.”

“Don’t worry Seph. I’m sure Cloud will hold your hand tonight!”

Sephiroth glared back at Zack, totally missing the disgruntled yelp sound coming from Reno.


“Ok! Pizza it is! I love beach pizzas! I think I will have one with everything! And a Margarita to wash it down with!”

Cloud laughed quietly to himself as Zack set off to get his food, followed quickly by Reno. True, the man had not eaten since they had left that morning so his apparent hunger was understandable.

“What will you be having Cloud?”

Cloud sharply turned his head to look up at Sephiroth.

“Hmm that’s a hard one….I don’t know….perhaps a Spicy Chicken one….that should do. And Sex on the Beach to finish it off with.!”

Sephiroth choked back a startled cough at Cloud’s statement. Was that meant to sound as it just did?

“I don’t think I can manage a whole one to myself though. Wanna share?”

“S-share your dinner? And drink choice?”

“Sure….why not….unless you want something totally different.”

“No, that sounds good. I will share your pizza and your Sex on the Beach with you.”

Sephiroth growled inwardly at the slight movement in his trousers. Having opted for denims tonight instead of his usual leathers, there was not as much restriction to hold back his nether regions. Plus, he was chaffing like crazy under this intense heat. Never one for boxers, he simply bore the uncomfortable and got on with it.

Sephiroth motioned for Cloud to enter the small eating place before him. He just and no more grazed his finger tips along the base of the youths back. Cloud turned his head slightly at the touch, a small smile gracing his lightly tanned features.

“Perhaps he is starting to remember….like I already have….”


Shera busied herself about the now silent lab. She had successfully moved the two embryos into their larger homes for the remaining few weeks of gestation. The process had indeed been a nail biter. She had less than three minutes to prepare the transport for both bodies into larger chambers for their advanced growth stages. A mako shower would be the only thing keeping both projects alive while the glass casing around them was literally melted away, leaving them floating in larger canisters. Growth hormones and cell samples from their ‘fathers’ were then injected into the embryos brains by means of precision injections through their ears. Fair enough, the tiny eardrums would burst, but would be quickly healed with the mako from the shower. Shera cringed as she performed the life or death procedure on both ‘children’.

“Riku? Sora? The two of you have no idea how much I hate doing this. With all the drugs being pumped into your systems every day….no doubt the two of you will come out of this seriously ill and be born….so to speak….severely brain damaged. All the easier for Hojo to manipulate you I guess. The exact same thing he done to Sephiroth as a child. Given his severe mental problems and the permanent damage to his brain, he was an easy target for that lunatic.”

Shera decided to still both her body and her voice. She felt herself begin to cry. Instead, she looked in awe at the two figures. Without even knowing which was which and whom they came from, one could already tell which was Sephiroth’s and which was Cloud’s offspring. Riku’s body was bigger, longer and paler. His face, although still to form properly was more pointed looking than Sora’s. Being that it was only their fathers genes inside them, they were literally carbon copies of their elders. That in itself carried more problems for the still forming beings. Without all 23 pairs of chromosomes from both parents, they shouldn’t even exist….however, this ‘miracle’ of science and mako allowed it to be so. How? Shera had no idea. Both projects only had 11 whole pairs of chromosomes and a random two halves that could not be paired. How could this project even work? Something much more than mako had to be at the root of it….but what?

Hojo would certainly take that to the grave with him.


Sephiroth forced himself to swallow his last slice of pizza. He had had enough of this filthy shanty hut bar. He wanted everyone to hurry up so they could go to the most expensive club in Costa Del Sol.

Arcadia was known for its high prices, its high clientele and its explosive drinks. Not to mention, the place was cleaned around the clock.

Now, Sephiroth wouldn’t call himself a dirt phobe but….he liked clean….he liked order and he liked drinking from a glass with no chips out of it and no dodgy looking clouded parts. He also liked eating off of something more substantial than a wobbly paper plate. He had to blot the pizza four times before enough grease had lifted off to make it even an iota closer to being edible.

Cloud, Reno and Zack on the other hand? They wolfed down the pizzas unblotted and snarfed down their cocktails, promptly going over to the bar tender for more. Why oh why was Sephiroth stuck here?

He grimaced slightly as Cloud topped up his glass. He politely accepted the drink. After all, it would be rude to turn down a drink from such a beautiful creature.

After a while of listening to Cloud and Zack chat animatedly about something, Sephiroth cast a glance over at Reno. He was staring out into space, not really paying attention to what was going on.

“You alright Reno?” Sephiroth asked the youth, trying to find some sort of chink in his defences.

“Sorry Sir. I’m fine. Just a little tired….kinda want to get out of this over heated and under sanitised shit hole anyway.”

“Just what I was thinking Cadet.”

“Ok ok Seph, Reno, we get the hint. Let’s drink up and go then.” Zack huffed from the other side of the table they stood around.

Sephiroth mentally danced at the prospect of leaving this dive that smelled too much like day old liquor, vomit and a childs nappy all mixed together.

Zack bounced out the bar/hut first, followed by Reno who had seemed to lift himself from the mood he was in. Perhaps that dodgy phone call he had earlier was the cause of his dire mood?

“Most certainly.” Sephiroth thought to himself.

Sephiroth paused and turned to watch Cloud downing the drink that he himself had left. He smirked as the blond looked up. Busted. Caught with his hand in Sephiroth’s cookie jar.

“Have a taste for Sex on the Beach then?”

“Until tonight? I had never even tasted it. I just like the name….and it’s emblazoned on every bar menu in the streets. Thought it sounded good. I like the taste of what’s in it!”

“Do you even know what’s in it?”

Cloud bowed his head before looking back at Sephiroth, blushing profusely.

“Ummm no….I guess I don’t….”

“I thought not. You do not choose a drink based on what’s in it or how strong it is. You just go by the name and how….pretty it looks. Your choice for just there consists of Vodka, Peach Schnapps, Cranberry and Orange juice. That’s what gives it it’s summery colour and exotic fruit taste….if I recall correctly….that is a typical girls drink.”

“Hey! Are you implying that I’m a girl? But….true….I generally go by the name. Like the drink I had with Zack on our night out.”

Sephiroth decided to ignore Cloud‘s retaliation to his comment about the girls drink and simply play ignorant, “Let me guess….Stiffies?”

Cloud growled at Sephiroth’s blatant disregard to his fiery question before shoving any malice aside and nodding brightly before heading down the street after Zack and Reno. He smiled warmly as Sephiroth’s hand placed itself, unmoving at the base of his back. It felt….normal….nice.

The extensive queue outside the club literally parted as Sephiroth and his three troops came towards them. Not one soul dared to get in that way of the godlike man passing them. Most averted their eyes from Sephiroth’s cold and piercing stare. All four men walked into the already crowded club free of charge.

“Hey Sephiroth? Nice one man!” Reno yelled over the reverberating bassy music.

Sephiroth simply looked round at Reno and smirked almost deviously. Oh how he enjoyed abusing his privileges as General.

Both Cloud and Zack headed right on over to the jam packed bar to fetch a few drinks, leaving Sephiroth and Reno to try and find a seat.

Sephiroth stood as tall as he could, up on his tip toes, scanning the entire area of the club. If he couldn’t find a seat? He would scare some poor sucker away from theirs.

“Sephiroth?! Found one!” Reno yelled over to Sephiroth as he shoved his way through the crowd.

The fiery red head made for the empty pew as fast as he could. That seat was his. Literally throwing himself the last 10feet, Reno claimed the small booth as his. Lying back on the cushioned bench, he lounged lazily as if he had been there all night.

“Move Reno.” Came the cold, calm baritone of Sephiroth as he swiftly knocked Reno’s feet out of the way.

However, a pointless move as Sephiroth seated himself opposite Reno at the opposing side of the table. Reno shrugged slightly and turned his head just as Zack and Cloud wobbled through the crowd carrying many drinks.

Sephiroth noticed that Cloud’s eyes were very wide and very glassy. What on Gaia had he been doing at the bar in that 5minutes?

Cloud looked nervously from one side of the table to the other.



Which should he sit beside?

Zack plopping down beside Reno decided for him.

Cloud sat down beside Sephiroth and placed the drinks he had managed not to spill on the table. His head felt dizzy as he looked round the crowded club. Zack had egged him into doing a couple of very potent shots before heading back to Reno and Sephiroth.


Pausing mid sip, Sephiroth turned to regard the youth. “What’s wrong Cloud?”

“Nothing….was just wondering how strong Aftershocks are?”

Sephiroth’s eyes widened significantly. Aftershocks? Zack made the boy drink them? Now it fell into place, that was where that aniseed smell was coming from. Aftershocks.

“They are over 50% proof Cloud….”

“Thought so….still caught in the back of my throat!”

Sephiroth smirked at the youth before trying something. He swiftly let his hand fall from where it rested on the table to just and no more touch Cloud’s thigh.

Said blond tensed slightly mid sentence to Zack but done nothing to ‘say no’. Sephiroth couldn’t take advantage of the boy while drunk….could he?

The four men sat and talked about everything and nothing for the best part of two hours. Both Cloud and Reno were considerably drunk. Zack acted sober but was swiftly falling under the influence. Sephiroth? It seemed nothing got him drunk.

Reno’s head whipped up as one of his favourite dance tunes came on, ‘Drifting Away’.

He had to go dance….he needed a partner. Forgetting about his objective….his soon to be betrayal of the men with him, he grabbed the nearest target, Zack. He leapt over him while jerking the raven haired males arm round as he moved.

“Take it he wants a dance huh?!” Zack half yelled half gasped as he was pulled clean from the confines of the booth.

Sephiroth laughed heartily at Zack’s bemused expression as he was pulled through the club and towards the dance floor. He watched intently with his superb vision as Reno leaned back against Zack and began grinding his backside off of Zack’s groin. He also saw the hot blush sweep across his second in commands face as he placed his hands atop Reno‘s slim hips and moved in time to the song with him.

“And he said I was up for it?”

Cloud stared into his drink. He couldn’t watch Zack and Reno dance any longer. He wished he had the guts and balls to drag Sephiroth up and dance. He wished he could tell him all the things he had remembered. He wished he could kiss him again.


Startled, Cloud almost flew out of his skin. He was too consumed with his own drunken fuzzy musings, he forgot that the object of his affections, the very man who had indeed taken his virginity was sitting 2feet away from him.

“You alright?”

Cloud beamed brightly, deciding not to brood, “I’m fine!”

Sephiroth edged that bit closer to Cloud before leaning in slightly. “Good. I’ve still got my eye on you.”

Before Cloud could say a word, hot lips descended down, covering his own. Choking out a gasp, Cloud felt Sephiroth’s tongue snake it’s way into his mouth.

Cloud fought back another low groan as his body was pushed back so that his head thumped off of the back of the cushioned bench they sat on. Hands previously sitting innocently atop the table fell from the wooden surface and happened to land atop Cloud’s legs. One hand moved right up and wrapped itself round Cloud’s neck, the other, moved in lazy circles round the very top of his thigh.

Sephiroth smirked into the heated kiss as Cloud’s hands ghosted up his body and buried themselves in his now wavy hair. Fingers kneaded their way through thick locks of mercury silver….almost as if they had done it before….


Reno pushed further back into Zack’s body. Sure, he was supposed to lead them to their deaths….however….a part of him couldn’t do it. He was shit scared of what could happen if he refused to go through with the plan or duck out at the last minute but now? After tonight? After everything the four of them had talked about, the laugh he had with both Cloud and Zack, the few smiles he gained from Sephiroth….he felt a guilty conscience rear it’s ugly head as he ground his body against Zack’s.

Zack shut his eyes tightly and drunk in the feeling of this body in front of him. His hands moved of their own accord up and down the read heads sides. His head dropped to Reno’s shoulder. He ran the tip of his nose towards the long neck which, coincidently, craned away to give him room. Sneaking his tongue out, Zack tasted that hot, sweating flesh. Just a small taste. That’s all he wanted.

Reno tilted his head further, he fell into this slight touch. He hadn’t really looked at Zack that way before but….if he couldn’t have Cloud….Zack was a very beautiful and very close second.

Zack moved his hand from Reno’s hip and ran it up the front of the toned chest, up over the collar bone, up the side of that pale neck and round the back of the head. His fingers deftly dragged the elastic holding Reno’s hair in place down the length of his long, fire read hair. He let the elastic drop to the pitch black floor as the silken strands of molten fire drifted over both of their shoulders and cascaded down both of their fronts.

That same hand ran it’s way through the glossy hair before falling back onto Reno’s hip before Zack began moving his body with the red heads again.

As the two moved in time to the music, Reno gracefully twisted his body round so he faced Zack. His own hands dove into Zack’s midnight black hair. He placed one of his legs in between Zack’s and pushed his burning arousal against Zack’s hip bone.

“That had to have been the single most erotic experience I’ve ever had.” Reno smirked against Zack’s lips.


Cloud pushed back against Sephiroth almost violently. He was practically straddling the older male but swiftly realised he couldn’t go quite that far in a crowded public place. Instead, he lifted himself onto his knees, one lying on top of Sephiroth’s thighs. The other resting where he had just been sitting. His hands moved in a frenzy through Sephiroth’s hair then down his neck and chest.

Sephiroth seemed to sense Cloud’s frustration so, despite the hundreds of people dancing and mingling inside the building, he pulled Cloud over and onto his thighs. Cloud gasped slightly as he was almost roughly pulled on top of Sephiroth, however, he swiftly forgot all about public shame and parted his slim legs further to make himself more….comfortable. Sephiroth guided one of his pale hands to tangle it’s way through Cloud’s thick blond spikes, the other ran it’s way down Cloud’s spine before dropping right onto his backside, finger’s applying just the correct amount of pressure to make said blond jump slightly.

Sephiroth smirked into the impassioned kiss as Cloud inadvertently squirmed and pushed his chest closer into his own. He could feel his own burning arousal grating against Cloud’s, even through their layers of clothing. His chaffing problem was heightened 10fold. It was bad enough with the humidity in the air, now he was becoming extremely turned on and needed release. The feisty blond straddling his hips was certainly not helping.

Dragging his tongue along Cloud’s bottom lip once more, Sephiroth reluctantly tore his lips from now pouting in despair ones.

He leaned in and lightly licked the shell of Cloud’s ear before whispering, “Let’s get the hell out of here….unless you want to right here….where we sit?”

Cloud seriously considered Sephiroth’s proposal….could he have shameless alcohol fuelled sex in the middle of a crowded club?….

He pondered this for several long moments before his mind finally slapped him across the face. “Let’s go.”

Sephiroth scanned the crowd for Zack and Reno as he lead Cloud by the hand out of the crowded, smoky and musky club. “Where the hell are they?”

Two figures obviously tangled together in a mass of arms and legs caught both Sephiroth and Cloud’s eye. Flaming red hair cascaded down the nearest males back as the two stumbled out the back exit of the club.

“I believe they will be fine on their own Cloud.”


Sephi roth didn’t want to talk to Cloud about his suspicions any more. He wanted the boy in his bed. He didn’t want to dampen their alcohol high with talks of the red head. He could tell that Cloud felt the same way. Turning to face Cloud once again, Sephiroth grabbed the blond’s chin and tilted his head up. A hot blush covered the Cadet’s face as he stared right into Sephiroth’s now deep emerald eyes. Lips crashed together once more as Sephiroth dragged the youth from the club and into what he hoped was the direction of the Hotel.


Reno found himself being violently thrown against a harsh and unforgiving concrete wall about two blocks away from the club. Zack’s devilish hands took on minds of their own as they traced every muscle under his shirt and suit jacket. One hand ran over the plains of his chest while the other reached down and pressed into his aching sex.


Zack smiled almost angrily at the male pinned before him before he dropped his head onto Reno’s long, pale neck.

Reno fought back a sharp yell as he threw his head back at the contact of hot lips, a moist tongue and sharp teeth at his neck. His head ground against the cold concrete as his body reacted to the raven haired males touches. The hand grasping his still clothed erection pressed in harder causing another strangled half moan half sob.

Zack roughly bit into Reno’s neck as he finished the impressive love bite he had just administered. The groan eliciting Reno’s lips as Zack bit harshly into the creamy flesh was music to his ears. Music he wanted to hear so much more of.

The fiery red heads hands worked their way deeper into Zack’s hair as said male roughly dragged down his zipper and let his pressed black trousers pool at his knees before swiftly spinning him and crushing his chest into the jagged edges of the wall. Reno’s hands being ripped from his hair as he spun the youth round caused Zack to bite back a growl of pain.

Pressing his body tight against Reno’s, Zack, before unfastening his own trousers leaned in and kissed the shell of his ear, whispering while doing so. “Your death by my hands.“ Reno, unfortunately was too busy writhing and groaning under Zack’s skilled touch, missed all that Zack murmured.

Reno screamed out loud as Zack forcefully rammed his entire length up to the hilt inside his body in one violent motion. Tears pooled at the corners of his tightly shut eyes as Zack stilled behind him. A hand ghosting down his cheek offered little comfort to the immense pain he felt as his insides ripped to accommodate Zack’s impressive length and girth.

Reno felt Zack’s hands run up and down his sides after leaving his cheek. They lightly and patiently teased his sweat glistened skin.

“I-I’m alright now.” Reno groaned out as Zack shifted inside him slightly.


Zack jerked his hips backwards before once again, roughly thrusting back into that hot tightness. Fair enough, he had been a total asshole by taking Reno dry but….he wanted to cause the red head tremendous pain….at his own pleasure. His hands left Reno’s sides and slapped themselves against the cool concrete wall, either side of said males head.

Reno moaned out loud as Zack angled his hips slightly to the left and grated against his hidden prostate. The pain swiftly disappeared under a mask of false pleasure as he was brutally pounded up against the wall. His sweat dampened fiery red hair stuck to his face, neck, chest and back as his beautiful torture continued. His own hand left the wall and slid it’s way towards his own straining, leaking erection. Long, pale fingers wrapped themselves around the turgid flesh and began to match Zack stroke for heavy stroke.

Zack swiftly caught on to what Reno was doing and moved his right hand down to join Reno’s left.

Flame red hair fell backwards over Zack’s shoulder as Reno threw his head against the powerful male at the touch of the raven haired males hand both atop his own and atop his member.

Zack quickened his pace, he could feel himself reach the brink. His hand squeezed Reno’s leaking erection as his last few thrusts spent himself inside the others body.

Reno choked back a pained gasp as he felt white hot heat sear inside him and as his own climax fell down on top of him, spilling himself over both his hand and Zack’s.

Both males leaned against the concrete wall, too scared to move off it for fear of legs crumbling beneath them. Reno’s head lulled forwards, his forehead lightly touching the uneven surface. He opened his eyes as he felt his hair being scraped from his sticky face and chest. He hummed lightly as Zack rolled the hair in on itself and literally tie it in a loose knot before running his hands down his hairline, tucking any wayward strands behind both ears.

“Z-Zack? I would say that is pretty high upon the most erotic experience list.”

Zack smiled as Reno turned his head to look at him, “Just being helpful.”


Cloud laughed out loud and pulled his body away from the General’s. They were not even in the room yet and already Sephiroth was trying to get his trousers off.

“Stop it!” Cloud shouted half heartedly. “This is a glass elevator you know!”

Sephiroth smirked darkly, obviously ignoring the youth he had more or less pinned against the transparent elevator wall. His hands roughly ran down Cloud’s chest and stomach before stopping at his groin and pushing into the arousal he felt there.

“Ugh….Seph….wait….patience!”< br>
Sephiroth couldn’t be bothered listening to Cloud’s reasoning so he silence the blond with a bruising kiss, tongue immediately invading the youth’s mouth.

Almost a swiftly as the kiss begun, Sephiroth pulled back as the elevator ground to a halt. Cloud gasped in shock as he was abruptly picked up and slung over Sephiroth’s broad shoulder. His face hit off of Sephiroth’s stomach with every step the silver haired male took towards his own private room.

Cloud decided to play his sneak trump card. Raising his arms from their place, hanging aimlessly at Sephiroth’s sides, he drummed his finger tips teasingly against the older males crotch over and over again.

Sephiroth audibly groaned as those fingertips them pressed in that little bit harder as the palms of Cloud’s small hands joined them. He stopped his motions as he felt the button of his jeans popping free and heard the soft sound of the zip lowering.

Deciding to walk again….just incase a passer by wondered why he was statue still in a random hallway of a Hotel, Sephiroth struggled to keep his focus on walking.

Nimble fingers ran their way as best they could up and down his length behind the barrier of denim.

Quickening his wobbly pace, Sephiroth almost broke into a slanted run as he made as quickly as he could to his room. He needed to be buried deep within the blond boy thrown over his shoulder. His hand tightened it’s grip around Cloud’s thighs as he struggled to keep his cool under those deft fingers.

“Cloud….s-stop it!”

Cloud laughed at the state Sephiroth was getting into by nothing more than a light touch from his fingers.

“Do not laugh. I will fuck you right here if you don’t stop!”

Cloud’s fingers stopped moving as his brain contemplated the situation. Sex in a hallway of a Hotel. Although it would be a fantastic risk….perhaps it would be too risky….what if they were caught? Sephiroth with his trousers down. “The great General of ShinRa shagging an unknown blond male up against a wall in a well respected establishment for all to see.” Cloud could see the scandal now.

Just as he pulled his hands from Sephiroth’s groin, he was roughly dropped onto the floor.


Cloud looked around frantically. Sephiroth was slamming the door nearby shut before turning and staring almost menacingly down at him.

“W-where?” “My room. Your little stunt back there almost lost me my cool.”

Cloud grimaced as Sephiroth picked him up once again and pulled him harshly to his trembling feet and quaking legs. Before Cloud could even look into Sephiroth’s murderous eyes, he found himself being thrown across the room. He shut his eyes tight, waiting on the skull splitting impact onto the far wall…. “Eh?”

A soft landing greeted Cloud’s backside as he finally landed. He opened his eyes to find himself lying atop a king size bed with blood red covers. He lifted his head slightly to see his legs wide open, arms spayed across the soft fabric. He inwardly sighed with relief. He thought he had pissed Sephiroth off.

Cloud made to sit up however, as soon as his body moved an inch off the bed, a large, alabaster hand shoved itself roughly against his chest.

“Don’t move.” Sephiroth seethed out.

Cloud swallowed a nervous breath. Perhaps he thought too soon? Maybe Sephiroth really was angry?

Before Cloud could think up any sort of an apology, he found himself to be shirtless. The loud tearing of cotton signalled that his shirt was lost forever. Hands found his and forced them against the mattress above his head. Cloud’s arms were twisted round, his hands placed against the headboard, fingers gripping the wood tightly. Cloud instinctively tried to move his hands. “I said, don’t move.”

Cloud stared wide eyed as Sephiroth leered at his naked chest as he dipped his head and snaked his tongue over his collar bone. Said muscle trailed it’s slippery way down the developed plains of Cloud’s lightly tanned chest and took it’s time to swirl around each nipple. Sephiroth’s hands slid down Cloud’s sides, fingers soon after hooking into Cloud’s belt loops. Cool air hit Cloud’s groin as his trousers and boxers were sharply pulled down.

“Bend your knees up.”

Cloud did as he was told. As his knees bent, the black trousers and boxers were dragged over the smooth flesh. The same hand which started to remove his trousers, stopped and pulled Cloud’s boots from his feet along with his socks. Trousers and boxers soon after hit the floor in that sad little pile.

Sephiroth kissed his way down Cloud’s naked stomach, revelling in the taste of fear emitting from the youth’s every pore. Fear and….curiosity.

Cloud called out Sephiroth’s name as his hot, wet tongue dipped into his naval time and time again. Oh how he wanted to bury his fingers in that lavish wavy silver hair. Push Sephiroth’s head further down. Just as his arms moved, a pale hand shot up and shoved Cloud’s hands back into place.

“Don’t move.”


Cloud snapped his eyes shut as his the length of his erection was almost swallowed by the silver haired male. His chest heaved painfully as his length was nipped with quite sharp canines.

As Sephiroth bobbed his head up and down, increasing the suction in his jaws, his gleaming emerald orbs stared at Cloud’s flushed face. Willing the youth to open his eyes. Pausing his oral ministrations, Sephiroth throatily whispered “Look at me.”

Cloud’s eyes flew open as his length was engulfed once again. His eyes trailed down his own body but stopped dead as shining jade pierced through the darkness.

“Agh Sephiroth! I’m….!” Cloud screamed. The sight of his length in the General’s mouth forced him into a shocked climax.

Sephiroth smirked as Cloud’s body collapsed back against the bed. Just the sight of him giving the blond a blowjob brought the boy to his knees in ecstasy.

Sephiroth lazily ran a hand up Cloud’s chest and placed his fingers at Cloud’s mouth. The blond immediately drew the two digits into his mouth. He knew far too well what to do. Sephiroth couldn’t help but ask a burning question. His stomach churned as he fought to find his words.

“Cloud? I have to ask….are you a virgin?”

Cloud released Sephiroth’s now slicked fingers before shaking his head. “No….I’m not.”

“Who….who was it? Zackary?….Reno?” Sephiroth hissed as he ran his saliva soaked fingers round the tight ring of muscles in between Cloud‘s perfect backside.

“Neither….it….it was you.” Cloud breathed out as one lone finger pushed inside his body.

Sephiroth’s eyes widened as Cloud whispered out that last statement. “W-what? Me?”

“Before we were taken. Before he found us!”

Tears pricked at the sides of Cloud’s eyes as a second finger stretched his taxed body further.

“Who found us?” Sephiroth whispered into Cloud’s ear as his fingers scissored inside the willing blond.

“He took us! C-cut u-us up! Agh!” Cloud screamed as Sephiroth’s fingers rubbed up against his prostate.

Sephiroth shut his eyes as he removed his fingers and pulled the front of his jeans open. He just couldn’t remember….he only saw small details. Images of a shadowed body straddling his body, writhing in ecstasy.

“Made to perform again huh Seph?”

“Do I look like I need fucking help?!”

“Please….just take me. Let Sephiroth go!”

Sephiroth opened his eyes, suddenly feeling angry. He spotted Cloud moving his hands again.

“I said don’t move!”

Cloud cried out in pain as Sephiroth roughly pushed himself into Cloud’s only half prepared body. The silver haired male didn’t even pause to see that Cloud was alright. He needed to push these visions, emotions and feelings from his mind. Fucking the youth senseless would surely do that.

Sephiroth grabbed Cloud’s legs and slung a leg over each of his shoulders, pushing his body clean against the blond’s. Wanting to feel skin on skin contact and connection. His hands threw themselves against the headboards beside Cloud’s as he pushed his body further into Cloud’s.

Cloud threw his head back into the pillows as Sephiroth drew out painfully slowly, almost to the tip, only to drive into him with more power than he thought the male could muster.

Sephiroth’s fingers found Cloud’s and literally smothered them as he groaned out in pain and pleasure. The sounds spilling from Cloud’s mouth as his prostate was mercilessly attacked again and again were music to Sephiroth’s ears, however, piercing pain edged it’s way up and round his right shoulder.

A bead of sweat dripped from the tip of Sephiroth’s nose and onto Cloud’s cheek. Cloud stared up into Sephiroth’s eyes. Pain looked back into his face. Cloud’s left side and shoulder throbbed as he continued to stare into Sephiroth’s face. His legs pulled down on Sephiroth’s back as the older male drove deeper, harder, faster into Cloud’s pliable body.

Sephiroth buried his head in the crook of Cloud’s neck as he felt his climax approach, Cloud’s legs pulling down on his back didn’t help matters. His body jerked spasmodically back and forth four more times before he came deep inside Cloud’s body. Bloody, black wing tearing his flesh and shirt, rising high above the males.

The feeling of Sephiroth coming inside him caused tears to spring free from his wide eyes, pain erupting from his left shoulder as his own wing broke free from it’s bloody prison.

Sephiroth struggled to keep his arms and his body steady. His whole being shook as if his next breath was to be his last. After a few agonising seconds, his body gave up and collapsed roughly on top of Cloud’s. Said blond losing a breath as his weight almost crushed him.

Cloud removed his hands from the headboard and ran the finger tips of one down Sephiroth’s flushed cheek.

“I….I now remember lying like this Cloud.”

Cloud smiled at the still clothed General. He must have really needed that to forget to remove his clothes….

“My Cloud.”

“Never let go.”