Final Fantasy - All Series Fan Fiction ❯ Price for a Memory ❯ Morning After and Sudden Birth ( Chapter 30 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Cloud’s head pounded inside his skull as daylight forced his eyes to creak open. How much did he have to drink the previous night?

Shuffling sounds from the next room shook Cloud into an albeit hungover but full awareness.

“Who’s there?!”

A mild grunt was the blond’s less than desirable reply.

Peeling his naked sweating body from the sheets, Cloud scampered for his boxers and his discarded trousers from the night before.

Creeping into the sun drenched room, Cloud gasped quite loudly at a naked Sephiroth neatly folding away his previous nights clothes.

“Oh Cloud? Your awake at last. You seriously don’t remember me bringing you here last night?”

Cloud blushed profusely as memories of having rather violent and rough sex with the silver haired male in front of him flooded his brain all at once.

“O-of course I do. I was just a bit disorientated when I woke up just now.”

Bowing his head to the floor slightly, Cloud stared at an interesting looking little bug scurrying it’s way to find shelter from the two pairs of feet moving about it’s barren home.

Sephiroth, ignoring his apparent nudity took two steps towards the tiny blond before cupping his chin in one large hand.

“Look at me.”

Cloud stole a glance at the taller beautiful male standing less then a foot in front of him. Smiling slightly, he tilted his head to the side ever so.

“Yes Cloud, I certainly remember holding you before as I did last night. I only wish I had remembered sooner. I wish I could have….never mind.”

“No Sephiroth, what is it?”

“I wish I could have told you how I feel sooner than this. Before this mission.”

Instead of empty words, Cloud simply stood on his tip toes and lightly brushed his lips against Sephiroth’s.

The chaste kiss only lasted a few seconds before Cloud pulled back and dropped onto his feet.

“It is my belief that everything happens for a reason Seph. I don’t think this is the end. I think something much bigger is out there for us.”

Sephiroth hesitated before stepping back from Cloud completely.

“You should get back to your room and pack up. Its 5.30am. We leave in thirty minutes.”

Cloud nodded at Sephiroth managing a small smile as he turned to pick up the rest of his discarded clothes before making his way from the room.


Shera blinked awake as the almost muted sound of a small alarm going off in her vicinity droned incessantly around her.

Removing her glasses and rubbing the sleep from her eyes, the caramel haired woman glanced at the origin of the alarm.

“Oh no!”

Shoving herself from the chair she had fallen asleep in, she darted into the containment room.

“No! This cant be right?!”

Dashing over to the two projects, Shera couldn’t believe what she was seeing.


Swiping his key card through the mechanised lock, the door swished silently open for the petite blond. Stepping over the threshold, Cloud chocked back a startled laugh at the site lying totally starker’s in front of him.

Reno and Zack lay sprawled atop the plush couch, limbs intimately intertwined. Zack lay fully on top of the red heads lithe body, using his entire expanse of pale flesh as a pillow and bed rolled into one.

“We’re running late guys!” Cloud shouted into the silent room.

Reno’s eyes snapped awake at the sound of Cloud’s shrill yell at the two of them. Blushing madly, he disentangled himself from Zack and rolled ever so gracefully onto the floor with a loud thud sending Zack tumbling off of the other side of the couch.

“Ah dammit spiky! Why you go yelling like that?!” Zack hoarsely croaked from his position on the floor.

“Duh! I said we are running late. It’ll be our heads if we don’t make it to Nibelheim on time.”

Reno’s eyes snapped open at the sound of their mission. Despite his alcohol induced haze, he stumbled to his feet and began irrationally shuffling round the room.

Pulling on his trousers and grabbing his shirt and boots, Zack half jumped half fell towards the door.

“Later guys.”

Cloud swiftly busied himself packing away the previous nights clothes, still thick with the scent of Sephiroth on them and retrieving his standard issue uniform from his duffel bag.

“Say Cloud.” Came Reno’s quite, pained voice from the other side of the room.


“You spent the night with the General?”

Cloud blushed deep crimson and buried himself into the task at hand….lacing his boots.

“You did didn’t you.”

It wasn’t a question. It was a statement. A statement that Cloud didn’t like. He didn’t like the tone of Reno’s voice. His voice almost dripped mal-intent.

“Uh-huh.” Came Cloud’s whispered response before grabbing his pack, gun, sheathing his sword and heading for the door. “Get you out front.”

Reno waited until the door had shut firmly behind the blond before burying his head in his hands. “Fuck….I don’t think I can do this.”


Sephiroth stood tapping his foot off of the stone floor countless times waiting for his men to show face. Zack had previously crashed in through the bedroom door, still appearing to be slightly inebriated from the previous night. Obviously he had been with the red head. Sephiroth could smell the fiery youth off of the raven haired male. Sephiroth swiftly decided to leave the raven haired youth to his own devices.

Sighing deeply, Sephiroth closed his eyes over. He began thinking about the blond. The look in his face as he was ravaged hard and fast. The glint in his eyes as his body was demanded a second time. Third time.

Smirking slightly, Sephiroth failed to notice the blond approaching.

“General….are you awake?”

Snapping his eyes open, Sephiroth almost glared at the boy in front of him, staring with a certain confused air about him.

“Of course I wasn’t. I was simply in a state of mental rest and tranquillity.”

“Sorry to question your word but….with this heat? It seemed like you were dozing on the job.”

“Thanks to a certain Cadet who kept me awake for most of the night.”

“Touché Sephiroth.”

Sephiroth glanced round to the direction Cloud had come from before sighing again at the sight of Zack, followed by Reno coming towards them.

“It’s going to be a bumpy ride Cloud.”

“Yeh….the journey here from Nibelheim was bad enough. Not only do I have to stop myself from throwing up but, we have the two of them to contend with.”

Sephiroth gave each of his men a curt nod before turning on his heel and leading them from the Hotel and indeed the beach resort of Costa Del Sol.


Shera paced frantically. Now was too soon. There had to be some reason as to why it was time. Perhaps the projects were dying.

“Wait….this could work in my favour. Hojo is not present….after their final maturing process which should be in about….”

Quickly jotting down calculations based on the speed the embryos were growing at, Shera mentally worked out how long it would take for it to be safe to escape.

“It should take about….three days….two. Hmmm, lets say three.”

A loud cracking pierced the now silent atmosphere. Whipping her head round, caramel hair swirling round her face, Shera stared in muted shock at R.1.K.U.’s containment chamber.

His small body seemed to be pushing from its glass restraints.

Another crack echoed through the lab.

“5.O.R.A. you too….oh god.”


“Zack sit down!” Sephiroth all but shouted from his seat against the wall of the truck.

“I can’t help it. I’m really excited. I bought some new materia that I really wanna try out.”

“Stop pacing!”

“Nah! I’m far too excited! How bout you?” Zack gestured to Reno.

“Ahhh….” Reno, with a shake of the hand, swept Zack away. Too hungover to join in with any of Zack’s antics.


Cloud glared at the raven haired idiot who called himself his commanding officer before leaning right over, head between his legs making slight retching groans.

“Nasty! Keep that shit away from me. Gotta look good for the Nibelheim ladies! Especially that big breasted chick who was all over you before you left!”

Sephiroth’s head twitched at Zack’s statement. What big breasted chick? Cloud had never said much about people back home much less a big breasted chick.

“What? Tifa? I don’t like her that way. She seems to think that when I get out of ShinRa, I will marry her….dunno where she got that crazy idea from….” Cloud whispered from between his legs.

Sephiroth settled back down before perking back up again. He had competition. Competition with a pair of boobs. He didn’t have them. What if Cloud saw this Tifa girl and fell head over heels.

Mentally slapping himself, Sephiroth finally grabbed Zack’s arm and dragged him down to sit with a thud on the floor.

“Ouch that hurt. I was in the middle of stretching! Come on, just one more set of squat thrusts! I’m getting warmed up. Gotta look top notch!” “ENOUGH!”


Shera stared in wonder at the two forms lying unmoving on the floor of the lab. Mako swirled round their small bodies.

Both sets of eyes opened and stared blankly up at her, glowing piercing green boring through her skull.

Placing a hand to her mouth to stop herself from yelling for help. She stared frantically at the two bodies.

The smaller….child tried wiggling his fingers and toes, not quite able to work out what to do. The larger child on the other hand, his body moved in time with his brain. Fingers, toes, arms and legs all starting move slightly.
