Final Fantasy - All Series Fan Fiction ❯ Project: Dark Seed ❯ Jack´s POV ( Chapter 1 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

Disclaimer: Don't own anything besides my OCC (original created character)

Author's note: Well, here is now captain Jacks POV. Let's see what he has planned. ^_^ It won't be pleasant.

Warning: Maybe a bit shonen ai at the end. Who knows???

Captain Jack's POV

There I was, in Balamb Garden! Now where to find those three kids? I couldn't pick out random kids. One thing for sure I wouldn't take a girl! No offense, but a girl wasn't made for the kind of training I've planned. I've planned to train their condition and fighting with weapons for two years. Their magic skills for one year. The spiritual talent for a half year and the general education in the last one and a half year. They would also have missions in between. I knew the kids were too young for missions, but I was sure, if I trained them right and if they were willing to learn, they could do it.

My luck, I made the right choice, five years ago.

The Headmaster showed me around the school and I got an impression from the students here. Well, most of them were children between eight and fifteen years. Ok, I saw a few talented children, but they weren't, what I looked for. The Headmaster glanced from time to time at me suspiciously. Trying to read my thoughts or emotions out of my expressions? I don't think he had much luck. I could control the features of my face very well, so I doubt he saw anything at that time.

I thought, I found my trio when three children went around a corner. One of them was tall, had a dark tan and matching black hair. The second was shorter with silver hair, all dressed in blue and an eye-patch. The third had average height, blond hair and a white trenchcoat. I heard them talking about their duties as, if I wasn't mistaken, Disciplinary Committee. With the discussion, I realized, that the silver-haired one was a girl, the tall, dark-skinned boy was a bit dense and the blond was incapable for any kind of team-work.

I needed someone who knew what this word meant, even if it was only for missions or the training. The survival of the group sometimes depended on it.

We went through the hallways and were near the trainingscenter when I spotted my first chosen. He came out of the trainigscenter with a crying, brunette girl attached by his side. A ten year old boy, with two daggers, stained with a green liquid. From what I could see he had defended or even rescued the girl when she had been in there. Quite impressive for a ten year old. The girl got a hold of herself when they were outside and looked at him in concern. I know eavesdropping is a bad habit of mine, but I can't help it.

"Oh, I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have gone on my own, I know. ....It's my fault. Are you hurt, Richard?"

Aha, so the name of the boy was Richard. On second thought, eavesdropping isn't that bad after all. He ran a hand through his dark-brown hair and looked at her with the same colored eyes.

"No Vialla, I am alright. Just don't got in there without somebody else. You're lucky it was only one grat."

Oh look, a ten year old, with a sense for responsibility. That's a rare thing. He was mature for his age and he fought against a grat without taking any injuries. If that wasn't real talent, then I didn't know what. I made a mental note to count him into my list.

Then the headmaster showed me the headquarters of the garden. He also explained to me that, only a graduated Seed could get his own room. But until then they had to share the room with other students. A boy of eight years ran almost into me. But he tripped and fell a few steps behind us. There was a sound. Something broke when he fell. I turned around only to see how the boy picked up the remains of his broken Cd-player.

I couldn´t believe my luck on this day. The next chosen practically came to me. He was tall and ten maybe eleven years old with short, black, slightly curled hair and ... violet eyes? Yes, they were violet, indeed. He knelt next to the other kid and helped him without saying a word. Hmmm. Cooperativeness! Always a good ability in a team. I watched them for a while, already deciding to continue this tour when suddenly a few exchanged sentences got my attention.

"Hey Matt, Cd-player broken, again?"

"Yeah. Sorry. I know I must annoy you by now Mortimer, but .... could you.... uhm, you it?"

"Sure buddy. I'd love to. You know, sometimes I disassemble things, only to put them together again. Besides I really hate my name, so just call me Morty or whatever you prefer."

"You really would do that? Oh, thank you so much. My mom would kill me, if she knew I´ve broken the new Cd-player."

I noticed how sad he became, all of sudden.

"You're lucky. You *have* a mom to kill you.

I guess he tried to cover his sadness with a bit humor. But he didn't have such luck with it.

"Oh, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said this. Me and my mouth. I'm sorry, if I upset you."

This boy, Mortimer shook his head and in the next moment he was smiling again.

"Nah... it's ok. Don't bother. Let's go to my room, I have all my tools there."

With that, he ran pass me with his friend right behind him.


So young and so skilled as a mechanic. And from how he was build, he would be tall and strong when he grew into an adult. Well, guess I had to take back my earlier prejudgment, tall and strong didn't mean dense at the same time. Sometimes, I am too smug about being short and captain, nevertheless. But this kid proved me wrong.

I kept his name in mind for later. To be honest I'd thought I'd stay a week here until I had found those three children. Now there was only one child missing and then I could leave this place.

The next stop in our *tour-program* was the Quad. We went down the stairs when we heard how other children. Curiously, we followed the noise, to see what was going on. There was a bunch of four children fighting with each other. The headmaster wanted to stop those kids, but I held him back, because something caught my eye. The boys weren't fighting against each other, they fought three against one. And those three boys seemed to have trouble with this one kid in particular.

What made this boy so special? So strong, that he could fight against three others? Then I saw a familiar movement. One, which I only noticed on a trained fighter. A perfect high-heel-kick. The boy wasn't older then nine years, if not even younger. He was a short blond with normal clothes. In a few minutes he showed those brats, what it means to kick asses. They ran away and left him were he was, panting with messed hair. A second later he sat down with visible exhaustion in his strange blue orbs. I'd been surprised, if he could still stand after what had happened.

Suddenly there was the other boy from earlier this day. The one with the white trenchcoat. He rushed past us to the side of the small one, who was still sitting on the floor, trying to regain his strength.

"Hey Zell, Are you alright?"

The one called Zell looked up at him and grinned like a Cheshire cat. Guess he won for the first time.

"Yup, I'm ok. I told you those combat magazines are really good. I tried every move I've learned and it worked."

"I´m glad. But next time you should call me. Ok?"

"Thanks, Seifer. I'll think about it."

.....There is only one word I'd thought of.


I know how hard it is to learn such moves. And he learned it all by himself? That´s really amazing. He had great talent for martial arts, no doubt.

I had my three children, but I let the headmaster continue his ranting. He seemed to like hearing his own voice. We finished the tour with the infirmary and went back to his office.

He sat down in his chair and looked at me with a graveyard expression on his face.

"And have you found, what you've searched for?"

I could tell, he was hoping my answer would be: *No and I'll come never again*. Too bad I had to disappoint him.

"Indeed. I've found three candidates for the trainingsprogram."

His jaw almost hit the floor when I said it.


I remembered the names very clearly, because I made up my mind already. Those three were the only ones who were skilled enough and I knew I could make more of their talent.

"I only heard the first names. Care to help me, finding out the whole name?"

Ok, ok I said it in a mocking tone. But that's the way I am. It worked anyway. The headmaster only nodded, still with a shocked expression.

"Richard, Mortimer and Zell."

I saw recognition in his eyes. Only meant, that he knew exactly whom I was talking about. He went over to his archives, took out their resumé and handed them to me. All of them were really interesting.

First was Richard, surname: Coerd. He was an orphan till the age of six. Then he got adopted by the family Coerd. From what I saw the family had a high society status. Came to Balamb Garden when he was eight and his test results were good. His weapons: Already selected. The lightning daggers. They were definitely a good choice.

Second was Mortimer, oh... in his surname was a title implied. Surname: do War. It was like with *de* only with spoken O. *Mortimer do War*. Wait a sec. The family: do War?? That rang a bell. This family was one of the very few heroes in the history of the sorceress war. They stood up against Adel for a long time. And one by one got killed. From what Mortimer's resumé told me, he was the last of their family. He became an orphan at three years, when his father died from a disease. And his mother? She got killed in the war. His test results were good and in some subjects even very good. But his magical skills were weak. Well, I had to train him very hard. His Weapons: Also, already selected. A long Katana. Guess it's a heirloom from his father.

And the last. Zell, surname Dincht. His resumé was similar to Richard's. Also an orphan, also adopted. His family or better to say his mother, had a normal status. He came to Balamb Garden at seven years at the same time like Richard. The test results were pretty good. Had to be an assiduously student. His weapons: Not selected. I knew his talent, so I could write down: *combat gloves*, but it wouldn't be fair. This was the headmaster's duty not mine.

With those three files I saluted and left the headmaster's office.

The following three days, I spent my time with convincing the parents of Richard and Zell. Especially Zell's mother gave me a headache. She was determined to protect her son, no matter what. I told her, that Zell couldn't depend on her for the rest of his life. He had a great talent which would be wasted here in Balamb. He needed support and I offered it. Those arguments convinced her in the end.

At the end of the week, I came back to Balamb Garden to pick up the chosen. All three had red puffed eyes, probably from crying. I knew it was hard to leave everything behind, but it was necessary. It was early in the morning and like I requested it they were alone. They weren't allowed to tell their friends. The less their friends knew, the better. We picked up their bags and left Garden without a single word of goodbye.


The first two years were training of their physical endurance. I sent them through hell and back. With harsh words, insults and snide remarks, I got them to hate me. Yes, they hated me. If I wanted their friendship, I wouldn't be a drill instructor. It wasn't my goal to make friendly guys out of those three weaklings. They had to be lean, mean, killing machines. But they also had to be a team. There is no better reason, to be a team, then to focus on something they shared. In this case, their hatred. Richard's and Mortimer's name were to long for my liking, so I shorten them. Richard Coerd became Rico and Mortimer do War became Modo. They were surprisingly pleased with their new names. Zell's name was short enough, no need to change it.

I let them run in the early morning first only two miles then more and more. In the end it was thirty miles. I sent them through every imaginable obstacle course I could think of. And they couldn't take their time. No! They had a time-limit. If the time ran out and one didn't make it, I sent him ones more through it.

To give a few examples: I build rollers over a pond and they had to step on each roller, if the wanted to get to the other sight. It was only a matter for balance. Or the *Domino-Run*. Many thick, wooden boards set up like Domino stones and they had to run over them without falling of them. A matter of balance combined with speed. Push- and sit ups were implied in the *drill of the day*, too. That was a normal everyday task. I started with ten each day and raised the amount monthly.

I drilled them till they collapsed to the ground in the evening.

In the third year, I showed them how to use magic and how to junction a GF and what they can achieve if they combine different spells. Oh, I didn't drop the physical training simply reduced the time we needed for it.

In the middle of their third year, I showed them how to ride a bike. A motorbike. In Esthar, I ordered three bikes for them, matching for their height. I thought someday it would come in handy. They learned it in less then a month and were really good with it.

I showed Rico how handle his daggers better and how to throw them into the chest of the enemy. He didn't need my advice more than a little, because he had trained with the lightning daggers since he was a child.

Zell learned every move I showed him. He trained extensively and hard, but then he started to create his own moves, like Final Heaven. I was tempted to learn from him, if it wasn't for my job as their instructor.

Modo had a few problems in holding the long Katana. He owned it, yes, but he didn't train with it. I let him practice with a stick, before he would make a wreck out of himself with the sharp blade. I made a few fights with him until I was sure he could handle it. I showed him how to hold the sword right, without hurting himself. How to swing it and use it against an opponent.

After I made sure everyone was ready and skilled with their weapons, I showed them how to battle and various battle tactics. Rico and Modo were fast learners. Zell wasn't bad, but strategy wasn't quite his field. I came to the decision, it was time for missions. Rico and Modo were both thirteen years old and Zell was twelve. Ok, ok, they were young but nonetheless they were good fighters. They could beat any adult.

The first mission went smooth. I was very proud of them, however I didn't show it. I only said things like: *Not bad, not bad at all. You can do better.* And every time I could feel their hatred towards me, though I didn't care. I achieved my goal and that was all that matters. They were a team, they were even friends and they worked together only to prove me wrong. To prove they weren't weaklings or, my preferred words, bugs or pathetic worms.

Though they were outstanding, they didn't have much luck on their second mission. It wasn't their fault and I could see this very clearly. Some lunatics threatened to blow up a factory in the middle of the night. The mission could have been done by any Seed, but I got the mission from Esthar as a test for the Dark Seed project. It ended all in a horrible accident. The bomb exploded too early and the boys got hurt badly. I went inside the burning factory and got them out, before they were burned alive. Luckily the next hospital wasn't far away. Esthar's tribunal heard from the incident, but they didn't stop the project on their own. The president heard of it as well and he stopped Project Dark Seed immediately.

But it wasn't fair! The boys became disabled persons through this accident. For the first time in years, I felt guilty about something. I also felt bad for what I did the first two years. I admit it. I've put some stuff into their food. The tribunal ordered it. They said it was a mix of vitamins and some genetically modified hormones.

The president was kind enough to offer his support for the boys. I got medical and psychological care, but they were still disabled persons in body and soul. So it was my turn to try it. And I done it my way. Rico and Modo were first, Zell wasn't heavy injured but his self esteem suffered very much from the accident.

When I got them up again. I refused to drop the project. Officially, it was over and I was free to do anything I wanted to. And I could've sent the boys home, but I wasn't a man who starts something without bringing it to an end. So the training continued and after such an experience, the boys were stronger than ever before.

I trained their spiritual talent and taught them the general education. It was necessary to support their spiritual ability. Sometimes you can't talk in a battle, you just have to know what your partner want. The spiritual way is, to blend well with the spirit of the partner. Since they were already friends, it didn't take much time 'til they had *mind-conversations*. It was almost creepy, to look at them and to see how the talked with their eyes and motions, without any words.

For the education part we went to a library in Deling City. There were computers, so we could use the I-net for further information. I was still a drill instructor and I sent them every day, running through Deling before heading into the library.

Rico was always busy with the subjects: Battle strategy, Weapons, History and literature.

Zell's subjects were quite interesting. Computer science, Math's, Martial Arts (of course) and Biology. All in all, I was surprised that he showed much interest in computer science.

With Modo, I wasn't surprised at all. He took: Physics, Electrical-Technology, Natural Science and Economics. I wasn't lazy myself and wrote tests for their subjects, too. I took their notes, the book and made the test. To tell the truth, I didn't expect such good grades, but they really learned on their own.

Five years! I couldn't believe it. They were already over. Well the Dark Seeds were ready for difficult missions and the project was a success, even with the incident. There was only one problem for me. I continued the project on my own and the tribunal, those apple-polishers, stood behind the president's decision. They dismissed me out of the army and I wasn't a captain anymore. All because of those three weaklings. Ok, they aren't weaklings anymore, but the weirdest thing is, I didn't regret it.

Maybe it was really time to quit the job, because I was getting old. I thought, that I should settle down somewhere, Winhill sounded nice. However I was still a soldier. I couldn´t just settle down.

I brought them back to Balamb Garden. After those five years, Rico and Modo were fifteen and Zell fourteen. Before I left the boys boys, forever, they made a suggestion. I should still be their instructor, but in Balamb Garden. The headmaster needed a few instructors and I had nothing better to do. Damn those teenage brats, I'm still asking myself how they found out. Anyway their suggestion was a good idea. I went with them to the headmaster, who was already waiting for his former students. He was glad and happy to have them back, a bit surprised of how they've changed, but glad.

I requested a job as instructor and he thought of it for a few minutes. When he didn't give an answer, the trio stood behind me, saying I was a good instructor and what they had learned. Not mentioning a single word about the drill training. I was quite touched. I never thought they would do this for me, for me of all people.

That was the point when the headmaster agreed and I became instructor in Balamb Garden. Now I have a bigger class in this school. And I still drill them, but not half as much, as I did with my first students. I also drill my first students, even if the five years are over. The only Dark Seeds, which became stronger than me, aren't complaining. They do as I say, on their free will. Not out of fear, but out of respect. "And I'm always teaching them the same lecture, in the similar manner I've done all these years."

An advice, which prepared them for every battle:

*Don´t be afraid of death, because a Dark Seed was born to die*.


Ugh, very strict, the man. -__-"

Please, keep reading.