Final Fantasy - All Series Fan Fiction ❯ Romantic fluff ❯ Unexpected twists ( Chapter 4 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

A/n- HiHi! It's me again! If you are reading this….REVIEW!! Ok on with the story! We last left everyone in the cafeteria, and Irvine had just asked Rinoa for something drastic. We all wonder what will happen? How will Lor react? How long can this madness last?

Oh and for when Irvine changes into Sesshoumaru, he sorta has his personality, but still sorta has his own too. You will prolly notice that.

Disclaimer: I Don't own any of the FF8 characters, they belong to squaresoft. And I don't own Sesshoumaru. Lor owns him….*sees the Inuyasha person/ppl* Oh, um….I mean…he belongs to them. *Points and waves*

Chapter 4

~After Curfew in Rinoa's dorm room~

Irvine: *knocks on Rinoa's door* Rinoa?

Rinoa: *opens door* Come in! Quick!

Irvine: Ok, what do I do?

Rinoa: Stand there. But remember, the spell will only last for tomorrow. Ok, you will probably feel weird, when it hits you.

Irvine: Ok.

Rinoa: *Says a few magic words* Sesshoumaru!

Irvine: *closes his eyes*

Rinoa: Did it work?

Irvine/Sesshoumaru(I/S): *looks at his body* Yeah it did.

Rinoa: Yay! I did it!

I/S: Look out Lor, here I come!

~The next morning in the cafeteria(Everybody)~

Rinoa: Mia, don't look at me. Your face is scaring me.

Mia: Ooo, harsh! You couldn't think of something else to say, besides the same thing you have been saying for the past 10 minutes?

Mia, Rinoa: *turn away from each other*

Lor: I still haven't found my Sessi!

I/s: *Walks in*

Lor: *squeal* FLUFFY-SAMA! *hugs him* *grins* I told you I'd find him!

Everyone: *stares*

Mia: Squall, what is that? *leans against him*

Rinoa: No! Squall will protect me!

Lor: *singing* Sesshoumaru, Sesshoumaru….

Squall: Get offa me!

Selphie and Zell come to the table, holding A LOT of hotdogs.


Selphie: And I had to help him carry them back….

I/s: *to Lor* Who are you?! Why are you hugging me?! Get offa me!

Lor: Oh Sessi! *sighs*

Selphie: Zell, give me a hotdog!

Zell: *slaps her hand away* NO!

I/s: She's still on me….

Lor: *giggles* I'll never let go!

I/s: *pry's her arms off* Yes…you will!

Lor: *eyes tear*…don't like me???

I/s: No! Well, you are cute for a worthless human…

Lor: *starry eyed* Oh! I love you!

I/s: Well that's a little much….

* * * *

Ashley: Hey Lor…

Lor: Yeah?


Lor: I know! *grins*

Lor, Ashley: Yay!

Lor: Fluffy-sama…

I/s: What?

Lor: You like me right?

I/s: No.

Lor: *sad chibi eyes*

I/s: Yes, of course. I can't live without you…

Lor: I know sweetie. *smile*

Ashley: *giggles*

Lor: Me and Sessi are um…going somewhere. Bye!

Ashley: Bye! *waves*

* * *

~In a dorm room(I/s and Lor)~

Lor: Im bored…*leans closer*

I/s: Well, what do you want from me?

Lor: Nothing except….*kisses him*

I/s: *kisses back* (a/n-This is our Irvy…^^)

Lor: That…

I/s: *kisses her again*

Lor: Ok…*Starts making out*

Irvine: *Changes back* Uh-oh….

Lor: *jumps back* You! *slaps him*

Irvine: Ouch! Ok, I deserved that!

Lor: *punches him* And you deserved that too!

Irvine: …..@.@

Lor: You're not that bad of a kisser though….

Irvine: Really? *says silent score to himself*

Lor: Im bored….*pounces on him and starts making out again*

Irvine: *thinking* Yes…!!

Lor: *sniff* My fluffy-sama!

Irvine: That can wait!

Lor: Ok, agreed…*makes out once again….*

Selphie: *walks in* Irvy….What?! Ahh! My eyes! My virgin eyes!

Irvine: Selphie! This isn't what it looks like!

Selphie: I thought you only liked me!

Lor: WHAT?! Stupid, typical guy! I thought you were different!

Selphie, Lor: *leave*

Irvine: Selphie…Lor…I like you both!

* * *

~Walking away from his dorm~

Lor: How could he treat me like that?!

Mia: *dragging Squall behind her* Who? What?

Lor: Irvine. He was my fluffy-sama!

Mia: WHAT?!

Lor: Somehow he got turned into Sesshoumaru. Then we were in a dorm and he changed back. Then Selphie walked in, and totally ruined the moment!

Mia: *laughs*

Lor: I wonder how he was changed??

Mia: I'll bet it was Rinoa! I HATE HER!!!

Squall: Can you let me go now? Please?

Mia: Nope. If I do, Rinoa will find you…

Squall: *sigh*

Lor: I just like Fluffy-sama from now on!

Mia: That's never gonna change, but we have to go. Bye! *drags squall behind her again*

Lor: Bye!…..Im hungry! *heads to the cafeteria*

* * *

Rinoa, Mia and Squall are in the cafeteria when Lor walks in.

Rinoa: I did nothing you…you…stupid person!

Mia: You're the only sorceress around here!

Rinoa: No! Wait…That doesn't mean anything!

Lor: What's going on?

Squall: HELP! *his arms are being held. One by Mia, the other by Rinoa*

Lor: Sorry, I can't. But what's going on?

Squall: They're fighting about you and Irvine, I think.

Lor: Me? Why me? *feels bad*

Squall: Something about you and Irvine, with Rinoa.


Mia, Rinoa: *stop fighting* what?!

Lor: Rinoa, just tell the truth. Did you do it?

Rinoa: Yes, happy now? Only because Irvine asked me to!

Lor: Ok. And Squall. Who do you like? Lets just solve this!

Squall: Uh, neither….*Sees Rinoa and Mia* Um, I should go now….

Mia, Rinoa: *Start attacking Squall* DIE!!!!

Lor: Run Squall…..I mean GO MIA!!!

Mia: Lor….! *Stop paying attention to Squall, so he runs away*

Lor: *laughs* You're losing you're punching bag girls….

Rinoa, and Mia: *turn around* Squall! Wait! *run after him* Lor: They're crazy! *leaves the cafeteria*

Irvine: Hey Lor! Are you still mad at me?

Lor: Hey back. No, not really…you're too hot to stay mad at. *grins*

Irvine: Want to go for a walk around garden?

Lor: Sure! *takes his hand*

They leave. Then since they were in the hall, everyone coincidentally is there.

Ashley, Zell, Hilz: Aw, so cute!

Selphie: *Gag* No!

Ashley, Hilz: *sweat drop*

Quistis: Has anyone seen Squall?

Hilz: Or Mia and Rinoa?

Ashley: Nope!

Headmaster Cid: What's going on?

Quistis: *smiles sweetly* Nothing much, we're just missing a few people….

Cid: Oh ok. *leaves*

Hilz: I bet that Mia and Rinoa killed each other!

Ashley: Or Squall….

Everyone: *Sweat drop*

Selphie: This is not good…..

A/n- Well there you have it, the new chapter of my fic. Next chapter you will find out what happened to Squall, Mia, and Rinoa. And what's gonna happen with Irvine and Lor?