Final Fantasy - All Series Fan Fiction ❯ Romantic fluff ❯ More catfights and...Best friends???? ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

A/n-This chapter is very messed, and no one can get mad at me because of its weird ways. Almost at the beginning, something very wrong happens. I know its really not possible, because of who I like and who I hate, but I wrote it in my notebook, and I really have no idea why it came out like it did. And I will go back to normal, some time later. Ok ok, on with the story now. Oh! And I really don't like Seifer this moment…so yeah…

Disclaimer: Chapter 5

I don't own any of the ff8 characters, Sesshoumaru, or any of the people mentioned.

Meanwhile somewhere in the plains outside Balamb

Rinoa: Squall! Slow down!

Mia: We wont hurt you…much…

Squall: Im heading to Galbadia jail, locking myself up and not coming out until you guys are dead!

Mia: You'll be dead by then too dummy!

Squall: I'll hire a hit man! Yeah, Seifer, he was the sorceress' Knight…

Rinoa: Seifer huh? Oh Mia, you haven't met Seifer yet have you? Well he's hot!

Mia: Squall, call him and see if he'll kill us.

Rinoa and Mia: *walk back to Balamb chatting like best friends* ((a/n-Oh I told you!!))

Squall: I'll never get women….

Back to Irvine and Lor ((Oh yeah, Written by Lor(clairice-sarah))

Irvine: Lor, hey im sorry about the whole Sesshoumaru thing.

Lor: That's ok, I guess. I like you. *grins*

Irvine: I like you too. *kisses her*

Lor: *kisses back* Ok, change in plans…I really like you!

Irvine: Mhmm…Why? *thinking* Not that I really care but…

Lor: You haven't called me a 'ho…im not that pretty either…

Irvine: I think all women are beautiful, none of them are 'ho's as you put it.

Lor: That's why I like you. *grins*

Everyone [they are on some deck thing]

Rinoa: Mia, lets go to the cafeteria to eat dinner. Coming best friend?

Mia: Sure. Coming best friend! ((a/n- This is messed….*shrugs*))

Squall: First they forget about me for once, and then they become best friends? Something is very wrong here….

Quistis: You're ok Squall! *hugs him then blushes*

Irvine, and Lor: *Walk up* Hi!

Ashley and Hilz: Oh Lor and Irvine sitting on a bench…

Lor: *hits them* Shut up….

Ashley and Hilz: As they sit there look at 'em French!

Irvine: *takes out his gun* Shut up!

Ash, Hilz: fine! We don't know the rest of the song anyways!

Ashley: I'm going to get ice cream. *walks away*

Selphie: You're with Irvine? My Irvy?

Irvine: Sorry Selphie…

Selphie: *slaps him and walks away*

Lor: You ok?

Irvine: I think so. *rubs his cheek*

Selphie: This is just the beginning!! *laughs evilly*

Lor: I need to invest in a sword. A Katana! *Leaves the area in search of a weapons shop*

Irvine: I better go with her.*follows her*

Zell: Im gonna help Selphie! *leaves*

Quistis: This is really weird…

Squall: Another cat fight. At least this one's not about me…Irvine you poor idiot…

Hilz: Lor is gonna win!! Yay Lor!

Selphie's Dorm room

Selphie: What should I do to her? Should I poison her or hit her with my weapon?

Zell: *knocks on her door* SEEELLLPPHHIIIEEE!!!!

Selphie: What do you want?!

Zell: I want hotdogs! No wait, to help you!

Selphie: Why?

Zell: I dunno! Please?! *chibi eyes*

Selphie: OK! Go find some cleaning supplies!

Zell: Alrighty! *salutes, but pokes himself in the eye* Owwwww….

Lor and Irvine at the weapons shop

Lor: Im gonna get a BIG sword and kill Selphie!!

Irvine: How 'bout no?

Lor: Actually I still want a katana! *sees one, takes it off the shelf and leaves*

Irvine: *pays for it and follows her* Wait!

Lor: Im coming for you Selphie! You wont know what hit you!

Irvine: Maybe you should calm down!

Lor: Are you telling me to calm down? Because if you're telling me to calm down, im not gonna CALM DOWN!

Irvine: Please?

Lor: *takes a deep breath* Whew! Ok….no wait, Selphie is gonna kill me!!

Irvine: Well I tried….

Lor: *Rents a car and starts to drive away, but stops for Irvine*

Irvine: Whew! I thought she was gonna leave me here! *gets in*

Selphie's dorm room again

Zell: Here Selphie! *Gives her some cleaning supplies*

Selphie: Thanks. *goes over to big bowl with ceaser salad(Lor's fave food^.~) in it, and pours the whole bottle of cleaning stuff* MUAHAHAHAHA Lor will die!!

Zell: How?

Selphie: Im not surprised you're blonde….The poison!

Zell: Oh!

Selphie: Now I can bring it to her, and watch her die!! *laughs evilly*

Irvine and Lor, coming back from Balamb

Lor: *Driving REEEAAALLLY fast*

Irvine: Do you even know how to drive?

Lor: No. Not well.

Irvine: This is crazy! Pull over! I don't want to die!

Lor: *Pulls over* FINE!

Irvine: Thank you. Now let me drive.

Lor: *Sighs* ok…*gets out*

Irvine: *Gets in the drivers side* See? Now this is better.

Lor: *crosses her arms* No.

They get to Balamb Garden….Safely.

Irvine: *takes Lor's sword* I'll take this.

Lor: NO! I NEED THAT! *grabs it from him*

Irvine: For what?

Lor: To kill Selphie before she kills me! *goes into garden*

Irvine: Damn, she walks fast!

Lor and Selphie Cat fight…Part 1

Selphie: I bet she's in Irvy's dorm! *stomps off to Irvine's dorm*

Irvine: *Answers the door sleepily* Selphie?

Selphie: Hiya Irvy! Did ya miss me?

Irvine: Um, im kinda tired right now, I was sleeping.

Selphie: SLEEPING?! IM SURE YOU WERE SLEEPING! SLEEPING WITH LOR! *pushes open the door and sees the empty bed* Wait…what?

Irvine: Lor is with her friends. Not here!

Selphie: Ok, just give this to her and tell her it's a peace offering.

Irvine: *takes it* That's nice…*closes the door*

Selphie: I bet she is there!!! *walks away*

Irvine: Lor! You can come out now! *opens the closet door*

Lor: NEVER push me in there again! *pulls a dirty sock off of her* Eww, don't you ever clean?

Irvine: Sorry, Selphie was at the door. And then you guys would have started fighting.

Lor: Eh…

Irvine: You know that it's true.

Lor: Yeah, but Selphie's a spaz and I hate her!

Irvine: Well I don't think she hates you.

Lor: Why?

Irvine: *gives her the salad* She wanted me to give you this as a peace offering.

Lor: She made it? Well im not eating it.

Irvine: That's not nice, but that's what I like about you. You don't let anyone push you around. *kisses her*

Lor: Mhmm. *Kisses him back*

The Squall, Mia, Rinoa, love triangle

Squall: Hey, Mia.

Mia: Yeah?

Squall: I actually do like you, I just didn't want to say anything before.

Mia: Oh Squall! *hugs him, almost cutting off his air supply* I love you!

Squall: I said like, not love.

Mia: I have to find Rinoa. Bye! *runs off to find her*

Squall: She fell for it!! Hahhahhahahahhahaahhahahh……*cough cough*

Mia: Rinoa?!

Rinoa: Mia?!

Rinoa/Mia: What?

Mia: I'll go first. SQUALL SAID HE LIKED ME!!

Rinoa: Huh?! That's what I was gonna say!

Mia: Squall!

Squall: *comes up* Oh, you found each other.

Rinoa: What's with telling me you like me….

Mia: And telling me the same thing?

Squall: And you guys aren't fighting?? Wait…uh…


Rinoa: WHY?!

Squall: …..

Quistis: *walks up* So that you ditz's would ignore that he's spending his time with me!



Quistis: Yep, that's right. Me. *smirks*


Rinoa: Well, Miss Priss, what will you do, after we kill Squall?

Mia: Yeah, you would be all alone!

Squall: You wont. You'll be dead. I got someone to kill you.

Mia: Who?

Rinoa: Yeah. Who would kill two beautiful girls? *flips her hair*

Squall: Seifer.

Rinoa: *laughs* Seifer? You think he'd actually kill me? We were pretty much in love!

Squall: Were. Keyword were.

Rinoa: So what?

Mia: *sweat drop* Im not worried…heh heh

Quistis: Well you should be. And we're leaving. *grabs Squalls arm* Come on.

Squall: Im coming…im coming.

Rinoa: I can't believe it!

Mia: I know! He's with Quistis!

Rinoa: No, I mean this. *picks up paper that fell on the floor, when Squall and Quistis were there*

Mia: and that is….?

Rinoa: Im not sure…it looks like a cheque or something. We need to find someone smart and Quistis is NOT an option!

Mia: Hmmm….Lor! Lets go find her!


A/n- Well….I know it's really weird that im friends with Rinoa, the one girl, who annoys me to death, and I imagine her getting repeatedly run over by a bus. But, we are friends, and its weird. But don't fret. It doesn't last long….I don't think. *flips through notebook*….oh no…it does last long…..*slams head on computer desk* What was I thinking?! Oh, well.

So what is the mysterious paper? Will, Lor die? Will Selphie die? Will Rinoa and Mia find Lor? Will Seifer kill them???

And Quistis is kinda mean, I know. But this was when I didn't like her. And yes, me and Rinoa are dumb blondes, except for the fact that Rinoa isn't blonde…hmmm, well she acts like one, so that's ok. ^.~

R&R please!!