Final Fantasy - All Series Fan Fiction ❯ The Haunted Circus ❯ Hello, Yuffie! ( Chapter 3 )

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SuperPandaGirl says: Holy clown! Look at Speed Racer go!

Panda: Hi, Fruit Lovers!

Riku: I don’t love fruit. Hey, look, a can of Dr. Pepper!

Panda: NOOO! THAT’S MY DR. PEPPER!!!! (tackles Riku)

Riku: Over my dead body!

Panda: That can be arranged!

Moogle: Since these two are locked in a death match, kupo...

Panda: (pulls out light saber) Haha! Now I’ve got you!

Riku: My hand! Now how am I supposed to drink that soda?

Moogle: As I was saying (laser beam flies over head) I will be doing the disclaimer, kupo. Panda does not own Dr. Pepper, kupo, or Moogles, kupo, or a Carnival, kupo, or a sock monkey, kupo, or the Beatles. Kupo.

Panda: Yeah, my mom won’t let me have one because they scare her.

Riku: What, the sock monkey or the Beatles?


Panda pulled into an empty parking lot. Actually, she more of ran through a sign into an empty parking lot. And 5 fences and a padlocked gate.

“Sora, wake up those two.” Panda pulled the brakes and turned of the engine.

“Wake up, Riku! Wake up, Kairi!” Sora started banging together empty soda cans.

“I’m up! I’m up!” Riku jumped up and punched Sora in the face. “Uh...oops.”

“Hey, what’d you do that for?” Sora was rubbing his eye. “Is it black?”

“No, Sora.” Kairi pulled out a cookie. “Now, would big-boy Sora like a good cookie?”

“Yes! Yes!” Sora started jumping up and down like a 3-year-old.

“I guess that sugar hasn’t worn off...and it was an accident. I swear. But it might not have been if he had kept smashing those cans together in my face.”

“Yeah, well, it’s your guys’ fault for letting him drink so much Dr. Pepper.” Panda shook her finger at Riku and Kairi.

“Hey, it’s your fault for putting him in a semi FILLED with Dr. Pepper.” Riku turned around and punched Sora in the face again, because he had been consistently poking him in the head with a stick. “I am proud to say, that time wasn’t an accident.”

Suddenly a person flew threw the window.

“Holy clown!” Panda slammed the horn. And didn’t let go. So the horn kept honking, and honking, and honking, and honking, and honking, and honking, and...

“Okay, we got the point. Now kindly remove your hand from the horn.” Riku was holding his head and cringing.

“Oh...right. I got caught up in the suspense of the moment.” Panda pulled her hand of the horn and the honking stopped. “Now, who just flew through my window? Lucky for you, most of the glass has already been broken when I went ‘bowling’, or I’d make you pay for it. Of course, senior citizens have no money so...”

“Huh? Senior Citizen? Is that some kind of toothpaste?” A girl with black hair sat up in the passenger seat.

“Yuffie? What are you doing flying through the window of my semi?” Panda asked casually, as if this happened every day. Of course, it might actually happen every day...

“Oh, is this your semi? It’s nice! I like Dr. Pepper. It’s so...fizzly!” Yuffie started bouncing up and down as if she was already high on sugar. Of course, it is Yuffie we’re talking about. “And it has bouncy seats! I like to bounce!”

“Yeah, I can tell. Now, what did you say you were doing flying through my window?”

“Oh, yeah! It’s the strangest thing. I was minding my own buisness, sitting on top of a billboard...”


“Gee, what a nice day! Oh look, here comes a semi! Hi Mr. Semi!” Yuffie shielded her eyes with her hands. “Oh, he’s coming right toward me! Probably wants to say hello back! How polite!”

But the semi just kept on coming, running right through the billboard, causing the debris, and Yuffie, to fly right up.

(End Flashback)

“Huh. That is weird.” Panda scratched her head.

“What’s WEIRD is you two.” Riku opened the back of the truck and jumped out. “I’m leaving.”

“Wait! You can’t leave!” Panda jumped out of the semi and tackled Riku. “That’s not what happens next!”

“What happens next?” Sora was officially back to normal, if he can be called ‘normal’.
Kairi was holding an icepack on his head. “Hmm, I wonder why my head is cold?”

“Good question, Sora! I’ll figure it out!” Yuffie jumped out of the truck as well and started scratching her head, a perplexed look on her face.

“The carnival! We’re supposed to go to the carnival!” Panda was sitting on Riku’s head.

“Would you please stop pushing my face into the gravel?” Riku spat.

“Uh, yeah, the carnival’s great and all, but...this one doesn’t look like it’s open.” Sora pointed to the abandoned ticket booth.

“Nonsense! I have the advertisement right here! It says, ‘Come have fun at the carnival, today!’ So, it must be true! Ads don’t lie!” Panda waved a crumbling piece of paper in front of Sora’s face.

“So, you got tickets?” Sora was starting to feel really good about the carnival idea.

“No, I thought we would buy them here.” Panda started walking toward the ticket booth. “Come on! Before they’re all sold out!”

“I don’t think they’re going to sell out any time soon...” Riku muttered, looking around at the empty parking lot. It was so quiet you could hear a...

“Oh, sorry, I dropped my pin.” Kairi bent down to pick up a shiny silver pin.

“Why do you have a pin?” asked Yuffie.

“Oh, no reason...” Kairi quickly hid a stuffed likeness of Ansem behind her back. It was full of similar pins. “No reason at all.”